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Diary of an Elect: It’S Getting Late in the Evening, and the Sun Is Going Down
Diary of an Elect: It’S Getting Late in the Evening, and the Sun Is Going Down
Diary of an Elect: It’S Getting Late in the Evening, and the Sun Is Going Down
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Diary of an Elect: It’S Getting Late in the Evening, and the Sun Is Going Down

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About this ebook

Diary of an Elect
Over a decade ago, I decided to write this book as a testimony to glorify our Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ, and to express my love for the Doctrine, which he has placed in my
When I look back at my life from early existence until today, I have so much to be
thankful for. I am grateful how the Lord saved me from a way that seemed right, and how I heard repentance and remission of sins preached by the late Bishop L. Hunter, which pricked my heart. I was blessed to hear the man of God over a broadcast from a radio station located in San Francisco, California. The broadcast was coming from a small town in Hartsville, South Carolina; the same Word of God, which continues to be preached today by our Pastor and General Overseer Bishop Joe C. Tisdale.
Throughout my journey, so much has occurred in my life during the writing of this book, as I was called into holiness. Deaths, backsliding, and drawn back into his Great plan of Salvation, renewed with Gods Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ.
I thank God for taking me through my journey and living long enough to share with you my story; how I had encountered miracles, blessings, persecution, and those who tried to discourage me. How the Lord drew me out of a world of darkness, depression, health issues, weakness, growth, and awareness to this calling he had predestined for me as one of Gods elect.
I pray that not only my story, but others who also shared their testimony in this book, encourage you to never give up, and to embrace this calling as one of Gods chosen fewInthe Apostles Doctrine.
To God be the Glory,
Sis. Mirthell Bayliss Bazemore
Release dateApr 26, 2017
Diary of an Elect: It’S Getting Late in the Evening, and the Sun Is Going Down

Mirthell Bayliss Bazemore

Mirthell Bayliss Bazemore was born June 19th, 1964 in Oakland, California. After graduating from Castlemont High School, she immediately began her career in banking while attending Heald Business College. Goal oriented and proud of her family heritage as entrepreneurs, Mirthell is no stranger to hard work. Nurturing an extraordinary gift and love of writing, Mirthell launched her career by publishing her fictional novels in 2006. Since 2008, and as an affiliate of AuthorHouse Publishing, she published over ten novels, which two are charitable books donated to Oakland Children’s Hospital Foundations and the Gwinnett Children’s Shelter in Buford, Georgia. Mirthell has been helping and encouraging others to embrace their creativity, even providing a nationwide network and marketing platform to assist other authors and writers. In October 1988, Mirthell was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ by the late Bishop L. Hunter, and later filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost. Mirthell has continued her spiritual journey under the leadership of Bishop Joe C. Tisdale. In addition to helping others, her greatest joy is serving God while keeping others encouraged and making a difference…one book at a time. “To God be the Glory”

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    Diary of an Elect - Mirthell Bayliss Bazemore

    © 2017 Mirthell Bayliss Bazemore. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 04/26/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-8947-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-8946-9 (e)

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    Chapter One

    Juneteenth 1964

    Echoes In The Night


    Chapter Two

    The Lord Moves In Mysterious Ways

    About Alice Faye

    Chapter Three



    Chapter Four

    New Beginnings

    God Has Joined Together

    Calling On The Lord

    Chapter Five

    Life For Life

    Baptized In Jesus Christ

    Chapter Six


    On Our Way

    Chapter Seven

    The War Within

    Content In The Lord

    Thank you lady Brenda J. Anderson for editing this book for me.

    It has been a blessing to work with you over the years. Thanking the Lord for you and your family, but most of all, our friendship.


    In Memory Of

    Bishop L. Hunter


    Mother Alice Perkins

    A special thank you to Bishop Joe C. Tisdale, who continues to feed the Lord’s flock by preaching the truth and holding steadfast of the Apostle doctrine, as it were preached on the day of Pentecost.

    May the Lord continue to bless you as you preach to the World

    God’s Great Plan of Salvation

    *The Lord Kept Me*

    Dedicated to Bishop Joe C. Tisdale

    While the Earth was being framed together,

    By the words of the most high God.

    The Lord kept me

    A seed placed in my mother’s womb,

    Predestined by God, with a high calling in Christ Jesus.

    The Lord kept me

    Born into a world where men claims to be the victor,

    And many false prophets have rise

    The Lord kept me

    Through a world of ungodliness, persecution,

    Unlawful principalities,

    The Lord kept me.

    I stand on holy ground

    Filled with the Holy spirit

    Preaching Gods truth, to those who will receive it.

    The Lord Kept Me

    Through many trials and tribulations, and long suffering too,

    The Lord has kept me through all of these things,

    To help save you.


