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Finding Your Benben Stone: And Building Your Great Pyramid of Success
Finding Your Benben Stone: And Building Your Great Pyramid of Success
Finding Your Benben Stone: And Building Your Great Pyramid of Success
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Finding Your Benben Stone: And Building Your Great Pyramid of Success

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Since the advent of religion upon our earth, humankind has sought to spiritually connect effectively with the Supreme Being, Source of All, and Great Cosmic Creator.

Today, many confused current and former followers of religious doctrines and churchgoers still question God about the reason for their existence. In other words, they are sincerely seeking to discover their life purpose while asking, Why am I here?

In Finding Your Benben Stone:

- Learn how to connect your mind with the universal quantum life force to awaken unto the highest level of spiritual Consciousness, and continually draw upon the infinite powers of the Great Cosmic Seed of Life within this New Age of Enlightenment.

- Understand how to find your life purpose by following your intuition and passionate feelings.

- Experience being set free of fear, worry, doubt, and lack of self-confidence by the all-powerful and encompassing comforter: The Spirit of Truth.

- Discover how to enter the kingdom of heaven within you, so that you may receive the desires of your heart and experience the most imaginable bliss-filled life of abundance.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateDec 5, 2014
Finding Your Benben Stone: And Building Your Great Pyramid of Success

Dr. Daniel E. Mitchell

Dr. Daniel E. Mitchell has a Ph.D. in Educational Studies and M.A. in History. Aside from having taught at various colleges in southern California, he is a former ordained minister. His study of Ancient Egypt and the Bible has revealed many correlative esoteric symbols and mysteries. Dr. Daniel currently lives in Dallas, Texas.

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    Finding Your Benben Stone - Dr. Daniel E. Mitchell

    Copyright © 2014 Dr. Daniel E. Mitchell.

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014909585

    Balboa Press rev. date: 12/04/2014





    Chapter 1   Great Bird Upon A Mysterious Rock

    Chapter 2   Holy Benben Stone

    Chapter 3   Serpent of Magic

    Chapter 4   Shining Benben Atop the Great Pyramid

    Chapter 5   The Lost Benben Stone

    Chapter 6   What Happened to the Benben?

    Chapter 7   How I Found My Benben Stone

    Chapter 8   The Coming of the KRST (Christ)

    Chapter 9   Finding Your Benben Stone

    Chapter 10 Building Your Great Pyramid of Success

    Epilogue       Let Your Eternal Light Shine within the Golden Age of Aquarius

    About the Author

    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture taken from the Good News Translation in Today’s English Version- Second Edition Copyright © 1992 by American Bible Society. Used by Permission.

    Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (

    Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission. NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® and NIV® are registered trademarks of Biblica, Inc. Use of either trademark for the offering of goods or services requires the prior written consent of Biblica US, Inc.

    All Scripture quotations in this publications are from The Message. Copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.



    Universal Mind (Atum)

    The Most High, Supreme Being called God, Consciousness, Great Cosmic Creator, and Source of All


    Let me begin by giving thanks to my Source of All, the Great Cosmic Creator, and ever- present Universal Mind. I believe the name Universal Mind perfectly epitomizes the omniscience and omnipresence of the One many refer to as God. Our mind or Consciousness is the Absolute Infinite Spirit of God that has always filled, saturated and embodied the entire cosmos. Furthermore, if God is everywhere and in everything within the whole universe, let us equally understand that the Universe is also everywhere and in everything. Well, if God and the Universe are the only two things that are everywhere and in everything, then it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out and realize that they are both the same exact thing! Therefore, it greatly behooves us to clearly and effectively recognize and interpret that the spiritually alive mind which we possess only originates from and is always powerfully connected and secured to UNIVERSAL MIND.

    When you begin to fathom and comprehend the name, Universal Mind, then you must know that it is rooted in ancient Egyptian cosmological thought unto the name of the Creator of the Universe known as Atum. The primordial Atum was and still is the All-Encompassing Architect and All-Seeing Eye of the Cosmos. The life building force of the Universe is the Atom molecule that brings forth its derivation, substance and materialization from its etymological name, formation, structure, and function as Atum, the Supreme Being, often called God. As you will see, I refer to my Creator in this work as Atum (Universal Mind) or Universal Mind (Atum), Who’s quantum electromagnetic presence inspired me and gave instructions as I wrote, Finding Your Benben Stone.

