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The Seventh Plague
The Seventh Plague
The Seventh Plague
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The Seventh Plague

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In the turn of the century, what appeared to be a meteor crashed on Mars surface? Pieces of the mysterious rock slingshot across space and were hurled to earth. The pieces scattered on the surface set off an array of events which lead to the sterilization of all reproductive systems. Scientists using compounds from the alien meteor found a cure to the sterilization epidemic but triggered events which ultimately threatened the extinction of life on the earth. Its a race against time to save the human civilization from annihilation.
Release dateJan 14, 2016
The Seventh Plague

Gaston D. Cox

Moving to California from New England, Connecticut. Gaston D. Cox graduated from Irvine University College of Law and worked in the legal field for over ten years. After the economic collapse in the United States, he received an invitation to China where he lectures on Business Communication and conduct business practice seminars. He has traveled to various countries getting first-hand exposure to foreign traditions and cultures. He now embarks on writing about his experiences in hopes to bring awareness to his readers of international cultures sharing similarities and differences with westernized cultures in hopes to bridge the gap between what’s fallacy and reality. In the world of journalism, many writers may use cartoon satire to stimulate social consciousness. The Seventh Plague is predicated on the same notion. This would pave the way for several eye-opening publications to follow. Gaston was once asked, what is the greatest crime in the world? He replied crimes against humanity and states, “The actions of people are forgiven but are not forgotten.”

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    The Seventh Plague - Gaston D. Cox


    In the 1960's, NASA launched two deep-space probes that traveled to the outer regions of the solar system and sent back data to be studied. Dr. Jane Brice, a Ph.D. in quantum physics and space anomalies, was head of the regional department of deep space studies at CASIS and interstellar research and development at NASA. Dr. Brice, Dr. Andrews, senior research analysts along with research staff jobs were to analyze new data sent back from the probes. Survey atmospheric pressures on different planets troubleshoot any probe malfunctions issues as it relates to solar system differentials.

    But on September 9, 1975, the day began differently. Dr. Andrews discovered what appeared to be an object moving at extraordinary speed. The size of the object created a buzz in the international science communities. Many of the leading scientists were concerned. If the object was to reach the earth's solar system, would it likely destroy the earth's surface?

    Talks about what happened to the dinosaurs prompted an international debate on genocidal reoccurrences. First to discover this phenomenon was the Russian space probe Mars II. Believed to have disappeared the probe sent back images that Russian scientists viewed as crystal base compounds. The chance of the object reaching earth seemed unlikely unless the object had been projected through a wormhole. However, Dr. Nicolai Austin consulted with Dr. Sergai Steklov and believed that the Mars II probe was in fact sucked into a wormhole.

    Dr. Austin concluded some wormholes were portals and had the ability to teleport objects that came into contact with them. He further asserted that his research discovered a wormhole in sector V4641, had the capability to teleport object to a different quadrant of the universe, disrupting time barriers.

    Dr. Steklov went on to say if the enormous iceberg object was to come in contact with the wormhole, then the object might be teleported, but to where and when would be considered unknown variables. However, if the portal opened in the earth's solar system, the planet faced extension and the greatest catastrophe ever recorded in human history.

    He supported his theories of the wormhole by using the disappearance of the Mars II Probe in the V4641 sector. The Russian community of scientists became outraged and prompted the government to silence Dr. Strelkov's findings, in an attempt to further investigate his theories and not to alarm the international science communities with misleading rhetoric and propaganda.

    In the Capitol, in the office of the head of joint committee, the red phone rang. Senator, we have a problem, said National Security Advisor, MacMara. Our Russian sources tell us that there is a possible solar threat. As to where and what time this threat is to become imminent, it's still unknown, sir.

    Am I to act on a hunch? Senator Hanford replied.

    Sir, it's best we are prepared for the worse rather than wait on, the worse.

    Exactly what are we talking about here? The senator inquired.

    The Russians discovered an object the size of the Grand Canyon that would likely kill every living thing on the earth.

    What? the senator replied alarmed at what he'd just heard. I will schedule a joint committee hearing. And what are our people saying about these findings?

    Well, I'm not sure at this time. We have a Dr. Jane Brice on the matter from NASA. However, my main concern is whether there's an immediate threat and whether the discovery is a matter of national security, replied the voice on the other end of the call.

    Well, let's try to keep this out of the press until we have some definite answers on exactly what the Russians found. It is also important the international communities not falsely be placed on alarm by the ranting of a mad man. I will send over joint aides to the meeting. Keep me posted. He hung up the phone.

