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Blood Sired
Blood Sired
Blood Sired
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Blood Sired

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Growing up as an orphan is not easy for David. He feels differentand it does not help when he is called weird and strange by his foster families. When he is finally allowed to live on his own at age eighteen, he is determined to make a better life for himself. But when David awakens with blood on his hands next to his lifeless one-night stand in a hotel room, his life begins to unravel.
Afraid of what he is becoming, David sets out on a quest to learn the truth about his parents. Led to a society of absolute evil, David develops an insatiable hunger for the forbidden that drives him to the verge of insanity. When he comes face-to-face with the truth, he begins to spiral out of control. Now David must somehow summon the strength to bring himself back or lose himself to his hunger forever.
Blood Sired shares the tale of a young mans journey as he attempts to come to terms with the truth about his existence and decides which path to choose: good or evil.
Release dateOct 20, 2015
Blood Sired

S. D. Lee

S. D. Lee resides in Long Island, New York. A single mother she raised four children. She always had a passion for writing stories. S. D. Lee’s style for writing horror, mystery and supernatural themes with a twist of compassion in her characters will take you on a world wind of emotions until the very end.

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    Blood Sired - S. D. Lee


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    Published by AuthorHouse   04/28/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-5637-6 (sc)

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    2    High School Friends

    3    The Awakening

    4    The Birthday Boy

    5    Twenty-one year old virgin

    6    Her name was Gloria

    7    Le Lieu Noir

    8    Crossbreed Vampire

    9    Nanas Sweet-pea

    10    Seeking David

    11    Nobody’s Child

    12    Uncertain Explorations

    13    More Questions than Answers

    14    A Mansion with rolling hills

    15    Calix

    16    The Diary

    17    Fun with Maurice

    18    Blood Lust

    19    Evil Recognition

    20    A broken Soul

    21    Healing old wounds

    About The Author

    for Michael, Jennifer, Chanae, Brianna


    I am no writer—I had actually planned on becoming a doctor—so bear with me as I present to you a story that will hopefully make you wonder What if. I know this will be hard to believe, but what I’m about to write is true. I didn’t want to believe it myself. It has been, however, my nightmare ever since the first time I experienced the change in my life. How do you explain the unexplainable or unseen noises at night? Is there something lurking in the shadows, or is it your imagination? Before I write my story, let me begin with who I am. You see, my name is David—yeah, plain and simple, easy on the tongue—Da-vid. Nice, right? Well, I was an orphan raised in foster homes; then, at the age of thirteen, I was reprimanded to an all-boys home until I aged out at eighteen years. My childhood was nothing compared to what came next.

    First let me say that I’m not one hundred percent human. Matter of fact, I think I’m losing what little mortality I have left. You see, part of me is what I call a monster: a blood-thirsty fucking demon. I’m not sure if I can control this hunger I have for blood. It’s like a drug addiction that I cannot beat. Oh yeah, laugh. You think I’m fucking crazy. Those things aren’t real, you say. Look at the television shows—the movies. Come on, you expect us to believe something like that? you say. No, I don’t. But think of this. What if there was something so evil, so monstrous, that you could not possibly comprehend how it would affect mankind as a whole. Have you ever wondered about the missing men, women, and children? Think about it…. Why are a great majority never found? Movies have glamorized modern-day vampires to appeal to the audience so that when the truth finally comes out, you people will be so intrigued by the false portrayal of these monsters that you will welcome them in your homes with opened arms. Why am I telling you this? Maybe it’s for my own redemption; maybe it’s to forewarn you. Maybe it’s to keep my sanity…. Who knows? It may be the last good deed I do for society. Whatever the reason, I pray God have mercy….


    David had finally turned eighteen years old and was allowed to live on his own as an adult. A product of the foster-care system, he couldn’t wait to reach his eighteenth birthday; he had dreamed of his independence and of having a home of his own. He was lucky to find employment at a local restaurant in the heart of Manhattan, where a few of his friends worked. When they told him of an opening, he didn’t hesitate to apply for the position. He was able to afford a one-bedroom coop in Greenwich Village with money from a trust fund set up for him when he was eight by the only foster parent he felt truly cared for him and not just for the extra money that came along with him. David related to the lyrics of a 1980s rapper, whose words spoke about poverty, drugs, and victims falling between the cracks of the big city (New York, New York big city of dreams, but everything in New York aint always what it seems). He was entering his freshman year of college in the fall. He was determined to make his life better, and with a grade-point average of 4.00, he graduated at the top twenty of his high school class. With the encouragement and help of his favorite counselor at the boy’s home, he applied and was accepted into NYU. Growing up a child of the system, he knew he was nothing more than a statistic, but he would not relinquish his goal to become a successful biochemist. He remembered as a child how sickly he had been—the many times he had visited the hospital and the many times his blood had been drawn from his tiny veins. The child has a blood disorder that’s unusual, he heard the doctor say to another of his peers as they stood around him in confusion. He detested any act of sympathy most adults expressed toward him, especially after learning about his situation. He didn’t want any and didn’t need them feeling sorry for him. Fuck you, he would yell with a scowl on his face, causing them to turn away with displeasure in their eyes. The sisters from the boys’ home would encourage him to continue moving forward no matter what the obstacle, which meant a great deal to him. He was especially fond of one of the counselors he knew as Ms. Beth. Although she came in the evening and left before he woke up, their time spent together gave him consolation on nights when he felt the most afflictions.