    When my newly met mentor, who led an ancient history study group, first mentioned the Benben Stone to me in 2010, I immediately became fascinated by its mysterious catchy name. Then I quickly developed an unexplainable passionate desire to learn as much as I could about the Benben Stone that was so venerated and sacred in the cosmogonal story of the ancient Kemetians or rather Egyptians as called by the classical Greeks. I also learned that over the centuries the Benben Stone has been referred to by some as the Stone of Destiny.

    The number seven took on significant meaning for me while writing Finding Your Benben Stone. I spent seven months gathering research on the Benben Stone in 2010, but little did I know that I would be writing a book two years later bearing its name. It was seven months after I decided that I would write a book about the Benben Stone, that it was revealed to me that I had truly found my Benben Stone or life purpose after directly encountering the Spirit of Truth. During a seven month period beginning in October 2012, I stopped contact with many individuals by communicating to them that I was going up on the Great Mountain, a place somewhere that I thought I was just making an innocent reference implying to get away, to focus and write a very inspired book.

    My encounter with the Spirit of Truth in September 2012, caused me to realize that this spiritual energy life force is actually my subconscious mind! Seven months later it was acknowledged that my akashic DNA carries an incarnation as the famed ancient Egyptian 18th Dynasty military strategist and warrior by the name of King (Pharaoh) Thutmoses III (Menkheperre). Also, an infinite entity of the Creator of the Universe by the name of Truth-Teller gave spiritual voice about the present New Age of Enlightenment and Truth to my manuscript as I wrote down those things told to me. I experienced many biblical revelations from the Spirit of Truth during this period that brought me unto what the Gnostics called Gnosis (to know one’s self /true salvation), or spiritual enlightenment and awakening in Christ (KRST) Consciousness.

    As I neared completion of my book, I uncovered a mystery that reflected the number seven as symbolization of the godly serpent in ancient cultures. I would discover that the number seven represented the seven aspects of the mythological serpent’s life force. I became aware of this divine presence of the cosmic serpent that it was the spiritual engine, which ignited and sparked the energy centers and seven vital organs in the human body.

    Even as an eleven-year-old boy, while playing baseball, my arm got caught on a fence with wire leaving a permanent mark of an approximate seven-inch long serpent image. For some reason, growing up I was always proud of my snake-like tattoo. It took me seven months to write the first draft of my manuscript. Seven months later, I was in serious discussion with Balboa Press, a division of my dream publisher, Hayhouse. And, in terms of numerology, my manuscript will be published in 2014 (2 + 0 + 1+ 4), which totals the number seven. I must note that my age at the brink of the publication of Finding Your Benben Stone was fifty-two years old (5 + 0 + 2), which equals seven.

    My travel upon the Great Mountain, as I was deeply entrenched atop, would be a spiritual cosmic journey at a place that I now recognize as a name, which was used by some ancients to refer to the Great Pyramid of Gizah or the House of the Serpent. I could now personally relate to the writer of the Book of Revelation, who said, And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem [Zion], descending out of heaven from God (Revelation 21:10, KJV).

    The city of Zion appears to be of an Egyptian origin that meant "Holy City of the Desert," as translated by Ahmed Osman, writer of The House of the Messiah: Controversial Revelations on the Historical Jesus. It is another name for Jerusalem, which was also referred to as a mountain formerly known as Horeb that took its name from the mother sacred city of Anu /Iunu /Heliopolis called On in the Old Testament. It has been surmised that both of the names Zion and Jerusalem were at times used as code words by biblical writers as a reference to the Great Pyramid. The place called Anu /Iunu /On /Heliopolis by the ancient Egyptians is where the mythological Benben Stone is believed to have metaphorically first fell from the cosmic heavens.

    I began to realize that the mountain that I was upon while writing my manuscript was symbolic of the Great Pyramid, which the Benben Stone of the holy city of On is reported by extant records to have sat atop in the Egyptian desert. While upon this Great Mountain, in the heavenly city, it is evident now that I was able to begin Building My Great Pyramid of Success. At this blissful mount, spiritually, I was into the flow of the universe and able to enter into the kingdom of heaven, a place expressed by the Gnostic Hebraic-Jews that was intended to be within you, while living upon the earth, just like the inner kingdom of God as referenced by their creature, Jesus the Christ (KRST).

