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Struggling with anxiety? Wondering why all these things are happening to you? Do you struggle with your health or relationships? Do you wonder where God is in the middle of all this mess? Gripped is more than the relatable struggle over good and bad choices, more than dealing with life's issues, more than understanding God's word; it is the nece

Release dateSep 4, 2021

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    Book preview

    Gripped - Kellee Pope


    The amazing adventure in the pages ahead do not provide you with the actual beginning. The beginning requires your full imagination. A journey into a realm beyond all reason. While words will fail to paint the true portrait, this won’t stop us from taking a peek. Borrowing and elaborating from Moses’ inspired writings in Genesis, and then from Isaiah and the book of Revelation…

    Elohim-God the Father, creator of all, created all Heavenly beings and lived with them for some time. Imagine Heaven is a vast set of planets inside its own galaxy. All of Heaven operates under a unique set of rules. There is order and hierarchy, respect and great love, admiration, and kindness, as well as the opportunity to sin. While Heavenly beings have different temptations, they do have them. Abba father is the light to all creation and in Him and all of Heaven there is no shadow. His presence is an overwhelming cascading wave of Love. Love that stops you in your steps and causes you to simply bow your head, breathe in deep and bask. You feel this Love course through every heartbeat, every breath, every flutter. To be near Him you find you are holding your breath for what seems like forever. You notice every hair lift toward Him, and you feel that chill bump effect. Then you notice the warmth His light casts over you, and you want this moment to never find its inevitable end. You hear the protective cherubim as they circle Him constantly, saying, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty. Who was and is and is to come. Their many eyes are searching Him as He conceals a great mystery, but no contradiction is found in Him.

    When looking beyond the Father of all, you see light waves all around you moving in a rhythm that seems to be a response to Him and His Glory. You watch the waves dance for a while. There is no beginning nor end to them. Once this marvel loses your attention, you will notice everything in Heaven is alive and vibrant. Colors like you have never seen. So vibrant you can almost feel them. How can you feel a color? Yet, you do. Trees, grass, flowers, butterflies, animals, strange looking beings all in a constant pulse of praise to the King of Kings. Joy is alive and you believe it to be the rhythm of all things around you.

    There is much happiness in all you see. Suddenly you notice, what was there the entire time, a humming. A song. A constant song that is coming from the ground beneath your feet. It is coming from the never-ending rolling hills covered in flowers. Flowers with out-stretched petals toward Him. Reaching. This song reverberates through your entire body. Then you hear the song coming from the trees. Do trees sing? You approach a tree and reach to feel the rough bark. When you reach it, the bark moves under your touch. It moves and you notice it is responding to your touch just as much as it moves in a steady rhythm to the song of praise. You feel the gratitude exuding. You feel it stretching toward its creator. The overwhelming feeling of gratitude then fills your being, and you find your arms stretch outward, upward, toward Abba Father. You feel the smile you have been wearing as it widens just a little bit further across your face. Again, the warmth of His light shines across your face. Such complete satisfaction. No need to do anything more. There is no time. No fear. No rush to move. So, you breathe in deep and take it all in.

    A happy sound calls your attention. You watch groups of angels as they work. Several groups. They are working as a team on different activities. They do not all look the same. Each group looks similar, the same height and shape and they carry similar items. Some groups wear and carry armor, other groups hold musical instruments of some kind, still others carry nothing. Each group works as a team for the task at hand. They work and play at the same time. Eager to complete the task but no competition. When you draw closer, you can hear one cheering another, one helping another, one educating another. How do ease and eagerness flow so well together? Yet, you are watching it. A harmonious effort. This harmony draws you in and reminds you of something you once knew. Something you want again.

    The sound of a trumpet steals you away and suddenly all around you stand still, listening. A herald announces the temporary departure of The Father (God), Yahweh—The Word, and Holy Spirit from Heaven. Then you see the train of the Father’s glory cloud disappearing over the edge of Heaven. They have traveled far out into the void. They are creating something new. The announcement ends. Slowly, everyone turns and peers out, beyond the gate, beyond the edge of Heaven, out into the void. The great darkness. They watch but see only the glory cloud.

    Elohim, was definitely creating something new; something magical. With His spoken Word, His revelations inside Him came to life. He set angels in the darkness to light it well. He formed planets and took His time crafting each one, setting them carefully in place. Then He created the one place His special creation would rule. A place for man. A place for pleasure. Again, His revelations were brought into life. One by one. Carefully measuring, assessing, and assigning. He stood in a garden created just for His feet; a special garden capable of holding His glory. He stood while angels watched. When the glory cloud dissipated slightly, a being emerged that was a mirror image of The Word, Jesus’ name in Heaven. The Lord God created this man methodically and then breathed into him, LIFE! The Father is light, and His creation had a unique radiating glow about him. The man was spirit, soul, and body. They stood, The Lord God and this man, staring at each other for a long time. The man, named Adam, was now Elohim’s family. You see, Heaven was filled with choirs. Choirs worshiping the King of King’s, the Lord of Lords. Man was created for something else. Something different.