    Voyager 2 sent images of what appeared to be a large glacier-like object moving across the Alpha Centauri Quadrant. Dr. Andrews, following protocol, logged the similies and notified the department's heads. An emergency committee meeting was called, three Pentagon members clad in highly decorated military uniforms sat on the left side of National Security Advisor MacMara while three senators from the oversight committee of NASA sat on his right behind a long desk on an elevated platform. In front of the platform, Dr. Brice, and Dr. Andrews sat on the right facing the platform. While Dr. Austin and his associates sat to the left. Senior staff from NASA's research and development and Dr. Austin's senior staff from research and development along with regional staff and government affiliates all sat in the gallery.

    Dr. Jordan recognized a list of attendees posted on the committee's meeting door. He snuck into the meeting already in session and took a seat at the back of the gallery. Dr. Brice informed the secretary of defense, the heads of NASA and the Pentagon of the discoveries. Dr. Brice stated, Gentlemen, what we have here is unprecedented. She began her presentation on the images.

    No sooner had she begun, the secretary of defense interrupted. Dr. Brice I have your report in front of me. Does this new discovery pose an immediate threat to our planet? Have these findings been verified by the regional and international space centers?

    The committee members eagerly awaited a response.

    Dr. Nicolai Austin, from Russian Interstellar Research and Development, and liaison to international space center interjected.

    "The Russians have also recorded these images and named it, гололедица гололёд which means black ice."

    Dr. Brice rebutted, "It is a matter of urgency. We conducted further observation and data on these images, raising focal points, and we nicknamed the object OSA, for outer space anomaly. The origin of OSA could have been from parts of the galaxy as yet unexplored, and based on trajectories from Voyager 2 may be able to reveal vectors and origins, not in line with our current research.

    What we do know is the outer surface of OSA are made of compounds and elements that are inconclusive because only a few of the compounds we've detected are known to us. Furthermore, we have new images and vibrations that could be communication waves. We are yet to retrieve and study these patterns. The inner core of OSA contains what seem to be living genetic strains or deoxyribonucleic acid from what origin or species, we don't know at this time."

    Again the national security advisor imposed. He stated, Gentlemen, we are not here to speculate on what could be, but to determine whether what we are dealing with now poses a threat. This question has yet to be answered by Dr. Brice.

    Dr. Brice responded, It is arduous to say whether a threat is imminent or not at this time, and it's best we don't approach this situation from a unilateral perspective.

    Suddenly a voice from the back of the gallery spoke out. At the same time, the committee speaker quickly stood up and shouted out the floor recognizes Dr. Oliver Jorden, a professor at Oxford University and senior research advisor at United Kingdom Space Program!

    Dr. Oliver Jordan says. What Dr. Brice is apparently stating is, matters of this nature are not black and white, and to draw conclusions on such matters can inevitably leave us at a disadvantage if and when the matter is to become a threat to the planet. Therefore, this must be approached step by step.

    Dr. Brice recognized the voice and was surprised turned around peering into the full gallery searching to put a face with the voice.

    The committee members felt a sense of relief from Professor Jordan's advice. National Security Advisor MacMara and the committee members ordered a ninety-day accelerated report and contingency plan if matters were to turn threatening.

    Dr. Brice stormed out of the meeting room. What an asshole, she mumbled under her breath.

    A warm, firm hand touched her shoulder. Yes, I can agree with you there, replied the stranger.

    Turning around, she saw a longtime friend she had not seen in a few years. Dr. Jordan said, Good to see you, Jane.

    Oli, What are you doing here?

    I just dropped by to see an old friend, Dr. Jordan replied.

    Dr. Brice chuckled, Just dropped by? I thought you were in London. When did you get into town? Why didn't you call me? Dr. Brice was excited to see her longtime friend.

    I did call! Well, Jane, it's not easy to have social calls with the head of regional NASA.

    They both laughed. Dr. Brice said, Thanks for backing me in there.

    Dr. Jordan replied, What's a friend for? What about those vibrations you mentioned? Crystals are conductors of energy used as an energy-storing source. It is possible that the elements and compounds found on the outer surface of OSA are actually crystal bases that give off energy waves. This will account for the vibration readings you've been getting.

    Dr. Brice replied, Yes, we've considered that. In fact, the outside surface of the OSA may not be solid ice, but crystals. If the crystals are conducting some sort of energy that is giving off a vibration, then it's not a meteor.

    Realizing they both had come to the same conclusion, they briskly walked to the lab.

    In the east wing of the Pentagon, about 02:30, well-dressed employees with special clearance badges dangling from their lapels buzzed about the office. They were working on national security matters. The boiler-like room was brightly lit like the mid-day sun, although it was the wee hours of the morning.

