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Mishra: Princess of the Living Dead
Mishra: Princess of the Living Dead
Mishra: Princess of the Living Dead
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Mishra: Princess of the Living Dead

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The book, Mishra princess of the living dead, is the first book of the fiction series.
This first book is focused on the life of a young woman named Mishra.
Until the age of 22 years, Mishra's life was centered on studies, but now she desires something completely different, she wants to know what love is, she wants to love and be loved, she wants a change!
Though she thinks she is a simple woman, she has a talking diary with which she discusses and counsels herself.
A night out with friends goes wrong, sending Mishra on a strange journey. Journey, which will have as a final destination her father's home. Once at her father's house, she'll discover that he's not an ordinary man, he is Vlad "Draculea", the King of the Living Dead.
There she will find also the true story behind the vampire myth, the truth of their origin and, most importantly, find out what she is or most important who is she.
She finally finds that she is Mishra, princess of the living dead.
Mishra is kidnapped and finds that in the supernatural world is a war for a long time now and that her father is the only one who keeps this world from not falling apart, but in the same time, she finds out that her father is targeted by someone from the shadows who wants his power and his life.
Mishra, Gabriel, Magdalena and their new allies will try to save Vlad and the whole supernatural world with it.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateJul 20, 2017
Mishra: Princess of the Living Dead

Michelle du Boariu

Michelle du Boariu (real name Mihaela Puiac) is a Romanian fiction author. Michelle was born on 03 June 1986 in Bucharest, Romania, receiving at birth the name Mihaela Boariu, but after marrying her husband in September 2009 she took his last name becoming Mihaela Puiac. Michelle is the eldest daughter of the family Boariu, having a younger sister called Adalgiza Emilia Boariu. Michelle graduated the Technical College "Media" from Bucharest in 2005. The time spent in the Technical College "Madia" had formed her as a writer. Actually, her first fiction story was written when she was still at the college, but never published. In May 2016, her first child, Kira Maria, had seen for the first time the light of this world and for her, Michelle decides that is the time that her work to be published. The first book published is called – Mishra, princess of the living dead, who is also the first book of the fiction series. Her work is signed with the name “Boariu” as a heritage that the name Boariu never to be forgotten, as homage towards her father, Ion Boariu.

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    Mishra - Michelle du Boariu

    Copyright © 2017 by Michelle du Boariu.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-5434-8642-1

                    eBook         978-1-5434-8641-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 07/19/2017





    Chapter I

    Chapter II

    Chapter III

    M ain Characters:

    Mishra: the young woman who discovered she is not whom she thinks she is.

    Kira: Mishra’s sister.

    Vlad: Mishra’s father and, also, the king of vampires.

    Gabriel: Vlad’s loyal vampire, who is in love with Mishra.

    Magdalena: Gabriel’s sister.

    Maria: an old werewolf who helps Mishra in her quest.

    Nikolas: Maria’s loyal friend and werewolf.

    Milan: Maria’s young and unique werewolf nephew.

    Ivanna: Mishra’s friend and enemy.

    Chapter I



    D ear diary, today I feel weird and everything seems so strange! utters Mishra.


    Well, with what should I start?

    Why don’t you start with the beginning? Would be a good option, you do not think so? said the diary.

    Well, with the beginning just like I always do! she smile. As you already know, it’s summer and guess what … surprise, or not! Until now, I did not succeed to have a boyfriend. I had hoped that this year will be different because now I have 22 years! I had hoped that by now to get rid of the stupid high school nickname. Yes, that one you know so well, the poor old maid"! I’m the only girl who did not felt the trembling of love, didn’t felt the sensation of first cuddles or first kiss! Who would have thought that being a virgin is no longer in fashion? When has this become out of fashion? Why I was not announced?

    When has this become out of fashion? The idea was to keep yourself pure for your loved one. Most often that person is called husband!

    What? Are you kidding me? In what era you think we live? First of all, I never said that I want to have sex! I said I want to know how love feels like!

    To lose your virginity you need to have sex!