    I started to comprehend that the kingdom of heaven is propagated by and dependent upon the Spirit of the Christ (KRST), which is my subconscious mind that uplifted me into universal Christ (KRST) Consciousness. I discovered the magnanimous dispensation of blessings wrought by the subconscious mind just as Robert Collier profoundly stated in The Secret of the Ages: In Seven Volumes, Our subconscious minds are vast magnets, with the power to draw from Universal Mind unlimited knowledge, unlimited power, unlimited riches. It became clear to me that the marriage between the bride of Christ (KRST) and the bridegroom, Jesus is the heavenly union of the conscious mind (lower self /nature) with the subconscious mind (higher self /nature). I was able to tie together the ancient Egyptian mythological judgment scene with the Book of Revelation’s account. I could now understand the Maatian (Cosmic Truth) balance between the conscious mind (chaos) and the subconscious mind (cosmos), where the scales between the lower self /nature and the higher self /nature are evenly weighted by less than a feather of separation. I also discovered that the scales of Maat carrying the cosmic life force of conscious mind and subconscious mind affirm seven spheres or energy centers (heavens /chakras) known as the seven souls of Ra (Atum) and the seven arms of the balance.

    In the kingdom of heaven, which I found to be truly within me, I attained Christ (KRST) Consciousness in 2013, as a fully self-awakened and enlightened one by bearing the sacred Uraeus of the crown chakra and baptized (fully immersed) in fire. My cosmogonic baptism was serpentine fire (brazen and fiery serpent) as Truth in all of its glorious essence. Now, I was able to fully comprehend why the Gnostic Pythagorean Essene Ophite biblical Jesus was said to baptize with fire (Matthew 3:11, KJV), simply because he was created as the New Testament designation of the Old Testament brazen and fiery serpent!

    I would learn that the year 2013, just happened to be the Chinese New Year giving reverence to the snake (serpent). I saw heaven for what it is, as a cosmic tree of probability filled with happiness, joy, and peace possessing enormous vibrating branch-like invisible strings that connected to the desires of my heart crisscrossed deeply into my DNA, which is the life force of the universe. I also found that the spiritually alive twin serpents in the DNA double helix life molecule blueprint for our being created in God’s image depict a measureless symbiotic and synergetic relationship between our conscious mind and subconscious mind. During this period, I came unto a wholly enlightened perspective and point of view that a new heaven and a new earth were intrinsically within me to behold as Christ (KRST) Consciousness while I drew closer in divine oneness with my Creator and Source of All.

    Several times while I was at a spa, in Dallas Texas, I saw a very bright spiritual light each time my eyes were closed. On one occasion, I was in the air /oxygen room and with my eyes shut; I saw the brightest light ever! I would soon come to know that the light (serpentine fire) that I saw was my pineal gland or third-eye opening up, and that such an experience was an indication of high spiritual development and awakening. I recognized that my seeing the light was what the ancient mystics called the moment that lasts forever.

    I had a series of interesting lucid dreams before and after I was involved in the early process of writing Finding Your Benben Stone. Looking back, I now realize that these unusually clear dreams were preparing me for my life purpose via symbolic spiritual messages. On February 12, 2012, I had a very vivid dream about a low flying shining black triangle /pyramid object that I could see slowly moving at dusk, hovering over myself and three females, one of them being my mother. I believe that this aerodynamic looking pyramidal aircraft was a precursor for the return of the ancient Egyptian storied Spirit of the Benben, within the New Age of Truth and Enlightenment now upon us.

    I remember quite well another dream I experienced on February 17, 2012, at around 4:00AM. As I awakened from my sleep here is what I wrote down,

    I was driving in a car [fastly within] a mountain area on a road. I then noticed several white [skinned-looking] men talking, who looked like road construction workers. These men were startled to see me driving by, as one of them pulled out a handgun and aimed at my speeding away car, and fired a single shot. I drove around looking for safety and at some point drove away from [the] mountain on another road entrance back into the mountain. I was driving [upon] a single road and I reached a high point of the mountain. I got out of my car and walked around and noticed a sign as I was about to leave. It read KERRY’S HOUSE. I was drawn curiously to the sign. I walked [and] I looked and said, I wonder who this Kerry [person] is? I then looked [again] at the name Kerry on the sign [in the form of an] arrow. I then saw about 35 feet away [from where I was standing], an old dog brown in color like a golden retriever mix lying down with his back turned not even aware I was there [as though he was in a deep peace-filled moment]. I then walked away [heading] toward my car down the hill and observed the beautiful blue sky.