    The members of the oversight committee, along with the national security advisor hustled down the long corridors into a private, glass-enclosed room. A long, polished, mahogany conference table and shiny black leather swing chairs lingered around the table. Folders were placed neatly in front of each chair.

    The members found their seats and the national security advisor sat at the head. The Chairman of the oversight committee sat at the farther end, and the members of the committee occupied the chairs.

    The national security advisor opened the meeting. Gentlemen, we are still at odds concerning the current state of affairs, and I urge we seriously consider Operation Black Mask.

    The chairman inquired, National Security Advisor MacMara, just out of curiosity, what are we to expect from Operation Black Mask?

    The mission of Operation Black Mask is to investigate and warn against intergalactic threats to the United Nations. Such threats may stem from interstellar anomalies, planetary transfigurations, or extraterrestrial invasions, replied the secretary of defense.

    "Aliens! Is that what we're talking about here? You are asking for government funds to investigate aliens?" The chairman interjected.

    Snickers and chuckles slowly echoed around the table.

    Gentlemen, do you understand the gravity of the potential threat? He signaled the lights. The room dimmed and the projector began to roll a clip of Dr. Sergai Steklov and his team. Accompanied the national security advisor and seated to his right, was the director of CIA Tenant. Tenant began to brief the room concerning Dr. Steklov findings. And then a recording of Dr. Steklov was played. After an hour, the projector turned off and the lights came on. Silence took over the room the members with heads buried in the files looked up in silence turned their attention to the Chairman of the Joint Committee. After a few minutes, the chairman replied,

    The full approval of this operation will be contingent on what follows in the upcoming months. At this time, I will grant conditional approval for Operation Black Mask to move forward.

    Soon a buzz took the room as the members raised from their seats and began to shake the hands with the Secretary of Defense and the Director of CIA. Secretary of Defense along with the CIA selected agents from Langley and the Black Mask Agency was official formed, deep cover inside the CIA and only answered to the Secretary of Defense.

    No sooner had Dr. Brice and Dr. Jordon entered the lab, We have imagery! Shouted Dr. Andrews.

    Oliver this is David, David this is Oliver, Dr. Brice introduced, all joining in a brisk march-like walk.

    David, I need the reports on the sounds vibrations and check the recordings, listen for any time lapse or break in tremors, instructed Dr. Brice.

    Also, gradual acceleration or deceleration in the tremors, added Dr. Jordan.

    Yeah, Yeah, but look at this! Dr. Andrews insisted.

    Staring at the Voyager's monitors, a clear and alarming picture of the image had finally emerged. It was about the size of the Grand Canyon, with pointed edges and blue, green and white crystal many caverns on what appears to be a surface and it looked like the lipids were generating a dim then bright glow similar to a breathing pattern. Suddenly the image became distorted and disappeared. Dr. Jordan yelled, What the hell happened!

    It's not us! said one of the lab technicians.

    We got recordings, right? Dr. Brice shouted.

    Got it! Dr. Andrews replied.

    It's gone! Yelled out Dr. Andrews,

    What you mean gone? screamed Dr. Jordon,

    It's gone! We got nothing on sound or video! It's gone! Dr. Andrews shouted back. Just as the object mysteriously appeared it vanished without a trace.

    At the 90-day briefing, Dr. Brice reported, The mysterious object became visible three months ago had now disappeared. And what we do know, the object was not black ice as previously been reported, but limpids of various shapes and sizes protruding from the surface like thorns. These crystals contained a high source of energy, the vibrations that were recorded was emanating from the crystals at the surface of the object and solidly covered with the same materials. The core of the object consisted of genetic strains housed in an unknown compound which changed shape randomly. The object's location before it disappeared was recorded at 4.21 years outside of V4641 which is 1600 light years away from earth's solar system. From the time Voyager 2 had visual on the object and its' disappearance 14 days had passed.

    Dr. Nicolai Austin from Russian Interstellar Research and Development interjected,

    Dr. Brice, in 1971 the Russians launched a space probe one of its first Mars exploration, as you may know, the probe was lost. It is believed, before the probe disappeared it sent back data which not only revealed the probe was off course but may have been consumed by micro-quasar, V4641. Is it possible the disappearance of OSA may have met with the same faith as the space probe in microquasar V4641?

    Dr. Brice replied.

    That's inconclusive at this time. Our researchers are still investigating what caused the sudden disappearance. Further, we have determined the distance from voyager's position and last recordings...

    Secretary of Defense interrupted,

    So there is no threat? Dr. Austin, what are the Russians views on these latest developments?

