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Warning! Confusion and Deception in the Church!: Truth Is Hard to Hear After Beleiving a Lie for so Long!
Warning! Confusion and Deception in the Church!: Truth Is Hard to Hear After Beleiving a Lie for so Long!
Warning! Confusion and Deception in the Church!: Truth Is Hard to Hear After Beleiving a Lie for so Long!
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Warning! Confusion and Deception in the Church!: Truth Is Hard to Hear After Beleiving a Lie for so Long!

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Gods Word has much to say to believers but will confound the unbelievers. Confusion has entered the church to deceive believers from Gods truth. The church is not the same when many preachers are proclaiming lies, which is false doctrine. Many denominations have caused this confusion to be sustained as truth through their people for many past generations. People think preachers only proclaim truth. When you tell a lie long enough, you believe it. Some denominations tell the world that Gods Word is full of errors and contradictions, which is what Satan wants to cause more deception. If you do what God wants, you will have peace with God. If you do less than what is expected, God will take your talent and give it to someone else. If you are available, God will meet you there. The Bible does command you to commit your way to the Lord and follow him.
Release dateMay 17, 2017
Warning! Confusion and Deception in the Church!: Truth Is Hard to Hear After Beleiving a Lie for so Long!

Terry Case

Reverend Terry Case, prison minister of Victory Church in Lakeland, Florida, felt God’s calling on his life after his grandmother, Florence Case, prayed for him before he left for the United States Air Force basic training at age twenty. His grandmother prayed over him, and God put Terry in a barracks dorm room with a Christian that kept asking him to go to church. Terry finally said yes, he would go to a cookout. That night God led him to his now wife, Jolene Case, of forty-two years. She lived with her parents at the time in 1971 in Duluth, Minnesota. Terry went forward for salvation in June of 1971, and God started calling him into the ministry. Terry did not feel worthy at the time but did begin to study and teach Sunday school. God blessed them with three children, Terra, Pamela, and Benjamin. After USAF, Terry studied at the University of Minnesota, where he achieved a BBA in business and communication. In 2002, Terry and Jolene lost their middle child, Pamela Case, to a heart attack at age twenty-five. Terry felt God’s calling more than ever now; he studied and received credentials with the Assemblies of God in Springfield, Missouri. Now after thirteen years as a prison minister, Sunday school teacher for years, and having been an associate pastor of two churches, the Holy Spirit led him to start writing a few years ago that led to the writing of this book, “Warning: Go to Hell! or Not?” It is to help you form a Christian foundation of a real disciple, through understanding, that will empower you to make more disciples for God.

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    Warning! Confusion and Deception in the Church! - Terry Case

    © 2017 Terry Case. All rights reserved.

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    Published by AuthorHouse  05/17/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-9178-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-9179-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-9177-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017907543

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    You need to know

    What the BIBLE is

    You need to believe

    What GOD REALLY says

    This book is dedicated to the Holy Spirit who walks, talks, guides and teaches, the Teachable Believer. He teaches each day how to progress Believers to Spiritually Mature in a systematic Spiritual Growth enlightenment endeavor till The Kingdom of God arrives in the Teachable Beleivers life, which is Eternity.

    This book, guided by the Holy Spirit, was written to help you fully embrace Jesus, the Christ, and enable Believers to be allowed in The Kingdom of God. God wants Christians that are motivated to ask, seek and knock till they know the truth.

    Do Not Quench The Spirit!

    God’s Real Word is sometimes hard to HEAR!

    Christ means the anointed one.

    There is an enormous amount of misinterpretations of Scriptures, which means there are some in every denomination.

    —Misinterpretations lead to deception!

    —Deception leads to lies!

    —Lies lead to false beliefs!

    —False beliefs lead to false doctrine!

    —False doctrine leads to false expectations!

    —False expectations lead to a false god!

    —False god leads to HELL!

    This book, along with God’s Word, is to help you gain a more complete knowledge, understanding and application of God’s Word.

    The Holy Spirit is to help you gain more truth, for a strong foundation for your LIFE, with God. Christians are to reach unbelievers and introduce them to all truth for entry into The Kingdom of God.

    Understanding The Truth is Key!

    The Truth is For You and your Family!

    The Bible even urges YOU in James 4:8

    Get close to God, and

    God, will Get close to you

    God wants unity in His Church

    If people are ever going to be in unity, with God, they need to start agreeing about what GOD really says. BUT, you must first agree about what the BIBLE is.

    So, let’s start in 2 Tim. 3:16, 17 –

        God’s Scriptures are inspired by God!

        God’s Scriptures are for God’s Children!

        God’s Scriptures are profitable for teaching!

        God’s Scriptures are profitable for reproof!

        God’s Scriptures are profitable for correction!

