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A Treasure Chest of Verse from the Cutting Edge
A Treasure Chest of Verse from the Cutting Edge
A Treasure Chest of Verse from the Cutting Edge
Ebook381 pages2 hours

A Treasure Chest of Verse from the Cutting Edge

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This Book of Poetic Verse spans some thirty (30) odd years of writing which is presented here as excepts from two (2) as yet unpublished works by this writer Unleash a CeaseFire Peace and Abiding within the Oneness of the One along with additional sections of verse.

This Volume portrays the heartache and heartbreak of gun violence, pinpoints and analyzes the causative factors involved and proposes possible solutions.

It challenges America to make word and deed one in reference to equality and equal justice under the law with all deliberate speed its Creed to heed. It gives an African-American perspective or world view of events across the years.

It looks within the Spirit-Soul and Heart Beat of life for lifes existential vital answers about itself-for lifes sake!

This Book of Verse is a treatise confronting the agony and challenge of gun violence in America specifically in the Black Community; the realities of inequality and injustice in racial America; and life as a spiritual journey with its existential ponderings and quest which is in its raw essence-a dare to be and a wonder unfolding to do and to see.

The reader is invited to experience, to feel, to understand and to know through this poetic verse the vitality of Being, the value of the unfolding of Ones True-Self, the Unity of Community and the price of equality & justice in a truly egalitarian and democratic America!

Release dateJun 22, 2017
A Treasure Chest of Verse from the Cutting Edge

Ralph Reynaud

Ralph Reynaud is a retired youth parole officer and correctional treatment specialist. Today he keeps busy as a member of the Omega Psi Phi fraternity, as a shop steward with his local Teamsters-IBT, and as a passionate advocate for youth. He and his wife have three children and reside in Washington, D.C. This is his first book.

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    A Treasure Chest of Verse from the Cutting Edge - Ralph Reynaud

    Copyright © 2017 Ralph Reynaud.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-1717-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-1718-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017902439

    iUniverse rev. date: 05/23/2017





    *Excepts from- Unleash A Ceasefire Peace


    Bullets With or Without Names Kill Just The Same

    Just Be Will’n

    An Atomistic Society

    Oh, What the Heck?

    Where ?

    Slayers & Betrayers

    Hell To Pay

    Is The Risk To Great Or The Cost To High?

    A Reservation To Die

    Today’s false gods

    Through Whose Eyes

    Courageous Black Man & Woman



    No Justifiable Reasons

    Anomie or Confusion of Values

    For Life’s Sake

    Listen-Our Children Are Chanting

    Heavy Dues Blues

    A Socio-pathology of Criminology


    O’ Africa

    Education Is The Key

    Jah Praise

    Tragically True

    Just Be Will’n To Stop The Kill’n

    That Gangstra Lifestyle

    Short Fuse

    Juvenile Crime Is Off The Hook

    So They Think-They Know It All


    By The Best Ways Necessary

    Violence in America-From An Afrocentric Perspective

    A Progressive Offense-An Avoidance Defense

    Abiding Within the Oneness of the One

    The Oneness of The One


    The Kaleidoscope of Being

    The Existential Moment

    Be-ing/Making Today’s History

    The Theological Moment

    Existential Dimensions

    Courageous Will Enables A Way

    Thy Healing Presence

    While Journeying



    One’s Best

    Together I & I


    Surfing Life’s Billowy Sea

    No More Than One Can Bear

    A Golden Pathway

    This Tomb

    The Spirit of Relationships




    A Lighthouse





    Ebb & Flow

    There Is

    A Quintessential Existential Question

    Being In Step With One’s Own Time


    Times Like These

    Only One Breath Away

    Just Such A Faith


    Jah Is

    Jah Praise


    Dawn Is Breaking

    It May Just Be

    Life’s Preciousness


    Sounds of Truth

    Two Sides of the Same Coin



    Sleeping Walking in Fields of Dreams


    A Fighting Chance

    Meeting While Passing on Life’s Road


    Cracked Vessels & Empty Vessels

    The Scope and Power of Love

    Inner Space


    Love Supreme

    That Inner Voice

    In The Garden of Love Supreme

    The Spirit In The Garden

    The Eternal Now

    A Seminarian Meets Siddhartha

    The Serenity of Tranquility

    Black or African-American History

    …With Liberty and Justice For All

    A Confluence of Opposites at the Crossroads of Democracy

    A Contrary Revolutionary

    Brothers and Sisters

    A Warrior and A Legend

    Step by Step



    Black America Rising

    Black History 2013

    Black History in February, 2012

    Black History Month 2011

    Washington, D.C. 2010

    ~The USA’s Renaissance Man~

    Cassius Clay Became Muhammad Ali

    Go Mac Go

    Hear The Ancestral Call

    Human History

    A Man for the People

    It Takes Courage to Accept a Worthwhile Challenge


    Listen to the Voices of the Ages

    Malcolm X Became El Hajj Malik El Shabazz

    MLK Today

    Selma at Fifty

    The African-American Male Remains-An Endangered Species

    Tough Love

    The Montford Point Marines

    The Tuskegee Airmen - A Force to be Reckoned with

    What Price Life?