    On the nights David couldn’t sleep, he would quietly leave his room to avoid waking any of the other boys. The hall had one emergency light, which was bright enough to allow him to reach his destination. Softly he walked down the stairs to the library, which was located on the first floor of the building. Just to the right of the stairway entrance was the library, with the door slightly ajar. The lock had been broken for years by the hands of some boys who vandalized the room. Since then, no one had bothered to replace the lock. David slowly opened the door and peeked in, hoping he’d be alone.

    Hello, he whispered, sighing relief for the returned silence entering the room as he closed the door behind him. He would take one of the few chairs scattered around the room and sit at a desk, turning on the lamp and reading one of the many books of his choosing. Most of the books were from donations or were newer books paid for by a grant from the city.

    David was interested in anything related to science, and since he’d read all the library had, he’d read the same books over again, always finding a new detail he may have overlooked the first time. One night while on his way to the library, he noticed the light on in Ms. Beth’s office. He heard her speaking to someone and decided to creep to her door, where he found her on the phone while looking at her computer screen. She looked up and smiled, welcoming him to join her.

    David, are you okay? she asked.

    Yes, I’m good, he replied.

    Tell me, would you like to be placed with a family and give it another try? she asked.

    No way will I ever go to another family, he exclaimed bitterly. I’ll take my chances here. That way I have no delusional fantasies of anyone’s fake fucking love for me, he continued, before apologizing for the swear word. She told him that he had the potential to do exceptional deeds but that he must first let go of his bitterness. She was the only adult he trusted. He knew he would especially miss her, which made it difficult for him on his last day. He deliberately waited for her to come to work before he left for good just so he could see her one last time.

    He didn’t have much. His room had been an 8’x8’ square. He felt lucky that he didn’t have to share his room this last year with any of the other boys. The one window allowed sunlight to shine in, and his view was a park across the street. This had been his home: a bed with no headboard or footboard, one dresser with no mirror, and a walk-in closet with a pull-string light was all the room had. The ceiling paint was chipped by years of neglect. He loved the comfort of the room—after all, it was home. David, my sweet David, Ms. Beth said, standing behind him. He didn’t hear her come in and was startled before catching himself. He turned around to face her and said, Oh, hi, with a smile on his face. She walked closer to him and wrapped her arms around him. He welcomed her with opened arms. He always loved the way she smelled. She was only five feet tall and had a very thin frame. He loved her fiery red hair, which seemed to fall gently over her shoulders. She appeared much younger than her thirty-five years. Whenever she looked at him, her emerald green eyes would seem to be looking through to his soul. Compared to his 6'3 frame, she was so tiny. She looked up at him and said, Don’t forget about me, okay? How could I forget you?" he responded, looking down as their eyes connected like lovers. She reached up and kissed his cheek, and he felt a chill run down his spine as her lips touched him. Then she turned and walked out his room. He knew this would be the last time he would see her.

    David was filled with excitement on the day he signed the contract for his new coop. He knew the apartment was his the first time he saw it. Ms. Beth had told him about the vacancy. She said some friends lived there and that she was sure she could pull strings to get him in. On the day of his interview, the coop members had little to ask him and he thought it strange that they practically came short of begging him to join their community. Mr. Conner, the board’s president, stated how very much they needed to invite more from the younger generation to be a part of our community.

    I can’t accept no for an answer, son. You’ll be more than pleased with the many amenities we have to offer, he concluded.

    He gazed at David, hesitating at first, as if he wanted to say something but decided against it. David sensed agitation in the man as he handed him the key. He thanked him before turning and walking away. What was that? He thought, shaking his head in confusion. His instincts were usually correct. The man was hiding something. Whatever, that’s his hang up. David dismissed the incident once he turned the key and opened the front door as he basked in the thought of having new digs for the first time in his life.


    High School Friends

    Why so many people in here? Mike said, frustrated and hot from being in the kitchen of the small restaurant most of the day.

    Damn, when’s my break? he yelled. David, you coming tonight, right? he said, changing the subject while trying to put fries in the hot grease and avoid being burnt.

    Where was it y’all were going? David said, reluctantly. I have a lot of studying to do, he continued.

    "We’re going to the underground called Deep

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