    I know! I am a virgin not a retarded! You talk about sex and I have not even had my first kiss!



    You can imagine what Kira would do to the poor bastard who would try something with you? he smiles.

    Ha, ha you are so funny!

    You said that you are sorry because you are the only virgin you know!

    I did not!

    Not with these words, but …

    I hate you! I hate to be a virgin! I hate to be me!

    You don’t hate anything or anyone! You are afraid of not knowing this! As a lab rat, you need to know everything! he smiles. In the end, what is that bad in being a virgin? If you knew that to be a virgin is no longer in trend, what would happen? This will change anything, something? Will you make sex only to be in fashion? asks the diary.

    No! Of course, not! said Mishra.

    See! Trust me, when I say you didn’t do anything wrong! I’m sure of that! You have not found the right person, yet!

    Now you will also start with these children stories? There is no right person or right moment! When you say that is like you say witches are real! We all now that is fiction! Facts say that two human beings are chemically attracted! The chemical attraction is made by something called hormones! Do you know something about that, genius? asks Mishra.

    Witches are real! Your sister is one of them!

    Yes, sure … I know sometimes she acts like one, but come one, seriously? Kira? asks Mishra. Don’t be absurd! Anyway, no one will be attracted to me not even I was the last living woman on this planet!


    Why? How the hell should I know? I was sure that big breasts are an asset, but, for me it seems this is not enough! In vain I have a Lopez ass! Maybe, just maybe, not that but delicious like hers, but still!

    Who, what? the diary asks. Which Lopez? the diary asks disoriented.

    Which Lopez? Mishra asks. You don’t know anything! Jennifer Lopez, the singer! The woman with the most appetizing ass across the globe! utters Mishra.

    O, that Lopez?

    Yes! That Lopez! I’m starting to believe that is somewhere an unwritten law or something like that! Now seriously, only hookers can do it! They always have guys swarming around them like bees swarming hive with honey! Really, what about us? Of course, some fortunate of us remain with debris from them! Although if I think about it … even the nerds are taken! And the freaks are much too freaky! Finally! I think that’s my fate, so … I’ll always be the poor old maid! I think! Anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore! By the way, I haven’t told you!

    What? intrigued by the sudden change of the subject, asks the diary.

    No, I don’t think we’ve got so far! I’ve got a job! utters Mishra again.

    What? Are you serious? You, you have a job?

    What’s wrong? Don’t you believe me?

    A! the diary does not know what to answer.

    I know … even for me is hard to believe! Of course, is not a normal job! It’s something for the summer! The truth is … that is not a real job! Is just an occupation till I’ll find a proper job! utters Mishra.

    Aha? What is this job that’s not a job? What exactly do you do?

    No big deal! Just taking care of my neighbor’s boy! utters Mishra.

    Which neighbors? Which boy? suspicious, the diary asks.

    How to stay Mishra with a child, when she can’t stand beside them, not even if they are sweet as a kilogram of honey? This repulsion that they feel for children’s is a family trait, the only similarity between Mishra and her older sister, Kira. That and that both are women, of course. No, no, that’s a joke! Sure it is a joke!

    Are you kidding?

    No, it’s not a joke! If you remember that cute couple who moved to the neighborhood three years ago? Those who have that little reddish and freckled boy! utters Mishra.

    Yes? I remember them! said the diary.

    While speaking, the diary is studying her from head to toe. Yet he fails to understand whether or not it mocked.

    "Well, he is the man of my life! Today is already the fourth day! The kid amuses me at every word! You know, the little one has a little bit of Rhotacism, well a little more! she smile. Anyway, I think I get used to this! I think! I don’t believe it! she laughs. I’ll tell you one thing nobody knows: that kid is small, but believe me, it is worth more than ten kids! Ten if I say! But, I’m going to tell you more about this another time, I need to go now. My man is waiting for me!"

    Wait a moment! Do not leave me like that! screams the diary.

    We will talk more about this in another time, now I am late! Bye, bye, see you!



