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Probing Verses and Quotes
Probing Verses and Quotes
Probing Verses and Quotes
Ebook124 pages41 minutes

Probing Verses and Quotes

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About this ebook

These are inspirational verses and quotes, conceived out of very deep thought process and the burning desires to probe into the twist and turns that comes with life and living.
It is an intriguing, satirically crafted, powerful and elegant piece of creative writing style, not just for armchair reading. The verses and quotes contained in the book are not the sort one reads smiles and forget, once the book is finished.
These verses and quotes will activate your thought process and stays with you even when you think you are done reading, your mind will keep yearning for a cup full of these verses and quote time and time again. It is the sort of book you refer to, for courage, resilience, confidence, comfort, reassurance, you name it. This book is mentally very nourishing.
It is written to arouse curiosity, the probing tendencies in us, that deep sense, which enhances open-mindedness to everything and all things; that ability to tickle those assumed unpleasant experiences to laughter and liaising with all these, to enable us to learn from them and to embrace our better version. Nothing is totally good or evil; it depends on the eye through which we see them.

Release dateSep 2, 2021
Probing Verses and Quotes

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    Book preview

    Probing Verses and Quotes - Patricia Uju Opene


    How do you describe the content of your treasure house?

    We all are as unique as our various experiences and encounters,

    Which can either be evenly distributed or staggered

    Whatever the content of your house, or,

    Whichever way they made themselves known to you.

    Believe me, they are all meant to be treasured.

    The seemingly negative minority, kept outside the treasured box,

    Are all relevant tools, seeking recognition and dying to be put to required use.

    Utilised inadequately, they keep coming back

    Lurking in the shadows, persisting, cramping our style within and without;

    Blocking our thoughts, sometimes stealing our identity, even just for a moment;

    Emphasising the fact that though little, or assumed insignificant,

    Still are and will continue to be part of who we are.

    If they are insignificant, why do we lose control when they manifest?

    Why do we become depressed when they show their face(s)?

    Why do we withdraw from the world into our closets?

    Why do we lose our cool during those brief or lingering moments?

    Is that not aligning with the so-called disgusting pain-in-the-backside minority?

    There is no shame in acknowledging that there are two sides to a coin and always will be

    Denying the fact of their existence, or the role they play in reinventing,

    Or giving us a wakeup call cannot be dismissed by a wave of the hand

    Everything and all things are relevant for completeness to be discovered

    Nothing is totally good and nothing is totally evil

    The so-called ninety-nine percent good can be messed up by the one percent so-called bad

    Whatever you run from, comes after you;

    Whatever you refuse to have an insight of, overwhelms you some day, or somehow;

    Whatever you keep away from, finds a way to break in and break you eventually

    Your woes, blemishes and oozing flaws are still part of who you are

    Woo and flatter these disguised not enemies of yours, to bring the best of you

    Find ways of transforming your weaknesses to usable devices

    Draw strength from your ninety-nine percent

    They are your comforters, streams of living waters

    They are a shoulder to lean on and resource to tap from in distress

    They are your standing loyal army on standby.

    The one percent, not your friend or enemy, you decide what you want them to be

    The ball is in your court, the field can be very narrow and or spiky.

    Your ninety-nine are there, cheering and willing you to overcome

    Come back wholesome, and bring the prodigal back


    Most vulnerable, most sensitive

    Achilles’ heels

    Where your weakness thrives

    Achilles’ heels

    Where your lion submits to your humblest of lamb

    Achilles’ heels

    Where the brave’s knees choose to cave in

    Achilles’ heels

    Where your weakness fights its greatest battle

    Achilles’ heels

    Where the deadliest of serpent swallows its pangs

    Achilles’ heels

    Where pride resolves to take a lowly back seat

    Achilles’ heels

    That sickly baby that will remain sickly but defies death

    Achilles’ heels

    That needlepoint, so concealed, but prominent upon finding

    Where your treasure is, is where your heart lives

    Tame your heart to contain your valued treasure

    Draw less and unnecessary attention to your hidden treasures

    Your valued treasure is embedded in your Achilles’ heels

    It sounds silly


    Be sober when you are vulnerable

    Separate yourself during weakness episodes, endure for a while

    Guard the door to your mouth during the storm, it will pass

    Rejoice with dignity when you overcome, lest you overflow

    Extreme sadness or happiness brings your Achilles’ heels to the surface

    The great and mighty through time were taken

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