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Thrice Greatest: the Seasons of a Servant: The Seasons of a Servant
Thrice Greatest: the Seasons of a Servant: The Seasons of a Servant
Thrice Greatest: the Seasons of a Servant: The Seasons of a Servant
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Thrice Greatest: the Seasons of a Servant: The Seasons of a Servant

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It is 12,007 B.C. as the earth and its inhabitants begin to transform, both physically and spiritually. At the helm of the spiritual government of the peaceful and golden civilization of Ta-Neteru is the great magus priest, Astennu. But as darkness begins to overshadow Ta-Neteru, even Astennu and his companion, Maat, may not be able to stop the decline of their beautiful civilization.

Six thousand years later, it is a much different world. All true knowledge established by the ancients has been lost and humanity is suffering from mental and spiritual blindness. Within ancient Egypt, the desire for wealth, power, and esteem has now become a driving factor in pitting man against man, family against family, and nations against nations. In the midst of conflict and contrive, a humble spirit becomes the bearer of change as a prophesized child is born to re-light the lamps of true knowledge.

In this captivating fantasy saga, two ancient worlds intertwine in a divine manner, forcing future generations to ask introspective questions about mankind, human history, and ultimately about themselves.
Release dateMar 17, 2017
Thrice Greatest: the Seasons of a Servant: The Seasons of a Servant

Khary Bekka

Khary Bekka was raised in Brooklyn’s Red Hook housing projects where he rose above tragedy to explore the fine arts of literature and composition. Now on a mission of redemption, he lives in Brooklyn, New York. Thrice the Greatest: The Seasons of a Servant is his debut novel.

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    Thrice Greatest - Khary Bekka

    Khary Bekka

    Thrice Greatest:

    The Seasons of a Servant


    Thrice Greatest:

    The Seasons of a Servant

    Copyright © 2017 Khary Bekka.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-1974-6 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017904196

    iUniverse rev. date: 04/27/2019


    Book One: Equality In Eden


    The Vision

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Book Two A Child Is Born

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Book Three Vision

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Book One:


    Thrice Greatest the Seasons of a servant presents a revolution and spiritual framework empowered through faith. The story will serve to inspire the reader’s spirit and enlighten the mind as the author sheds light on the divine process of how the planet and humanity has gone through a spiritual and physical fall and rise that rhythmically correlates to the processional movement of the earth’s axis. The read doesn’t just broaden our horizon to plight of Humanity, but also provides logical scientific and comprehensive analysis of the Planet’s recent Cataclysms and peculiar weather patterns. Perhaps providing the most amazing symbolic account thus far written in fictional tone.

    In Memory


    Patrick F. Daly


    With loving thoughts


    Lucia Rios

    This Book is dedicated to

    My Beloved Grandmother Rachel M. McNair

    May 29, 1921 to March 19, 2007

    My Beloved Great Grandmother Ruth Mae Ware

    December 13, 1896 to February 23, 1974

    A special dedication to my niece, Angel Crumlin, in order to die you had to have life. Now you will live forever

    I refrained from shedding tears when you made your transition, holding onto the faith that you could now get to see firsthand what’s really in my heart.

    My life has been set in the cold harsh conditions of WINTER, while my mind has been consumed with epiphanies of SUMMER. Which now compels me to help usher in SPRING, with our plot beginning in FALL…


    So great of a figure to the ancient world that his staff has become the modern day symbol of healing in the form of the caduceus. While his teachings have become so esoteric to prompt such terms as Hermetically sealed. The year is 12,807 B.C. and Astennu aka Hermes Trismegistus is at the helm of the spiritual government of the great civilization of Ta-Neteru as the earth and its inhabitants began to take on a physical and spiritual transformation.

    At first ignorant to the corresponding effect gripping the planet and humanity. Astennu relies on faith and the balance of his counterpart and companion Maat to prepare humanity for the dark era before them.

    The plot then shifts 6000 years into Kemit (Egypt) in a day and age where all true knowledge established by the ancients has been lost and humanity and all the inhabitants of earth suffer from mental and spiritual blindness. In the mist of worldly chaos, as the read becomes an introspective journey woven with real life conflict i.e. (ambition, greed, lust, discrimination, vanity and man’s undying thirst for power) mirroring much of the problems we are experiencing in the present day and time, a prophesized child is born to re-light the lamps of true knowledge. Using a profound account of Egyptian history, the author creates a captivating saga that will entrap you between the pages as the two worlds intertwine in divine fashion.

    The Vision

    The sleep of the body is the sober watchfulness of the mind, and the shutting of my eyes reveals the true light. My silence is filled with budding life and hope, and is full of good. My words are blossoms of fruits of the tree of my soul. For this is the faithful account of what I have received from my true mind. I have become inspired by God with the truth. Since that day, my mind has been ever with me, and in my own soul I have given birth to the word. The word is reason, and reason has redeemed me. For which cause, with all my soul and all my strength, I give praise and blessing unto God the Father, the life and the light, and the ETERNAL GOOD…

    Hermes Trismegistus

    Chapter One

    The year is 12,807 B.C.

    The children sat silently in the grass with their eyes closed and legs crossed while concentrating on the instructions being administered by their teacher. Verbal communication was forbidden while conducting this exercise, as all their instructions were being conveyed over to them through thought transmission. There were twenty of them in total, all seated in a perfect circle. The youngest child in the group was at the age of seven, while the oldest was twelve. Most of these children’s parents were immigrants from different regions of the earth, giving most of them different ethnic backgrounds from their peers. Though this was a mélange that would stand to go unnoticed. For this was Ta-Neteru, the garden of every creed, fruit, creature and science known to humanity. Thousands sailed from every corner of the planet to its shores seeking a higher learning. As the large island served as the perfect haven for the perfect inhabitants of the earth.