    So the People Say

    The Charleston Nine

    Within the Afrocentric

    America’s Eagle is Scream’n

    Lagniappe-Something Extra

    A Better Way Today

    A Prayer Call Within the Oneness of the One

    Nice. France

    Paris, France


    An Anatomy of Racial Hatred-How to Grow Hate & Racism

    Atlantic Ocean Landscape

    At High Tide!

    Awesome Vibe 105

    Break the Chains-Free the Mind-Liberation to Find

    Common Sense

    Values & Priorities


    Finding That Better Way

    Freedom’s Torch

    A Buddhist Meditation-Plus

    Graduation and Commencement


    Liberation is on the Move

    Mediocrity is the Same–Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

    Peace Be Still Within Divine Will

    Relationships Alive

    Seafood Gumbo



    Soul Trane


    A Winter Wonder Land

    Winter into Spring"



    Addendum - Taking the Neighborhood Pledge

    The Spirit of Life

    The Union of Communion



    We the People


    Addendum - Taking the Neighborhood Pledge

    Comfort’s Serenade

    Trump –T-Trump

    Which Way Mr. Trump?

    Some Say…

    Which Trump Card

    America is Moving Forward

    Lives Matter

    Within Our Souls

    Elegant Simplicity

    At Christmas Tide

    Childhood Memories

    Meeting at the Well

    Jesus-The Christ Child

    Rainbow’s Edge

    Into The Joy of Their Music

    Ever the King of Pop

    They All Said It

    Which Way America

    MLK, Jr. Day

    About The Author


    People in America are thoughtlessly and senselessly dying from needless gun violence. We must stop the violence in the streets through the declaring and living of A Ceasefire Peace which is section one of this book. The living of a sense of community includes the sociology and spirituality of human unity. We are thinking to stay alive-no one’s life to compromise!

    One is invited here to feel these word heart beats and to give wings to One’s courageous faith-vision and decisions through a liberating and redeeming Love Supreme from the Universal Consciousness of the Oneness of the One! On this spiritual journey along life’s road with its up’s and down’s, there is the challenge of One’s True-Self to discover and One’s destiny to fulfill within the strength of purpose and Divine Will. Celebrate the journey and enjoy this Life-Verse as enshrined within the great Human-Divine intertwine while Abiding Within the Oneness of the One in section two of the book. Life is a liberating spiritual journey of discovering and being that which is the truth of BEING in, of and through Ones’ celebration of life-One’s True-Self to be-to do-to see! The integrity of Ones’ True-Self and peace to the mind is a sacred shrine.

    African-American History is presented from an afrocentric perspective in section three of the book. Racism, classism and sexism are viewed in the context of America’s proclamation of life and liberty, freedom and justice for all.

    Lagniappe or Something Extra is provided for the reader in this last section of this book. Check out Which Way Mr. Trump and the many other Extra’s.

    Enjoy this book of verse as hopefully and intentionally from the fount of life and the Oneness of Being it does flow energized with life’s radiate glow! From the cutting edge to the bottom line, this volume of verse seeks to illuminate The Truth of Being Through the creative synergy of Universal Energy!


    This Book of Verse is in Living Memory of their Eternal Flames as Beacons of Light and Shooting Stars in the Galaxy of Our Lives:

                *Austin Moore

                *Warrena Russell

                *Kesi Gilford Reynaud

                *Martha R. White

                *Exie White Faison

    They are ever alive on the positive vibes of an eternal peace released riding on the wings of a liberating & redeeming Love Supreme!

    We stand on shoulders-many sets of shoulders-

    Generation Unto Generation Unto Generation

    -while riding on the Wings of the Wind of the Universal Consciousness of BEING

    -while encompassed & sustained by The Everlasting Arms of the Eternal Flame of Life–generating Divine Energy within our Being–Ever Anew-Ever True!

    * There is a Living Legacy of the Prof. R.C. & Lora White Reynaud and of the Jesse E. & Blanche Howard White Families of Louisiana including four (4) generations of Jesse White’s {Isaiah 11:1-10} and of the

    * Dr. R. W. Moore & Ouida{Simon Branch} Bynes Moore Families of Georgia!

    * In the fall of 2016, opening to the public on the National Mall in Washington, D. C., is The National Museum of African American History and Culture which is a part of the Smithsonian Institution.