    "My dear diary has already passed one month since we spoke last time! I had longed to hear your voice! You do not know that, but I was going crazy missing the way I share all my secrets with you!" utters Mishra.

    I’ve been waiting for a month to hear these words. I was sitting in a shaded and cold corner in your room! said the diary.

    Yes, I know! My fault! You’ll forgive me?

    "Good! Let’s say I’ll forgive you! Now, tell me the hot news! I must go up to date with the rumors! You know, I am one month behind! How we stay at chapter named love? Something worth gossiped? You are still a virgin, right? Yes, I am still a virgin! To be honest, for the moment little Duracell is the only man in my life! Duracell and you, of course!" utters Mishra.

    Of course, me and Duracell! utters the diary. Who the hell’s Duracell? Why only now I find out about him? So, who’s Duracell? the diary asks confused.

    Who is Duracell? repeats the question, Mishra. He is my neighbor’s boy! I had told you about him. Have you forgotten? asks Mishra.

    Oh … him! utters the diary. I thought that the child’s multiplied to your step door! If men are not coming, at least boys should enter our home! the diary laughs.

    Yes! Everything works so smooth for me only because you know all about life so well! utters Mishra feeling a slight irritation from diary sarcasm. Don’t worry, won’t be always like this! You’ll see that slowly, slowly my life will change! You will ... she is interrupted by the mobile phone that is ringing.

    Ring, ring

    Dear diary, I need to go. My mobile phone is ringing. I will tell you the whole story, you can be sure of that. I promise! Bye, bye, see you! utters Mishra.

    Hi! What are you doing? Where are you? Why don’t you answer the phone faster?

    Hi! I was in my room doing some things!

    "And the phone was in China? Or has ridden all over the screen DO NOT ANSWER, IVANNA IS CALLING?"

    Lol, you are so funny in this morning! Everything good last night? utters Mishra. Or …

    If I’ll tell you what I’ve done last night you would understand less than half of it! Ivanna interrupts Mishra. Do not provoke me! What is your schedule for tomorrow? Be fast, I’m in a hurry!

    Official until 22 I have a program with Duracell! After that I’m free! Why?

    We’re thinking to go in the old center! Into a pub or something similar! Are you in?

    We? asks Mishra. "To which we, do you refer?"

    Me, Patya, Igor one of Patya’s friends and, and Sasha!

    I know Igor very well! utters Mishra. We were lab partners in high school! Sasha? To which Sasha do you refer to? Mishra asks.

    Aha! So being a lab rat help’s you to meet guys after all! utters Ivanna. "Sasha is one of Patya’s many cousins! He is from Moskva and is visiting Patya’s family after a long time! We’ve decided to take him out in the wild city! We want him to see how we, peasants, have fun! Ivanna laughs loudly. Will you come?"

    I would like to go! But you know I have to stay with Duracell until 22! If is after 22 counts on me!

    "My dear, we’ll manage to make the schedule after 22, don’t worry! As well you know I can solve all your problems!

    Yes, especially those you started! utters Mishra.

    Ha, ha, ha, you are so funny! It means that you’ll come?

    Yes, I will come, but only after 22!

    Yes, of course, after 22! Do you think I don’t understand Russian? Of course, I understand! I don’t have the face of a …, of course, I don’t have! Ivanna laughs.

    Of course, you don’t have! How to have a face like …? Mishra laughs. Ok! Then, we will hear each other on the phone to establish all details. Or, much better, why not all of you come to my place and we will go in the city together! utters Mishra.

    Ok, then bye!

    Ok, bye!

    As soon as the call is over Mishra is hurrying to go back into her bedroom. She still has some gossips to tell to her dear diary.

    "Dear diary, it seems that on Saturday night I have a date with the adult world! I’m done with the smart talks about Tom & Jerry for one day!"

    What’s wrong with those discussions? I don’t see anything wrong!

    Nothing is wrong! Just, is good in a while to have a discussion with people with the same age as me!

    "True! Who are the ADULTS with which you’ll go out with on Saturday night?" asks the diary.