    Through thought transmission the teacher Maat instructed the children to concentrate on the thirty pound rocks that sat no more than three feet out in front of each child. Focus on the rocks that sit out in front of you, until you begin to feel the rocks living movement. Feel the flow of its energy and the tiny rapidly moving particles that forms its mass.

    Giving the children enough time to focus on the objects, Maat’s inner voice continued to invoke their intuition. Focus your attention on the rapid moving particles. Get a feel for the speed of their movement. Now control your breathing and slowly start to breathe in and out, in and out. As your breathing becomes slower, feel the moving particles forming the mass begin to move faster.

    Within moments, the rocks began to levitate off the ground, floating in the air as if being pulled up by an invisible string. Maat steadily coached the children through the exercise via thought transmission. Soon the group of children simultaneously had their rocks dancing in the air. The dancing rocks began to form what may have appeared as abstract symbols to the ignorant mind. Yet to Astennu, who sat close by watching his partner in life educate the group of young children, the display of levitating rocks was in fact magisterial art.

    It was many distant years ago when he himself was a young pupil exploring the complex secrets of the world around him. And to revisit his younger years in the thought brought with it a sense of merriment. As a young kid it became an adventure to learn new things while having a huge desire to soak in all there is to know about the machinery of the earth and heavens. With him having to have been imprisoned in the flesh long enough to see the sun shift two and a quarter degree in the vernal equinox.

    While spending the majority of this time shedding the veil that shades humanities’ existence. Now being old in age, and having traveled the four corners of the earth. Astennu understood that the more knowledge obtained in one’s time, the greater became one’s responsibility. Nevertheless, he would always appreciate as well as admire the eager exploration of the youth, as he was once an eager explorer himself.

    Having the children practice their psychokinesis abilities was their final exercise of the day. As the sun began to sink in the western skyline, Maat prepared to return the children back to their homes and families.

    Astennu and Maat resided along the countryside on the western-most shores of the island where they were blessed with an ideal climate year round. The modest open-air hacienda they lived in bordered the seacoast that was lined with impressively tall coconut palms. The beach shores often found itself crowded with pink flamingoes and large swans that decorated the coastal sands. While a short distance off the seacoast near the couple’s hacienda, immense ebony trees and verdant masses of laurel filled the forest that became home to many of the earth’s most exotic creatures. The countryside easily became a replica of the heaven on earth, as sweet smelling flowers perfumed the air complemented by brightly colored birds flying everywhere.

    They both easily preferred the countryside over the heavy populated city. Along with the pleasant atmosphere and space the countryside provided them, Astennu had a greater access to the animals and creatures he so dearly loved. While Maat’s life occupation as a teacher kept her pleasantly busy, Astennu championed himself as being one of the most profound zoologists across the globe. The environment of the countryside also allowed the couple to live a much simpler life. Where they were able to focus their time and energy on the bounties of nature and maintaining a healthy sense of peace within.

    Maat conducted today’s educational course inside the large courtyard attached to their hacienda. The spacious courtyard was cultivated into a beautiful botanical garden enhanced with cooling streams and a pond filled with colorful fish. Astennu sat by the side of the pond tending to a henodus turtle as he watched Maat usher the children along. She was still strikingly beautiful for a female her age. Her parents had traveled to Ta-Neteru from OG, and she inherited the distinctive features of her parent’s native land. She wore her silky jet black hair in long braided cornrows with a smooth olive complexion. Maat was a hardy woman standing 5'6" slightly over a hundred pounds. She carried herself with a heavenly grace, being blessed with light brown eyes to complement her ready smile.

    Why thank you beloved. She uttered spontaneously to Astennu as she passed him by with a few of the youngest children in the group. Her short comment being triggered by Astennu’s current thoughts towards being appreciative of her decision to educate the young outside the confines of the city temples.

    I have a plate full of things to be appreciative for, not solely your sound decisions. Though they can be quite worth the time to admire, Astennu replied.

    The young child Corvus who now accompanied Maat stopped in front of Astennu and said, His Excellence, I’m going to be a great magus priest as you are soon. This said with a look of admiration in the youngster’s eyes.

    Your Excellence Corvus is already as great as myself. You stand to become far greater in your time, as you are blessed to have the best of the land as your teacher. Astennu responded in kind, showing the child the highest form of respect in the manner in which he addressed him. Maat smiled hearing this.

    It shouldn’t be too long before I get back, only these few here need to be escorted back to their homes. She informed him while being tailed by the six of the youngest in the group.

    I should have something prepared for us to eat by the time you return, as I’m almost finished here with my ancient friend. Astennu said referring to the henodus turtle he was busy tending to.

    The henodus turtle was one of the few early turtles from the family of heodontidae still alive, with its species being on the verge of extinction. The broad box-like head turtle hind leg had suffered from a nasty wound, likely the result of a sharp rock. These ancient turtles have been around for over 206 million years and they have a highly protective immune system to fight off dangerous infections. Astennu found himself more concerned with how the wound suffered would eventually heal, and the effect it would come to have on the turtle’s movement. Using a paste made with a Sulphur mixture, he carefully caked the paste into the wound to assist in the wound healing properly.

    It would be a short while later, after finishing up his work on the henodus. As Astennu was plucking a cabbage head from out of the garden, he noticed a large black pteranodon gliding overhead in a wide circle. With the flying reptile now sensing that it had gained Astennu’s attention it squalls out loudly. In this instance, the pterandon’s rather peculiar sounding squall served to alarm Astennu to something troubling. He now was forced to abandon what it was he was doing and rushed towards a small shanty in the courtyard where he housed his tools. From out of the shanty he grabbed an odd looking saddle while keeping his eyes on the movement of the pteranodon that continued to glide above him.