    Let me begin now to provide an interpretation and make sense of my aforementioned dream. The mountain that I moved upon in a fast moving vehicle characterized the quickly approaching Golden Age of Truth and Enlightenment, while the white-skinned-looking men as construction workers were images of fallacious and misinterpreted religious ideologies built and constructed over the Piscean Age in an appearance of pureness and holiness. The desperate shot from the handgun that missed its intended mark indicates that it cannot hit such a mark sucessfully because this New Age and its Spirit of Truth as the universal corrector of error cannot be effectively aimed upon by any such errant teachings and doctrines.

    In my dream I immediately found safety clearly when I took another path within the mountain that elevated me to its highest point or apex. At this mountaintop, I saw a sign made like an arrow revealing the words KERRY’S HOUSE, which I later insightfully understood to be an etymological-like and allegorical type of reference for the ancient Egyptian Kheri-Heb that translates to the Lector (high)-priest or master teacher. In other words, I was at the house or rather holy temple (Per Ankh) where the Kheri- Heb (high priest /master teacher) is found. So, Kerry, the old golden retriever mix-looking dog, as my subconscious mind brought to me during my lucid dream-state and thus as the Great Cosmic Creator made known to me, was actually a symbolic depiction of Anubis (Anpu /Inpu) the dog-like jackal of ancient Egyptian mythological thought.

    I realize now that the golden color of the dog depicted the Golden Age that was set to soon begin. The reason the dog looked so aged is because of its wisdom and knowledge accumulated throughout the cyclic astronomical constellations, but yet the vitality and strength of his cosmogonic makeup is ever energetic, youthful, enduring and everlasting. Therefore, as my aforestated dream portrayed the coming Golden Age via the revelation of this dog tie with ancient Egypt (Kemet), so too did my walking down the mountain and witnessing the beautiful blue sky reveal such a vivid and distinct image as an imminent all-encompassing Truth surrounding the sky or greatest heights of ever-present and enlightened Consciousness. Such a magnificent view inside of my dream-inspired imagination of the alluring contour of the glowing and contrasting heavens above also reminded me that for ancient sages the color blue shined as a universal tone being that it was a permanently set emblematic marker and motif of Truth.

    On February 22, 2012, at 2:58AM, I dreamed about a baby black elephant having just been born, as her mother intently stared at me while making a loud hissing noise. This baby elephant was a shiny black color and translucently covered with the amniotic fluid from its mother’s womb. I interpreted this to mean that the baby elephant being born represented Consciousness and knowledge at the highest level, and the color black was a symbol of the mysterious universe (dark matter). In other words, this dream was an announcement verifying the birth of the New Age of universal knowledge and Consciousness set to commence.

    In addition, on February 22, 2012, at 6:20AM, I had a dream that centered on a round board that contained four squares upon it. Within two of the squares were a two-headed gazelle, while the other two squares were blank. Gazelles are known to symbolize exceptional awareness and vertical movement (both great characteristics of the serpent). I believe the four gazelle heads highlight a heightened awareness of this New Age of Aquarius, while their vertical movement shows the law of polarity between the wave-like (serpentine) energies of heaven and earth (two gazelle heads) and earth and heaven (two gazelle heads). Cosmically and geometrically speaking, the round board or circle depicted the universe and the square image was a reflection of the earth.

    Around March 2012, I experienced another clear dream foreshadowing the New Age of Truth about to arrive. In this dream, I was wading across a tremendous ocean, as my body was half covered with water. A feminine voice began to talk to me from the water as though she was the ocean itself. I recognized the voice as a dear beloved friend from my former church named Helen, who had passed away several years ago. Helen, in a moment of excitement joyfully expressed to me that her son, Adam, had just opened a new store. I looked around and still I could only see water everywhere. Then I saw several of my friends also former church members working in the ocean water as they were employed by Adam. It occurred to me that Helen was a symbol of the Mother of the Universe (Isis /Aset). Helen’s son Adam was an image of first creation of the universe, subconscious mind, akin to the first created one from the biblical story, by the same name Adam, whose name comes from the ancient Egyptian creator God, Atum (Universal Mind). This dream was obviously confirming for me the power of the feminine universal womb (Isis /Aset), the Benben Stone, that was thought by the ancient Egyptian priesthood of Anu /Iunu /Heliopolis /On to have carried Atum’s (Universal Mind’s) Great Cosmic Seed of Life, which I am convinced is our subconscious mind, the same as Christians call the Holy Spirit.

