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Short Encounters
Short Encounters
Short Encounters
Ebook48 pages23 minutes

Short Encounters

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Curtz Jackson introduces his first collection of short stories involving brief meetings between individuals having life-alternating impacts. The selections consist of drama, science-fiction, crime, and paranormal.
In the first story, "Tom's Homeland," an American visitor ventures to an international land he's utterly unfamiliar with, lost in the congestion of local travelers at a busy airport. Tom must make contact with the one person who will change his life forever. A familiar hometown yearning will connect them.
The missing romance of a lonely man is on the verge of being answered in the second story, "Hard to Digest." The online courtship Freddie has been enjoying with a beautiful, foreign woman is about to be realized. Before he can take her into his arms, Freddie gets a time-sensitive call for action to save a life.
In "Ring," the third story, a divorcing woman is contacted by her unborn daughter from the future. The daughter, Dilly, brings with her a grim warning pressuring her mother, Teasel, to make the most difficult decision of her life.
In "Relocation," Sandy aborted a critical mission commissioned by her government. She lost her citizenship for the choice to live a renewed life in an advanced civilization. All is well until Sandy is called to return home. Her romantic attachment to Henry complicates the upsetting request.
The sixth story, "The Escape Artist," presents a single parent's dilemma. What will happen to Gary's 9-year daughter, Stacy, if he is taken in custody for a federal offense his family obligated him to support? The dreaded answer comes closer when a curious FBI agent takes an active interest in Stacy's school art - and her father.
In the final story, "The Arrow," escaped convict, Pistra values directing his young son, Hector's life than freedom. No question why he is willing to take risks, harm, and possibly murder individuals to abduct Hector. He is dangerous, cunning, and physically intimating. Nothing seems to halt him except for an unexpected opposer, whose simple argument may cease Pistra's destructive path.
These insightful stories in this collection a reader may treasure re-reading because the lessons of human nature continue without a due date.

Release dateSep 30, 2021
Short Encounters

Curtis W. Jackson

Curtz Jackson is a screenwriter of modern and period films involving close interactions. He is earning his BFA in Creative Writing for Entertainment at Full Sail University. He studied Graphic Design and assisted as a film extra on movie and television sets. His last feature was We Only Know So Much (2018, Director, Donal Lardner Ward).Mr. Jackson authored the short pictorial drama of a man’s end-of-life decision, One Blue Eye Jake’s Twilight Boardwalk (2020, Blurb Books), and published photo essays such as Late Afternoon in the Hop and Bark Park (2019, He’s the novelist of Waiting for Regina (2017, Barnes and Noble Press) and the humor artist of 57 Sections: A Book of Cartoons. In the mid-1990s, Mr. Jackson was a freelance cartoonist and street caricature artist.

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    Book preview

    Short Encounters - Curtis W. Jackson

    Short Encounters by Curtz W. Jackson

    Copyright © 2021 Curtis Jackson

    Published by Curtis W. Jackson at Smashwords

    First Smashwords Edition

    All Rights Reserved

    Book Cover Original Images/Photography by the Author

    Cover Typography provided by Canva

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this emerging author.

    Table of Contents

    Book Title

    Copyright Page

    Table of Contents


    Tom’s Homeland

    Hard to Digest



    The Escape Artist

    She Is Not There

    The Arrow

    Meet The Author


    Short Encounters is my first collection of short stories. I sincerely express my gratitude for the college professors, assistants, tutors, and fellow students for helping me make this publication a reality. Never to overlook, I am grateful for the expert provisions provided by Smartwords and for each unique individual who encouraged me not to give up writing. Lastingly, I wish to thank each reader for purchasing and reading this book. May you enjoy it and re-read it as part of your literature collection.

    Tom’s Homeland

    Descending in the peachy dusk atmosphere above an unknown land, Tom gazed outward from the blue-tinted oval window by his airborne seat. Cottony skim milk clusters paced as the cattle on his father’s range. After landing, Tom searched for his pick-up among a jumbled throng of directional commuters going aside, bouncing off one another as unnoticeable, positioning atoms. Like those zealous elements, do humans respond to each other energies?

    Tom’s cowboy speech faded amid thousands of enunciations communicating the country’s dominant lingo.

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