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Gluten Free Vegetarian Delights: Exotic Flavours for a New Consciousness
Gluten Free Vegetarian Delights: Exotic Flavours for a New Consciousness
Gluten Free Vegetarian Delights: Exotic Flavours for a New Consciousness
Ebook180 pages55 minutes

Gluten Free Vegetarian Delights: Exotic Flavours for a New Consciousness

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About this ebook

Gluten-Free Vegetarian Delights is a selection of gourmet recipes designed for those who choose to be vegetarian and have intolerance to wheat and gluten products. My decision to write the book came after I began to struggle to find suitable gluten-free vegetarian recipes that were nutritious as well as tasty. The goal of this book is to provide a variety of foods from varied origins of the world, catering to health-conscious vegetarians. As we begin to awaken to the fact that we cannot continue the way we have been living for so long, we will begin to see the world in a new light. Some will be forced by their own bodies, no longer able to function the way they did before in the old energy. The old thought patterns that no longer serve them will need to be tossed by the wayside.

Imagine a world where we are all self-sufficient and growing our own food in our own gardens, without eating out of cardboard and plastic cartons. A world where the violence and slaughtering of animals no longer exist and cancer is a long-forgotten memory. This is my dream for the future, a future where food is eaten for its life-giving properties and not just for convenience. A future where food preparation is once again performed in the home without chemicals, preservatives, and other dangerous additives. A future where we will once again be guardians and lovers of the land.

Be inspired by the many new tastes and tantalizing ingredients these recipes offer, along with the health-giving properties associated with whole foods. Introducing a vast range of culinary tastes from the many countries and exotic places I have visited and have been introduced to through my European- and Asian-influenced upbringing.

Release dateSep 26, 2014
Gluten Free Vegetarian Delights: Exotic Flavours for a New Consciousness

Juliette West

Juliette works as a homeopath and has completed a bachelor of health science in homeopathy at Endeavour College of Natural Health. Her other interests include Reiki and Ayurvedic healing, art therapy, and visionary art. She lives with her husband, Stephen, and daughter, Melina, in South Brisbane in Queensland, Australia.

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    Gluten Free Vegetarian Delights - Juliette West

    Copyright © 2014 Juliette West.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2539-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2540-2 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 09/24/2014




    Salads and snacks


    Main meals


    Gluten Free

    Vegetarian Delights


    I rest not from my great task!

    To open the Eternal Worlds, to open the immortal Eyes,

    Of Man inwards into the Worlds of Thought: into Eternity,

    Ever expanding in the Bosom of God, the Human Imagination.

    William Blake

    Although I regard myself as being Greek, I have never actually lived in Greece. So too, my parents have always called themselves Greek, but were born in Egypt in Alexandria. They had their honeymoon in Cairo and from there; my father joined the British army because of his Cypriot background.

    My mother’s side was originally from Smyrna, which is now part of Turkey, but it was originally Greek soil when my great grandmother was evacuated and force-marched into Alexandria. Before this, Smyrna had been under Hellenic rule for hundreds of years.

    My mother was only 16 years old when she married my father, who was nine years her senior. At seventeen she had her first of four children, and they proceeded to travel extensively, living no more than two and a half years in any given country. Being posted with the army to countries such as England, Germany, Libya, Malaysia, and Singapore, they picked up a wide range of culinary tastes, adding to the already exotic Greek and Arabic foods, which were the norm in our household.

    I was seven years old when we left Singapore to come and live permanently in Australia. I still believe my childhood travels have influenced me as an adult, not only in the foods we eat, but also that in my twenty-six years of being married to the most wonderful Australian, we have moved house fourteen times! Although never out of Australia, we have lived in three states and finally settled in Brisbane in 2003.

    Although my husband, Stephen is Australian, living in the western suburbs of Melbourne there were a great variety of nationalities in the area and he was introduced to many dishes through his Italian, Greek and Turkish friends.

    I simply love good food! If asked to recall my childhood, it would bring visions of my family of six, sitting around the dinner table, with a spread of many dishes laid out before us, as we talked and listened to stories for a couple of hours every night. I was the youngest, so I did more listening than talking, but dinner was an event! Sunday lunches were spent in our back garden; our garden furniture spread with a white table cloth, our best dinnerware, wine glasses and white cloth napkins as though we were celebrating a glorious occasion. I remember the sun shining, warming our hearts, while we sat amongst the sweetness of the many scented blossoms and greenery surrounding us as we laughed and enjoyed the delicious spread of delicacies.

    Every two and a half years, my family moved to another country. My father was in the British army and therefore we were stationed in countries such as Germany, England, Singapore and Malaysia. Each of the children were born in a different country. With a Greek background, and having been brought up in Egypt, my parents were already accustomed to a vast array of ethnic foods. This coupled with the fact that we moved so often, meant every night we would eat something different, that often had no link whatsoever to our original heritage.

    My family always made themselves at home, no matter where we lived, but I guess I’ve never really known where home is? They say a Greek is always a Greek, regardless of where they live, or where they are born, but I suppose home is where the heart is, as

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