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The Bodyguard Myth™
The Bodyguard Myth™
The Bodyguard Myth™
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The Bodyguard Myth™

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This book helps dispel many of the myths about being a bodyguard and executive protection. It is based on real-world experience, and the author highlights key aspects to executive protection, with an emphasis on the business aspects of the industry. The EP industry is constantly changing, yet many myths still exist about what it takes to be a successful bodyguard. This book separates fact from fiction and myth from reality in the EP industry. A professional, Certified Protection Operator understands that mind over matter, with mental aptitude, awareness, and training, are more important than just sheer size. This book highlights who needs protection, why, the various types of threats, and how to respond to them. This book is a practical tool EP professionals can use to help gain a better understanding of working in the EP industry, how to gain clients, how to market yourself, and how to succeed in the EP business.

Release dateJul 28, 2017
The Bodyguard Myth™

Lenny Bogdanos

LENNY BOGDANOS Certified Protection Operator® Author Lenny Bogdanos is a Certified Protection Operator and owner of International Executive Protection LLC and International EP LLC. He has been involved in personal safety and defense for more than 25 years. After training and working in the executive protection and bodyguard industry for nearly a decade, Mr. Bogdanos published his first book, The Bodyguard Myth, to dispel the many misconceptions about bodyguarding, and has been committed to help change the myths through his training program. Mr. Bogdanos has trained countless students from around the world and shared his expertise in closer personal protection, tactical gun takeaway and defense and the fundamentals of bodyguarding. For many years, he has shared his real-world EP experiences with his students. Now, with his new book, The Bodyguard Blueprint, he has turned his attention to the business end of executive protection. It is his hope that the experiences he is sharing in this book will help many of his students and followers reach their goals in the executive protection world.

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    The Bodyguard Myth™ - Lenny Bogdanos







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    © 2017 Lenny Bogdanos. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 07/28/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-0035-2 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017911145

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    With Special Thanks:

    I would like to thank my mother, Penny Bogdanos, and father, Anastasios Bogdanos, for raising me to be the man I am today. My mother is the spokes of the wheel for our family. The fingerprint that my father has established and instilled in me is to always be a gentleman. I could not have accomplished anything I have without their guidance, direction, encouragement, and support. I am blessed and thankful for both of them.

    I would also like to thank Master George Panagakos, MD, for being my mentor and role model, who encouraged my personal development and pushed me to achieve personal success. He has always been someone I admire and respect, and I am blessed to call him my mentor and friend.

    A special thank you to Tracy Hunter who manages my multiple companies and has unparalleled intelligence in a variety of industries.

    I would also like to thank everyone on my IEP team, as well as my many peers and colleagues who have trained and/or worked side by side with me. It is humbling to work with so many dedicated professionals and I appreciate the support and encouragement each of them has given me.


    Lenny Bogdanos

    The Bodyguard Myth™ by Lenny Bogdanos

    Foreword by:

    When I first started in security and crisis management over 30 years ago, the world was a much different place. Now, in what seems to be a blink of an eye, the security landscape is completely different. The last three decades have seen a dramatic rise in human caused tragedy, including global terrorism, active shooter incidents, workplace violence, and kidnapping. It’s little wonder there is a higher demand today for bodyguards - simply put, people paid to protect another person from danger or attack. Beyond the basic biological need to breathe, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs places safety and security needs above all.

    In the social experiment played out in the Discovery Channel™ Series, THE COLONY™, ten people from different backgrounds and experiences were placed in a post-apocalyptic environment with little to no resources and a single goal to survive. Instinctively, the first thing the Colonists did was to provide for their safety and security, placing a protective barrier around their compound and assigning the biggest and baddest among them to protect the rest of the group; In other words, a bodyguard. However, when faced with an opposing force, it was often-times the smallest and more cunning of the group that warded off the attack.

    Whether protecting a woman from an estranged ex-lover, a small business owner from a disgruntled employee, or the President of the United States from just about anyone, bodyguards are a crucial part of the security landscape. But what makes a good bodyguard?

