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Lost Diamond Girls: Cody Oliver & Gabe Nichols Mysteries
Lost Diamond Girls: Cody Oliver & Gabe Nichols Mysteries
Lost Diamond Girls: Cody Oliver & Gabe Nichols Mysteries
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Lost Diamond Girls: Cody Oliver & Gabe Nichols Mysteries

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Detective Gabe Nichols is ready to start fresh. A new city, a new job, a new life. After what he and Kyra have been through in the past year, they deserve it. His first day on the new job brings a bizarre case in which several victims around the city are targeted. They all have identical names.

Detective Cody Oliver has moved from rural, small-town cop life to the big city. He and Gabe team up for a bizarre case. One that makes little logical sense and brings enemies from the past to the forefront of their lives again.

When another victim with the same name goes missing, and they realize missing children may be involved, Gabe and Cody race to figure out what clandestine organization is behind the murders. If they don't act fast, more innocent victims may be lost to the light forever.

PublisherLiesel Hill
Release dateSep 15, 2020
Lost Diamond Girls: Cody Oliver & Gabe Nichols Mysteries

L.K. Hill

L.K. Hill is a lifelong Connecticut resident. After attending community college, she married and raised two sons. Getting tired of retail jobs, she trained and became a certified nurses aide, focusing on homecare. But her lifelong interest was writing and The Viking World, so she decided to write a book about them. This novel is her dream come true, and may your dreams become a happy reality.

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    Lost Diamond Girls - L.K. Hill

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    Chapter 1


    The line rang through Gabe's head over and over as he got ready for his first day at the new job. A white, button-down shirt atop dress pants made him feel professional. And like a fraud.

    In Abstreuse, the detectives mostly dressed casually, especially given that they might have needed to venture into the Mire on any given day. And the Mire had been no place for clean clothes.

    He had a feeling this would be a different sort of job. At least they didn’t insist on a tie.

    Not everyone can be saved.

    After the year he’d had, he couldn’t shake the thought, and he knew how ridiculous it made him. Who wanted a detective who didn’t believe people could be saved?

    He didn’t know if he was cut out for police work anymore. And he didn’t want to quit. Truly. He looked forward to digging into some meaningful work for the first time in months.

    He only wished his thoughts weren’t so dark. He wished he could be more of an optimist. Like Kyra. And he tried. Truly he did. His heart simply wasn’t in it.

    After checking his appearance one more time in the bathroom mirror, he headed downstairs, to the cozy living area in the house he shared with his wife.

    He noted the plate of toast she’d left on the table for him. In truth, he didn’t have an appetite this morning.

    Kyra already sat at her computer, perched on a wheeled chair, hunched over her keyboard and pounding away at the keys. She’d been doing this a lot lately.

    Her fingers went still, and she swiveled in her chair to face him as he came down the stairs. Her eyes traveled up and down his clothing, assessing him.

    Heading out? she asked.

    He nodded.

    Still in the T-shirt and shorts she’d worn to bed the night before, she got to her feet, running her hand through her dark blonde hair. Well, good luck on your first day. I know you’ll be great. Probably solve all the city’s cold cases by this afternoon.

    Right, he smirked. The way she met his eye when she said it, and the sincerity in her voice, put some warmth in his chest. Nervous as he felt, he needed it.

    Thank you. He stepped forward and kissed her lightly. I'll call you at lunch.

    She nodded.

    He glanced past her, toward the computer. You ready to tell me what you're working on over there day and night?

    A sly grin slid onto her face. Where he might have normally been annoyed with her secrecy, he found her coy smile sexy.

    She stepped closer to him and reached up, twining her wrists together behind his neck. Not yet. I want to get it all ready before I show you what it is.

    He studied her face, searching for any hint of what she might be doing, hoping she’d crack and tell him.

    She pressed her lips firmly together, clasped her hands behind her back, and raised her chin a few centimeters.

    Gabe chuckled and stepped back. Have it your way. I don’t want to be late. Wish me luck.

    Try to get back to the work you love, Gabe, she said firmly, giving his hand a final squeeze. Don’t think about Dillon at all.

