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Collection of Essays on Metaphysics: Does the Future Exist, Green Eyes, Did Christ Rise from the Grave
Collection of Essays on Metaphysics: Does the Future Exist, Green Eyes, Did Christ Rise from the Grave
Collection of Essays on Metaphysics: Does the Future Exist, Green Eyes, Did Christ Rise from the Grave
Ebook45 pages43 minutes

Collection of Essays on Metaphysics: Does the Future Exist, Green Eyes, Did Christ Rise from the Grave

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Does the Future Already Exist?
Green Eyes: A Case of Dualism Verses Materialism
Did Christ Rise from the Grave?
Where science ends and where dualism philosophy begins!
Does The Future Already Exist? is an essay I wrote in behalf of my very dear friend and brother in spirit, Professor David Johnson, a traveling professor of philosophy of metaphysics from Princeton who has a theory that the future does already exist and that of the possible paths we may follow it is already known which one we will choose by clairvoyant dream precognition as an example.
In Green Eyes: A Case of Dualism Verses Materialism, I challenge materialist philosophers who dont believe that the metaphysical exist to explain a away in materialist / empiricist / atheist terms, a historical / biographical / autobiographical confrontation with a pitch black demonic entity I call Green Eyes.
Did Christ Rise from the Grave? is where I do a investigative analyses on the Crucifixion where I state that I believe he did based on the evidence from history, eastern philosophys seven levels of consciousness, the science of psycho-cybernetics, and the evidence of the Shroud of Turin.

Release dateAug 21, 2014
Collection of Essays on Metaphysics: Does the Future Exist, Green Eyes, Did Christ Rise from the Grave

Bill Bender

Bill was born in Hollywood, California, on February 5, 1955. He grew up as a serious rock musician. He have an AA degree in Liberal Arts from Santa Monica College, a BA degree in philosophy and psychology from UCLA, and since the late 1960s, have had a great deal of experience in metaphysics.

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    Collection of Essays on Metaphysics - Bill Bender

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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/18/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-3245-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-3244-0 (e)

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    Philosophy 182

    Professor Johnson

    Bill Bender

    November 7, 1995

    Among the many philosophical questions asked, one that I have found highly intriguing is, Does the future exist? That is, are the events that will follow from the present already written out? In this paper I will present an example that illustrates the future does exist.

    However, I will not argue that it is set in an inevitable fate such as argued by the doctrine of hard determinism, which states that our destinies are pre-ordained and therefore there is nothing we can do to alter these events of our future lives. Instead, I will show that the doctrine of soft determinism, which states that our destinies are altered by means of our free will, and is the foundation of most schools of thought, including the so-called, quote-unquote, pseudo science of astrology, is the correct philosophical doctrine of how our lives really unfold.

    First, it has been argued by Professor Johnson of the Department of Philosophy at UCLA that the future does exist and what our future will be is determined by our future states. That is, not only is our future determined by what we do in the present, which is determined by the nature of our character, but the choices we make in the present are also determined by our future selves, so that the future and the present are in a causal loop.

    Now the reason our future is not pre-ordained on the basis of hard determinism, is because even though the actual future is already determined, out of the possible futures we could have chosen, it’s because our past and future self chose the events that lead to one future as compared to another which maintains our free will. Additionally, Professor Johnson doesn’t believe that there is a present, but instead that time is made up of an anomaly of past and future moments which gives the illusion of having a present, for which I can see his point and agree. Although I can also see where the sequence of past and future moments over an extended period of time can make the present significantly exist as well. Now how all this ties together can be presented in a hypothetical example but then that would only lend some support to a theory. So instead, I shall present my argument in support of the premise that the future does exist and Professor Johnson’s theory of how it exists, by means of dream pre-cognition.

    Now in presenting my argument, I regrettably acknowledge that presently I am only able to present my own autobiographical example for which I fully realize I must depend on the confidence of the reader in my honesty. And I can only say

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