    A Special Thanks to These Persons Who are Lighthouses on Our Rocky Shores

    and Channels of Grace Filled-Redeeming, Fulfilling & Triumphant-

    Love Supreme:

    *Mr. Edward Faison, Jr.-Owusu-Clearer of the Way

    Civil-Human Rights Defender & Liberator

    * Dr. Pamela W. Coleman-A Compassionate Physician-Healer

    and Civil-Human Rights Advocate

    *Dr. Chauncey Fortt-Psychologist, Nurturer & Healer of

    Mind-Spirit, Body-Soul and Liberator

    *St. Stephen & The Incarnation Episcopal Church-Washington. D.C.

    with its Priesthood of All Believers and its

    Radical Commitment to Progressive Systemic Change

    * Rev./Dr. Kortright Davis-Episcopal Minister

    Rector Emeritus-Holy Comforter Epis. Church-Washington, D.C.

    Professor-Howard University

    Saver of Souls and Liberator

    *Dr. Nuha Abudabbeh-Psychologist, Visionary,

    Human Rights Advocate and Liberator

    *Rev. Stephen White-Pastor

    From the Heart Ministries-Houston, Texas

    Saver of Souls and Liberator

    *Rev. William H. Lamar IV-Pastor

    Metropolitan AME Church-Washington, D.C.

    Civil-Human Rights Defender, Saver of Souls and Liberator

    *Ms. Karyn Powell

    Friend Extraordinaire

    ©Ralph Reynaud-Bro. Opio

    Cutting Edge Poet of RASJAH{Wayfarer}


              Special Thanks To: Saxophonist & Producer David J. White for helpful and useful ideas & suggestions to this writer;

            M.C. and Rap Artists: Bomani Armah and

    Chris Bacon-Christylez

            from Arts Under The Stars at the Sankofa Book

    Store and John Williams Director of The American

    Poetry Museum and its presentation-

    Intersections: Downtown with Poet/Artist Fred Joiner

            as M. C. and Moderator. These persons are committed

    to poetic/ artistic presentation in Washington, D.C.

    and to the encouragement of aspiring and established

    poets/artists; and Ouida Reynaud for her sustained

    inspirational commentary to this writer.


    This volume of poetry is primarily blank verse or free verse which endeavors to capture

    The drama of the moment in going to the heart of the matter, releasing its message-essence

    To fly unencumbered and unfettered in its own unique orbit

    Within the human-divine intertwine of the universal order.

    Rhyme is sometimes utilized to enhance while the hook is used extensively through this Verse for emphasis.

    The concept of Love Supreme is intentionally overstated throughout this poetic verse because this Oil of Life is under utilized in the overall scheme of things in this world. When love reigns supreme Humankind is fulfilled and redeemed! The pursuit and implementation of life’s worthy values requires the fortitude of persistence.

    It is the intent here that truth be extracted from its shell or shackles

    to fly free and its essence to powerfully be for One to rewardingly see!

    As One delves into this Treasure Chest of Verse the purpose here is to

    Inform and inspire and that subtle enlightenment will permeate

    One’s consciousness through a listening ear, an accepting soul,

    a loving & kind heart inflamed with the Life-Spirit in an engaging celebration of life.

    The drama of life is presented within the sections of this book:

    Unleash a Ceasefire Peace; Abiding Within the Oneness of the One;

    Black History and the final book section entitled Lagniappe (Something Extra).

    The challenge here is to realize and accept that gun violence & homicide, intolerance & racism are epidemic in American society and that this is spiritually linked to the source of Being & peace of mind.

    Young folk, many of the concepts presented here are the enduring

    Generations old Values of black folk… We are here for you.

    We are caring & sharing, hoping that you will realize, accept, be and do.

    Among the aims of this body of work is to promote throughout our communities the Neighborhood Pledge as cited in this volume.

    The community call goes out for the community to declare and proclaim that needed Ceasefire Peace!

    *We are thinking to stay alive-no one’s life to compromise!

    The Spirit of Life through this Poetic Verse is a Story Unfolding like a Scroll:

    Head to Head

    Heart to Heart                                    Soul to Soul

    Forth Right & Bold!

    * Philosophically, who is in line as the sidewalk Socrates’ of our lifetime?

    * Spiritually, seeking peace to the mind.

    * Politically, economically. Culturally and socially, how and when will a courageous American Society

    Declare a Ceasefire Peace through community and put an end to gun violence and gun misuse

    Through the exercise of common sense, with a progressive offense and an avoidance defense.

    * When will tolerance and civility replace intolerance and egoism in American racial & ethnic relations as in

    Which Way Mr. Trump?

    *Priority One

    Prioritize the agenda to make our #1 priority-the stopping of gun misuse and the violence which is taking the lives of our youth, to stop the misapplied police procedures and to eliminate the confusion of values so that our children will survive to thrive and to enjoy the youth of their lives!

    * Please be a part of the readership and enjoy this spoken word verse while being involved with the solutions to those forces which are creating and causing the social challenges and problems as cited in this work. Being a part of the solution requires a resolve to discover and to be One/Our True-Selves within the Truth of Being-to see!

    Taking the Neighborhood Pledge

    *We Are Thinking to Stay

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