    From bouncers to bodyguards, and from corporate executive protection to the U.S. Secret Service, I have worked with some of the best and worst protection officers and details in the world. In the Bodyguard Myth™, Lenny Bogdanos has done what I believe few authors have in dispelling myths about the executive protection (EP) officer and the industry in general. How many times have you heard you have to be 6'4 and 250lbs. to be a bodyguard or, you must have prior military or law enforcement to be a bodyguard or, you will always get a full dossier on the client before the detail." Bogdanos rightfully calls bullshit on these myths, and goes well beyond to address many of the business aspects of EP.

    I had known of Lenny for over 20 years as an Olympic athlete, Master 6th degree belt in Tae Kwon Do, 6th degree belt in Hapkido, and a black belt in American Jiu-Jitsu and nationally ranked NAGA grappler an all-around bad-ass. Upon meeting Lenny several years ago at his Dojo in Clearwater, FL, I quickly learned there is much more to the man than meets the eye. There is a kindness, intelligence, and true desire to share others what he knows that is atypical of the model tough-guy bodyguard. I am honored to now have Lenny among my closest friends.

    From his EP school, his students walk away with not only the knowledge and skills to be a good bodyguard, but also to the confidence to perform under the intense pressure and responsibility placed on an EP officer. The Bodyguard Myth™ is written similarly to Lenny's style of teaching. You will gain a casual, no-nonsense appreciation for the basics such as the history of EP, who needs EP, how to assess the client and the threat, high-risk vs low-risk, high profile vs low profile, working with celebrities & politicians, the business aspects of bodyguarding, different components of the team, workplace violence, domestic violence, kidnapping, stalking, murder and assassinations, medical emergencies when on a detail, and much more. In the book, Bogdanos also shares some personal stories of details he's worked, but more importantly for someone starting or improving their EP business, he shares critical information on building your team, agreements and contracts, and pricing the project or detail correctly.

    The Bodyguard Myth™ is no academic tome. You, as the reader will feel like you are sitting down for a conversation with Lenny to pick his brain. Every page is literally crammed full of useful hints, tips and truths to make you a better bodyguard.

    Adam Montella, MPA, CHS

    Internationally Recognized Crisis Management and

    Security Expert and Speaker

    Author/Editorial Board Member for Inside Homeland Security

    Curriculum Review Board for the American Public University System Tampa, Florida



    Dedication to the Ones Who Served

    How to Get the Most Out of this Book

    It’s Not All Glamour and Action

    Myth: To be a bodyguard, you must be former military or law enforcement.

    1 – The History of the Bodyguard

    The Royal Bodyguard of Sparta

    The Praetorian Guard of Rome

    The Pontifical Swiss Guard

    Protecting the Dead

    A Tradition of Inequality

    2 – Who Needs Executive Protection?

    The Rich and Powerful

    Corporate Executives

    Female Executives


    Celebrity Assassinations

    John Lennon

    Rebecca Schaeffer

    Gianni Versace

    Christina Grimmie


    Controversial Figures

    Salman Rushdie

    Pamela Geller

    Those Involved in Abusive Relationships

    Case Study: Close Personal Protection

    Journalists and Whistleblowers

    Inmates and Witnesses

    Case Study: House Arrest, Federal Inmate

    Case Study: Inmate Transport

    Case Study: Witness Transport

    Myth: Anybody can protect anybody.

    3 – The Certified Protection Operator®


    CPO Training


    The Badge

    4 – CPO Presence and Attitude

    Inner Confidence

    Stay in the Moment

    Self-Assurance Means Client Reassurance

    Don’t Mean Mug

    Be Humble—and Neutral

    Fitness and Stamina

    Female CPO’s

    The Chameleon Effect

    What Is a Chameleon?

    Tactical Hard Target

    Case Study: NBC news anchor protection

    5 – Acquiring Clients

    Initial Interview

    Bubble Theory

    What Is Your Budget?

    Types of Client Relationships

    Written Agreements

    Not Every Client Is a Good Fit

    6 – Assessing the Client

    Client Evaluation

    More In-Depth Assessment

    The High-Profile Client


    Case Study: Bollywood Oscars


    The High Net-Worth Client

    Medical Preparedness

    Heart Conditions and Issues

    Other Conditions

    Working with Handlers

    Followers and Allies

    7 – Extent and Limitation of Duties

    Arm’s Length

    Am I the Client’s Assistant?

