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The Tides of Time: In Prose & Poetry
The Tides of Time: In Prose & Poetry
The Tides of Time: In Prose & Poetry
Ebook173 pages2 hours

The Tides of Time: In Prose & Poetry

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About this ebook

The Tides is an accumulation of thoughts concerning world and American events, moods, results. It consists of tidbits for the man on the street, the overburdened, the isolated. The comments serve as springboards for recall of the last years that have been tumulus, forgetful and unforgettable.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 19, 2010
The Tides of Time: In Prose & Poetry

Essdale Wilson

Essdale Wilson spent a career in education before turning to writing. Earlier he wandered the maze of life before spending a four year awakening hitch in the USAF during the Korean conflict. Now he devotes most of his time to grandchildren and most of his frustration on golf courses.

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    Book preview

    The Tides of Time - Essdale Wilson


    Chromatic Folly

    Take Warning

    Susquehanna Hymn

    The Forbidden Path

    The American Dream

    Race, Human

    The Wall

    My Calendar

    Scourge of The Eighties



    On Success


    On Tolerance

    And Understanding

    Social Noose

    The Site

    To Kyle Gallagher-9/1/95

    The Dawn Toad

    The Faded Psalm On Feeding Baby Robins

    To A Son

    To A Daughter

    Count Me In

    A Directive For Benevolence

    Time Out

    My World

    A Gold Star

    Mother Weeps

    Sixth Grade—First Rejection


    Good Night All

    On Life (Time)

    Gay Marriage

    What Shall We Value?

    What we do know about the Bush Blunder/Cheney Plunder years?

    What we don’t know about the Bush/Blunder—Cheney/Plunder years

    My Country,

    Wrong Or Wrong

    Questions That Baffle The Mind

    Only Essdale’s Perception

    The Bible For Non-Believers And Lost Souls

    The Condensed Version Of The Old Testament

    Summer AM

    Ebb Tide Scatterings

    On The Beach

    On Politics

    Heard Or Said

    At The Beach

    The American Way

    On Telephone Messaging

    On Problem Solving

    On An Attitude

    Toward Others

    On Money

    About Me

    Lessons Of Life

    Little Known Facts

    On Poetry


    Unknown Facts

    Tim Mcveigh Mentality

    Self-Help Common Sense

    Rescued Pearls From Don’t Quote Me, But

    The Power Of Praise

    That’s The Spirit

    Love And Marriage

    About You

    More On You

    Other books by

    Essdale Wilson

    Dear Reader:

    Thanks for reading this tome. Most people will want to run me over or burn my house down after unenjoying the book so I’m thanking you in advance. I will dedicate this work to you because you are a reader and there is a special place in my heart for avid well-informed readers.

    I have been in education for many, many years; since my kid brother Methuselah learned to walk. I have a different slant on the world primarily because I walk with my shorter leg down hill.

    In the past, I have had several meaningless poems, pointless short stories and non-redeeming essays published but nothing as power-packed as this piece of work. If this stimulates just one person, it will be well worth the half hour of midnight oil needed to produce it. You can’t get more trite than that. Enjoy. Well, maybe you can get more trite, or triter. I just did.

    I hope that the book provides food for thought as well as a few chuckles. God bless you (it’s in the book), eat all of your vegetables, and may you always find the best parking spots.


    The Tides Of Time And

    Thoughts Of Mine


    Don’t market a world of eternal peace,

    Where all are loved as kin.

    There is no hope of tranquil nights,

    While obsessed with all the hues of skin.

    Oh yes there’s talk of loving all,

    But open arms can never win,

    Opposing a mind that will persist

    Embalming the spectrum of the skin.

    Black or white derma never was,

    All groups exhibit dark and fair.

    Thus criteria for marking race exists,

    That consists of noses, lips and hair.

    All noble efforts of harmony,

    Sincere and painstakingly from the heart,

    Are but benign dawdling of foolishness,

    When assuming colors as a basic part.

    If sympathy, respect and caring take root,

    Nurture the humane garden with grace.

    Maintain universal acceptance and,

    Extract the weeds of reference to race.


    Ignore the oaken scull.

    Its hardness pains the hands

    Neglect the entwined hemp.

    Receive no burns from strands.

    No matter whom you scuttle,

    Care not for the strife.

    Crave only for full billows,

    As you fare the sea of life.

    Slight the thunder and angry swells,

    That batter the soul of the sinned.

    Free sails wing you through the night-

    But, ah, which way the wind?


    I ration my day and set aside time,

    To watch you as you cut your way,

    Through NYPENN hills point west and south,

    Carrying runoff to the Chesapeake Bay.

    Oh, what beauty in silent days,

    Of summer sun and gentle breeze,

    Or raging anger in springtime storms,

    Or islands of ice from a dying freeze.

    Lads seek your bass from Owego depths,

    And pike from where the Chenango merges,

    On bridge’s span at Thompkins Street,

    Or Rockbottom Dam where backwater surges.

    You are a magnet to migrant fowl.

    You’re home to lone heron here to stay.

    You tranquilize strollers after tedious day,

    From an etched path through resistant clay.


    Father did bend the twig sincerely,

    So the tree would grow God’s way.

    He knelt with us and read the missal,

    Not willing to challenge in light of day.

    He extruded myths and fables.

    He embellished and passed on lies.

    With all the trappings of his faith,

    He never drew on whats or whys.