    The Russians are in line with Dr. Brice reports but have reasons to believe this is not the last we see or hear of this object.

    Dr. Brice interjected, Dr. Austin, we cannot deal on what-ifs but what is factual and scientifically sound. It is indecisive to determine if this object will reappear or not because data on wormhole anomalies are still, in the beginning, stages of development. Which may take years to fully understand how a wormhole works.

    Then you are in agreeance Dr. Brice that the object may have been consumed by V4641! interjected Dr. Austin.

    Dr. Austin, Sir, to admit or deny would certainly be a conjecture and, therefore, I cannot!

    Yes, Dr. Brice, but the Russians are of a different opinion on these matters! Dr. Austin interjected.

    If we, meaning mankind are to encounter this object again Dr. Brice, it will spell extinction for the human race. The size alone will cause severe atmospheric damage to the earth surface not to mention habitation on the planet will be non-existing or close to extinction!


    Paige Sagan, a nurse at Cheyenne Regional Hospital and married for 3 years to Carl. Paige and Carl grew up in Wyoming, and the home they lived in belongs to Carl's family. Carl's mom died when he was 7 years old and his brother Tyler was age 15. Carl work at the local community college for nearly ten years as a Physic, Adjunct Professor. His brother now works the 200 Acre farmland surrounding the house, Carl's no farmer and his mother didn't want the farm life for him. So Magdalene made Paul promised Carl will go to the university, in hopes for a better life than they had. Carl was always the bookworm in the family and Tyler helped his father with the farming. Tyler and Carl didn't always see eye to eye and at times teased Carl with nicknames book-worm, college-boy, since Carl was constantly reading or studying literature on topics which seemed of interest or related to science, this annoyed Tyler.

    Tyler graduated from high school, and like Uncle Johnny, he was seriously contemplating joining the police or sheriff department. Tyler spent most of his time with Uncle Johnny, Emma was Tyler's girlfriend and they planned to get married after graduating from high school. Tyler joining the department they would settle down and start a family. The plans were noble and responsible in the eyes of Uncle Johnny and Father. However, Tyler's high school gang affiliations had a negative influence. On many occasions, Tyler would abandon his work on the farm or skip school to hang out with his gang friends. One night he met up with his friends with plans that they will meet the girls outside a local bar and escort them as their dates.

    Tyler was driving Uncle Johnny's muscle car, the Mustang GTE and with only two doors the six boys packed themselves into the car. On their way to the high school party laughter and chatter about sports, cars and girls passed the time. Energy soured when Tyler's friends in the back seat decided it was a good idea to break-open a six pack. They began to guzzle the beers, wisecracks and laughter echoed and one of Tyler's friend began to tease about his driving.

    Annoyed by the teasing, his driving compared to an old lady or a sissy, guzzled two beers fueled an urge of confidence. Adrenalin ignited in Tyler as he opened the throttle on the Mustang GTE barreling down Division Boulevard.

    A young girl had just left her study group not too far from the school. She began peddling her pale green fluorescent bicycle, with a pink basket hanging from the handle bars. Chiming her bicycle bell as she hurried across the road. Tyler's head turned to the back seat, distracted not seeing the florescent bicycle in the crossing, he slammed into the bicycle as the little girl and bike went flying through the air tumbling over the hood and roof of the vehicle.

    Her frail body came crashing down onto the paved road the force hitting the road caused her broken body to bounce off the surface of the road then resettled lying lifeless. Her bicycle hit the road the tires spun at the same time the events unfold as if somehow taking account.

    The occupants of the vehicle staggering, feeling the potency of the beers, slowly climbed from the car shocked in disbelieve two of the boys fell to their knees crouched over began to vomit while Tyler and the others ran to the young girl lying on the road dead. Tyler was found guilty and sentenced to prison on the charge of vehicular manslaughter.

    Carl believed after his mother's death, Tyler's relationship with our father became estranged and they would often fight and argue. Tyler had difficulties facing his mother death and blamed their father.

    Paul began to drink more after his wife died. Tyler moved out after he finished high school and lived with Emma in Cheyenne around the time he went to prison. They sentenced him to about ten years, brutal attacks from inmates kept him in the prison hospital the first year while haunted by the death of the little girl added to his psychosis.

    Some said he wasn't the same after the accident and it drove him mad. Tyler suffered many nights from nightmares. Vivid images from the accident haunted him causing him to wail out in screams of horror from his sleep. Eventually, they put him on medication to treat the mental disorders and nightmares. However, the narcotics turned him into a zombie, half of the time he did not know who came to visit him nor did he recognized their faces.

    Uncle Johnny urged the lawyer to file court documents asking for better medical attention and change of facility, but they were all denied.