    8 – Assessing the Threat

    Risk Management in the Business World

    A Comprehensive Disaster Plan for a High Net-Worth Client

    Gathering Data

    Questions to Ask

    Threats and Their Motivations

    General Types of Threats

    1) The Strictly Personal/Emotional Threat

    2) The Personal/Professional Threat

    3) The Targeted Threat

    4) The Reactive Threat

    5) The Workplace Threat

    6) Embarrassment

    7) Kidnapping

    Factors that Determine Risk

    Threats and Motivations


    Rapid Threat Assessment

    Short List of Assessment Questions

    9 – Profiling

    Is Profiling Bad?

    The Mentally Unstable

    The Terrorist

    Threat Indicators

    In Defense of Profiling

    Refusal to Profile: Consequences

    10 – Working the Detail

    Setting Up the Detail

    Let the Client Breath

    Keep the Client Moving

    Give Adversaries a Way Out

    Surveillance and Counter-Surveillance

    Travel and Logistics

    Travel Documentation

    Other Considerations

    11 – Forward and Advance

    Research Tools


    Time of Day, Week, Season

    The Client’s Agenda

    Choke Points



    Crowd Level

    Vulnerability of the Asset

    Proximity to Safe Rooms and Escape Routes

    12 – Formations and Positions

    No Blind Spots

    Observation and Focus

    Box Formation

    The Rear

    Diamond Formation


    Driving and Debussing

    Vehicle Entry (Embussing)

    13 – Protecting the Asset

    Team Lead

    Alternate Team Lead

    Knowing Each Role

    Moving with the Client

    Unplanned Encounters


    14 – The Moment of Contact

    The Bounding Backward Drill

    Case Study: Active Shooter

    15 – Working with the Police

    First Responders Are the First Layer of Protection

    When Do You Call The Police?

    Turf Dispute? We Lose.

    16 – Equipment

    What to Carry

    Surveillance Equipment: Watching the Watchers

    Armored Cars

    17 – The Business of Executive Protection

    Interviewing for Executive Protection Work

    Working as a Subcontractor

    Challenges of Working Independently


    Your First Contract


    Be Passionate About What You Do and Be Successful

    Choose Your Friends Wisely


    Failed Rip-off Attempt

    One That Succeeded

    Push Yourself to Excel

    Pricing Your Services

    Fortune Is in the Follow-Up

    Word Travels Fast

    The 6 P’s: Proper Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance

    Eye Contact

    Your Brand

    Unique Value Proposition

    Making the Sale

    The Agreement

    Brotherhood and Favors

    Referrals and Testimonials

    Leads & Opportunities


    Protect Your Assets

    Myth: Build it and they will come.

    18 – Tips for Personal Success

    Positive Affirmations

    What Is Going to Push You?

    Think BIG!

    Surround Yourself with the Right People


    Have a Vision

    Measure It

    Monitor It

    Acknowledge Your Small Successes

    Inspect What You Expect

    Have a Sense of Urgency

    Be an Inspiration

    Be Your Authentic Self

    Express Gratitude

    Acknowledge Your Fears

    Be Patient but Persistent

    Choose Passion over Anger

    Enjoy Your Work

    Don’t Lose Your Sense of Humor

    What Smart People Do

    Work Hard, Play Hard

    19 – Burn Your Boats

    Myth: Everybody that reads this book will become a successful Certified Protection Operator®.

    20 – Success Stories & Testimonials

    21 – Frequently Asked Questions



    This book is called The Bodyguard Myth™ because it addresses a need that other books haven’t. That need is to debunk a common stereotype about executive protection specialists—a stereotype that is especially troublesome if bodyguards themselves buy into it.

    You’ve seen this guy protecting politicians and celebrities, on the news and in movies: dark suit, sunglasses, earpiece with coiled wire, and a stern expression (mean mug). I’ve seen him on the cover of books about executive protection, which can give the wrong impression if the other view is not represented.

    Yes, we sometimes wear dark suits, mics and sunglasses. The situation dictates the tactics. When you combine that look with the mean mug, what are you saying? Don’t mess with me. Great, that’s your message to a tiny percent of the population—those who want to do your client harm. Everybody else who sees the mean mug thinks you’re unfriendly or unapproachable, and that’s not the impression we want to make on clients or their handlers, hotel or venue management, or the public.

    When dressed in plain clothes, as we usually are, the idea is to blend in. A tough-looking guy with a mean mug tends to stand out.