    A loving friend and family

    And choice was his gift because the Father wanted companionship in relationship. He created man to pour His love into and only man could contain it, receive it, and reciprocate it. They communicated, easily, together. In Truth. The Father showed Adam all that He had created. He slowly stretched out His hand and pointed out over the garden and showed Adam all that was there for his pleasure. Water readily available for every thirst. Food at his fingertips to give him energy and pleasure. Cool grass to walk and run upon. The Heavens filled with lights so that the void wasn’t so dark. The rising and the setting sun and moon. He described how all systems work together. Large systems that span the universe as well as the tiniest ones that make up his body. They walked out into an open clearing. The Father called out and every animal gathered around and bowed as The Father spoke over them. While doing so, all of the plant kingdom reached petals, limbs, and leaves toward the Father of all. Reaching in reverence, reaching in song, reaching in thanksgiving, reaching to give and receive. All creation, all beings, saw the splendor radiating from the man. Just as the Father spoke all into existence, He spoke now, giving the man instructions. Dominion. Authority. All that Adam could see was under his command. Was his to enjoy. All was for his pleasure with one tree to be reserved, left untouched. Not intended for Adam. The Father explained the details of this specific tree while Adam listened carefully.

    From that moment forward God walked with Adam in the cool of the day. They enjoyed a warm relationship built on love and trust. They talked about everything. They talked and laughed and stood in silence at the majesty all around. The Father always asked about Adam’s day. Together they walked or ran down to the water’s edge. As they did, the grass would stretch upward, flowers reached outward, trees bent forward toward the pair. Reaching the water, they watched as the fish jumped out of the water only to quickly dive back into it. Pelicans flopping around, looking for a snack. Boisterous whales playing with their family. Other sea animals wanting to be noticed. Calling out for attention. Some days they walked through the fields up to the large tree at the top of a hill and sat under it as the sun went down, over the horizon. There, Adam asked hundreds of questions and patiently the Creator of all things answered. God would again point out various marvels He had created, like the grand sky that was now slowly dimming and transitioning into the deep blue of night. He pointed and shared with Adam what he was looking at. The moon, the stars and all the twinkling lights so far away.

    One day, The Lord God asked Adam if he had found a helper. No, Adam replied. Oh he loved the animals, they understood each other, played together, openly loved the Father together, but none was a partner. This was the only time The Lord God said this wasn’t good. The man needed a partner comparable to him. So, then another miracle! Adam was placed into a deep sleep and then gently and expertly removed a rib from him. After healing the wound, He took the rib and formed another creation with the dust of the earth. He then gave her to Adam and they both watched her chest heave as she took in her first breath. LIFE! A helper.

    While God was out in the void creating, all of the Heavenly beings that weren’t a part of the creation had been curious. Angels peering out into the void that was now exploding with light and life. All angels including The Morning Star, Lucifer, in English, (Helel, in Hebrew, The brilliant one, Son of the morning). Lucifer, son of the dawn, was blameless, the anointed cherub, adorned with jewels, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. He carried the seal of perfection. Over time, Lucifer’s curiosity grew into jealousy and then silent anger at God’s departure and His new focus, and the Father’s incredible new creation. Lucifer saw himself as the prince of angels, the best creation, and led his group of angels in such twisted thinking, ensuring that the others saw him in an elevated manner as he liked that vision. He whispered claims to his team he was created first, unique, and he claimed a shared likeness with God. This position of power and influence was a source of power for him, but it also became the soil of pride. Lucifer had watched for eons as Heaven and Heavenly beings were created by the Father. Each creation something special, but none as beautiful as he.

    After hearing the herald announce all of Heaven was welcome to depart and visit the new creation, all set out on the journey.

    Once they arrived, they hovered over a vast sphere of blue and green. Taking it all in, they paused and then slowly entered the lower atmosphere, under the crystalline layer. As they approached, they saw herds of beasts grazing on the grass before them. They saw various types of birds flying all around, enjoying the light and warmth. They saw schools of fish under a blanket of blue water that looked more like glass. They saw many new things and had no name for them. But when they saw Adam, the man, they stopped. This creature was unlike all the others. He was tall in stature with a broad chest. His hair carried the light while containing a small shadow, they had never seen a shadow before. The man spoke with the beasts and the beast spoke back. Then, the man stood still and looked out over the land and smiled.