    It didn’t take long for Astennu to go into action as he quickly tied up his dreadlocks to the back so they wouldn’t impede his vision. He then began to whistle out towards the forest that boarded their home on the seacoast. Looking up towards the slow sinking sun, he estimated that he still had at least another hour of daylight. He continued to whistle out into the forest until he spotted the large panthera racing out from the forest towards him. The large stout cat stood at least 5'6" on four legs being one of the largest felines of its time. Showing its excitement as it approached, the panthera used its long tongue to lick all over Astennu’s forearm as he rubbed down it’s hairy head.

    Good girl, good girl, I need your help, as it seems that we have something out there that needs my attention. Hopefully I’m not disturbing you. Astennu conversed with the large cat while he braced and strapped the saddle onto its back. Showing her full comprehension of what was being said. The panthera let out a loud roar letting Astennu know that he had her assistance ready and available.

    Once he mounted the large cat, he directed his attention back towards the sky above where the pteranondon continued to circle overhead. Guide me, he instructed the flying reptile through thought transmission.

    With the pteranodon now serving as their overhead guide, Astennu rode off on the large cat. The panthera’s powerful legs covered a lot of ground quickly. Once inside the wooded forest, they were soon met by a yellow and black spotted hapalops hanging gingerly from a tree branch. In an acrobatic display, the hapalops swung from the branch to do a double flip in the air before landing effortlessly on Astennu’s shoulder.

    What do we have going on out there Hapi? Astennu asked the small ground sloth now clinging to his back.

    The friendly ground sloth helped to serve as an extra set of eyes and ears on the countryside. Within moments the eager hapalops began to communicate with Astennu in foreign animal noises only he could comprehend. After assessing all the information being conveyed by the ground sloth, he had a grave understanding of what now lie ahead of them.

    Darkness began to shadow over them as they pushed forward through the forest with the pteranodon being their guide from above. Astennu could sense something being off balance through the silent spirits of the forest. It suddenly seemed as if the creatures, trees, and leaves along with all life residing in the forest was awkwardly hushed in a telling stillness. Following the pteranodon’s lead, it wasn’t until they passed a small grove before coming face to face with what was indeed a revealing scene.

    A beautiful brown and white palorchestes lay lifeless on the ground while being surrounded by a family of three palorchestes that appeared to be mourning their loss. From the looks of the nasty wound on the neck of the lifeless marsupial, Astennu concluded that the wound could have only become inflicted by an act of aggression by a next animal or creature. The three palorchestes that surrounded their dead was just as beautiful as the relative that now lay lifeless on the ground. Astennu’s mood became morose as he could easily sense the overwhelming fear that now enveloped these lovely creatures. He dismounted the panthera and walked slowly over towards the three palorchestes allowing them to embrace his peaceful aura. Then letting them sniff his open palm with their trunks, the palorchestes began to relax sensing his calmness.

    Subsequently the instant shock of what they had likely witnessed earlier would have a long lasting effect on these beautiful creatures. For the moment Astennu seemed compelled to just stand there for a while joining all of nature that surrounded the scene in a state of mourning. Though he realized that he couldn’t allow such a troubling sight to continue to be on display. As he began to weigh out his options, he soon understood what needed to be done. The lifeless palorchestes stood at least eight feet tall, weighing no less than 800 lbs. It would become an inconvenience to try to carry the carcass off, and he knew that he didn’t have enough time on his hands to bury it.

    Astennu looked up towards the stars that began to shine bright in the night sky. Guide me father, give me the strength to serve you still. He prayed out loud before stooping down to one knee and placing his hand on the carcass of the lifeless creature.

    He began to concentrate on the density of the carcass mass until he could determine its speed of vibration. Then altering the steady course of its vibration, he slowly began to change the carcass atomic structure. With the carcass now having its vibration rate increased to rapid speed, its body began to slowly disintegrate. First shedding its flesh, then tissue, next its bone structure. Soon the carcass mass began to turn into ashes then slowly proceeded to disappear into the earth. Within moments, the carcass of the palorchestes was gone.

    After disintegrating the dead palorchestes, its three living relatives all began to walk off and away from the scene that previously occupied the woods. Soon the inquisitive eyes of all of nature was allowed to direct its attention elsewhere.

    Not one to miss a beat, the eager hapalops found itself busy clawing at the animal tracks left behind by the assumed perpetrator. Astennu eyes followed the direction of the tracks that appeared to be headed east towards the mountains. From their current position, when looking towards the east, one had an attractive view of the island’s mountain region. While under the light provided by the waxing crescent moon, one couldn’t help but to acknowledge Ta-Neteru’s most distinctive natural panorama. As Mount Atlas presented itself as the king to all the smaller mountains and hills of the region. The great mountain appeared to be a giant column that rose directly from the land into the world above. Steam constantly rising from the mountain’s volcanic depths created thick clouds that always surrounded its summit. With Astennu now looking onto the dominating mountain, he could appreciate what a beautiful sight it must have been to all those who often traveled to Ta-Neteru shores from distant lands.

    Astennu went inside a pocket on the side of the saddle hitched on the panthera and pulled out a small blue quartz crystal. After breathing hot air on it, the crystal produced a light that illuminated the forest around them. He then tossed the crystal over to the hapalops so that the sloth could serve as their light guide through the countryside that was near to being engulfed in darkness. The size of the animal’s print in the ground let Astennu know that it was a rather large creature they were set to pursue. As the tracks led towards the mountain regions, being a habitat of many of the island’s animals and creatures. This now became their destination for the night, as Astennu mounted the large cat and prepared to set off on the trail.