    Oh, churchman, how you bewilder me,

    When you avow divine perfection still,

    From your god of love and kindness,

    Peace and warmth and ever good-will.

    Are you void of critique and vision?

    Are your senses muted by your ties?

    Does your allegiance smother reality,

    When your ears defy your eyes?


    I dreamed the dream of youth:

    Change the world, fortune, fame-

    The climb from nil to silver spoon,

    Of travel, leisure, social game.

    I dreamed the dream of greatness,

    That fulfills every need;

    Yachts and horses and flashy cars.

    Yes, I dreamed the dream of greed.

    Absent in the dream of dreams,

    Is allowance for downtrodden aid-

    Concern for squalor and misery-

    Only the magnitude we are paid.

    Yes I pursued the dream in earnest,

    With coffer full and compassion blank,

    Too late to embody the converse,

    Of success to riches in the bank.


    You’re not at all like the thickest night,

    And not at all like a raven’s back.

    And nothing like an undertaker’s shoe;

    It must be said that you’re not black.

    I’m not like snow on a mountain top-

    Nor like the ermine with fur so bright.

    I’m not at all like the cresting waves-

    Nor a friar’s robe; I am not white.

    Could it be more shallow; more inane,

    To ascribe an image to shades of skin-

    To block by races of dubious hues,

    And evoke a hate where none can win?

    Caring, acceptance, courage inside,

    Virtue and love be not denied,

    Ambition and accomplish all warrant pride,

    But never the happenstance of a certain hide.


    You stand mid celebrated structures;

    A chevron of blackness engraved with shame,

    Over fifty-eight thousand heroes emblazoned;

    Wasted in a conflict of vague rationale.

    A hundred-thousand scruffy survivors,

    Kneel beside you and pray for what?

    Their weeping defeated heaviness,

    Tells of blood and death and unconcern.

    You had to be ebony like the wicked night,

    Verifying the injustice that cut through lands;

    Wanton necropsy disguised as honorable,

    Inspired by dollars capitalists pursued.

    A generation is drawn to your semblance,

    Of a war that humbled a once proud nation,

    With disillusion, decadence and mistrust,

    And an innocent equation lost forever.

    Ah yes, there were the avid hawks,

    Separated from grenades by miles of sea,

    Forgotten with other sins of war-

    Sins that declaration of peace buries.

    Always chant of the evils of ambition.

    Stand strong for all you face.

    Never allow your message to fade,

    That triggers the tears spilled at your base.


    Only an insignificant peel of paper,

    Pounded, pulverized and bleached;

    One of over a three-hundred stack-

    Yesterday’s focus and today’s vapor.

    It takes little effort to rip you away,

    Though you signify a segment of existence,

    As you’re cast aside I leave behind,

    My life as it was; my yesterday.

    The contingency of all that lies,

    Within my psyche, infused by eyes;

    My being in a world of no future ties-

    There’s but fleeting days and then one dies.

    Yesterday was spent but then how wise?


    A five year old fights although he is losing,

    A struggle with illness that is all consuming.

    His young, young life will soon drain away.

    He’ll be forever still within the fourth day.

    A pained mother’s prayers will then die too.

    She’ll weep and cry out, God, where were you?

    She’ll weep as she fulfills what has to be done.

    With heart torn out she’ll bury a son.

    He was immaculate; void of all blame,

    Yet struck by a virus laced with shame.

    Is there profound enlightenment from agony and pain?

    Is there reason or justification that is sane?

    What overriding wisdom for humanity to gain?


    When the erosion has ended;

    The hills and valleys all blended,

    When the seasons are done,

    Without color from the sun-

    What of Him, glory and damned,

    When all that lingers are echoes of man?


    No one saw, yet his image was spread.

    No one felt but was assured of his touch,

    No one heard though his message was said.

    What of misery; the suffering so much?

    Of death, starvation, the cutting that bled?

    How is this benevolence, caring and such?


    The rewards are all up stream.

    The current is constant and strong.

    Only the bow pointed forever head on,

    Will touch the shore where the valored belong.

    Lifting the oars and refuse to struggle,

    Surrendering to the swiftness of the stream,

    Impels into mediocrity and mundaneness,

    And divorces the timid from their dream.

    Captain your ship of destiny.

    Leave it not to sermonizer’s reins,

    Nor the whims of pious pretenders,

    That are exempt from all your failure’s pains.

    Downstream is strewn with the shipwrecked,

    Replete with self-pity, scapegoats and delusion,

    On riffles of boredom, poverty and confusion,

    Where IF ONLYS fill nostalgic conclusion.

    Here’s to the tenacious and their spoil,

    That dwell in luxury on contented soil:

    Free, fulfilled and in foil,

    Requited for their mettle and toil.


    No, it isn’t the breeze because it’s gentle.

    Nor is it caused by the light warm rain.

    It’s the self-inflicted foolish wounds,

    That cause this constant inner pain.

    Where is the road, the lane, the path?

    What is happening to the accruing day?

    Why do the dreams and hopes all fade?

    Why does contentment always fall away?

    Do cinder blocks and mortar envelop me?

    Am I chasing rainbows in a game?

    Do esoteric keys surround me?

    While I search in vain for illusive fame?

    I’m taunted ever with this aching;

    This one that I can not even read.

    I can’t comprehend this restlessness,

    Called forth by longing and enduring need.

    I crave the fifteen minutes in the sun,

    From something conquered; something

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