    Bodyguards are regular people with specialized training and skills. In plain clothes, they don’t stand out in a crowd. Some of us are lean rather than muscular, some have gray hair, and some are petite women. When I’m choosing personnel for a detail, I look for those who have great attitude and team spirit—and who won’t choke or get tunnel vision. They say it doesn’t matter how good you are as a boxer or a martial artist; the fight begins when you get punched in the face. Did you train with a bloody nose and eyes watered up so you couldn’t see? Can you function when you’re off your game plan? I have to find the people that don’t choke under pressure.

    You can have the biggest, baddest sniper, warrior, bodyguard in the world. If his attitude is unbecoming, degrading, insulting, indignant, bossy, I don’t want him on my team. The morale of the team is more important to me, to have that synergy. One person might be upsetting the rest of the team: Screw it, I’m not going to go watch that door. He’s not going to bark at me and yell at me. You can’t have that. Chain of command has to be understood and respected whether it’s a large or small detail.

    I’m teaching a successful pattern for getting started in executive protection and working up to your own thriving independent business. I’m going to tell you how I did it—not just my successful actions, but the attitude that made me persist when the impulse was to cave in. This attitude can be credited in part to my martial arts training, so I’ll touch on that as well. I’ll wrap up each chapter with a Myth vs. Reality example that pertains to the chapter.

    I had a recent applicant who seemed to be good bodyguard material—except that his objective was to go to Hollywood and be a bodyguard to the stars. He was in the grip of the bodyguard myth™! He wanted to be a famous bodyguard—a dangerous combination. A high public profile is the last thing a bodyguard wants. If you get name recognition with everyone who needs protection, your family becomes an easy target for their adversaries, and don’t think they won’t take advantage of it.

    It reflects poorly on my profession to have people out there doing bodyguard work who are trying to be a stereotype, or who have not mastered the differences between protection work and their previous service. You may have great skills in weaponry and close-quarter fighting, but no idea how to market yourself, negotiate contracts, or put together a detail. You can read a whole stack of executive protection manuals and still not know where to start as an independent operator. This book is the first in a series designed to give you that head start.

    Dedication to the Ones Who Served

    Though I’ve never had the honor of serving my country, I have a profound respect for those who have. I help many veterans make the transition to civilian life, and I support organizations that offer them assistance. I have often found that vets in particular make great agents and can be a real asset to the team. They have a strong work ethic, a sense of honor and responsibility, they understand the chain of command and the importance of following directions, and they tend to be very loyal and dedicated to whatever their mission is.

    I will always dedicate a portion of my resources to supporting our vets, as a thank you for all they have done and sacrificed to preserve our freedoms.

    We just recently started a Florida non-profit 501(c)3 charitable organization called the IEP Vet Fund (website: It is a direct assistance program for military vets who can’t find help otherwise. A lot of them have PTSD, they don’t have the resources to start over, and so we’ll be helping them monetarily.

    A lot of programs are not designed for direct assistance. If they’re trying to get help through the VA, it’s a long tedious process. We are hoping to cut through the red tape by having them submit requests for assistance directly to us, or people can be nominated, and then our board of directors will review each case on its merits.

    How to Get the Most Out of this Book

    A successful person is one who learned something after he thought he already knew everything. I always ask my students to empty their minds of everything they know about bodyguarding, and receive all this material as if it were a brand new subject. Once you understand the complete system I am presenting, you can add your own refinements and variations.

    A percentage of people don’t finish reading books. In fact, more than 50% of the books people start reading never get finished. Don’t be that percentage. Finish this book and do what it says.

    If you follow the instructions and believe in it and yourself, you are going to be able to put it together.

    A great man once said, Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

    I hope to teach you more than how to anticipate and deal with threats. It’s equally important to know how to get your point across, how to communicate a sense of urgency that closes deals, and how to write contracts. Being Johnny on the spot, under promising, over delivering—these are among the successful actions I will share.

    Business expertise is a huge part of being successful in this field. It's a very competitive field; everybody thinks he can out-shoot or beat up the next guy. I read many resumes, take a lot of calls, speak with prospective employees. If they start talking about boxing, judo, karate, knife fighting… they get put on the back burner. I can do those things too, but that’s not what my clients want to hear about. They want to know the threat assessment and the protection plan.

    First and foremost is knowledge: knowing the threat, doing your homework.

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