    Even at night it became a delightful experience to travel the countryside of Ta-Neteru. As the landscape offered a variety of attractive sights to see. Following the trail left behind by the large creature they were in pursuit of. They passed by bubbling hot springs surrounded by ferns and moss covered trees. Having the light afforded to them by the crystal, as they traveled through the farmland you could see vast areas of yellow wheat resembling fields of golden hair. The crop fields were laced with canals for irrigation and transportation, combining mineral rich hot springs with cooler water which made it possible for farmers to produce two abundant crops a year. The produce of the crop fields along with the abundance of flowers sprouting throughout the countryside, help to produce a pleasant fragrance in the air.

    On what was now an hour long journey, they passed numerous sights before the trail lead them towards a small stream that fell from a steep mountainside. The current of the stream created a tumbling white waterfall that splashed into a small lake of aqua green water.

    Slow down Hapi, and be careful. As I can sense her presence nearby. Astennu warned the hapalops still serving as the guide.

    Choosing to be more cautious, Astennu dismounted the panthera and called for the crystal light from the hapalops. They would start their climb up the mountain with Astennu now on foot being the front man. The constant roar of splashing water created by the tumbling waterfall served to hinder his hearing as they continued with their advance on what was now a cold trail up one of the smaller yet steep mountains in the region. Keeping his eyes alert and focused on the slightest sign or movement, Astennu scoured attentively over their surroundings. There were plenty small caves hidden throughout the mountain region. With many of these caves only known to the animals and creatures that frequently roamed the mountain region. It was likely that they would come to find who and/or what it was they were looking for in one of these hidden caves.

    With the constant noise created by the waterfall serving as an obstacle. It was only by mere intuition that Astennu quickly turned around to see the large dire wolf creeping up the mountain behind them. The large dog growled threateningly at the group of three rather unwelcomed visitors. This antagonistic display from the dire wolf served to provoke a rare and uncharacteristic showing from the panthera, who now matched the dog’s growl with one of its own. Seeing this, Astennu quickly turned towards the panthera giving the cat a sharp look that served to settle its demeanor.

    Instead of continuing its menacing advance towards them, the dire wolf seemed rather hesitant as if suddenly confused of its next move. Astennu did a quick study on the large dog taking notice of its strong and abnormal aura. It was clear to see that the dog was sick with an uncommon aggressive manner. He begun to try to communicate with the dog through thought transmission, while the dog fought to resist him from getting into his mind. Though Astennu’s telepathy powers were too great for the dire wolf to impede his will. Within moments he was able to gain entry into the animal’s mind and spirit. In a calm and graceful manner, he began to talk to the dog through thought transmission until he was able to encroach upon it. Being close enough to the dire wolf to now rub gently down its hairy head, Astennu stared intently into the dog’s eyes and began to heal it from its state of sickness. In the process the dog’s aura suddenly began to emit a different shade of light. Following this, the dire wolf started to show its appreciation sprightly licking Astennu all over his face.

    Astennu couldn’t help but to smile in enjoyment as he continued to gaze into the dogs beautiful slanted eyes. To highlight the moment of healing, the large dog spontaneously began to track back down the mountain towards the lake below. Then jumping from a small cliff the dog splashed into the water of the lake. In a playful yet telling gesture the dog seemed to be washing itself clean in the water. Following this, the eager and ever so playful hapalops proceeded to chase behind the dire wolf into the lake. The small ground sloth landed into the bubbly aqua green water with a splash of its own, causing Astennu to let out a healthy laugh that echo into the night.

    On this clear dark night, the sky above seemed to be filled with countless stars. While the celestial heavens helped to create a therapeutic atmosphere as they began their journey back through the countryside, Astennu searched for peace of mind. He couldn’t quite escape the nagging seed that had been planted in his conscious as he considered the latest events. Finding solace in the night, he opted to travel back home on foot not so much in a rush to get anywhere physically while he searched mentally for a better understanding. They were at least half way across the wheat fields they had crossed earlier when he heard in the distance the distinctive howling of the dire wolf they left behind on the mountain. The wolf’s sudden cry breaking the silence of the night only served to reiterate that today’s events were not at all normal. Astennu now dealt on a similar incident reported to have occurred about three moons ago. When a group of farmers complained about a herd of parksosaurus that recklessly trampled through their orchards destroying crops. This along with tonight’s events was an uncommon behavior of animals, hinting towards something being out of sync with the ecosystem.

    Reluctantly, Astennu was now also forced to revisit and contemplate on the uncommon behavior of those dear to him when doing a complete review of the times. For if something was in fact out of sync, the dynamic they were possibly facing may not be isolated solely to the earth’s creatures. Breathing in the fresh countryside air under the night’s bright stars while in the process of focusing his thoughts. The trip back home on foot would in turn become more calming to his mind and spirit than first expected.

    It was late into the night when Astennu finally returned home. As he walked through the botanical garden set up elegantly in their courtyard, he took notice of an oil lamp burning from inside the house. He also could smell the mild scent of sandalwood coming from inside, letting him know that someone was still awake at this time of night. Once inside, he saw Maat sitting comfortably with her eyes closed and legs folded beneath her. Assuming that she was practicing the meditation kriya, careful not to disturb her he tried passing silently by her.

    I prepared your water to bath and left you out a bowl filled with raisins and almonds. Its right there on the table for you, as I opted not to prepare you a heavy meal once seeing that you would be getting home late. Maat said in acknowledgment to his presence, while keeping her eyes closed remaining sill in the same position.

    Thank you, Astennu responded in short as he made his way towards the bathroom to get himself cleaned up.

    After washing up, he returned wearing a white sleeveless linen robe. With his arms exposed in the sleeveless robe, one could see that even at his old age he was still a man in excellent physical shape. Maat appeared to have remained in the same exact position with her eyes closed and legs folded when he returned. Though what he noticed being different, was the scent of the fragrance in the air. As he now smelled the scent of jasmine, which was a scent along with sandalwood used to help activate one’s inner senses while meditating.

