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Brotherly Love
Brotherly Love
Brotherly Love
Ebook89 pages1 hour

Brotherly Love

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About this ebook

Every once in a while, someone special comes into our lives for a very short moment in time and touches our hearts. I think of my brother as my special person. He came into my life for a short while and touched it in ways I will never forget. Brotherly Love is a true story about the memories my brother and I createduntil something happened that changed my life forever.
Release dateSep 23, 2011
Brotherly Love

Dalton Giesick

I am qualified to write this book because I went through all the experiences revealed. Previously, I wrote a poem entitled My Best Friend, which was published in the Teachers Selection anthology of poetry (2002 edition, volume XXIII). I dedicated the poem to my brother, and it touched the hearts of the audience. The poem moved the audience to understand how my brother and I felt for each other. It also took them to that one special person in their lives to whom they could relate. This memoir is to convey the closeness of my brother and me. Also, to show the deep feelings I had for my brother. I live in Castle Rock, Colorado, and graduated from Douglas County High School. After losing my brother, I am now an only child. This led to getting my very own dog, Bubba. I love to watch all kinds of movies. I am a big fan of the shows 7th Heaven and Degrassi, and I enjoy listening to most kinds of music.

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    Book preview

    Brotherly Love - Dalton Giesick



    Chapter One,

    The Beginning

    Chapter Two,

    Grandma and Grandpa,

    Here We Come!

    Chapter Three,

    The Library

    Chapter Four,

    The Clubhouse

    Chapter Five,

    The Garden City Zoo

    Chapter Six,

    Knock-Knock. Ding-Dong!

    Chapter Seven,

    A New Beginning

    Chapter Eight,

    Making Memories of Us!

    Chapter Nine,

    Hangin’ With Our Friends

    Chapter Ten,

    Gone Missing

    Chapter Eleven,


    Chapter Twelve,

    Threshold of Maturity

    Chapter Thirteen,

    What Is Happening?

    Chapter Fourteen,

    Are You Near or

    Are You Far?

    A brother is a friend given by God.

    This book is dedicated to my little brother, Dayton,

    who I will never forget.


    I remember what happened as if it were yesterday, but it was more than ten years ago, when I was eight years old. It all started around midnight. A bright light came into my room through the window and woke me up. I could see from my alarm clock that it was way past my bedtime. I was sleepy but curious, so I jumped out of bed, walked over to my window, and peeked through the blinds. My eyes opened wide as I gazed at what looked like hundreds of police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks with their lights flashing. Although all these cars were directly in front of my house, I thought, they can’t be at our house; there’s no way.

    But they were. Little did I know that this night would change my life forever.

    Chapter One,

    The Beginning 

    My name is Dalton Giesick and my brother’s name is Dayton Giesick. We lived with our mother and father for about four years in Hutchinson, Kansas, which is a very remote place. My story begins the summer of 1997, when I was six and my little brother was only three.

    Dayton and I did everything together. He was the cutest person that you would have ever seen in your life. He was chubby and had long, dark-blond hair that curled up at the ends.

    Dayton was the one person in our family who never had a cavity. When he was just four years old we went to the dentist for his check-up, he had his picture taken in his favorite Winnie the Pooh sweatshirt that we had bought for him on his birthday. We immediately placed it in a frame and hung it in our family room.

    Every morning, Dayton would wake me up to go downstairs and turn on his favorite show, "Out of the Box," before Mom and Dad were out of bed. Every night before dinner, Dayton and I would wrestle with Dad, and he would let us climb on his back and pretend to be a horse and give us rides around the house.


    Dad is pretending to be a horse and giving my brother and I rides.

    Dayton always had a smile on his face and loved to go outside to play. Whatever I was doing, he was always right there beside me doing the same. At the age of four, he was already popping wheelies on his bike. One day, we were playing in the window well outside in the backyard, hiding from Mom while Dad was working on our deck. When she found us, Dayton was laughing so hard that Mom had to take a picture of us.


    Summer of 1998. Dayton (right) four years old and I (left) eight years old, playing in the window well of our home in Colorado.

    One late spring day, my brother and I were home with our babysitter while Mom and Dad were at work. Everything was packed up in boxes and scattered around the house. At about four o’clock in the afternoon, when Mom and Dad got home, I could tell they had news from their expressions.

    It must have something to do with the fact that everything in our house is being packed, I thought.

    Hey, Dalton, go get Dayton. We have something to tell you guys! Mom exclaimed as she and Dad came in the front door. I followed her instructions. When Dayton and I approached Mom and Dad, Mom (trying to sound calm) said, Boys, we’re moving to Colorado. There’s not much out here anymore, and Dad and I would like to be near the city. So, your dad and I need to make a trip there to look for a house.

    Can I go with you? asked Dayton.

    No, you can’t go with us this time, said Mom.

    Mom smiled nervously because she was sad at the thought of leaving her boys behind.

    While we are out in Colorado, I’m going to apply for a position at a grocery store they have out there, Dad explained to us. We will be there during the summer. While we’re away, you will stay with Grandma and Grandpa Giesick. As good as this sounded, we were disappointed because we couldn’t go with our parents to look for a house in Colorado.

    Cheer up. It will be all right. You’ll have fun with Grandma Rilla and Grandpa Mel. I know you will, Dad said. Maybe you guys will get to go to the library.

    I worried about our parents leaving us behind and didn’t want the day

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