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But Who Is Jesus?
But Who Is Jesus?
But Who Is Jesus?
Ebook182 pages2 hours

But Who Is Jesus?

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How did John the Baptist complete the story of Samson? What role did Rebekah play in Jesuss encounter with the Samaritan woman? What shielded Moses in his argument with God at the burning bush? But Who Is Jesus? addresses thirty of the many attributes of Christs character and how His life redeemed some of humanitys darkest moments. This devotional will inspire you to recognize how exalting Jesus during lifes trials can help you overcome pain and walk in confidence of the redemptive power of Christs love.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 23, 2017
But Who Is Jesus?

Chrystal Peery

Chrystal is a worship leader, a doula, an intercessor and a stay-at-home mother. She grew up on the mission field in Southeast Asia—the daughter of third-generation ministers—and returned to the United States in 2001 to obtain an English degree from Millsaps College. Chrystal and her husband live in Mississippi with their three children and husky, Samson.

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    But Who Is Jesus? - Chrystal Peery

    Copyright © 2017 Chrystal Peery.

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    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    KJV: Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    ESV: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV). Copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-9125-9 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017909615

    WestBow Press rev. date: 06/23/2017

    For Memom,

    who motivated me to write today.




    Chapter 1    Jesus: The ExactImage of God

    Chapter 2    Jesus: The AllConsuming Fire

    Chapter 3    Jesus: The Refiner

    Chapter 4    Jesus: The WordMade Flesh

    Chapter 5    Jesus: The Bread of Life

    Chapter 6    Jesus: Our Provider

    Chapter 7    Jesus: The Water of Life

    Chapter 8    Jesus: The Wellof Salvation

    Chapter 9    Jesus: Our Healer

    Chapter 10    Jesus: The Judge

    Chapter 11    Jesus: The Rock

    Chapter 12    Jesus: The Cornerstone

    Chapter 13    Jesus: The FaithfulWitness

    Chapter 14    Jesus: The Mediator

    Chapter 15    Jesus: The Glory of God

    Chapter 16    Jesus: The Lion of Judah

    Chapter 17    Jesus: The Root of David

    Chapter 18    Jesus: The Lamb of God

    Chapter 19    Jesus: The Truth

    Chapter 20    Jesus: The Bridegroom

    Chapter 21    Jesus: The Sanctuary

    Chapter 22    Jesus: The Armof the Lord

    Chapter 23    Jesus: The Prince of Peace

    Chapter 24    Jesus: The Authorand the Word

    Chapter 25    Jesus: The Last Adam

    Chapter 26    Jesus: The Wisdom of God

    Chapter 27    Jesus: The Rockof Offense

    Chapter 28    Jesus: The Just One

    Chapter 29    Jesus: The GoodShepherd

    Chapter 30    Jesus: The Redeemer




    One thing have I desired of the Lord, that I will seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, and to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.

    —Psalm 27:4 (KJV)

    W hen I speak kindly to my wife in a difficult situation, when I seek to better know her thoughts on a subject, when I give her my undivided attention, when I talk about what she likes to talk about, when I tell her sweet things I have noticed about her, when I tell her I love her and only her, I see the smile on her face. I hear the joy in her voice. I feel the excitement in her heart. Sometimes there is a happy tear in her eye. She is a young girl all over again. Try to imagine what it stirs inside our God, who has chased us since the very beginning of our lives, when we engage Him, when we lock eyes and diligently seek the very heart of Him.

    Wisdom is better than rubies, and all things that may be desired are not to be compared (Proverbs 8:11 KJV). Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom; and with all the getting get understanding (Proverbs 4:7 KJV). I liken Chrystal to an archaeologist who may, on hands and knees for hours with a fine-tooth brush, gently comb the earth for a discovery of great proportions. I believe the Holy Spirit gave Chrystal this book because she has made her ear attentive, inclined her heart, and has sought it like silver (Proverbs 2:4 KJV).

    Luke 1:41 (KJV) says, When Elisabeth heard Mary’s salutation, the babe leaped in her womb.

    I must say it as loud as I can. I love Chrystal and her husband, Jim! Jesus had twelve disciples, and of those twelve, three were his closest friends. Jim and Chrystal (and their three cutie pies) are in my wife’s and my inner circle. I wish the world could know them. If you did, you would know two people who live out tenderness, kindness, and gentleness daily. They are two people who treasure God and live to rightly uphold His Word. There is an indescribable beauty when you witness the Lord giving greater understanding of who He is to a friend. And what the Holy Spirit has given in this book truly is something to behold.

    —Glenn Smith


    When describing to my husband what reading the Bible is like for me, I used this statement: When I open the cover, it’s like I’ve opened up the entrance to the universe, and inside it are billions of galaxies and planets yet to be discovered. How am I supposed to read it? (Pats self on back and says, Excellent description.)

    Reading and understanding anything, especially the Bible, has intimidated me most of my life. I’m learning more and more how to read it and how to rest in the way He made my mind. Having said that, the gift of knowledge is one I can easily spot. I love to be around people who have it and can communicate their understanding back to others. I have had the privilege of being fed meat of the finest sort, straight from the place of a wholehearted pulpit. I have not been able to settle for less since. I need deep waters; shallow waters leave me cold, shivering, and sickly. Teachings that never touch on the heart of Jesus exasperate me. I want to hear from someone who knows the heart of God!

    Rewind to eight years ago.