    Getting himself comfortable at the table, he started to snack on the raisins and almonds. He ate in silence for several minutes then asked, Does our nephew ever intend to make his way back home? As it looks as if I may need to call on his assistance.

    Moving nothing but her lips, Maat responded, Montu seems to enjoy his work in the city, as he has allowed himself to become quite helpful in our temples as well as our communities. While in the process becoming rather popular for his service, and I must say that I’m very proud of him.

    Astennu stood silently for a few seconds pondering a few thoughts to himself before he said, I guess it would be unfair for me to expect him to find his niche in life within the simplicity we enjoy.

    I would hope that you wouldn’t expect too many of us to understand the creatures of the earth as you do, if that’s what you mean.

    I never forced zoology on him, Astennu responded defensively.

    No, but it’s fair to say that Montu has an advanced knowledge of animals for a young man his age, she replied. Then took a few seconds to let Astennu assess her comment before she went on to say, it’s enough that we raised him in the image of ourselves, now he has come of age when he must find his own calling here on earth.

    Accepting Maat’s wisdom as being food for thought, Astennu didn’t have an immediate reply. So he allowed his thoughts to venture off onto other matters.

    Sensing this, Maat followed his chain of thoughts. After a long silent minute, she asked, You sense some form of change of hand, don’t you?

    Yes, I just don’t know what to make of it as of yet. Though it’s quite odd, because I also sense the fingerprints of an omnipresence in today’s events, Astennu responded in a sober tone.

    You know it’s not that odd at all that you should express these mixed feelings, Maat responded intent on adding on to his thoughts. For I seem to find myself battling with the causality behind what can be considered as heedless attitudes among many in the city. As I’ve seen with my own eyes signs of the people becoming self-indulgent. There have even been times when I have come to question if I’ve become too analytical of people in judging these uncommon behavior patterns as of late. I almost want to force myself to believe that this may indeed be the case. Though when you see some in the city that have taken to eating the flesh of animals, insisting that it is a delicacy high with protein. You become more willing to accept that it is not you, and that something may in fact be out of sync. Never have I seen such acts being part of our esteem culture. You shouldn’t be at all surprised if you should see people feasting on the flesh of animals at this year’s festival. Maat calmly informed him, as she remained still and comfortable with her eyes closed and legs folded.

    After listening attentively to Maat’s input on the matter, Astennu let his thoughts travel while he remained silent. The festival celebrating the new year at the time of the vernal equinox was only half of a moon cycle away. During the time of the festival, it was customary that the priesthood assembled in the great hall of illumination to discuss the state of the planet and its inhabitants. Being the supreme axis of the present day and age, Astennu occupied the highest position among his contemporaries in the spiritual government. He understood that if there was indeed some form of transition at hand, many would now look to him for answers and guidance. He held the seat of axis for over 63 years, and would soon be in position to choose his successor. At his age, he wanted to believe that it was an opportune time to choose a successor and retire. Yet in his heart, he suspected that he actually had a greater cause to serve in the scheme of things. Meaning, that his service to the creator may have only just begun to take shape…

    Chapter Two

    Astennu navigated the small craft equipped with a wind sail and outrigger through the clear blue ocean water. He and Maat found themselves being entertained in company of a group of playful dolphinfish splashing in and out of the water around them. These sportive marine fish served as escorts to the couple as they made their way towards the city that spread grandly along the northeastern shores of the crescent island. Traveling on the water helped to make a more sufficient and faster route to the city, rather than having to track over or around the island’s mountain region.

    As the light wind coming from the west powered their small craft through the water, they relaxed soaking in the beautiful sites along the island’s coast. They were warmly greeted by fisherman busy working the coast tossing their braided grass nets into the water. Further down towards the outskirts of the city, the beaches were full with adults and children enjoying the pleasant weather relaxing under palm trees and swimming in the ocean water. Not too far off from the beaches, you could see diverse ships from all over the world headed towards the city’s harbor. Astennu took notice of the excessive number of ships anchored around the city’s coast waiting to gain access into the harbor entrance.

    Acknowledging Astennu present thoughts, Maat said, they bring with them precious gems, gold, silver, and numerous assumed luxuries that the people intend to indulge themselves with during this year’s festivities. It seems as if many of us have acquired a taste for vanity. Her remarks intent on showing how ironic it was that the people recklessly degraded the essence of the vernal equinox celebration.

    Astennu assessed the sight in silence as he navigated the craft towards the canal that lead ships into the circle passageway of the city. The canal would lead them to the city’s acropolis, where stood the temple of the Bennu and the palace of Lyrae.

    The great city of golden gates was an exciting place that clearly displayed the greatness of the creator. Looking on, it was without a doubt a marque day and age. The country had a long and rather fluctuating history that extended back more than seventy thousand years. Yet for the last five thousand years, the inhabitants of the earth established an intimate communion with the creator. The great city served as a vessel for the evolutionary transformation of humanity to levels of consciousness unparalleled. A clear testament to this, being the grand architecture of the city of golden gates, Ta-Neteru’s prestigious capital.

    Once Astennu reached the port of the canal that lead straight into the city from the ocean. A local pilot was there to navigate the small craft through the canal.

    Astennu his Excellence, it is a pleasure to see you. Her Excellency Maat, always and forever so beautiful. The pilot greeted them, bowing in respect to Maat before stepping onto the crafts outrigger to get control of its sails.

    Morning Octantis, Astennu greeted the pilot. It looks like our ports are quite busy these days. He went on to say, making note of the many ships anchored in the harbor.

    Yes, the people intend to enjoy the new year, and what you now see are eager merchants from all over here at our capital doorsteps to capitalize. The pilot’s solemn response seeming to tell a story in itself. Viracocha has been awaiting your arrival, he has instructed me to inform him of the moment you reached the port. He is now on his way to the palace, Octantis went to inform them.

