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Endless Love: Romance in the Lakes, #5
Endless Love: Romance in the Lakes, #5
Endless Love: Romance in the Lakes, #5
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Endless Love: Romance in the Lakes, #5

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Coming home is never easy…


Thirteen years ago, Nikki Reynolds left Keldsthwaite, and the family business, to pursue her own dreams in London. Now, she has a career she loves, a flat filled with the latest tech and gadgets as well as the perfect boyfriend. She knows how lucky she is… so why does she feel there's something missing? And why has she been thinking of home so much lately?


When a family emergency calls Nikki back home to the beauty of the Lake District, all of these thoughts disappear as she focuses all her energy on supporting her parents and rebuilding the bridges she burnt when she left.


But, as the full extent of her parents' troubles are revealed, will Nikki be able to save the family business before she returns to London? And can she fight her growing feelings for Cameron Lucas, her parents' sexy, and extremely annoying, farm manager?


Endless Love is the fifth, and final, book in the Romance in the Lakes series; it can be read as a standalone novel but is even better when read in order. Each book in the series has its own guaranteed HEA and is perfect for fans of Rachael Lucas, Ali McNamara and Holly Hepburn.

So, what are you waiting for? Download your copy today!


Official reading order:


Book One: All I Want For Christmas


Book Two:  Because of You


Book Three:  Crazy For You


Book Four:  Don't Go Breaking My Heart


Book Five: Endless Love

PublisherTracey Mayhew
Release dateOct 1, 2021
Endless Love: Romance in the Lakes, #5

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    Book preview

    Endless Love - Tracey Mayhew

    Chapter One

    S imon, seriously! I growl, glaring at my boyfriend. You said you’d leave that thing at home! Glancing around, I notice a few curious faces looking our way and cringe; it’s not that I want to make a scene here, in the middle of Euston Station, but I can’t seem to help myself.

    This time, at least he has the decency to look at me as he replies. Nik, you know how busy we are; Vic hasn’t turned up for the meeting with Weiner’s team and everyone’s freaking out.

    I sigh, resisting the urge to tear the phone from his hand. "But this is your day off; your weekend off," I remind him. I wouldn’t mind, but it’s not like we have many of these to look forward to; we both love our jobs and work really hard to the point that any time off is few and far between.

    Simon sighs, his shoulders sagging a little in defeat. I know, I know, he concedes, slipping the phone back into his pocket. He slips his arm around my waist as he moves closer to me and looks up at the arrivals boards. So, when does their train get in?

    Glancing up, I feel a bubble of excitement in my chest; today is the day I’ve been waiting two whole weeks for: the day that I finally see Kelly Stapleton, my best friend, after… How long has it been? Seven weeks? Wow, who knew time could fly so fast? The last time we’d seen each other had been in Scone Away From Home, the tea rooms back in Keldsthwaite.

    I mean, don’t get me wrong; we’ve had a few Skype calls since then and I’ve even spoken to Ryan and Tilly a few times but it’s not the same as finally seeing them all in person.

    It’s funny how life can change in such a short amount of time, isn’t it?

    Back then, she had been living in Manchester and was in a dead-end relationship with a wannabe rock star before finding out he had cheated on her; that’s what had spurred her on to end things with him and move back home to Keldsthwaite.

    Now, she’s on her way here with, not only her new boyfriend, but also his thirteen-year-old daughter. It’s crazy how the world works sometimes.

    Yesterday, Kelly said the train would be getting in at four… I reply, pulling out my phone, checking her text.

    Looks like they must have had trouble, Simon says, nodding towards the board. They’re running half an hour late.

    I frown, wondering what could have happened when I spot an unopened text from Kelly. She texted me earlier; I must have missed it, I murmur, opening the message and smiling. Apparently, they had trouble at Northampton; Tilly’s getting restless.

    Raising his eyebrows, Simon grins. A thirteen-year-old girl on a three and a half hour train ride? They’re braver than me.

    I grin; Simon’s never been fond of the idea of children, which is fine because it’s not like I see my life surrounded by a litter of kids either. I mean, I like them, well enough, but I wonder if that’s because I don’t have to spend all my time with them, listening to their endless questions and watching their every move.

    As if on cue, a baby starts wailing somewhere in the crowd, an ear piercing scream climbing above the noise and chaos of the station.