    God’s Scriptures are profitable for training in righteousness!

    God’s Scriptures require His Children to be righteous!

        God’s Scriptures are so that the Believer

    Will be fully equipped for all the Believers good works.




    1     The Bible Is?

    2     Truth Is?

    3     What Was Original Sin?

    4     Blaming God?

    5     People Cause Confusion?

    6     Is Christianity Based On Fear?

    7     False Gospels Cause Confusion?

    8     Confusion About Death?

    9     Communicating With The Dead?

    10   Confusion About Forgiveness?

    11   God’s Creation In Genesis?

    12   Eternal Security?

    13   No Works?

    14   Why Confusion About Immortality?

    15   Salvation Is?

    16   Healing By His Stripes?

    17   Is Christianity Free?

    18   Conclusion

    When I teach or preach, I am more concerned that what I say is true and able to be understood, not how it sounds. I am not afraid to speak my convictions because I seek the approval of God, not people.

    The Holy Spirit is with me every time for anointing & truth.

    What does it take for people to change? People do not like to change! That means people are LAZY, because Christianity means CHANGE, so Believers have to change and not be lazy!

    How Will Unbelievers Understand If Believers Don’t?


    God told me, Terry Case, to help all understand God’s Warnings by making His Word clearer to all PEOPLE, for full, mature Understanding. Your full, true understanding is only acquired with the help of The Holy Spirit as you, the individual, makes the time to do diligent study, to be approved by God. This requires everyone to take the time to study, meaning just planning to study does not meet God’s requirements. Do you HEAR and OBEY GOD?

    God writes in Ephesians 3:9 - to cause all people to see the TRUTH! My task is to bring out in the open and make plain what God has for you. God, who created all, has been preparing for your arrival, while you are suppose to be preparing to arrive in The Kingdom of God, which requires righteousness. How are you doing?

    Are You Preparing To Arrive?

    —Hebrews 12:2-3 –Declares, Jesus the Author & Perfecter of Faith.

    —He endured the cross for you.

    —He was The Son of Man as He went to the CROSS.

    —He was The Son of Man while on the CROSS.

    —He was The Son of Man when He died.

    —He despised shame for you. -–— Then

    —He sat down at the right hand of the Father for you.

    —He sat down at the right hand of the Father as The Son of Man.

    —He sat down at the right hand of the Father to intercede for you.

    Jesus tells you in Luke 22:69 –For all the future, The Son of Man sits on the right hand of God the Father. God’s Word tells you in 1 Timothy 2:5 –For you to know there is one God! There is only one mediator between God and men! The intercessor is the Son of Man, Jesus the Christ.

    Are You ready? Will You make it? What are You doing about Your eternity? Are You ready? What do you really know and believe? You, are an influence to others, therefore you are accountable!


    It’s All Your Decision!



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    L - I - F - E = Learning Is For Eternity = YOURS!

    Copyright © 2015 by Terry Case, All rights reserved

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    —A Christian should have a spirit of Expectation.

    —A Christian should have a spirit, of Anticipation.

    —A Christian should have a spirit of Preparation.

    —A Christian should have a spirit of Learning.

    —A Christian should have a spirit of Longing to be like Christ.

    —A Christian should have Increasing Awareness of God.

    —A Christian should have a Yearning for Holiness.

    —A Christian should have a spirit, of Excitement.

    —A Christian should be Teachable, at all times.

    Copyright © 2017 by Terry Case, All rights reserved

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    Misinterpretation is a LIE!
    The confusion in the church is caused and used by satan to water down the scripture, the church and its effectiveness.
    Satan just gets preachers, teachers and witnesses to LIE!
    ARE YOU HELPING satan?

    Do Not Be A Liar or A Lazy Christian!

    The Bible has much to say to Believers, but The Bible will confound the World of Unbelievers. Confusion has entered the church so real Believers will not be as likely to receive the truth. The church is not the same when many preachers are proclaiming untruth, which is false doctrine. Many of the Denominations have caused different parts of this confusion to be sustained as truth through their people for many past generations. People think preachers only know truth.

    When You Tell A Lie Long Enough You Believe It!

    Some Denominations tell the world that God’s Word is full of errors and contradictions, which is what satan wants to cause more deception. Each one of you can only do so much. If you do what God wants, you will have peace with God. If you do less than what is expected then God will take your talent and give it to someone else. If you attempt to do more than you are capable God will meet you there.

    The Bible does command you to not lean on your own understanding, but to commit your way to the Lord and follow Him.


    Most Denominations are considered to be part of the Church even while most tell the World that the church is confused! The devil is diluting the church with the people involved within the many different denominations.

    If it is in God’s Word, -––it is Truth.

    If it isn’t Truth, -–-It is False!

    If it is False, -–-It isn’t from God’s Word!