    With Octantis taking control of the craft, he navigated it down the flowing current of the seven-mile-long canal that leads into the city from the harbor. While visiting the capital, Astennu and Maat were required to reside at the palace of Lyrae where the priesthood magus officials retained suites. The palace stood next to the temple of Bennu, both being constructed within the city’s acropolis. The city of golden gates most compelling site, was clearly the manner in which it was constructed.

    Coming into the city by canal, you first approached a circular canal that circled the entire city over twelve miles around. The sightseeing traveling down the seven-mile-long canal heading towards the metropolis became a treat to one’s eye. As luxuriant trees purified the air and flowers bloomed everywhere. Crystal windows enhanced many of the city’s buildings while their exterior walls were decorated with bright patterns of precious stones. Before reaching the metropolis, there were numerous swimming pools and appealing parks on hand for people’s recreation.

    The metropolis of the great city architectural design was entirely unique, and unlike any of its time. Where three circles of the land were divided by three circles of water. Once you passed the first ring of water, the largest outermost ring of land contained a giant race track the width of a seven lane highway and over four miles long around. Workers were now busy attending to the track preparing it for tomorrow’s events. Stone walls were constructed of significant metals that shined brightly under the sun rays. The outermost wall of the racetrack was covered with copper. While the second and middle circle of land, housing twelve pyramids that served as educational centers wall was covered with iron. Leaving the wall that encircled the third circle of land, being the inner sphere of the acropolis, to be covered with a brilliant orichalcum. Different from the other canals, the canal that encircled the acropolis was arranged to house thousands of exotic fish and sea creatures. Making the radiant orichalcum wall and the marine canal it served as a backdrop to, a splendid attraction as you approached the city’s acropolis.

    There were three bridges that crossed over the three canals, offering easy access from one ring of land to the next. Numerous elaborate towers were constructed on the bridges serving as storage places, observation and communication posts. The guards on post in the towers respectfully greeted the esteemed couple as their small craft sailed down the canal.

    As they reached the innermost sphere of land serving as the acropolis, Octantis docked the small craft at the quay of the palace Lyrae’. There they were immediately met by an attendant on hand to be of any assistance to them and usher them to their suite in the palace.

    His as well as her Excellence, the palace welcomes your stay, the short attendant said, while bowing in respect. May I take your luggage, he asked. No that will be fine Centauri, we will carry our own, Maat responded in kind. All while displaying a pleasant smile as Astennu assisted her from out of the small craft. After retrieving their luggage from the craft and bidding farewell to the port pilot. With Centauri in lead, they walked up a processional ramp, then followed a colonnade through an enclosed garden with a beautiful black marble fountain in the middle. Then they proceeded towards a walkway that lead them right into the palace.

    Your suite has been prepared for your stay, please let me know if you wish to have anything to eat at this time. And if there is anything that you may need taken care of, do not hesitate to ask, Centauri addressed them. While ushering the couple through the plush palace corridors that were elaborately decorated with oil paintings and beautiful ceramic statues. When their escort Centauri swung the double doors to their suite open, Viracocha was standing there waiting for them with a heart-felt smile. His Excellency, it’s always a privilege to be blessed by your presence. The Lady Maat, Her Excellence, please allow me to be of any service to you, Viracocha said. Greeting the couple in a respectful bow. Beloved, all that you have been taught through the years, it puzzles me to accept your lack of education to the times when one should be formal, Astennu responded. While reaching out to embrace Viracocha in an affectionate hug.

    Astennu had known Viracocha since when he was just a young child. And with them having to have grown up in the same province, the two shared a special bond. Astennu had helped to raise him as if he was his own son. While personally guiding him through his education where Viracocha had come to excel through his enlightenment at a young age. Following in the footsteps of his mentor, Viracocha chose a life devoted to service in the priesthood. As he currently was on an education level of adept holding one of the 30 deacon seats in the great council.

    Astennu stepped back to overlook his comrade that he hadn’t seen in at least a year. Viracocha was a middle aged man that obviously wore his age well. He sported a curly graying beard to match a full head of hair that he kept styled in a ponytail. His skin was tanned, having a set of deep blue eyes and a slightly different curved nose.

    With a swing of his arm, Viracocha gestured the couple towards the three steps that declined down into the suites large living room. The elegant interior design of this particular suite made it the couple’s first choice when required to stay at the palace. The bedroom was separated from the living room by a series of sliding panels of translucent wafers of thinly sliced and polished rocks. The bath was luxurious with hot spring fed waterfalls that cascaded down large marble rocks to fill a triangular shaped Jacuzzi. Though the main feature of the suite, was the living room wall, where 6 by 12-foot-long rectangular glass window offered a spectacular under water view of the marine canal that surrounded the acropolis. Turning one side of the spacious living room into an exotic aquarium. The suites mixture of nature, style, and comfort made it an easy choice for the couple. Allowing them to stay relaxed and cozy while away from their countryside home.

    I’ll excuse myself, and let you two catch up while I put our luggage away and get us situated, Maat said. As she grabbed their bags and headed towards the bedroom, to see the sliding rock wafer panels automatically open up as she approached.

    Astennu and Viracocha found places to sit in the living room, and after getting himself comfortable in a love-seat, he took the liberty to ask. So tell me Viracocha, what has been going on in our beloved city?

    I was actually expecting for you to tell me what’s been going on, on our beloved planet.

    Patient in his response, Astennu went on to ask, tell me than, what is it that you see, as well as feel?

    Right now I don’t actually know what to make of what little I’ve seen, in our temples our youth seem to be taking grasp of their education at a slower pace. Then you have this sudden attitude on display from the people where material possessions seem as if they have become necessary to establish what would be considered a sense of personal adequacy, Viracocha explained. Then he went on to say, please don’t get me wrong, it’s not as if I’m seeing this change in behavior on a large scale. But we live in a society where only the slightest acts or instances of imperfection will set off an alarm.

