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The Extraordinary Adventures of James and Jack
The Extraordinary Adventures of James and Jack
The Extraordinary Adventures of James and Jack
Ebook112 pages57 minutes

The Extraordinary Adventures of James and Jack

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About this ebook

This book contains three fiction stories with some realistic elements and facts; they are about the adventures of two close friends, James and Jack.

The first story is about their adventures near the Netherlands railroad crossing.

In the second story, they explore the Titanic shipwreck. They go on an expedition to the Atlantic Ocean and go to the ocean floor and observe the details of the lost ship.

The third story is about their mission to explore the planets that make up our solar system. They go on the space shuttle and ride on the ship until it stops working in space. A meteor brings them back to Earth safely.
Release dateSep 21, 2017
The Extraordinary Adventures of James and Jack

Dilshod D. Azimov

Dilshod Azimov is currently a middle school student in Honolulu, HI. He is 13, but he wrote these three fiction stories when he was an elementary school student, in 2012 and 2013. Dilshod has special interests in astronomy, space objects in the universe, investigations of accidents with space shuttles and aircraft flights, and experiments of phenomena in physics and chemistry. He has extensively studied about railroad crossings in the world, learned majority of aircraft and two space shuttle flight accidents with technical details, thoroughly explored tragedy of “Titanic”. He has then has put his knowledge, creations and imaginations into many stories with illustrations, and only three of these stories are presented in this book.

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    The Extraordinary Adventures of James and Jack - Dilshod D. Azimov

    2017 Dilshod D. Azimov. All rights reserved.

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    The contents and illustrations of the book have been prepared for publication by Dilmurat Azimov.

    Cover page design: Dilmurat Azimov.

    Published by AuthorHouse 09/22/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-0781-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-0782-5 (e)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-0961-4 (hc)

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    Written and Illustrated by Dilshod D. Azimov

    Honolulu, Hawai’i



    Chapter 1: Shuttle time

    Chapter 2: Let’s go!

    Chapter 3: Blastoff!

    Chapter 4: Outer space

    Chapter 5: Inner

    Chapter 6: Outer

    Chapter 7: Alien Out!

    Chapter 8: Failed Engine

    Chapter 9: Meteor back

    Chapter 10: Back to Earth!

    Chapter 1: Shuttle time

    Once upon a time, there were two silly people named James and Jack. James! Jack said. Are you done with the bathroom? Hold on! James said. I’m going to the Space Shuttle. Jack played around with his rocket toy. His face turned red. HURRY UP!!!! Jack screamed. I’m washing my hands, James said. Finally! Jack said, happily. James went to their green


    drawer and got their iPad. He went to the mail and wrote to the shuttle controls. Twelve days later his mailbox flag was up. JACK, JACK, JACK, JACK! James yelled with excitement. Jack was on his bed. It was early morning at six. James pulled Jack, sliding Jack to the mailboxes. There were two, one for James, one for


    Jack. His face was red, while James’ face was yellow. When they opened the envelope, they saw a letter. James read it. The two brothers were going to the space shuttle at 3:00 in the afternoon. Did you hear that, James said after reading the letter. NO! We won’t go. There is no space flight! Jack yelled. Forget it, we will go! James said. They packed a red bag. Their car suddenly stopped. The fuel is gone! James said, sadly. Jack was so happy. Jack, you push the car. I will pull it to that gas station, James said. They pulled and pushed. Are we almost there? Jack said. They were sweating. Their faces turned red. Finally they were at the gas station. I will buy water, Jack said. James was so excited. He had never been to space before. So did Jack. It took 10 minutes for the tank to fill up.


    I’m back, Jack whispered. He sneaked up on James. AAH! James said. Don’t sneak up on me. Here, Jack said, giving James a bottle and a chocolate bar. Thanks, James said. Beep! 20 gallons! Jack said. We will definitely make it. James happily said.


    Let’s hurry up to get there! Fine, Jack said, yawning. He slept. Wake me up the next morning. Jack went to a deep sleep. James drove over the U.S. Jack had a really horrible dream. He woke up in a flash. AAH! he yelled. What? James asked. Never mind. What time is it? "Keep sleeping, it’s not


    midnight yet, Jack said. Okay, Jack said, falling asleep. James put on the radio with headphones. He also became tired just a few hours later. During those hours, he played on his phone. He fell asleep near four in the morning. JACK, WHERE ARE YOU!!!" James exclaimed, in the car. The car was in a car art a rest area. Jack was gone! There was a bathroom nearby. James laid down, thinking Jack was in the bathroom. James’ exclamation was loud enough for Jack to hear, even if the car windows were closed. It was 8 in the


    morning. What? Jack said. You have to tell me, even if I am sleeping, James said. I did tell you, you were just sleeping, Jack said. EEEEWWWW! There was a big bug on the window. James slammed the window. The bug was outside. It fell. You are such a weirdo, Jack said. A big, buggy weirdo. I will sleep.

    Chapter 2: Let’s go!

    Why are you sleeping so much? James asked. I do not want to go to space! Jack yelled. We might have a crash. Are you nuts? James said. "Fine, do whatever

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