    If it is from God’s Word, it will be revealed by Holy Spirit,

    Where do you stand?
    What are your MOTIVES?

    —God warns you in Revelation 3:15-16 --I know your Commitment! I know your works; some of you are neither cold nor hot. I warned you to do ‘Good Works! You didn’t, so I will cast you into HELL.


    Confusion is what led to the Dark Ages (age of the devil), which is basically between the 6th & 13th centuries. It was a period of intellectual darkness. It is a historical period, which had originally been called the Middle Ages, which was a time of cultural and economic decline or deterioration that occurred in Western Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire. Whatever the terminology you like, it was a time for DARKNESS, which deals with good and evil. There were not many written records of anything during that time.

    —1 Cor 14:33 --God is not the author of confusion! The devil is!

    God is the author of peace!

    The Importance of Teaching

    God’s Real Word

    Are YOU seeking spiritual guidance and direction in YOUR life?

    Do YOU have serious questions about spiritual teaching and issues? Christianity offers the answers, from God,

    To all YOUR questions.

    What is the purpose and meaning of YOUR life?

    What is the origin of the human race?

    Can YOU receive eternal life after death?

    How can YOU be forgiven of your sins?

    God WARNS you in Hebrews 5:12 –Hear this LOUD AND CLEAR, All ought to be teachers to someone! But, many do not understand, so many now need to be taught again the first principles of God’s Word. Many need to grow up to know the depth, fullness and real truth of God’s Word that will cause your Spiritual Maturity.

    How are you doing?

    The Importance of Knowing God’s Word!

    How do you receive the favor and blessings of God? You need to HEAR the Holy Spirit! I encourage you to study the Bible as often as you can. It is the first source of spiritual guidance for spiritual growth, direction and maturity for all issues of life into eternity. Christian doctrine is found in God’s Word to get you ready for the Kingdom of God, which is eternity. The gospel of Christ leads you into salvation and what is needed to get you into the Kingdom of God.

    The Word of God will answer your questions about your need for spiritual growth and the meaning of this life and to prepare you for the coming Kingdom of God. The teachings of Jesus will lead you to your fulfilling spiritual life, for your eternal life.

    Paul tells you in 2 Timothy 2:15 –You must make the time to Study so God will approve You. You need to be a Christian that knows how to divide the Word of God to compile God’s Truth to understand.

    An illustration given to me from the Holy Spirit is about a Builder getting ready to build a house. You see God is building the Church. The builder orders the materials to build the house and they show up at the building site. The builder has to divide up the materials in order to get the right parts to be connected to the other right parts and continue dividing the pieces till he can build the home right.

    Now stop and look at God’s Word. He said to rightly divide His Word by studying to be approved by Him. God’s Word is a book of 66 chapters called books. The Bible is only one book that has to have all truth put together, by studying;


    When you rightly divide God’s Word you have to put the pieces together for full understanding. That will take studying, more studying and more studying to be able to put God’s Word together right, for true understanding, by the revelation of the Holy Spirit.

    I exhort you to diligently study, to know God,

    God warns you in John 17:3 --Eternal life means to know THE ONE TRUE GOD, and Jesus, whom God sent to Earth, as a human, for the benefit of humanity. To know God is to know God’s Word!


    Where People Get Scripture Wrong

    The Church clearly shouldn’t try to live without the Bible, but the Church, as a whole, cannot get it all together and how to live with it, either. Many people fail to pay attention to context, the terms and hermeneutics. The truth is that God’s chosen people should have a yearning to fully understand ALL of God’s REAL Word. With everything, there is a definite Biblical truth that you need to pray, wait and study to get that TRUTH. You need to use all 66 books to fully understand TRUTH! If you pray to earnestly understand all that you study and you have an open, humble heart; then the Holy Spirit will lead you in the right direction to reveal all that God has for you.

    God moves by the Prayers of His People!

    That means He moves by the lack of Prayers Too!

    If His People don’t care enough to Pray

    He allows Things to happen!

    It is surprising that there are not more misinterpretations of Scripture. Many bad interpretations have come up and have been clarified. There are many more! Both Believers and Unbelievers have tried to come up with other scripture used to start traditions that have infiltrated the church. Many denominations have (so-called) biblical traditions that are not mentioned anywhere in the Bible. Many misinterpretations are now so common in certain denominations that they are now taken as gospel, in the Body of the Church overall.

    By bringing some of this to light will surely cause a polarization with some Christians that are not willing to discuss abnormalities within scripture interpretation. Why are Christians so unprepared to discuss God’s Word? Many people in the Church have become UNTEACHABLE! Many people in the Church have become indoctrinated in a particular denomination. The idea of, NOT FORSAKING THE ASSEMBLING OF YOURSELVES, IS TO

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