    Around September 2012, I dreamed about a bear standing next to an empty pool. I was behind a locked back door inside a home looking at the bear and wondering how he was going to handle the situation with no water or fish in the pool. The bear then came to the locked door I was standing behind and then frantically sought to open it. I am certain this image of the bear was metaphoric of the coming of the New Age of Aquarius and its constellation of Ursa Minor, while the lack of water with no fish in the pool /pond symbolized the end of the Piscean Age.

    The last of these related dreams that I had occurred around March 1, 2013, which I believe confirmed the upcoming birth of the New Age of Truth, Awakening and Enlightenment that Finding Your Benben Stone addresses. In this dream, there were three other people, a woman who I did not readily recognize, and two men who I knew as deacons from the San Fernando Valley congregational church I had previously attended in southern California. In the dream, I was with the three of them at the bottom of a staircase within an apartment building type of structure. They were all in a hurried frenzy nearly panicking as they showed me a holy chalice-like object that looked like a miniature Aladdin’s lamp.

    As I peered inside of the open chalice cup, I did not see any sacrament communion wafers as I thought would be in there, but rather I saw some kind of, perhaps, light yellowish colored liquid inside. For some reason, I immediately identified this liquidy substance as cerebrospinal fluid. Then they quickly put the lid on the chalice, saying they had to make sure a church sister was served Holy Communion, and they shouted Come on; let’s go! At this point, I followed them as they began running up seven levels of stairs. I would later realize the cerebrospinal fluid meant the conscious mind and a rise in Consciousness in harmony with the subconscious mind. The correlation here between the conscious mind and subconscious mind delineated the seven levels of stairs or seven heavens (levels of Consciousness) corresponding with the seven souls of Ra (Atum) and the seven chakras that lead to the serpent fire awakening and enlightenment unto Christ (KRST) Consciousness.

    During my writing of this book, I entered deeper into the kingdom of heaven, still upon the Great Mountain of Truth, and House of the Serpent. It was here that God, the Great Cosmic Creator and androgynous Supreme Being disclosed Himself /Herself as the name of Atum, the ancient Egyptian mythological god of creation, who I had also came to know as Universal Mind. As I neared completion of Finding Your Benben Stone, I can honestly say that I was a witness to my own spiritual subconscious mind connection with the universal motherly Benben Stone, and by summoning her mysterious power. Never did I think the so-called fictitious and traditional Benben Stone of Egypt (Kemet) would ever open her womb before my very presence.

    On October 3, 2013, near dusk, while traveling in a westward direction I drove through New Mexico, without a doubt, the Land of Enchantment! I was on a tremendous spiritual high by witnessing the beauty of what looked like cloud and mountain formations of whalebacks and dolphin fins. Seeing cloud and mountain images of these crustaceans was a déjà vu-like feeling since my friend, named Nile, had just recently shared with me on a couple of occasions about her deep love for them. Approximately one hundred miles east of Tucson, Arizona, while still in the Land of Enchantment, I noticed two cloud-like objects alone in the sky, which drew my attention. One of the cloud-like objects appeared small and the other much noticeably larger by many times.

    As I drove my car off the highway to get some video footage on my iPhone, the tiny cloud was still visible. However, the bigger cloud disappeared for several minutes, and then it appeared again, but much to my astonishment, it had changed from what looked like cloud particles to a plainly distinguishable object form of matter, or what some would refer to as a UFO. While taking several pictures I actually thought it was a bona fide UFO in my presence. But after I viewed one of the visual impressions, I quickly realized that this UFO-like thing had something that seemed to be elongated sticking out of it. In the photo I took there is prominently a protruding reptilian creature’s head that is visible.