    And what had you heard from the priesthood, Astennu asked.

    Funny enough, the priesthood seems to have taken a position of silence in the matter. Thou I have heard rumors that some in the priesthood have come to fear what they believe to be a storm in the distance. But I myself have not had any personal discussions with anyone from the priesthood that hints at these same sentiments. Viracocha now looked Astennu in the eyes and said, His Excellence, I believe I’ve proven myself to be a faithful servant in my time. Though I now await your wisdom, and I humbly ask that you break bread with me.

    Once again Astennu showed patience in his response. Viracocha, let me first say that you have been blessed with a beautiful spirit, one of a true servant. Yet what I need to now ask you is, how strong your faith is? And how far do you believe it will take you?

    His Excellence, my faith is unbreakable, and I pray daily that it shall lead me towards immortality, Viracocha answered, seeming somewhat hurt by his mentor’s question.

    Sensing Viracocha disappointment, Astennu explained his reason for inquiry. Beloved, my questions to you will never be directed to offend you. The creator has favored our existence and service to his will. As we have obediently tilled his soil so that we may reap the benefits of the fruits grown from knowledge. In our temples we have been taught the functions of the earth and its creatures, where any initiate, adept, or magus could afford you all the proper answers to any questions under the sun. In our time, we have been taught proper etiquette, and how to set his table, knowing that it would be plenty of food for us to eat. Let us say that he has enslaved us with his love. Would you not agree?

    There can be no denying that the father has been benevolent in his guidance over the children, Viracocha responded wholeheartedly.

    Now as we may stare down the realm of possibility concerning what may be a change from all this, Astennu said while gesturing a sphere with his hand implying the world around them. One must ask themselves, what if the master architect created the universe as a machine where nothing was allowed to deviate from his will? He would have not bothered to create it, because he would have already known how it would all turn out. In a true, open, and free universe, you must have souls who are free to deviate from the fathers will. Because we will only have opportunities to express our true love, if in fact we are free. So, my beloved son, unfortunately as of right now, I can only give you guidance with answers concerning the essence of faith. And when his plans have been revealed to me, in turn they will be revealed to all the faithful servants.

    This I am sure of. And as a faithful servant I humbly await his Excellence light.

    Astennu smile knowing that he would be able to count on Viracocha through & through. You have a most brilliant mind Viracocha, and I’m sure that your faith will be of great assistance to the father.

    Is there anything that you will have me do for you at this very moment your Excellence, Viracocha asked eagerly.

    Being observant will be of great assistance to me now. And maybe finding me some fresh cider, Astennu responded with a smile.

    This shall indeed be done, as I know where to find the best juice made here in the city. And I’m sure you will delight in the effort this fine lady puts into making a cinnamon cider. One that’s quite unlike any you have ever tasted.

    Could you be talking about the lady Vela? Maat suddenly asked while making her presence known in the room. For if it is Vela you now speak about, I can attest her drinks being the finest across the island. And I do believe that I brought you home some of her carrot drink a few moons back. She implied to Astennu.

    Indeed the lady Vela is whom I speak of. A fine lady, as she is also a dear friend of my parents, Viracocha replied.

    Well I guess this shall serve to make me the more eager as I await your timely return. Astennu said sensing that he was in line for something special.

    Thousands patiently sat motionless in a state of stillness on the grass lawn out front the eastern face of the temple of the Bennu. It was still dark outside, and not the slightest whisper or movement could be heard or seen from the large body of people that congregated out front of the temple this morning. They were approaching the first day of the seven day festivities once the fiery ball of the sun revealed itself to the masses who sat awaiting its arrival. And mostly all who now sat waiting, was in a state of meditation, except for the choir of children who were there to assist the rising of the sun with a rhythmic chant. Maat, Astennu, and Montu were all in attendance in multitude to the thousands that gathered facing east on the spacious grounds of the temple.

    Just above being whispers, the low soothing melodies of the choir began to caress the ears of the congregation. The children sung a song of gratitude in the Aymaran tongue. Gradually, as the children’s voices began to intensify, the first beams of sunlight appeared. In therapeutic rhythm, the volume of the soothing sound being produced from out the children’s lungs increased as the sun’s ray’s continued to spread upon the people’s uplifted faces. In customary fashion, the congregation slowly began to bow their heads in prayer, showing their appreciation for the power of this source of life and strength.

    Astennu attended this initial ceremony many times before, yet today he found himself unable to hold back his tears, as the peaceful atmosphere in the moment became overwhelming. In prayer he humbly expressed appreciation for all the gifts and blessings humanity had been awarded. He thanked the father for being able to experience the pleasant sound of the children’s voices, and the lovely fragrance provided by the trees and flowers around them. He gave thanks for Maat and Montu, and thanked him for the peace and prosperity of the land. He gave thanks for being chosen to serve, while asking for the continuance of strength and endurance. Astennu continued to pray, giving thanks to everything under the sun until finally picking his head up and opening his eyes to see that he was the very last one to finish up in prayer. As he rose up to his feet, Montu would be first to approach him.

    Sporting an honest smile Montu said, uncle, I’ll be sure to rejoin you and auntie at the race track this afternoon. He then kissed Astennu lightly on the cheek before walking over to Maat and placing a kiss on her cheek.

    Auntie, you must be sure to keep an honest eye on him, for as of late my great uncle has become stranger to our city, and may indeed become lost, Montu jeered in good humor.

    Maybe it’s you that may need someone to keep an eye on them, so that you don’t in fact become lost in our great city. As there seems to be quite a few distractions out there for a young man as yourself, Maat snapped back.

