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Starting My Day with Him
Starting My Day with Him
Starting My Day with Him
Ebook147 pages45 minutes

Starting My Day with Him

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About this ebook

Obstacles in our daily life hinder us from reaching our full potential for God. They rob us of the joy and the peace we have in Christ Jesus. They rob us of the spiritual and physical energy we need to go through the day. I trust this little book gives you the courage to view these obstacles as part of the journey and that you will be encouraged and strengthened in conquering your obstacles by prayer and refl ection on Gods Word.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 26, 2010
Starting My Day with Him

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    Book preview

    Starting My Day with Him - Audrey G. Dorsett



    In Context


    In Context


    In Context


    In Context


    In Context


    In Context


    In Context


    In Context


    In Context


    In Context


    In Context


    In Context


    In Context

    God’s Promises

    In Context


    In Context


    In Context


    In Context


    In Context


    In Context


    In Context


    In Context

    God’s Power

    In Context


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    Welcome. I believe God sent his only Son to be born in a stable, to live among sinners, and to die a horrible death on the cross so I could have everlasting life with Him in heaven. I believe when Jesus Christ died on the cross he died for all my sins. I believe Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father. Because I believe these things and I asked God to forgive me of my sins and to accept me as his own and He did, I now have a relationship with God the Father through his Son Jesus Christ. I am alive because Christ lives in me.

    This book lists some obstacles we might encounter or have already encountered in our daily lives. These obstacles are all around us. We might encounter them in the work place, in the home, and sometimes even in the grocery store. They can very easily slip into our lives and create hindrances between us and our daily walk with God. These obstacles, if allowed to fester will rob us of the Peace (Romans 5:1) and the Joy (Psalm 16:11) we have in Him.

    We therefore must gird ourselves to be victors and not victims of the schemes of man because as God’s children, we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Rom. 8:28, NIV); therefore, this little book gives you the opportunity to view some obstacles or hindrances from a biblical context, to reflect on God’s word, and to pray a simple prayer.

    It does not matter how small or how large this obstacle in your life might be. I trust you will find inspiration and encouragement from this book because through God’s grace you can overcome and conquer every obstacle.

    Remember that God loves you and he is waiting to hear from you.

    Good Morning, My Father

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    Father, what a good and gracious God you are, and I trust you as I surrender all to you.

    I thank you for a good night’s sleep.

    I thank you for a bright and cheery awakening.

    I thank you for today, a day you have made especially for me.

    I thank you for the grace you have given me for today.

    I thank you for your joy and your peace that surrounds me today.

    I thank you for obstacles I will encounter today, let them remind me of your presence.

    I thank you for your constant presence in my life.

    I thank you for my employer, for my job, and all those I work with.

    I thank you for the plans you have for me today.

    I thank you for your traveling mercies and the message you will give me through your word.

    Shine your light through me, surround me with your love, and

    grant me your spirit of boldness to share you with someone today.

    Accept my thanks and praises I humbly pray.

    Amen and amen.


    Bible Verse

    "When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, ‘Do you believe that I am able to do this?’ (Matt. 9:28).


    Believing in God has to be our Christian perspective. I believe I am saved after I ask for God’s forgiveness. I believe God

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