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House of Elliott Vi: The Undoing
House of Elliott Vi: The Undoing
House of Elliott Vi: The Undoing
Ebook180 pages2 hours

House of Elliott Vi: The Undoing

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The familys matriarch, Clarice Elliott, would seem to have it allbeauty, money, brains, and admired by some of the most powerful men in organized crime. However, Clarices life is far from perfect.

As the headmistress of the House of Elliott, she is deeply troubled by the dark cloud that shadows her home after the murder of her only son and after the kidnapping and still missing beloved grandchild.

Horrible memories that had once faded away have come back to haunt her years later with her daughter, LaVern Elliott, and daughter-in-law, Lucy Elliott, being the victims.

The clever and once conniving grandmother loses ground as she feels even her closest ally, Paulie Casadiano, who is the don of the Italian mafia family, has even conspired against her, leaving Clarice no choice but to turn to the one person she evaded the most, her priestFather Michael.

Suspenseful, romantic, and entertaining is House of Elliott VI: The Undoing.
Release dateNov 29, 2016
House of Elliott Vi: The Undoing

Mirthell Bazemore

Mirthell Bazemore is a novelist who enjoys spending her spare time writing poetry, children stories and encouraging others to share their gift of writing.

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    House of Elliott Vi - Mirthell Bazemore

    © 2016 Mirthell Bazemore. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 11/30/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-5167-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-5168-8 (e)

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    The Dark Cloud

    Chapter One The Invitation

    Chapter Two The Confession

    Chapter Three I Miss You

    Chapter Four Meeting Michael

    Chapter Five Home Sweet Home

    Chapter Six Still in Love

    Chapter Seven My Darling Elliott’s

    Chapter Eight The Vow

    Chapter Nine Family time

    Chapter Ten For You My Love

    Chapter Eleven The Plot

    Chapter Twelve Surprise Dinner Date

    Chapter Thirteen Out of the Mouth of Catherine

    Chapter Fourteen Michael’s Prayer

    Chapter Fifteen Point of No Return

    Chapter Sixteen When Worlds Collide

    Chapter Seventeen Startling Confession

    Chapter Eighteen The Truth Shall Set You Free

    Chapter Nineteen Someone Must Pay

    Chapter Twenty For The Love Of Victor

    Chapter Twenty One Eric’s First Birthday

    Chapter Twenty Two Finding Victor

    Chapter Twenty Three You Live

    Chapter Twenty Four In the Garden

    Chapter Twenty Five The Undoing

    Chapter Twenty Six Closure

    Chapter Twenty Seven Life Goes On

    Dedicated to

    Euradell Bernice Bayliss



    I would like to express my gratitude to the many people who have enjoyed reading the


    Thank you cover models Chase Anderson & Lakyn Campbell

    My editor, Brenda J. Anderson, who read, wrote, offered comments, and assisted in the editing, and proofreading.

    Above all I want to thank my husband, Lionel Basemore, and daughter, Sandie, who supported and encouraged me in spite of all the time it took me away from them.

    A special thank you to those who have supported this series;

    Music composer, George Whitehill, Terri Dorrell, Francis Christensen and cover model for

    House of Elliott III, Monica Stout

    My publisher, Buddy Dow, of AuthorHouse

    Brittany Menear of Blissful Life Photography

    Blennerhassett Hotel in Parkersburg West Virginia

    Paul LaPann of News and Sentinel, WV


    Kristy Anderson & Rita Campbell

    Last and not least: Thank you to all those who have been with me over the years and whose names I have failed to mention.

    The Dark Cloud

    Months after the death of Frances III, Lucy began suffering from depression, along with my daughter, LaVern.

    No matter what I did to try to encourage both women, the fact of the matter was that my son, Frances, was gone, as well as Lavern’s baby, Victor.

    Horribly enough I could relate to both women because I knew all too well how they felt when my husband was killed in a car accident many years ago and also had experienced having a missing child.

    For the first time I find myself helpless and unable to help both girls.

    This dark cloud hovered over our House of Elliott mansion for months until I reached out to a priest who changed our lives forever.


    If I Die, You Die

    This book was the beginning of the House of Elliott series about a young, wealthy and handsome Italian man named Antonio Luciano. Antonio (Tony) is the nephew of Jonathan Soriano, the head of the organized crime syndicate, The Commission.

    The young spoiled Tony has been searching for the perfect woman…Beauty, brains and grit! But when he finds her he will learn that she comes with a price, and is he willing to pay that price? Tranice Elliott is the daughter of villainess and matriarch, Clarice Elliott. A scheming mother who will do whatever it takes to make sure her daughter prospers in the New York elite world. Unknowingly, her mother allows her to associate with the mafia. By the time Clarice realizes her daughter, Tranice, is involved, it becomes a harrowing event to save her as she negotiates to save her daughter from a life associated with the Italian Mafia Family. By then Tony and Tranice have declared their love to each other and in return will have to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way.

    Betrayal, Deception and Murder are just the beginning of what lies in their path, and to make matters worse, a meddling and mysterious mother along the way.

    The Ugly Side of Beauty

    After the publication of If I Die, You Die, it was evident that the matriarch of the family, Clarice Elliott, was the dominant character in the storyline.

