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Scarred Lives
Scarred Lives
Scarred Lives
Ebook45 pages19 minutes

Scarred Lives

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Scarred Lives is about alcohol abuse and the scars it leaves on those who over-indulge in strong drink. In this case the autobiography ends in death and the biographical story is carried on by her sister. A small daughter is left for the sisters up bringing. The daughter eventually bears a son with a dark facial scar as if to carry on another scarred life.
Release dateAug 5, 2015
Scarred Lives

Annie Jefferis

These events are true life stories with names altered to protect those still living. My poems are traditional forms as taught in classes from ancient to modern times. Rhythmic verses are often set to music and easier to commit to memory than more prosaic forms. As a retired English teacher, I have made a hobby of writing, reading, painting, and taking care of stray animals. Illustrations in this book are all from my repertoires, signed Jeff, short for my given name, Jefferis. Other books by the author include: Becoming All That I Am The Chinese Contract Short Stories and Anecdotes Metric Verses and Haiku Blazing Texas Trails Appreciating Our Pets

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    Scarred Lives - Annie Jefferis


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    © 2015 Annie Jefferis. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 07/28/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-2654-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-2653-9 (e)

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    Chapter I   Youthful Relationships and 3.2 Beer

    Chapter II  Misfits

    Chapter III Last Rites and Adoption

    Chapter IV Outcomes


    Apollo’s Earth

    War Victims


    Journey of the Soul




    Fewer Redwoods

    Chastening Earth

    Flower Family

    Spiritual Awakening

    White Moon



    Royal Dreams



    Author’s Page


    She dons macramé

    Monks toll a bell for prayer

    Scarred lives bow their heads

    Chapter I

    Youthful Relationships and 3.2 Beer

    My story involves many pitfalls and dangerous crossings, one of which becomes fatal, so I hope you, my readers, will benefit from wrong choices.

    I never drive again after smashing into a West Texas pine tree: the broken glass leaves me with a pitted scar on my left jaw. I always

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