    Montu was slow to reply as he considered what his aunt was likely insinuating. for these are some of the matters in which I believe my duties as a servant will be needed. Which in the process has already claimed cherished quality time with my family.: His underlying reply seeming to show a rather acute sense of enlightenment to the times.

    Maat smiled as she heard Montu’s response, finding herself slightly puzzled, though delighted in his wisdom and foresight. She eyed him attentively for a few moments as he walked off with a small group of young men. Then she directed her attention over to Astennu.

    Astennu was still into his own thoughts of gratitude when Maat gained his attention by grabbing his hand. She offered him a warm smile before she leads him off with a group of worshipers. Following the sunrise service, groups of people remained on the spacious grounds of the temple socializing, while many seemed to be in a rush to prepare themselves for the numerous festivities set to take place in the city. People accompanied by a variety of domestic animals crowded the acropolis, while many began to cascade down towards the two other land rings of the metropolis to find entertainment. The large crowds throughout the city allowed one to witness the diversity of the country with several different ethnic groups being represented during the seven days of festivities. Ta-Neteru’s ethnic diversity was something Astennu could personally appreciate, for while in his physical form he himself was an offspring of a biracial union. His father hailed from a small province that bordered the Gobi Desert while his mother was a native of Lemuria. As teenagers his mother and father would meet and fall in love within the city of the golden gates during the time of the seven day festivities. So for Astennu, seeing the diverse crowds come out to worship yearly continued to be a special time for him. And being an intrinsic part and servant to a great civilization became an honor and blessing.

    The weather outside was beautiful, being the making of what the couple hoped to be an easy and relaxing day. Maat wore a cool egg colored cotton scarf to match an off white linen dress designed with elegant embroidery gold borders. She also wore soft light brown leather sandals that tied up her calves. Astennu donned a matching white linen vest and trouser set, and a pair of white thong sandals to match his linen outfit. His long dreadlocks were pulled to the back uniquely styled with ivory hairpins. He and Maat both wore gold and silver entwined snake bracelets on their left arms, as the couple’s graceful appearance reflected their inner strength and beauty.

    As the day progressed, the streets and bridges of the metropolis stayed crowded with the thousands who were out enjoying the festival. Innumerable small boats navigated the circular water canals of the city as many enjoyed their morning boating. Maat and Astennu spent the better part of their morning touring the pyramids that served as educational centers on the second ring of land. Though by midday, the couple would join the crowds of people that headed towards the race tracks to enjoy the Festival’s traditional sporting events.

    With the animal races being one of the most popular events of the festival, by midday the track’s bleachers that stretched a half mile long began to fill up. A musical band was busy entertaining the crowd as the sound of the trumpets blowing to the beat of the drums created an exciting atmosphere for the people to enjoy. Attendants were at work up and down the aisles of the bleachers serving refreshments and drinks. While telescopic eye glasses were also being distributed among the crowds. This would allow observers of the races to be able to view the progression of the animals from a distance.

    I must make an effort to commend the person who has orchestrated the maintenance of the track this year. As it looks as though we have a fast track on hand for today’s races. Astennu explained, having in-depth knowledge of the tournament and the speed of many animals that would be racing.

    Yes the track does look nice. Maat agreed, while waving to a family that sat a few rows down from them. And the music already has me on my toes anticipating the excitement. This being said as she swayed to the rhythm of the drums.

    To that I must agree, as the music this year is definitely forthcoming…Look, there bringing the ornithomimus on to the track now. Astennu declared while pointing over to the group of colorful ostrich dinosaurs being escorted onto the track by their trainers.

    While Astennu was steady watching the ornithomimus being escorted onto the track. Maat’s attention was currently diverted towards something else. Prompting her to tap Astennu on the side of his arm lightly to gain his attention to the scene that was of interest to her. Beloved, look there. She insisted, while discreetly pointing in the direction of a couple sitting in the row down from them. There you have it, their eating the flesh of an animal, as the attendants are serving it to the people as refreshments.

    Seeing it for himself, Astennu began to scour over the crowd of people around them to see how many others had chosen to dine on animal meat. He spotted at least three other people indulging in an act that was capable of clouding the reasoning faculties, and had been forbidden in Ta-Neteru’s culture for as long as he could remember.

    While surveying the crowd, he suddenly noticed Montu heading up the aisle towards them. Showing his excellence in social conduct, Montu easily greeted people politely as he passed them by. Observing his nephew heading up the aisle under the rays of the midday sun was almost as if seeing him for the first time. He wore his hair short cut low to his head, while his brown skin complexion appeared smooth and radiant without blemish. And his graceful demeanor emitted an air of confidence that became invigorating. He wore a purple skirt with silver embroidery while going shirtless with a simple silver choker chain around his neck. His upper body displayed the physical strength of youth, while all this was being complemented by a warm inviting smile.

    I’m sorry that I arrived late, though I bring with me gifts along with my apologies. Montu bowed then passed Astennu and Maat fruit salads before taking his seat next to Maat.

    Why thank you Montu, though you actually haven’t missed anything as the races have not yet began. Maat replied as she slowly began to pick through the small container of fruits.

    Yes thank you Montu, and I’m glad you finally found the time to join us, as I have begun to miss you, Astennu adds.

    Know that I miss you both, as I also miss the countryside. Yet there have been dire matters that requires my attention in our city. Should I say issues that fall under the title of politics. And surely something that we may need to speak more in-depth about at some other time. Though as of right now, let us all enjoy the races, Montu insisted.

    When has it become our custom to serve the meat of animal as a refreshment at our events? Did you know of this? Astennu queried, not quite ready to change direction of the conversation.

    Unfortunately, those who have recently traveled to our shores from the northeastern continent have brought with them a culture practice unfamiliar to our people. Being that the practice of eating the flesh of animals comes as something new, and from what I’ve heard, a snack considered rather tasty. It seems as if many people in the city have taken fancy to it.

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