    Simon cranes his head to get a better look at the screaming child. That kid’s got a pair of lungs on him, he chuckles.

    Following his gaze, I spot the baby’s father struggling to soothe him while, at the same time, trying to avoid being trodden on by the rapidly increasing rush of commuters bearing down on them. My heart goes out to him; Friday night travel isn’t ideal for anyone. If I’d had a choice, I’d be curled up on the sofa with a bowl of Ben & Jerry’s celebrating the end of my week with the next episode of Brooklyn 99.

    But, here I am…

    Waiting for my best friend in a crowded train station with my boyfriend itching to get back to his phone.

    So… Simon sighs, dragging the word out as he turns his gaze to mine. Do you want to get a drink while we wait or-

    Go on, I mutter, defeated Answer it. I don’t need to ask him to know that the phone’s probably been buzzing the whole time he’s had it in his pocket.

    Simon grins, leaning down to give me a quick peck on the cheek. I just want to see if Vic’s arrived, he promises.

    Hmm, hmm, I hum, rolling my eyes exasperatedly. Despite myself, I can’t help but smile as I watch him take his phone out, frowning at the screen as he scrolls through the messages he’s missed. I know his work is important to him, it always has been, and, to be honest, that’s part of the reason I was drawn to him in the first place. It felt nice to finally meet someone who had the same work ethic as me. But lately, I’ve come to see that, while I’ve figured out how to let things go at the end of the day or week, Simon isn’t anywhere near that.

    What’s the matter? I demand, noting the intense look that’s crossed his face.

    I’m just trying to figure that out, he mutters distractedly, typing furiously at his screen. But before he can finish, his phone starts ringing. Answering the call, Simon turns away from me as he presses the phone to his ear. What are you talking about? Where is he? is all I can catch before his voice is drowned out by the noise of the commuters.

    I continue to watch him as he paces back and forth in what limited space he has, trying to figure out what on Earth is going on. Simon is a financial whizzkid and does a job that I don’t fully understand. I know he plays with numbers and has high-powered meetings with people from some of Europe’s largest banks and corporations but that’s about it. But, I do know he’s been working on a big account for the last two months and that the meeting today was an important one but one that I had eventually persuaded him to delegate to his partner in order for him to be here today.

    I frown as Simon stops pacing and runs a hand through his hair as his eyes meet mine with a look of regret. I know instantly what’s coming: he’s going back to work.

    Disappointment courses through me; I had so wanted tonight to be special but it looks like that’s out of the window now.

    Ending the call, Simon makes his way over to me, his hands held out to calm me. Nikki, that was-

    Your office? I ask knowingly.

    He sighs, dropping his head. I’m so sorry; I want to be here but… they need me back there; Vic’s gone off sick. Apparently, he ate some bad sushi at lunch and is… shall we say, paying the price?

    I shudder at the thought. Serves him right, I mutter, "who in their right mind eats sushi?"

    I know, right? Simon agrees. Anyway, he’s out of the game now so that only leaves me who can run the meeting. He steps closer to me, his hands circling my waist, pulling me closer to him. I really am sorry, he murmurs.

    Looking into his eyes, I can see he feels guilty but that doesn’t mean I can’t let him sweat a little, does it? I should have known a whole afternoon off with you was just too good to be true.

    I know, but I’ll make it up to you… and Kelly, I promise.

    Stepping away from him, I shoo him away. Go on, go; I know how important this is.

    Flashing me a smile, he kisses my cheek again. I’ll see you later. Say hello to Kelly, Ryan and Tilly for me, yeah? he calls as he backs away.

    Yeah, yeah, I mutter, trying to ignore the ever growing disappointment taking hold of me. Shaking my head, I smile fondly as I watch him turn and hurry through the crowd. He would never change and, really, did I even want him to?

    Chapter Two

    Ihate waiting for things, especially when the thing you’re waiting for is late.

    It’s now 5:40 and the train still hasn’t arrived, although the board now says it’s only two minutes away. If I’d had Simon with me, the wait wouldn’t have been so painful but, since he had left, rush hour has really taken hold.

    Excuse me, a disgruntled businessman mutters as he forces his way around me, almost colliding with another commuter. Shooting me a dirty look, he soon disappears into the writhing crowd around us, vanishing from sight in an instant.

    Good riddance, I think to myself; it never fails to amaze me how some people can be so rude, especially when travelling to or from work. It’s one of the reasons I’m so glad to be a freelancer; I work my own hours, choose my own clients but best of all, I can work in my pjs or joggers and no one’s any the wiser!

