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Hidden Treasure
Hidden Treasure
Hidden Treasure
Ebook139 pages2 hours

Hidden Treasure

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About this ebook

Having to start over, Grace finds herself working on a ranch. When things seem to be looking up, everything turns upside down again.

Daniel hires a new person to take over for his sister, but shortly after hiring her, he finds there is buried treasure somewhere on his land. Is it the treasure they are expecting, or is it more? Will things ever settle down for Grace?

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 23, 2017
Hidden Treasure

Faith Ann

She is A Christian Writer, Teacher, Blessed Wife, Mother, and Mentor. Coming from a background of letting God make beauty from the ashes Facing issues so many have struggled with, She tells her story how Heavenly Father used her battles to make a Warrior. No Pain, No gain...

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    Hidden Treasure - Faith Ann


    How did this happen again? She wasn’t surprised that it had, but why did this happen to her all the time? At least it seemed like all the time. No matter what came her way, she tried hard not to forget who is in control. She is a child of God and knows that.

    A flat tire—again! This time no spare, and she was in the middle of nowhere. Not a car in sight, phone dead, and can’t do anything but walk. Where would she walk to? How long would she survive? No water, no money, nothing! And the tire was once again flat! She wondered if she ran over a nail or something. The first time she had a flat tire it was right after she got the car but, thankfully, she’d had a spare to change it. Today, she had no idea why the tire was flat since it was a new tire, at least that’s what she was told.

    The road was extra quiet, not that it mattered much; he preferred it that way. No car in sight for miles. He was supposed to be there by now, but he got caught up in his work. That seemed to be the norm lately. His work was his life. Which a lot of people never understood, especially Samantha, his girlfriend. He didn’t want to break up with her, but he didn’t know how he was supposed to make it work if he was always distracted. He loved his job. He just couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. He thought Samantha would understand, but she never did. Samantha seemed sure his job was not where he should be. She thought he needed one that wasn’t so demanding and allow him to be at her beck and call, so he could be there for her more often. This was what he dreamed of doing all his life. He just wanted someone willing to be there, and understand him. That wasn’t Samantha! But he cared about her. He just couldn’t break it off with her.

    Her feet hurt. How long had she been walking? She needed rest. It was getting dark and still nothing in sight. Nothing! Nothing at all. She was tired, hot, and thirsty. What was she going to do? She was beginning to think she wouldn’t make it any further in this desolate place. She thought something was coming. Could she believe her eyes? Was that actually a vehicle coming? Grace started to flag down the truck to get some help, but she was unsure about trusting a stranger on a deserted road. Still, she was weak from all the walking and so tired. Lord, please keep your hand on me. Keep me safe from harm. Thank you for sending someone to stop and help me. Amen, she prayed. She was tired, alone, and the truck stopped. She hoped it was an answer to her prayer and not something else.

    Stopping the truck was not the thing he wanted to do, but he couldn’t just let the woman walk alone. After all, it was getting dark. Hello, ma’am. Is there anything I can do for you? Daniel asked. God had provided once again. Daniel asked again, Do you need help, ma’am?

    Grace took a deep breath. Yes, please. My car had a flat, and I don’t have … Taking a deep breath, she tried to continue without crying, but to no avail. She wasn’t one to show emotion in front of people, especially strangers.

    Where’s your vehicle? I haven’t passed one.

    No, it’s that way, just up the road.

    Okay, well … um, hop in, and I’ll, um, take you somewhere. Um, I don’t know where a store is especially not a close one.

    Grace walked to his truck. The back looked like a safe spot. Daniel was surprised she would even consider riding in the bed. Ma’am, you can ride up front with me. You look tired, and this seat would be more comfortable.

    My name is Grace. Please don’t call me ma’am. And I’ll be fine right here.

    Ma’am … uh, sorry. Uh, Grace, please sit in the cab. It could be a long and bumpy ride to a store or anything. Daniel tried to be reasonable.

    The man who stopped to help her seemed nice and might have a point. Reluctantly, Grace decided to sit in the front, but as close to the door as possible.

    She couldn’t believe how things turned out, but then again, that is how God worked. She shouldn’t be surprised. She still had her doubts about the man; he had not even told her his name. Something had to be wrong with him; she was sure of it. But why would someone just stop and help her? It had to be the hand of God.

    Daniel kept quiet as he drove, but this woman intrigued him, and he didn’t know why. He kept thinking, What was this woman named Grace doing walking the road? Alone and at night, furthermore? Where is her car? She couldn’t have walked that far, or could she have? He beat himself up when he realized he hadn’t given her his name, but he couldn’t bring himself to talk around her. That had never happened before, even with Samantha. Samantha. Why hadn’t he thought about her, and what she would think about this situation? He didn’t think she would be happy, but for some reason, he didn’t care what she thought. His lack of care seemed to surprise him.