    Tyler mental state continued to diminish several years later the state finally granted Tyler early parole. Uncle Johnny called in some favors. Tyler returned home and worked the farm with Paul, his father.

    One day when the workers were working the farm, their father was found dead in the field from a heart attack. That happened about two years after Tyler came home from prison. Tyler was locked-up when Carl married Paige.

    The prison life had changed Tyler. After Paul's death Tyler seems to spend most of his time working the farm or fixing farm machinery late in the night. He rarely went out to bars or restaurants, Paige and Carl have invited him out, but he always use the farm as an excuse to refuse the invite. Paige and Carl had seen Tyler at Sunday Mass a few times but seldom comes up to the house. Carl recalls, on one occasion before their father's death Tyler came for dinner and Paul tried to get him to open up about what happened in prison but it lead to an argument and he stormed out, Tyler hasn't come back to the house since that time even after his father's death.

    Emma moved on with her life after Tyler went to prison, she married a black Sheriff in Laramie County got a kid by him, she works Dispatch at the Sheriff's Department in Cheyenne. Uncle Johnny, mama's brother, always went to visit Tyler in prison, Carl also but not often, Emma never visited him nor did Paul. Tyler and Uncle Johnny were close, but even that relationship had changed. Uncle Johnny attempted to visit Tyler's apartment, but he's never at home or he doesn't answer the door.

    Top of the news this evening, Local Community College Observatory has reported sightings of an object speeding through earth's solar system about 1.5 miles wide and length. It's said to be at a distance of 93.0 million miles away. At its current speed, it should be in the earth's orbit in about 90 days. It is undetermined if the object will hit the surface, but spectators will be able to see the object in the night skies. NASA and Interstellar Research and Development Centers had not yet commented on the sighting and we will bring you the latest developments as they unfold. The newscaster Jackie Herrera reported from KGWW local news.

    It was October 1999, the world waited in anticipation for the many predictions to unravel in the Y2K. As the twentieth-century comes to close superstitions began to fuel the minds of the young people and commercial propaganda fanned the flames. Some believed that it was the coming of the apocalypse the end of the world while other believed there will be a world-wide internet collapse bringing financial and economic ruins to the world. Some imagined the world would be taken over by artificial intelligence computers.

    Dr. David Andrews is now a head researcher and senior advisor at NASA Interstellar Research and Development Center. Dr. Brice has moved on to senior advisor at interstellar anomalies research and development center and professor at Harvard she had published several journals on Wormhole Anomalies. Dr. Brice received an email from Dr. Andrews, the object that suddenly disappeared in 1971 has appeared again and he is certain it's the same object because the documented reports are identical and urged her to call him immediately.

    The same evening a text message from Dr. Oliver Jordan from the UK marked urgent on her mobile she was in the middle of a lecture at MIT when she received the phone message. Suddenly a brief pause followed by apologies she had to leave immediately. In a brisk walk to her car, she read Dr. Andrews' message, and conference called Dr. Jordan and Andrews, Doctor Andrews says.

    Jane, your object is back, and it looks like we finally have an answer to one of our wormhole theories!

    Dr. Brice replied,

    Yes! It seems that wormholes curves space-time singularities, but may create a gravitational trap, depending on the object's mass.

    She then poses a question to the two doctors.

    Is it possible that an object can be consumed by a wormhole and if survived can reappear in another region of the universe or galaxy?

    It's like some kind of tunnel. As in this case, it seems that the object not only survived the wormhole but has lost mass! Doctor Jordon quickly replied.

    Doctor Brice then asked, Is it solvable that wormholes are not only building blocks but gateways to other universes? Is it conceivable that the object could have passed through the wormhole Oli?

    "Jane, if we take into consideration Karl Schwarzschild and David Finkelstein theorizes the logical answer will be no. However, here we have the same object from 25 years ago. The only difference is the object had lost mass!" Replied Oli.

    KGWW is saying the object will be in the earth's orbit in 90 days! blurted out Dr. Andrews.

    How did they get that information? Oli replied.

    KGWW spoke with a Carl Sagan! Dr. Andrews Replied,

    Carl Sagan? Dr. Jane inquired and with a chuckle asked Any relation?

    I don't think so, replied Dr. Andrews. Let's meet at NASA! urged Dr. Brice.

    Professor Carl Sagan interviewed by the news reporter from KGWW says, Yes, my students and I have been observing this object which appeared about 20:30 two nights ago. Actually, Evan Lopez discovered the object. Evan's family is from Mexico and this student shows outstanding aptitude in science at our community college.

    The reporter then

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