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Were the 911 Attacks & the First Black President Foretold in the Secret Hitler Files?
Were the 911 Attacks & the First Black President Foretold in the Secret Hitler Files?
Were the 911 Attacks & the First Black President Foretold in the Secret Hitler Files?
Ebook43 pages36 minutes

Were the 911 Attacks & the First Black President Foretold in the Secret Hitler Files?

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I was on my way to NYC on September 11, 2001, when a friend called me and told me about predictions she had. She gave me the idea of putting a book of weird folklores together. Whether angels, demons, or metaphysical gods are real, its up to the reader.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 18, 2016
Were the 911 Attacks & the First Black President Foretold in the Secret Hitler Files?

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    Were the 911 Attacks & the First Black President Foretold in the Secret Hitler Files? - Concerned Citizen

    Copyright © 2016 by Concerned Citizen. 742313

    ISBN:   Softcover       978-1-5245-2550-7

                 EBook            978-1-5245-2551-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 07/18/2016




    I was on my way to N.Y.C., by train to visit a female friend on the day of Sept. 11, 2001. The train was stopped at Trenton because there was an alert ‘That Something Hit The World Trade Center’! I can still remember her warning; ‘Don’t Arrive To Early Downtown Because Today Is Going To Be Somewhat Different’.

    The best thing to remember is; ‘Not To Carry Hate For Anyone’. Because everyone has had tragedy in their life. But were there any psychic predictions years ago. And can anybody’s fate be changed by a psychic prediction? Are there actual Gods, or God, which can ‘Move People’? And what are ‘Metaphysical People’?


    Chapter I: A Manifestation And Its Demons Threaten America And Europe

    Chapter II: The Forgotten Curse And Other Supernatural Folklores

    Chapter III: Ulysses S. Grant Sent Word To Great Britain To Bring Over The Maat Boy! The Wicked One And His Band Of Demons Want To Destroy Europe And America

    Chapter I


    H ere’s a 36-year old, young man named Dennis Martino, who was concerned about public worldwide. Some people say that his dark, wavy black hair, gives his Palistinian, and French heritage away. He lives with his girlfriend, Gloria, in Greenwhich, N.Y.. He was named after his father who was also his ex-employer, at Greenwhich, N.Y.. community college. He is a teacher of world history and ethnic cultural studies, like his father. Greenwich Community College voted him ‘Best Teacher Award’, for his Coverage of the 2008 Presidential Election. And as he accepted the award, he gave respect to his ailing father.

    Dennis grew up in the Greenwich, N.Y. area, so, he was very much familiar and concerned about the towns people. He worked and campaigned for Donald Trump, and then John Edwards, in the 2008 Presidential campaign. He worked hard campaigning in the Greenwhich, and Adirondack, N.Y. area. He was slightly disappointed when John Edwards lost, and overcome by scandal.

    Dennis didn’t get involved in the 2012 election but got election fever in 2015. So, when September 11, 2015 school season approached, Dennis began to anticipate another election coverage, with support for Donald Trump. When he began to express his feelings with his fellow colleagues from school a few hidden questions started to appear. He

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