    Ivanna with her boyfriend and Igor, one of Patya’s friends! answers Mishra. Oh, and Sasha, one of Patya’s cousins who just arrived in Kronstadt! Why?

    "Aha? Where are the ADULTS in your list?"

    "Yes, I know! Yes, I know, with them you’ll never say that the discussions are SMART! she laughs. I’m almost sure that most of the time we will discussions about cars! Of course, they will discuss and I will listen! Mishra laughs louder. At least for one night, I will forget about the usual discussions: why is Tom so mean? What has he against little Jerry? How always Jerry manages to escape? And much more!" she laughs.

    Yes, how he does that? asks the diary.

    Who to do what? asks Mishra.

    The mouse, what are we talking about? the diary answers ironic.

    Being smarter than the cat! answer Mishra. Happy?

    You’ve done your homework! I’m proud of you!

    Ha, ha, you are so funny! You know that? utters Mishra.

    Yes, I know! But, not hurts if you remind me that sometime! the diary smiles. By the way, try to be more like Jerry and less like Tom, please! For me! utters the diary.

    I always do! You know that!

    "I know, but, on Saturday night you will be alone out there with the ADULTS! They have cool stuff but also dangerous ones! Be with care, please!" utters the diary.

    I will! Don’t worry; I’m not going that far and of course, I won’t be alone! Mishra utters.

    Ok! What about Duracell? What are you going to do with him? Will you let him alone in the house? asks the diary. Please don’t!

    No, of course not! she smiles. "You know what? I think this getaway is gone be welcomed after a month in which Duracell was the only man from my life!" utters Mishra.

    "After a month in which Duracell was the only man from your life? asks the diary. When have you ever had another man in your life? Except I, of course!" utters the diary.

    Ha, ha very funny! utters Mishra. What good jokes we have today in the program! Was a good one, where did you read it? On the cereal box? asks Mishra.

    No, on the crackers bag! he laughs. Let me see if I understood this well, you think this getaway is gone be a good thing for you or not? asks the diary. Tell me, that’s what you believe?

    I do not know! Honestly, I didn’t want to go out this Saturday, but what to do now? I said that I will go so … utters Mishra.

    Cancel everything! he interrupts her. Stay home with me!

    To cancel? utters Mishra. No! I cannot do that! They will be mad at me and then surely Duracell will remain my only friend! Frankly, I do not want to talk only about cartoons all my youth!

    Fine! utters the diary. Let’s say that I understand! Somehow! If you really must go … you should! What to do? This is it! I’m not forcing you! But, if you change your mind, you know where to find me! If you are decided to go, will you tell me what you’ll go to wear? asks the diary.

    What? Of course, what to wear? To seek in my dressing maybe I’ll find a pair of jeans and a good t-shirt! Of course, some sneakers also! answers Mishra.

    What? Are you crazy? he’s screaming angry.

    No, I don’t believe it! At my last medical checkup, everything was fine! answers Mishra. Why do you ask? she’s surprised by his reaction.

    How the hell can you think to dress like that? asks the diary. Especially because there will be so many men’s in your area! And yes, true men! Now I want to have hands to strangle you! utters the diary.

    How should I dress myself for a place where would be so many real men’s? What’s wrong with my clothes? asks Mishra.

    What’s wrong with your clothes? For real, you are asking this? Are you kidding? the diary asks. Even monks dress themselves, if they want to, sexiest looks then you! utters the diary. "Do you really wonder why Duracell is the only man in your life?"

    You’ve lost me! I remain stocked at … will be so many men’s in your area ...! utters Mishra. You know I’m right! Duracell is the only man in my life! However, why don’t you like my clothes? What’s wrong with them?

    A …, nothing! answers the diary. "I do not like anything referring to your clothes! Even a fly would not feel attracted to you when wearing such clothes! Imagine how insignificant you are to a man! Are the dullest clothes ever! These clothes are screaming from all corners and fabrics: DON’T LOOK AT ME, I LIKE TO BE ALONE! Downright banal!" utters the diary.