    My car can’t be much farther, Grace said.

    Lost in his own thoughts, Daniel didn’t hear what Grace said.

    She tried to get his attention but didn’t know how to. Hey, um, sir, Grace said, finally getting his attention.

    Daniel. The name is Daniel, ma’am.

    Grace stared at Daniel. What is he thinking that keeps him so distracted? she wondered. She was curious about him, yet at the same time, still unsure. But she knew he was definitely distracted.

    Pardon me? Daniel asked. I didn’t hear what you said. I apologize.

    Oh, no, it’s okay. I was just saying that we should be getting close to my car soon. I don’t think I walked that far. But I guess I could have. Grace sighed. I’m not really sure.

    Well, I’ll try to keep a look out for it.

    I honestly don’t even know what I’ll do once we get to it. I have nothing. And I wouldn’t know what to do even if I did.

    Well, I’ll take a look. Then we can decide from there.


    Samantha was starting to get furious with Daniel. He was supposed to have been there already. He’d called an hour earlier, saying work held him up and he’d be there in thirty minutes. He knew what this meant to her! He didn’t seem to care what she thought.

    Why can’t Daniel have a phone? I’m really worried about him. Where is he? Samantha paced the living room between the couch and the window. The hardwood floor creaked with each step due to age of the house. Then she noticed his truck pulling in.

    Grace noticed Daniel’s frown as he got out. Stay in the truck. Grace was hurt and sad at the same time. She wondered about the short and snappy remark. He must be tired. She should just get out and walk again, but it was too late and dark outside. Besides, she didn’t know where she was or where to go. Her car was no longer on the side of the road we she got to where she thought it should have been.

    Daniel wasn’t inside five minutes before he was ready to leave again. Samantha was certainly nothing like Grace. The strange girl who had captured his attention and was sitting out in the truck. She must be getting tired of waiting, but he had to get this over with. He knew Samantha wouldn’t understand—she never did—but he had to tell her. He needed to help Grace.

    As Daniel began explaining the situation, Samantha’s father came into the room. Hey, Daniel. It’s been a while since we’ve seen you.

    Daniel turned around to greet Samantha’s dad. Hey, Phil. It’s great to see you as well. I’m sorry I was late getting here. I was just explaining to Samantha what happened.

    Daniel, don’t worry about it. I’m sure it was something very important to have kept you.

    Daddy, you should let Daniel explain, Samantha almost cried.

    Samantha, baby, it’s okay. Daniel doesn’t have to explain anything. He’s a big boy. Let’s let him get comfortable.

    Growing impatient and already tired, thirsty, and now hungry, Grace slipped off to sleep. She was startled awake, by sweating, and realized the truck was moving. She wasn’t sure what was going on, so she just sat there, scared. Where was Daniel, and why was his truck moving? She should just go back to sleep. Maybe it’s just a dream, like everything else was, or is. Or so she hoped. Maybe the rest of the stuff was a dream. Her tire was flat. Now the truck was moving to who knows where. My life just keeps getting better and better, she thought sarcastically. Just remember God won’t let anything happen to me without his knowledge and won’t give me more than I can handle.

    Suddenly, the truck came to a stop. She looked and saw Daniel coming around the truck. Hey, what’s going on? I guess I was a little disoriented. What happened back there?

    Oh, just an argument. And break up with Samantha.

    Samantha? Your girlfriend?

    Daniel smiled, well, smirked at Grace. "Well, she was my girlfriend."

    Oh, I’m so sorry.

    No, it’s been coming for a while now. But please, don’t let it bother you. It was inevitable. She never really liked what I do, but it’s okay.

    She’d looked so peaceful while she slept. Why did he think she wouldn’t react when he started pushing the truck down the driveway? He didn’t want to crank it until he was farther away for the fear of waking Grace and the rest of Samantha’s household. What a long day it had been for him and Grace! He wished Phil had been more understanding than Samantha, but that was not the case.

    He had only stopped and helped somone in need. Why did Phil and Samantha not understand that helping someone, is not a big deal? That helping other people, is what God would have wanted. But since neither believed in God, Daniel thought it was his mission to show them God’s great work, so that one day they may come to know him as Daniel does.

    After leaving Samantha’s parents place, he found a hotel and paid for the night. Two rooms separate. He didn’t know what else to do now. But first thing in the morning he would head back. He needed to check on his sister.

    The hotel room was nice, it had walls the color of a rose. Making it to the bed, she didn’t even pull the comforter

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