    I met this really cool, complex girl at a prayer gathering. She was gorgeous. She could sing, and she was a whole lot of fun. We ended up being around each other every week, and we developed a friendship through the means of prayer. It was the small beginnings of what would become the closest friendship I would know on earth, apart from my husband. She was so talented, but I was drawn to her for a different reason. I found myself perplexed (and glaring a bit, I’m sure) at the capacity she had as a twenty-five-year-old to understand the Word of God. I was amazed at her skill in explaining it to others. I was astonished at her ability to hear from God. Above all, when she spoke, I knew we were in uncharted stratums of eloquence, words the world would be so blessed to hear. Needless to say, when she spoke, I listened.

    I have not stopped listening for the past eight years. Nor have I grown tired. Chrystal keeps finding planets and galaxies unexplored. She outlines constellations that I’ve never looked upon before. It’s as if she keeps a telescope in her pocket. When listening to her revelations, it’s like we strap on astronaut suits and she takes us for a ride.

    Over the years we have prayed hundreds of hours together, toughed out many of life’s storms together, and celebrated many of life’s joys. I trust her with the dearest dealings of my life.

    This devotion is not lightweight. Rather it is a gripping work we can all dig our heels into—scholar and nonscholar alike.

    Tears of joy and gratefulness flow down my face. I am so thankful for the provision of God for me … in her. He knew I would need a friend like her. (You’ll read about that in chapter 6.)

    Happy exploring!

    —Nicole Smith


    I always knew that one day I would write a book. I just never knew how many shoulders would support me in the process.

    To my beloved husband, Jim, who doesn’t read but read every word; listened to every half-processed thought; scoured the scriptures with me; juggled the children and house for me so that I could write; and did not let me quit—you remain the best thing that has ever happened in my life after salvation. I love life with you, and I would not be who I am without Jesus working through you to hold it all together. You’re my favorite.

    To Isaiah, Kyla, Tirzah, and Caleb, who have led me into such inspiration and a deeper understanding of God simply by existing. My life took on new meaning when you joined our family. To Baby P., who will join us this Christmas. We are excited to meet you and to grow together.

    To Mother and Dad, who have filled me with scripture and who have pointed me toward Jesus all of my life. Everything I have written has grown from the foundation that you laid with such painstaking care. I could not have asked for better parents.

    To Darron and Becky, who have preached and lived many lessons about perspective and attitude. Thank you for being people of your word and uncompromising in your assurance that Jesus is good.

    To Mom and Dad Peery, who raised an incredible son and who continue to bless us with their love. I could not have asked for a better family. Jesus truly gives us the desires of our hearts.

    To Glenn and Nicole, who listened, shared, and encouraged. I am so grateful for our times of coffee and the Word together. You are our oasis.

    To James, who believed in my dreams. Your friendship enriches our lives in a multitude of ways.

    To Donna, who edited and affirmed. I am so thankful for your presence in my life.

    To my tribe—Cherish, Heather, Amber, Brittany, Sara, Chantelle, Brandy, and a host of other powerful, Jesus-loving women, who are incessantly speaking into my life and pushing me toward the throne by their faithfulness, wisdom, and love. Thank you for being authentic.

    Most importantly, to Holy Spirit. Thank You for revealing Jesus to me.


    Jesus: The Exact

    Image of God

    Who being the brightness of [His] glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.

    —Hebrews 1:3 (KJV)¹

    T he caseworker and I were the only ones huddled in the tiny room, but the multiple chairs and filing cabinets made it difficult for us to maneuver without bumping into each other. An outdated computer monitor flickered in the corner beside a small black scanner. Spaced between dingy ceiling tiles, fluorescent lights hummed above me. I sneezed away the acrid scent of hot dust and extra-strength floor cleaner.

    Bless you, she mumbled. Her voice was hoarse and soft like she had swallowed a box of sidewalk chalk just before I walked in the room. I almost did not hear her over the squeals of my three-year-old from the conference room across the hall, and I turned and shot him a Mama means business glare that I hoped would keep him in check. If we could just get through this without a bloody nose or an attempt at turning the crowded conference room into a gymnast’s mat, then I would be thankful.

    Sit down! I hissed at him, feeling his almost-two-year-old sister squeeze past my legs and into the glorified closet where I stood. Isaiah came rolling after her in an office chair. The caseworker remained unhurried and methodical, either not seeing or ignoring my desperate glance. Fine. We’ll all be in here. Please just don’t break anything, I thought. After all, even though I was only there to complete a background check to become certified as a foster mom, I reasoned that every caseworker in the building was watching how my children behaved and evaluating my parenting skills. Was there ever a case of the Department of Human Services declining a presumptive foster parent because her preschooler decided to model a chimpanzee during his mama’s background check?

    Go on and put your thumb on there, the caseworker instructed, nodding to the scanner. I pressed my hand on the smooth glass, jolting a little when her cold fingers rolled my thumb in all directions. After a few false starts, a digital copy of my thumbprint appeared on the computer screen. I attempted to look uninterested (because, of course, if I looked too intently, I’d seem like I had something to hide, right?). But I studied the image. Every loop and crease perfectly matched my thumb. The authority I could wield to clock in at work, unlock my iPhone, make an app purchase, access my bank account, and even start my car or unlock my house (if my car and house had the technology) blinked back at me in grayscale precision. With one painless motion, I had traded relative anonymity for an admission into the system. The conspiracy theorist within me shuddered. The mother within me rejoiced.


    Imagine that the Father extended Himself on a scanner. With divine detail that we could never hope to emulate, He stamped out an exact replica of Himself equipped with His own sovereign authority. He channeled His every motive, every thought, every desire, every memory, and every goal into the tiny beginnings of a baby, planted that baby into the womb of

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