    I sigh and take a moment to observe the people around me; racing past, barely acknowledging each other as they find the quickest route through the masses.

    Life back home, in Keldsthwaite, is so different: there, people actually take the time to speak to each other, to say hello and exchange a few words of greeting. To be honest, I’m not even sure such a thing as ‘rush hour’ even exists there! But here, it’s a different story. I know some people, Simon being one of them, live for this way of life; they love the fast pace and the excitement of it all but I can’t see the appeal, not really. I’ve lived in London for thirteen years now and I’m still not used to it all; I doubt I ever will be.

    I’m jolted from my thoughts by the announcement that Kelly’s train is finally arriving and, weaving my way through the crowd, make my way towards the platform gate. Craning my neck, I try desperately to get a good view of them as they step off the train but the guys standing in front of me won’t stand still long enough to let me see past them.

    Excuse me, I mutter, putting on the ‘London commuter’ mask I find myself having to wear on occasions like this. Slipping past the men, I catch sight of a familiar head of blonde hair as my eyes land on my best friend since childhood. Kelly! I call, waving frantically in the hope that, if she can’t hear me, she may, at least, see me.

    Nikki! Kelly cries, waving just as frantically back at me. Turning, she hurries back to Ryan who is waiting for Tilly as she adjusts the rucksack on her shoulder.

    Tilly looks over at me and grins, waving frantically, and I eagerly return the greeting. Okay, so I may not be fond of kids in general but this one is one of the few that has managed to get past my defenses. I’m not sure what it is but there’s something about Tilly Sherwood that just makes me smile. I was hoping Simon would end up feeling the same way when he met her today but that will have to wait for now.

    Stop it! I tell myself. I’m not going to dwell on the fact that Simon’s had to cry off; my best friend, who I haven’t seen for seven weeks, is here for three whole days and I’m determined to enjoy them. After all, who knows when the next time will be?

    Oh my God, it’s so good to see you! Kelly cries, hurrying over to me now that the crowds have died down. Dropping her bags, she throws herself at me and we hug like we haven’t seen each other in decades rather than weeks.

    It’s been ages! I cry. How are you?

    Oh, you know, she says, glancing at Ryan, busy with these two now that half term is here.

    Usually, the six-week summer break was the only time Kelly and I would make sure to carve out a couple of weeks to see each other. Although, this year is understandably different as she now has Ryan and Tilly to think of and she didn’t want to be apart from them for that long. That’s why, this year, we’ve all decided to meet up for a weekend, instead.

    Looking at them all it’s easy to see why she wouldn’t want to leave them; she looks truly happy, like she’s a part of a ready-made family. For the briefest of moments, I feel a stab of pain in my heart but I force myself to push it aside.

    So, is the hotel far? Tilly asks, looking at me expectantly.

    Tilly, Nikki may live in London but she doesn’t know all the hotels in the city! Ryan laughs, sending me an apologetic look. Sorry, she’s been a bit restless for the last two hours.

    Getting stuck at Northampton certainly wouldn’t have helped, I agree, giving Tilly a nudge and conspiratorial smile. And, for your information, Ryan, I continue smugly, "I do happen to know where your hotel is."

    Ha! Told you she would! Tilly cries triumphantly. You can’t live in London your whole life and not know where everything is.

    Kelly glances at Tilly. What do you think she does? Trawl the streets every night, memorizing every street, hotel and tourist attraction?

    Tilly shrugs, clearly unperturbed by the question. If I lived here, I’d try and figure everything out. She takes a moment to look around us, taking in the high vaulted ceilings of the station, the pillars and the many food stands. Everything’s so big here, she whispers, awestruck.

    It’s very different from Keldsthwaite, that’s for sure, Kelly agrees, slipping an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. But you’ll love it, I promise. She bends down and whispers, Just think of all the photos you’ll get.

    Instantly, Tilly’s face lights up in sheer joy. That’s true. When are we going to the London Eye; you get amazing views from there, don’t you? I’ve seen them on the internet.

    Yes, you do, I agree. You can see for miles.

    That’s so cool! Tilly breathes.

    Ryan chuckles. This London Eye trip is all she’s been talking about for the last week, he explains, dutifully picking up Kelly’s bags.