    Gabe mustered a weak smile as the greasy feeling he always got when someone mentioned his brother built up in his chest. He opened the front door.

    Good luck! she called as the door shut behind him.

    TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES later, Gabe walked through the front, glass doors of his new station. A receptionist greeted him and walked him back toward Captain Tellson’s office.

    Much different than the small precinct he’d been used to in Abstreuse, the relatively new building sprawled right and left with dozens of cubicles and desks, all full of people typing away on their computers or talking into their desk phones.

    It reminded him of an enormous call center, except everyone happened to be doing police work.

    Gabe had met the captain the previous week, when he’d come into the building several times to get the red tape out of the way. Paperwork, insurance, background checks, and the like.

    The moment he stepped into Tellson's office, she looked up at him with a smile. A handsome woman in her middle years, with dark skin and hair, she wore pastel-colored pantsuit every time Gabe met with her.

    She managed to look feminine and somewhat alluring, while also giving off the vibe of a rottweiler that any person with two cents’ worth of intelligence knew better than to mess with.

    Detective Nichols, she rose from her chair and came around her desk. Ready for your first day?

    Yes, ma'am, Gabe nodded. Did you find a desk for me?

    Tellson motioned with one arm. This way.

    Gabe turned sideways so she could slip past him through the door. Then he followed her across the expansive ground-floor of the station.

    A hub for a great deal of the police activity for this precinct, this building housed not only the detectives and the uniformed cops—most of whom didn’t have desks anyway—but also supplemental workers, such as programmers, data analysts, and a dozen others who worked on logistics and paperwork Gabe couldn’t have named.

    HR sat on the floor above them, and Gabe knew the basement held a dispatch center.

    Captain Tellson navigated what felt like a maze and deftly and brought him to the far corner of the room.

    Here, slightly larger desks were clustered in groups of four, all facing one another. Similar to the setup Gabe enjoyed in Abstreuse with Tyke and Cora.

    Before disaster struck. The disaster that shut down the precinct and prompted Gabe to leave Abstreuse forever.

    Gabe’s eyes fell on a desk, empty save for one manilla file folder lying perfectly centered on top.

    This is your seat, Detective Nichols, Tellson said, gesturing vaguely toward the empty desk. These buffoons around you are your fellow detectives. They’ll show you the ropes, though I don’t expect you’ll need much. Your first case is in the folder, her eyes shifted pointedly toward the file and back. Any questions?

    No, ma'am, Gabe answered.

    Only three other desks in the entire area were occupied. One held a slender man with a buzzed head who only stood as high as Gabe’s shoulder. He dug a spoon into a carton of something as they approached, chewing loudly.

    Directly across from Gabe’s desk stood a tall man, perhaps in his late forties, with long hair that hung down his back, tattoo sleeves on both arms, and kind eyes surrounded by deep crows’ feet.

    The third detective, a woman about Gabe’s age, had short-cropped strawberry blond hair and an attractive, round face.

    Gabe strode over to stand behind his chair before the three detectives closed in around his desk.

    Dean Wilson, the man with the buzzed head said, extending his hand. He had a hooked nose and a firm handshake.

    The man with the long hair sat directly across from Gabe. He shook Gabe’s hand, too. When he smiled, Gabe caught a hint of gold teeth. Ray Myers, he said, his voice so quiet, Gabe strained to hear it. Nice to meet you.

    Gabe guessed the man was naturally soft spoken.

    He turned to the red-haired woman next, who flashed him a winning smile. Robin Kettenring. How are you?

    Gabe shook her hand as well. Anxious to get started.

    Wilson perched against the side of Gabe's desk and started shoveling food into his mouth again.

    Gabe thought he detected a twinkle in the man’s eyes. So, Nichols, huh? Any relation to the serial killer they just transferred up to the penitentiary?

    And with that, the first painful moment of the day arrived.

    Gabe suppressed a sigh. He supposed it was best to rip off the bandaid. From the air of mischief about Detective Wilson, he could tell the man was teasing him. Trying to give him crap about having the same last name as a serial killer.

    Poor guy. His attempt to bond with the newbie was about to backfire in a big way.