    Sister Mirthell Bayliss Bazemore


    Testimonies from my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ

    June 19th A blessed day

    The King of England


    From my

    Brothers & Sisters


    Jesus Christ

    Poem by

    Sis. Irene Easterling


    Bro. John Blount Jr.

    Testimonies by

    Sis. Rosa Lee Shaw

    Sis. Audria Brunson Glenn

    Sis. Katricia D.I.S

    Sis. Gladys Spann

    Sis. Dianna Ishmell Kitchen

    Sis. Sabrina T. Peterson

    Sis. Lavona Brockington

    Bro. Joseph Brown

    Sis. Latoya Rich

    Sis. Lillie Fox

    Sis. Mary Goodman

    Sis. Willie Mae Timmons

    Sis. Donna South

    Sis. Neola Addison

    Bro. Lionel Bazemore

    In the company of her Sisters

    She’s in the company of her sisters…

    There’s no chatter

    No need for explanations

    Just silence, contentment

    Being reflective

    I hear a faint sound

    Just a contented, hum.

    But I know that it will grow louder

    More rhythmical, more joyful

    Elevating into a crescendo of sunshine

    Ringing with notes of pure joy.

    Sister Irene Easterling

    He Guided My Heart

    I give all honors to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I thank Him for all He’s done in keeping me from my earliest existence until now.

    I grew up hearing about God and His goodness. I didn’t comprehend it all, but I believed and accepted that it was so. I never thought of not believing as he guided my heart.

    Many instances in my life could have deemed me to no longer be alive.

    As a crawling baby, I was told that I crawled off our high porch, and fell head first onto a glass bottle. A neighbor rushed us to the nearest hospital. My mom says she soaked several cloth diapers with the blood from my head. They picked out glass and stitched my head and the scar still remains today.

    As an elementary school child, I stepped off the bus one day and fell to the ground, unable to walk. I had elevated temperatures for weeks, my legs wouldn’t work and my doctor had no idea what was wrong. Eventually I walked and life carried on.

    At some point in my young life, my doctor discovered I had a faulty heart valve. I was told that it had to be repaired or I would die before I was 20 years old. I only knew that I didn’t want anyone cutting into my heart and refused.

    In high school, I tried to fit in but found no pleasure in the things that were popular for my age group. I thought myself to be strange, but was comfortable being the odd person. God had a different life style for me.

    In 1979 I was baptized into His way of holiness. I eventually got serious enough and He blessed my soul with His Spirit. I committed to living a life for Him.

    I’ve been weak, strong, faithful, unfaithful, happy, and sad. His spirit in me has been high, low, electric and subdued. At times thankful, at times ungrateful. Through it all, He kept me and through his WORD…gently bumped me back in line.

    In 1999 while in church service I suffered a cerebral aneurysm. God ordered all the events that caused me to live.

    I am forever thankful for my life. I am thankful for my husband, Levy Shaw, and for our children.

    I am thankful that God knows my name and loved me enough to make me His.

    Sister Rosa Lee Shaw

    Deeper in the Lord

    First I want to thank the Lord for blessing me with a mind to one day to have repent of

    my sins. I want to thank Him for blessing me to have been baptized in His precious name.

    I want to thank the Lord for waking me up this morning in my right mind with activity and use of

    my limbs. I want to thank Him for how He has protected my family and me through the years. I

    truly want to thank the Lord for how He called me into His true plan of salvation.

    For me it began as a child growing up.

    My mom would bring my sister and me to church all the time, Even when we didn’t want to come.

    She would make us pay attention to the Word that was being preached. At a young age I knew I wanted to be saved, but I wasn’t ready yet. I knew when I repented; I wanted to make sure I would never turn back. As time passed I graduated from high school to go to college. As a child never having any freedom experienced a lot of things I never had the chance to do. I had drugs offered to me, but never did I indulge in them.

    As I went through college, my mom became ill with breast cancer. My dad and

    I would take turns taking my mom to her cancer treatments, until it came to her final doctor’s visit.

    By this time my sister had left and moved to NC, where she resides today with her three sons. In

    2006, I became pregnant with my daughters which disappointed both my parents. Thankfully I

    finished college. The Lord blessed me with parents that helped me, but made sure I realized it

    was my responsibility to take care of my daughters at that time.

    A few months after my girls were born my mom became ill again. I was devastated because this time my mom went through different changes being sick this time. My dad stuck by her side until the end while I would work and keep the bills going for them. I would cry and ask the Lord whatever His will is, to please

    give me the strength to accept what He was about to do when the time came and He did.

    Through praying and fasting as a sinner led me to a deeper faith I had yet to

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