    Amy’s so jealous, Tilly continues, while Kelly and Ryan go through a silent back and forth about who’s going to carry her bags.

    And Amy… that’s Holly’s daughter, right? I ask, trying not to laugh as Ryan finally relents; no one can beat Kelly when her mind’s made up.

    Tilly nods as we automatically head towards the exit. Yeah; when I told her we were coming here, she begged her mum to let her come, too!

    I laugh as Kelly replies, "I think she understood that having you and Amy here wouldn’t have been much of a holiday for the adults."

    Tilly gasps, feigning shock. Rude! Pulling out her phone, she adds, I’ll just text her and let her know we’re here.

    Meeting my gaze, Ryan rolls his eyes. Never off the phone these two, he mutters, I’m surprised they haven’t got RSI with the amount of texting they do.

    Kelly and I share a knowing look.

    Hey, it’s a girl’s prerogative to keep in touch with her best friend, she reminds him.

    Yeah, but there has to be some boundaries, doesn’t there? he asks, glancing between us.

    Sometimes, Kelly concedes. But only when I’m with you, she adds, placating him with a kiss.

    Please! I mutter exasperatedly. You two are enough to make me sick!

    But even as the joke leaves my mouth, another strange feeling settles in my chest; seeing these three together, as a proper family… it just feels so weird.

    So, where’s Simon? Kelly asks, as we step out into the muggy London air. I thought you said he was going to be here?

    He was, I agree, trying to hide the disappointment I still felt at his absence. But his partner got food poisoning and he was called back for a meeting.

    Oh, that’s a shame, Kelly sympathises, dodging past a group of teenagers blaring rap music through a portable speaker. I was looking forward to seeing him again.

    Will he be joining us for dinner? Ryan asks, pulling Tilly, her eyes still glued to her phone, out of the path of a mobility scooter. Tilly, put the phone away; you have to watch where you’re going, he mutters, earning a groan from his daughter.

    I shake my head, fixing my attention on the road ahead. I’m not sure; these meetings can go on a bit. There’s a lot of kiss-ars- I stop myself, glancing back at Tilly, who thankfully doesn’t seem to be listening to our conversation. There’s a lot of hoops that need to be jumped through, if you know what I mean.

    Ryan didn’t seem any the wiser after my explanation but, thankfully, didn’t ask any more questions. So, what does he do? he asks.

    He’s a financial whizzkid, I reply enigmatically. The truth is, I hate being asked what Simon does because, for the life of me, I don’t know! It’s like the running joke on Friends where no one knew what Chandler did for a living.

    Like the people in Wall Street, Tilly supplies helpfully.

    Yeah, a bit like that, I suppose, I agree, despite never having seen Wall Street in my life. That’s about the stock market, right?

    Tilly nods knowingly.

    When have you seen Wall Street? Kelly and Ryan demand in unison.

    Tilly blushes and shrugs. I don’t know; I just watched a few clips on YouTube. Shia LeBeouff was in it! she argues as if that makes it okay.

    Yeah but still; it’s still way too mature for you to be watching.

    There were no swear words or sex scenes or anything, Dad, she assures him patiently. Not like in the stuff you and Kelly watch.

    I burst out laughing; the look on Kelly and Ryan’s faces are priceless. "And what, exactly, are you two watching?" I ask coyly.

    Nothing! Kelly assures me, glaring at Tilly. "She walked in the other day when we were watching an episode of Game of Thrones, that’s all!"

    "That’s what they say," I laugh, catching Tilly’s eye and giving her a wink.

    Are we nearly at this hotel? Ryan asks, his face still as red as the post box we pass. I think I’ve had enough of this conversation.

    I bet you have, you dark horse, I murmur, giving him a nudge.

    So, are you going to tell me the truth?

    I almost jump at the sound of Kelly’s voice as she sits in the chair beside me; I’ve been waiting in the lobby of the hotel for her, Ryan and Tilly for the last half hour while they sort themselves out before we head off to dinner. Geez, you made me jump! I exclaim, fanning myself with the magazine I’d been reading before being so rudely interrupted.

    Kelly laughs. Serves you right after the hard time you gave Ryan earlier; he was really embarrassed!

    That’s why he was so easy to wind up! I pause, for a moment, before asking, He isn’t upset about that, is he? I mean, I was only joking but I’ll apologise if-

    Relax, he’ll get over it, Kelly assures me, waving my words away. Dropping her hand, she studies me, her gaze boring into me like she’s trying to read my mind.