    Trivial clothes? utters Mishra. What do you mean with that? Well genius, how should I dress?

    Those crazy stiletto shoes, made from black leather, having 12 cm heels, you still have them?

    What shoes? she stays for a few seconds on thoughts. A …, are you referring to those shoes that I’ve received from aunt Evgeniya?

    Yes! You still have them?

    Yes! Of course, I have them! Are in my dressing, in the original box, on top shelf, on the left-hand side as you enter! They are exactly where I put them few years ago!

    Hi, hi! he laughs.

    What is so funny? utters Mishra.

    "I was sure you would let those beauty full shoes to remain into oblivion! All I’m saying is that you’ve chosen those blah sneakers into the detriment of those wonders! he has a reaction as if he will vomit. About the clothes I don’t want to talk!"

    Really? asks Mishra. "Genius of fashion, how would you dress me? That if I don’t ask too much! I do not want to bother you with my problems! You, this sensitive fashion guru of contemporary fashion!" utters Mishra.

    With what have you in your dressing? With absolutely nothing ... he smiles as if he had not heard Mishra’s remark.

    "If I can ask what you have in your mind for this occasion? You have any bright idea? What you want me to do with a pair of shoes like that? You know that is not my style?"

    "Maybe your style should be adjusted? Here I’m talking about all of it!" he BECOMES serious.

    What’s wrong with my clothes? What about my footwear? What’s so wrong about my choices? she’s irritated now.

    You really ask me that? Well … just tell me how you want me do I start?

    "Yes, I really did! First tell me what my clothes have to seem so ordinary!"

    One: does not seem to me, these clothes really are … just trivial! Two: are among the most boring clothes seen by me! Believe me; I’ve seen many in my life! Of course, most all are yours! he smiles.

    My clothes boring? utters Mishra. Really! asks Mishra. Well … smart guru of fashion … amazes me: how do I see me, in your vision of a fashion genius, dressed for this Saturday night?

    I’ll tell you but you promise to dress as I say? he stopped and waits for an answer from her.

    I, I don’t know! she is taken completely by surprise.

    It’s simple: yes to find out what I’m thinking about. Or no if you are not interested in my opinion and we’ll put an end to this discussion! Is that it? he’s still waiting for girls answer.

    Well, I’d like … I … well I want your opinion! Tell me your brilliant idea! she gives up pretending his opinion is not important.

    Good! he is quietly; almost you could swear that it is an extremely analyzed and calculated calm. However, I have a question before you begin: you ...

    Yes, I need you! Yes, I am a total zero in all about fashion! And yes, I’m afraid that I will be a joke on Saturday! she interrupts him. Are you satisfied? It’s everything that you wanted to know?

    Wow! he’s amazed by her reaction. No, I was not going to ask you this but ..., it’s good to know! I was wondering if you have access to Kira’s room. More accurately if you know how to get into her dressing? utters the diary.

    Yes, of course, I can enter! I’m not a child! What do you want from Kira’s dressing? asks Mishra.

    Something that in your dressing I don’t think I’ll ever find … suitable clothes!

    What? You know very well that I do not wear such kind of clothes! I don’t spend my time in that dressing, huge as a mall just to please you! I won’t …

    Of course, you will not wander around! How to do such a thing? How can you go in a dressing full of fashionable clothes? Heaven forbid! he starts to laugh.

    Hey! Wait, do you really mean it? That’s …; do you really want me to wear on Saturday night something from Kira’s dressing? No, I can’t borrow something like this! utters Mishra. Without notice? asks Mishra. It wouldn’t be fair!

    Normal I don’t want to borrow something from her dressing! Do you think that what you have in your dressing I could use to make a decent outfit? Not to say a sexy one! I’m more than sure that she will not be bothered to see you finally arranged! Looking for a woman … that’s what you are now! utters the diary.

    But who said that I’d like to wear a sexy outfit? I think start to become decrepit! Let’s say that i agree with all you’ll tell me! What’s that brilliant idea from your mind?