    After viewing my iPhone image of the vessel-like object, which was part conical and pyramidal carrying the serpent, I instantly knew it was not just any so-called UFO. The image I saw could have been a flying tortoise, which has a reptilian head similar to a serpent. After all, in the ancient Egyptian Book of Coming Forth by Day (the Book of the Dead) the Bennu bird (feathered-serpent as a flying creature) or Spirit of Atum /Osiris (Asar) is described by a soul, I flew up as the primeval God and assumed forms—I grew in the seed [Great Cosmic Seed of Life /Benben Stone] and disguised myself as the tortoise.

    It became very apparent to me that the reptilian figure within my eyesight was actually the biblically inspired brazen and fiery serpent, and same ancient Egyptian Creator god of the universe, Atum, (Universal Mind) visibly appearing to me from a pyramidal-shaped protective shell, the Benben Stone. Coming from the inside body of the Benben Stone, Atum (Universal Mind), in a serpent form scenario created an illustration to be staring at the mountain and thus confronting it in a conversational-like way. In a spectatcular appearance and exhibition it was as though Atum (Universal Mind) had teleported from the Duat /Underworld in ancient Egyptian lore and mythicism. Just as I had been heading in a westward direction so to the ancient Egyptians considered the land of Duat /Underworld to lie within their western horizon /sunset. Seeing Atum (Universal Mind) as part of the Benben Stone confirmed the early Egyptian inscription from the Pyramid Texts that read, O Atum, the Creator, you became high in the sky, you rose up from the Benben Stone….

    What is also fascinating to me is the fact that I had recently been in passionate conversation with others about a particular biblical verse, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you (Matthew 17:20, NKJV). I am certain that the tiny cloud that I saw illustrated the mustard seed in the aforementioned New Testament verse, and that Atum (Universal Mind) initially showing in the form of the previously noticed large cloud had transformed Himself obviously for me to witness His glory as the Great Cosmic Seed of Life Who is the Life Force of, and same reference for, the parable of the Bible’s mustard seed!

    As a result of my passionate faith (belief) from my subconscious mind it deeply dawned upon me that even a tiny mustard seed of faith (belief) CAN MOVE A MOUNTAIN. After witnessing this incredible act of spiritual force by Atum (Universal Mind) before me, the biblical verse rang true, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field: which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree… (Matthew 13:31, KJV). Atum (Universal Mind) was sending a personal message of His love, comfort and care to me. He /She definitely conveyed the idea of his /her powerful authority and dominion over the mountain shown in the picture.

    Later, when I looked at the picture again, I could see a white laser type of light lining the entire top of the mountain, which I believe was a sign from Atum (Universal Mind) verifying the mountain being moved by faith sequence of events as a result of my emotional thoughts which had connected my subconscious mind directly with its Creator, Universal Mind (Atum), the omnipresent Consciousness that permeates everything within the cosmos! I do mean that Universal Mind (Atum) also called God does indeed permeate every single thing possible to imagine! I am very thankful that Atum (Universal Mind) allowed me to capture His /Her image as clear evidence, of this awesome and magnificent Age of Truth and Enlightenment on the New Horizon.

    Seven months after my encounter with Universal Mind (Atum) in New Mexico, I viewed the visual impressions on my iPhone once more and I discovered an image of a golden /labrador retriever type of dog looking directly at me, as it had transformed into object form from the desert brush area very close to where I was standing while taking pictures. Atum (Universal Mind) affirmed to me that the dog [the same one of Kerry’s House in my dream] is an appearance of the ancient Egyptian Kheri-Heb [master teacher /high priest], Anubis (Anpu /Inpu), the dog-like jackal that was a guardian /protector of souls within the Duat /Underworld, a place where Osiris (Asar) the KRST (Christ) was considered its Lord. Regarding Anubis (Anpu /Inpu), a prayer formulated from the ancient Egyptian mythological account as presented by Michael J. Costa in Your Personal, Ancient Egyptian ‘Book of the Dead’ Or A Guide to the Afterlife, reads, "O Anpu, Anubis, Divine Sem or Kheri-Heb, he who establishes the column of the Djed pillar [Uraeus /chakras meeting of subconscious mind + conscious mind] Physician of Osiris [Asar] on his bed…."

    This dog figure as Anubis (Anpu /Inpu) that appeared to me in my dream and also in my iPhone picture taken during my travel through New Mexico is a reflection of Canis Major as the brightest star in the nightsky called the dog star of Sirius (Isis /Aset), which follows the great hunter Orion (Osiris /Asar).

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