    What? I ask, squirming in my chair. Why are you staring at me like that? If there’s one thing I hate more than London rush hour, it’s people staring at me; even when I find Simon looking at me for longer than a minute I feel weird and uncomfortable. The whole thing just creeps me out.

    Why do I get the feeling there’s more to Simon’s absence than you’re letting on? she asks.

    I shrug, suddenly feeling like a naughty child. I don’t know, I mutter, aware that I probably sound like one now.

    Is everything alright between you two? she presses. I know you were having problems-

    We’re not ‘having problems’, I insist. It’s just- I pause, wondering if I should burden Kelly with my thoughts and feelings, right now. I mean, she’s here with her family to enjoy a weekend away, not to prop up me and my insecurities.

    "You can talk to me, you know," she reminds me.

    I smile. As if I need reminding of that.

    Well, then; talk.

    I meet her gaze, really wishing I could do as she says and talk to her about how I’m feeling. But there’s this tiny voice in my head that keeps telling me I’m making way more of this than I need to; that I’m over-reacting and things will soon sort themselves out. Taking a deep breath, I brace myself. The thing is-

    Right, are we ready for dinner? Ryan enquires as he and Tilly appear beside us. Because I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m starving.

    Forcing myself to smile, I stand up, ignoring the frustration on Kelly’s face. Me, too, I agree, only pausing as Kelly takes my arm. We’ll talk later, okay?

    You bet we will, Kelly agrees.

    Well, the cat’s halfway out of the bag now and, as Kelly now knows there’s something bothering me, there’s no way of putting it back in.

    Chapter Three

    But later never came.

    And neither did Simon.

    I shouldn’t have been surprised; I hadn’t been lying when I’d told Ryan there was a lot of schmoozing at these meetings. It was my fault, really, for thinking today would be different from any other.

    Despite Simon’s absence, dinner had been wonderful and Tilly had come away determined to make sure that, one day, there would be a Nando’s in the Lake District.

    Arriving back at the flat, I let myself in, dropping my bag on a chair as I make my way into the kitchen for a glass of wine. Maybe that will help take the edge off my disappointment.

    Armed with a glass of red, I enter the living room and take a look around; the flat is certainly one to be proud of, full of the latest tech and gadgets, gorgeous vintage furniture and hardwood floors but, as I look around, I realise it all seems empty somehow. It has no life, no heart.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love this flat, I really do and I’m grateful that we both have decent jobs that can afford us this lifestyle but, when I really stop and think about it, we’re rarely in the flat at the same time and when we are, we either fall asleep on the sofa or one of us is distracted by a work issue. Seeing Kelly and Ryan today, seeing them so happy and into each other, was like shining a light on my relationship and I’m not sure I like what I saw.

    The bottom line is: I want the type of relationship they have. One where they make each other laugh, where they can do things together without one of them being called away at a moment’s notice, where they can have a conversation that isn’t about work.

    I long to pick up the phone and call Kelly, to finally return to the conversation we had almost begun earlier but, glancing at the time, I know it’s way too late. It’ll have to wait for tomorrow; I’ll pull her aside during our London Eye visit and talk to her then.

    Desperate to distract my thoughts, I pick up my laptop from the coffee table and settle onto the sofa, pulling up the latest website I’m working on. Getting lost in codes is just what I need, right now; at least I know where I am with coding. It’s men I have trouble understanding.

    I’m not sure how much time has passed before my phone rings. Sighing, I reach out, without bothering to check the ID as I answer. Hello?

    Nikki! I’m so glad you’re still up!

    My heart drops as I hear the sound of my mother’s voice in my ear.

    Now, I know what you’re thinking but you’d be wrong.

    Despite how I feel, I do not hate my mother; in fact, most days we have a pretty good relationship but lately…

    Lately, Mum has taken to calling me under false pretences; oh, she might say she’s only ringing to check in or to check that I haven’t been mugged at knife point while walking the streets of London (ridiculous, I know), but really she calls just to run a guilt trip on me.

    Let me give you the full run-down: Mum and Dad run an outdoor activity centre in the Lakes - just outside Keldsthwaite, actually; it was something Dad had inherited from his father, whose father had set it up in the first place. Honestly, the place is Dad’s pride and joy and, when Mum had fallen pregnant, he had been hoping that he’d be able to pass it on to his son. Having a daughter, however, didn’t deter him so my childhood was spent out on his pontoon boat, Bluebird, learning to sail, watching him give tours and basically gearing me up to, one day, take over from him.

