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Healthy Habits: Simple Lifestyle Changes For A Healthier You
Healthy Habits: Simple Lifestyle Changes For A Healthier You
Healthy Habits: Simple Lifestyle Changes For A Healthier You
Ebook108 pages30 minutes

Healthy Habits: Simple Lifestyle Changes For A Healthier You

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About this ebook

This is the ultimate guide for those who want to create a better lifestyle so that they can be healthier, wealthier, and happier.

This ebook will help you install healthy habits in your life and get rid of destructive ones.

It will teach you everything you need to know about harnessing the power of healthy habits to experience major life transformations.
Release dateAug 8, 2021
Healthy Habits: Simple Lifestyle Changes For A Healthier You

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    Healthy Habits - Akef Halimy


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    Introduction      5

    Chapter 1: What areHealthyHabits?      8

    What Matters the MostinLife      8

    HealthisWealth      11

    WhatMakesaHabitHealthy?      12

    Chapter2:LifestyleChoices      16

    MakingtheBestPersonalDecisions      16

    UnhealthyLifestyleChoices      18

    HowtoBreakFreefromHarmfulHabits      20

    Chapter3:Work-LifeBalance      23

    WhatisWork-LifeBalance?      23

    BenefitsofWork-LifeBalance      24

    HowtoSlowDownintheModernWorld      27

    Chapter4:GettingtheBestoutofyourDaily Routines      32

    FocusontheMeaningorBenefits      32

    MakethemFun      33

    Be attheCenter      34

    OptimizeyourStrength      35

    Think abouttheFuture      35

    Leverage your PeakEnergyPeriod      36

    Chapter 5: Health andFitnessTips      39

    Focus on yourMentalHealth      39

    Start your DaywithExercise      40

    MaintainIdealMobilityandFlexibilityLevels      41

    LeverageFlexibilityandMobilityWorkouts      41

    StrengthTrainandLiftHeavy      42

    CheckyourBMI      43

    Keep Healthy Bodyweight andBodyfatLevels      43

    EatBalancedDiets      44

    Chapter 6: HealthyDietHacks      46

    ReduceCarbIntake      46

    Shop withaList      46

    Limit your Consumption of Sodasand Milkshakes      47

    HaveProtein-RichBreakfasts      48

    ConsumeHigh-FiberFoods      49

    Eat More FruitsandVegetables      49

    AvoidExcessSugar      50

    Consume MoreHealthyFats      50

    EatMoreHome-MadeFoods      51

    WalkMore      51

    FocusonyourFoodWhenEating      52

    Chapter 7: How to Get MoreQuality Sleep      54

    Benefits ofRestorative Sleeps      54

    Tips for GettingBetterSleep      58

    Chapter8:BenefitsofDrinkingMoreWater      62

    JointLubrication      62

    Formation of SalivaandMucus      63

    Reduction in Chance ofaHangover      63

    WeightLoss      64

    Enhances PerformanceDuringExercise      64

    Prevention ofKidneyDamage      66

    Accessibility of Mineralsand Nutrients      66

    Supports theAirways      67

    Maintenance ofBloodPressure      67

    Regulation ofBodyTemperature      68

    Conclusion      69


    Due to the damaging impacts of negative behaviors, countless articles and books have been written on how to identify them, their triggers, and how to overcome them. There is no doubt that these efforts are commendable, and manypeoplehavebeenabletoimprovethequalityoftheirlivesbyleveraging the tips in these materials. However, the fact that many writers and readers fail to see is that bad

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