    He's my brother.

    Wilson choked on his food, coughing and sputtering for several seconds before wiping his mouth and turning to stare at Gabe. The other detectives around him turned wide eyes on him as well.

    They would have made the connection quickly. After all, Dillon had been in the news a great deal and anyone who worked in law enforcement would follow the story of a serial killer being kept in the state pen close to where they worked.

    The looks on his new co-workers’ faces said they'd assumed it would be a hi-I'm-Gabe-Nichols-no-relation sort of situation.

    Gabe had hoped Tellson would have told them about him. He glanced down at her now and found her wearing a patient, knowing smile. She'd obviously expected exactly this.

    Turning on her heel, she headed back toward her office, patting Gabe's arm as she walked past. Good luck on your first day, Detective. If you have any questions, you know where my office is.

    Thank you, Ma’am, Gabe murmured.

    An awkward silence descended over the four detectives.

    S-so, Robin stuttered, obviously trying to break it. Do you...see your brother often?

    Gabe nodded as he pulled out his chair. He’d already decided he would simply be as honest as possible with his fellow detectives. As he would be working closely with them, hiding the truth from them wouldn’t be an option anyway.

    I visit him once a week.

    And, this voice came from Ray. What's that like?

    Gabe raised his head and looked Ray dead in the eye. Difficult. He kept his voice steady and calm. It's very difficult.

    I'm so sorry Detective, Robin said softly.

    Gabe looked up and met each of their eyes in succession. Empathy stared back at him. Even Detective Wilson, who still looked somewhat chagrined after the yogurt-inhaling incident, met Gabe's eyes with understanding.

    Good. Already Gabe felt a kinship with them. He could see they respected his honesty. Somehow, he thought he would be fine here.

    He sat down in the chair and flipped open the file folder. A report that came in roughly half an hour ago stared back at him. An elderly woman had been found dead. Likely the result of a break-in. The unies and ME were probably at the scene now, waiting for the detective to arrive.

    Well, he flipped the file shut again. Looks like I have a crime scene to get to.

    Yeah, Wilson said clearing his throat. I glanced through the file.

    He raised his hands in a placating way when Gabe arched an eyebrow at him.

    Sorry. I wondered which case the Captain would start you off with. I doubt it will be a hard one. Don't be too disappointed if you don’t get it solved.

    Gabe frowned, not sure what to make of the comment. Why do you say that?

    Wilson shrugged. Looks like a B & E gone bad. Probably some young punk looking to steal a tablet computer or something. It’s not uncommon in that part of the city, and those types of cases are almost never closed.

    By the tone in the man's voice and sincerity on his face, Gabe could tell he meant to be friendly; simply not wanting Gabe to get his hopes up.

    Gabe merely nodded and opened the file once again. He didn’t agree, though.

    Not everyone could be saved. Not by a long shot. That didn't mean every crime couldn't be solved.

    Closing the file and nodding to the others, he got to his feet and headed for the parking garage.

    Chapter 2

    The blaring of his alarm—upbeat, high-energy music—yanked Cody from his slumber. Alex set his phone alarm to some bizarre, high-tempo indie rock song to ‘help him wake up with more energy.’

    Yeah, it wasn't working. An alarm was an alarm, no matter what it sounded like.

    With a groan, Cody rolled over and slapped the screen of his smart phone three times before managing to silence the music. He rolled back over to snuggle under his blankets a moment longer.

    Then reality came crashing in and he remembered he lay in bed alone. Alex didn’t sleep beside him. She hadn't for more than a week. Out of town for a job, she should be back tomorrow, but the house felt lonely without her.

    Her absence, more than anything else, rousted him from his blankets. When he awoke to find her sleeping beside him, he wanted to spend a few extra minutes in bed. Without her there, he felt isolated and wanted to get up and start his day.

    With a sigh, he threw his legs over the side of the mattress and headed for the bathroom.

    After showering, shaving, and dressing, he headed into the kitchen to make his own breakfast. Another thing Alex always did for him in the morning.

    Not that he couldn’t cook for himself, of course. He’d been a bachelor for a good handful of years before marrying, after

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