    Oh yes! Do you remember that day when you’ve forgot me in Kira’s room? You know …

    Yes, I remember! Now will you reproach me for that also? I said I’m sorry …

    Oh, yes! By the way, we’ll talk about it later! Now let’s go back to what it needs for all my attention and skills – here I’m referring to your outfit for a Saturday night success! Good, now to remember where i was before you interrupted me! he gazes accusingly toward the girl. A, yes! utters the diary. So ... as I was standing calm, just looking at a beautiful book by Sandra Brown, edition 1997, a beauty, a real lady! utters the Diary. "My little Seduction – which, by the way it’s still waiting for me! utters he again. About this subject we’ll also have a discussion, but not now! utters the diary. So, what did I say? Oh yes, as I stood quietly, I’ve seen into her dressing a superb short baby doll in red lace and tulle! Plunging neckline, made entirely of lace – sure will help you to attract all eyes of greedy man’s. While the color is the passion that completes this masterpiece of sex – appeal a piece of jewelry of feminine fashion from Atmosphere! Really divine!" exclaims the diary.

    What? A gown? utters Mishra. Are you serious? How can I wear a thing like that? she protests continuously against the idea of her wearing a gown.

    Simple, as everyone in the world is doing it! With elegance and grace! And maybe we can teach you minimum mini rum art base in style! he smiles.

    So be it! she gives up completely. Let’s say that I agree with your idea, slightly crazy, tell me what’s next …

    Crazy? he’s interrupting her. Who may use such adjectives today? asks the diary. A, wait … you! You still use these adjectives! he smiles.

    Yes, that’s well that you are in line with the world! Amaze me genius! How are you going to define that superb outfit which you have imagined for me? For example, what you would like me to wear on m feats for Saturday night? Being dressed in a red dress, sensual one?

    For legs, usually, people use footwear! he’s trying to tease her. That I feel you already know! Problem is to know what to choose! So you’ll need shoes that match the outfit! If they are what you need for the outfit but, you’re legs hurts walked in them? What are you doing to do? You can endure the pain for the art of fashion or start to look for something else!

    I also knew that, genius! You just tell me once what you want me to wear with that dress!

    Some trainers would match! he starts to laugh. In vain I’d list famous brands of clothes and shoes for you! You won’t know what I’m talking about! Considering the fact that in your dressing I can find only T- shirts, blue jeans and trainers, and yes, those superb Stiletto shoes! I more than sure that you are an expert in the meaning of sex appeal! he laugh out loud. Already I’m convinced that for you fashion is a topic taboo! Taboo I say!

    Ha, ha what can I say? she’s visibly perturbed by diary’s words. If know so much in this field of fashion, you’re a great expert in fashion, how you suggest me to make up my outfit for Saturday night? she’s COMPLETELY out of confidence in diary’s skills.

    Wow, why you’re on fire like that? I was kidding with you! Look, for your anger to go, let me tell you how I imagine you outfit! Well …

    Today, if you don’t want me to throw you on fire!

    Ok! Ok! Be very careful about what I will tell you! Maybe for once something will stick to you! he speaks softly like to himself. The perfect outfit for a perfect Saturday night is composed like this: that red baby–doll dress, your earrings made of 24k gold, the ones in chandelier form, those with crystals crystallized Swarovski Elements, of course, and the outfit will be completed with those gorgeous Stiletto shoes! Now, to complete the whole assembly I would choose a natural make-up, with an emphasis on those fleshy lips of yours! I would put an accent on those lips with a red colored and vibrant lipstick, matching the dress. For the hair! Yes, the hair! I would arrange him in a casual hairstyle with mown in the wind, so characteristic of boho chic style! But, because is summer and hot … he smiles. I recommend you a wicker wreath hairstyle, specific to bohemian style. We’ll need to keep something from you! he laughs. I don’t want you to appear before Ivanna and the happy gang as another Mishra, a real vamp! he laughs.

    "Wow! When you’ve become a guru of fashion? And weirder, why only now I find out about this passion of yours? Supposedly are no secrets between us,

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