    It was Lucifer that approached the man first. His large frame hovered in front of Adam for some time as he studied him. Curious, Adam held his gaze and did not make a move. They just studied each other more. All of Heaven watched as they continued to stare. Lucifer tilted his head slightly and then looked around. Standing in a large garden was the Father. Lucifer’s magnificent wingspan widened and moved dramatically, creating a great wind. He then shifted downward, toward the ground. Forgetting the reverence necessary and no longer submitting to God’s authority, he approached a little too boldly. At first, he paced back and forth in front of the Father while He watched silently. When he spoke to the Father, he complained saying You were gone for so long. During your absence, I didn’t know what was happening. He then added he was concerned for the others that God’s attention was lacking in Heaven. He said the others might feel neglected. The Father remained silent but attentive. Lucifer suddenly turned his attention back to the man up on the hillside and stared at him again. After a few minutes, turning back to the Father, he complained that the man was a different creation. The Father smiled warmly and nodded in agreement. Lucifer noticed the Father’s expression and angrily continued pacing, now with heavy footfalls. When he spoke again, he was spitting as he talked about the man; a perfect spiritual creation that bore the image of his creator. He claimed to be insulted that he hadn’t been included in the adventure. In the journey. In the design. After all, he was important. He brought the revelations of The Bright Morning star to fruition because he was special, beautiful, and powerful. Jealousy raged within him; he clenched his jaw and spoke again.

    Why does that creature bear your image? I am the Light Bearer for The Bright Morning Star and yet, I do not bear your image.

    Why don’t I?

    It carries your Glory!

    Why didn’t you tell me about this new plan?

    Why wasn’t I included?

    This is what you were concealing. Why was this necessary?

    Wasn’t Heaven enough for you?

    Wasn’t I enough?

    He became visibly angry. Through his clenched jaw came a low roar. Next came his demand for God to let go of this nonsense of earth and that man and return to Heaven. He said he would never be subordinate to that man and then he pointed up into the dark sky, toward Heaven. He repeated his demand as he turned back toward the Father, hand still lifted, finger still pointing, Let’s go back! I will take my rightful place, to sit on high next to You.

    He had been holding onto this anger for too long. Once he started venting, he began demanding another rightful place: to be over God. King of the Universe.

    The audacity.

    The Truth.

    There is only one God, his names include Elohim (God), Adonai Jehovah (He is the Lord of Lords), Qanna (jealous), El Elyon (The Lord most high), El-Gibor (The Mighty God), El-Roi (the God who sees), Jehovah–Shalom (The Lord our Peace), Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord our Provider), El-Shaddai (The God Who is Sufficient for the needs of His people), YHWH—The Lord God, The Great I am, and as the creator of all, He patiently listened and then with absolute authority answered Lucifer, giving him a set of new instructions, including a name change. This was the consequence for pride, for demanding to be equal to and then to be elevated above his creator. He was to be separated from God, along with his loyal angels.

    Satan was sentenced to the one place most envious of. This only caused his anger to increase. He wanted to move past the consequence quickly and get back to the way things should be—him on top. On a throne. After the great war in Heaven, he and his loyal angels, now demons, accepted a new dwelling along with other changes.

    Impatiently, he looked around and took inventory. He scoured his surroundings in the garden. He saw Adam and his bride. He glared at them. I’ll never submit to these vile creatures. Knowing God loved man, he made a plan to hinder the relationship so God would see his new creation wasn’t good. This man wasn’t worth the effort, the glory, or the authority, the kingdom. This man wasn’t worth his rightful place. Satan approached the woman first and subtly misquoted the rules of the garden in a question, but it was enough to get her to question the rule. Eve was deceived but Adam, standing beside her, knew better. He knew the rules. He knew the consequence, but he chose to participate. Choice. Once Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they were ashamed of their act of disobedience. So, like all children when afraid and ashamed, they hid.

    At the usual time, God walked into the Garden looking for them. For the first time He called out for them, knowing exactly where they were but letting them come out from hiding when they were ready. Like a great parent, He gently asked questions He already knew answers to.

    He listened.

    And allowed.

    Then felt the pain of a broken heart.

    Recognized choice was a gift.

    Acknowledged this changed everything.

    In a complete act of love and protection that is so hard to comprehend, He then walked them out of the Garden and explained that He had been shielding them from the knowledge of evil, but their act of disobedience was a choice that changed what they could see.

    What they now knew.

    He explained that they could understand evil now. They must have nodded vigorously. What they have been through in such a short time.

    The instant fear.

    The shame.

    If they could take it back, they would have. To protect them from living forever in this new state, He closed the Garden and in it, the Tree of Life. They had eaten from it every day and therefore would live almost a thousand years in age. Each generation thereafter decreased in number of years. They were now dying. Death was unknown only moments ago. As they exited the garden, He placed his precious guardian angel to protect His beloved man from the garden but not to interfere with choice.

    This won’t be the last time God changes a name.

    This won’t be the last time God mourns the temporary loss of relationship with His creation.


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