    Beauty can be viewed as a force almost comparable to that of wealth, as the most powerful men in the world wants the most beautiful woman on his arm. The character, Clarice Elliott, took pride in her beauty, a gene that was passed on to her daughters. She knew how to exploit her looks by setting herself and her daughters up with men of power. The ugly side of beauty shows how being born into what appears to be the perfect family is not always as it seems. Clarice-with astonishing looks and beauty incomprehensible, was betrayed not only once but twice by the one person who she trusted the most-her mother! Raised by the scornful nuns and priests at St. Mary’s boarding school, Clarice overcame some of life’s obstacles as a child, yet barely survives the intrusions of evil that she would have to soon endure. As a result of these trials and tribulations, Clarice goes from being a victim to becoming the ultimate victimizer. After marrying multiple times for selfish reasons, she becomes greed driven and untrustworthy. All these attributes combine to create the perfect ingredient of The Black Widow.

    House of Elliott

    The Good Son is the beginning of the series as it tells the story about Clarice’s relationship with her son. In part one of the series, Alex Bowles is daunted by the dark secrets of the woman he thought was his biological mother. It is not until she’s on her death bed that he uncovers the horrible truth about the woman that raised him.

    Once reunited with his biological mother, Clarice Elliott, he is then torn between two evil women and is introduced into a world that is beyond his imagination, even his childhood sweetheart, Lucy. This is a story of love, deception, greed and murder ~ Alex Bowles is Frances Elliott III.

    House of Elliott II

    Revenge Is Hers after a year of being locked away in Clarice’s cold dark cellar while surviving on mere scraps of food to eat, Cathy was given a second chance at life. While barely escaping death for the second time, and while recuperating in the hospital, her executioner takes pity on her and convinces her to change her identity and relocate. Cathy takes his advice and changes her identity and name to Lucille (Lucy) Montgomery. But her obsession for revenge against Clarice and Frances III causes her to be back in a worse predicament than she was before. Fight or flight, she is determined to avenge herself.

    House of Elliott III

    Judgment Day comes after years of being tormented by her mother-in-law, Clarice. Lucy Elliott fights back! Not realizing that her nemesis will soon become her best ally. Overwhelmed by raising children, Lucy hires a nanny to stop Clarice’s constant interference with her ability to raise her own children. Clarice doesn’t approve of this new nanny and warns her daughter-in-law of the potential danger that could arise from this stranger who dwells in The House of Elliott.

    Soon the two women war with each other, until Judgment Day! One must go …

    House of Elliott IV

    My Darling Elliott’s continues the ongoing saga of four powerful families struggling to maintain their power and dark secrets, with the family’s evil matriarch, Clarice Elliott. In one night, at the hands of a mad woman, everything changed. Our home burned down with all of our material possessions destroyed. A woman, who I entrusted with my children, tried to kill them and my family. My cousin is dead by the hands of this evil person, and the one lady that I despised the most, would be the one who saved us all—Clarice.

    House of Elliott V

    Over the years, the family’s matriarch, Clarice Elliott, has manipulated, schemed, plotted, and even murdered to gain wealth and security in a world of organized crime.

    Clarice soon realizes that her beauty can only go so far, and the one she turns to for help when facing a crisis is costing her the most in ways unimaginable. One situation after the other begets another, far worse than the first one, though she always manages to keep her head above water.

    Who would have guessed that her allies would one day betray her, using her most personal possession for gain – her naïve daughter, LaVern.

    House of Elliott VI

    The saga continues…

    You cannot say ‘no’ to the people you love, not often. That’s the secret. And then when you do, it has to sound like a ‘yes’. Or you have to make them say ‘no.’ You have to take time and trouble.

    Mario Puzo – The Godfather


    The Invitation

    T he past six months have been horrible, with two depressed women and a grandson who’s becoming distant, but nothing could have prepared me for the upcoming events this year.

    I’ve had to endure watching Lucy mope around our home and only seem to pull herself together when the children are around, as I can hear the sounds of late night cries. But around her children she wears a mask.

    My grandson, Frances, changed since the fatal shooting of Frank DeStefano to avenge his father and has become moody and distant at times. It’s pitiful that he does not have a father figure in the home as every boy should have. And Paulie, how can I gain favor with him again? He’s blaming LaVern for the child abduction, which in my opinion is completely absurd, yet I don’t see him much either. I need help and am forced to turn to my Catholic faith to fix this.

    I decided to go visit Father Michael Casadiano at the church. He’s a good man and I know he will advise me well. Plus, there’s something special about this kid I like.

    I called his office…

    Hello, this is Sis. Rosalina, how may I help you?

    Rosie! This is Clarice, how are you, Dear Child?

    Well, Clarice, and you?

    I’ve had better days, Rosie, I’m troubled about Lucy and LaVern. I was hoping to speak with your brother.

    Okay, Clarice. Let me check to see if he’s available. He was in confession earlier. One moment.

    Yes, Rosie, of course.

    After being on hold for a few minutes, Michael picked up the phone.

    Good Morning, Clarice! How are you and the family doing?

    Not well, Father Michael. I was hoping that I could speak with you privately.

    Of course, Clarice, I can see you here at the church in about an hour, is that okay?

    Not really, Father. I was thinking maybe we could meet in my office at Neicy’s tomorrow morning?

    I have a funeral at 10:00 AM, let’s say lunch. Is that okay?

    That is fine, Father Michael. I will see you at my office tomorrow for lunch. Thank you!

    You’re welcome, Clarice. I pray all things soon get better with you and your family.

    Thank you, Michael. I mean Father, and she hung up her phone.

    The next day I left early to attend a board meeting with Tranice, LaVern and other team members of E.L.O Corporation. As usual LaVern was quiet and didn’t have much to say, but agreed with everything Tranice wanted to accomplish for the next quarter. LaVern’s depression was getting to Tranice since she had mentioned it to Tony, and I was sure it had gotten back to Paulie.

    This was frustrating for me

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