    But, that wasn’t to be, however, as my heart didn’t belong on the boat; my heart belonged to the codes and data that came with computers. Don’t get me wrong: I love Keldsthwaite and I love the picturesque beauty of Ullswater but the idea of taking people on tours, repeating the same spiel every couple of hours… well, it didn’t excite me. No, I wanted the big, bright lights of London and the job opportunities that came with it.

    But when I tried to explain this to Mum and Dad… well, let’s just say they weren’t happy. Especially Dad, who had banked all his hopes on me taking over one day.

    Hi, Mum; how are you? I ask, closing the lid of my laptop as I set it on the coffee table, knowing it will be a while before I pick it up again.

    Oh, you know; muddling along.

    And how’s Dad?

    He’s okay; tired but what else is new?

    The comment was brief but had enough barbs in it to ensure I felt its sting. What happened to him taking it easy? I ask, recalling my last visit home and the many conversations we’d had about the need for him rest more; after all, he wasn’t getting any younger.

    I know, darling, but rest is hard to come by when you run your own business, isn’t it? Mum points out.

    I sigh. I know; it’s the same for me when I’m busy but-

    Yes, but it’s hardly the same, sitting at a computer, is it? Mum retorts. I mean, Dad’s on his feet all day, on the boat or with the horses-

    Oh, yes, those bloody horses, I think, recalling the horror of discovering my parents had forked out on three horses so that they could offer horseback tours of the surrounding area. I have no idea who advised them on that but, mark my words, if I ever find out who it was, I’m going to have a few choice words for them. Well, you know there is an easy solution for that, don’t you? I point out.

    We’re not getting rid of them, Mum insists firmly. Casper, Ares and Freyja are part of the family now and you’d see that if you’d visit more often.

    So, apart from the tiredness, Dad’s okay, is he? I ask, skillfully steering the conversation away from the horses: I know we’ll never agree on that subject.

    Well, actually, I think he may have a cold coming, Mum says, lowering her voice conspiratorially.

    I hear Dad’s muffled voice in the background and I can imagine my parents have been having this discussion for days, never seeing eye to eye.

    Yes, alright, Bryan, I know what you said, Mum chastises before coming back to me. "He thinks he’s fine but I saw him yesterday, huffing and puffing and he’s been complaining of a headache."

    Maybe he just needs some more rest, time to recuperate, I reassure her, glancing towards the door as Simon steps into the flat. He smiles at me as I point to the phone and mouth ‘Mum’; he nods and, making his way over to me, leans closer.

    Hello, Molly.

    Is that you, Simon? Mum asks.

    I roll my eyes. Who else would be in my flat at quarter to eleven at night? I ask indignantly, watching Simon disappear into the kitchen.

    Well, you hear all these things about the London lifestyle, don’t you? I mean, you could be having a house party for all I know.

    I can’t help but laugh; Mum’s conspiracy theories about London are always so hilarious. There’s no house party, Mum, I assure you. All I did was go out to dinner with Kelly, Ryan and Tilly.

    Kelly made it okay, did she? I’m so glad; it’s such a long journey for someone Tilly’s age.

    Yeah, I’m not sure she fared all that well; they got stuck at Northampton.

    Simon reappears carrying his own wine glass and the bottle of red I’d opened earlier. Without asking he tops my glass up, for which I’m grateful; he knows how I can get after speaking to Mum.

    - so nice she’s finally found someone like Ryan; I mean, I was a bit unsure if it would last at first, what with him having a child but they seem to be muddling along quite nicely.

    I smile, thinking of my earlier observations. Yeah, they really do. It’s nice to see Kelly happy. Especially after Derek; he had never been right for her.

    So, how are you and Simon doing? Any sound of wedding bells, yet?

    I roll my eyes, dropping my head in my hands. Beside me, I can hear Simon chuckling; he’s no doubt figured out our new topic of conversation. It’s never long before Mum starts asking questions about our non-existent impending nuptials. No, Mum, not yet. We’re happy just as we are.

    That’s a shame; you two would look so lovely in the pictures.

    Glancing up, I meet Simon’s gaze, pleading with him to save me but he

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