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Far from the Halls of Justice: Quakerville—Auschwitzerland
Far from the Halls of Justice: Quakerville—Auschwitzerland
Far from the Halls of Justice: Quakerville—Auschwitzerland
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Far from the Halls of Justice: Quakerville—Auschwitzerland

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Yeseph Albert Schindler grew up outside Meekathurra, Auschwitzerland, knowing that everyone must live by certain rules and that no one can escape this rudimentary universal law without consequence. But as a young boy, Schindler had no idea that years later, he would discover that it is much more difficult to carry out consequences when the justice system is fl awed.

Schindlera seasoned entrepreneur and investorshares a thorough and impassioned chronicle of his decades-long ordeal through the Auschwitzerland legal system after he was the victim of a failed business deal that left his significant investment in the hands of a perpetrator determined to escape the ramifications of his actions. As he details how he struggled to hold the man accountable, Schindler shares explosive revelations and insights into the flaws of the Quakerville justice system that allegedly allowed certain individuals to manipulate the law to produce a desired income.

In this compelling memoir, one man shares details from his determined journey to seek justice while shining a light on a fl awed Auschwitzerland legal system.

Release dateDec 1, 2014
Far from the Halls of Justice: Quakerville—Auschwitzerland

Yeseph Albert Schindler

Yeseph Albert Schindler is a pen name of the author currently lives in New West Wales the neighboring state of Quakerville.

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    Far from the Halls of Justice - Yeseph Albert Schindler

    Copyright © 2014 Yeseph Albert Schindler.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2688-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2689-8 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 11/27/2014



    Chapter 1 The White-Collar Sizzle

    Chapter 2 The Crash; an Overwhelming Struggle

    Chapter 3 Pragmatic Steps to Serve Notice

    Chapter 4 As Serendipity would have It

    Chapter 5 Coming Full-Circle to Go Again

    Chapter 6 It was Both; Crime & Misconduct

    Chapter 7 The Switch – 10 Days to Respond

    Chapter 8 The Supreme Court of Appeal

    Chapter 9 Canterberry, the Highest Court in Auschwitzerland

    Chapter 10 Appeal for Clemency – Queen Elizabeth II

    Chapter 11 Resigned to Gamble

    Chapter 12 Research & Re-evaluation

    Chapter 13 Senate Petition – My Federal Member




    Borne from the denial of the most simplistic legal claim; money owing. The author’s story portrays an overwhelming struggle with individuals of the Quakerville legal system, whom believe are above the law, seemingly as a law unto themselves, having little regard for the truth or just outcomes.

    Founded on the writer’s personal, twenty-two year overwhelming struggle to have trust funds accounted for and retrieved; personal moneys that were secured into a solicitor’s trust account for an agreed period of forty five days; after which time the funds would be returned, doubled, or at the very least returned in full with no deductions. No-one would lose a cent! said KJ, the financier. It’s all white money’ assured the practising solicitor, Noel Rathdowney, (KJ’s silent partner), to all witnesses present at the meeting.

    Now, 2012, despite many demands and approaches, and 7300 days later, these funds have never been legally accounted for, nor, returned pursuant to the rules of the Trust Account Act.

    For twenty-two years the writer’s obdurate stance has been for the return of these moneys placed into trust. A trust, is a trust, is a trust!

    This uncompromising approach, my obdurate stance, many call, a psychosis, that which I vehemently oppose as being labelled, obsessive compulsive. My crying over spilt milk, the authorities contend. It was my bloody milk, I retort. To the author being labelled as such, is a lame excuse to vindicate a felon, and is certainly no justification for the white collar crime to go unchallenged, nor ignored when the rules are concrete that a trustee is by law, accountable for all moneys transferred in and out of that trust to beneficiaries.

    Individual research by the writer has unearthed corruption beyond measure, far reaching, within the legal system and political arena of this Democratic Country. Quakerville is a State of the Federation of Auschwitzerland and is ruled under the Crown within the Commonwealth Nations, similar to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. All are governed by the Westminster System and all the constituents across this fair land have freedom of speech.

    Yet, no-one will take responsibility to force the truth. The trail of a solicitor’s deceit, recorded as facts beyond reasonable doubt, has been dismissed by all authorities, to allow these felons to escape, only to reoffend.

    I have been astounded by the lack of spirit of my fellow man/woman in today’s society and the lack of willingness of statutory bodies and individuals of the legal system to right an absolute wrong.

    The author’s conspiracy theory postulates solicitors, barristers, judges, justices, the Quakerville Law Society, the Quakerville Police, CIB, and the Crime and Misconduct Commission closed ranks to prescribe and preclude the writer as a constituent of the Commonwealth; Unconscionable betrayal of my birthright and natural justice, if the writer’s theory was proved to be true.

    Politicians of State and Federal standing in Auschwitzerland parliaments have been made aware of the writer’s plight and truth. However, no-one, nor any authority, to this point, has been willing to bring this solicitor to account for releasing trust funds without written authority from the beneficiaries. To release trust monies without the authority of the beneficiary is an offence under the Criminal Code.

    Plainly stated in the Auschwitzerland Constitution, which was founded on the Magna Carta, five hundred years ago; Every individual has a right to be heard, and no-one shall bear false witness.

    Natural justice is a basic tenet the writer believes whole-heartedly that natural justice is for one and all, unconditional and not negotiable. Even the village idiot has this basic right to be fairly heard and not to be pre-judged in accordance with our Auschwitzerland Constitution. Obliviousness and refutation of this truth is blight on the system our forefathers had put in place.

    For nowadays’ authorities who have been established by the auspices of democracy, not to uphold such a basic tenet as natural justice, sells out society and undermines individual’s freedoms and limits the rights of future generations.

    A decision-maker, given the facts at hand, has the obligation to weigh both sides of the argument; accordingly a decision-maker must not be biased.

    Those in power, entrusted in their positions, are failing our society and eroding the true values of our Constitution by subtracting key principles of individual birthright.

    As a Nation, Auschwitzerland is over governed and there is simply too much power given. Excessive powers too, in the hands of those who have been voted in. Many of whom are not aligned with the One Authority on Earth.

    I see urgency for the Auschwitzerland community to engage in politics; people power, to over-haul the defunct legal system, especially in Quakerville, and return to the basic tenets laid down to protect individual’s rights, judiciously cemented by the discerning founding fathers of our precious Constitution.

    As a nation, the writer contends, we need to clean up our own backyard in order as a nation to participate within the world as a global authority. I wonder and ask, What do other Commonwealth Nations do to protect an individual’s birthright and the nation’s sovereignty?

    As an Auschwitzerlander, the writer was astounded to learn that at about the turn of the Century, both, New Zealand and Australia, changed their laws too, (NOT by Constitution) to disallow their constituents from appealing to the Privy Council in the Mother Country. Revelations find that that is now true for Auschwitzerland.

    Underpinning the writer’s inexorable intent for justice is the desire to see that justice, woven as the silver thread, spun into the fabric of our society for the benefit of all, the next generation, my grandchildren, and their future unborn generations.

    To all those that doubt, let me enlighten you, for I know the truth is:

    There is justice for all; the Lord is Law!

    I would admonish society, drop your complacency, take action and let the chips fall where they may. However, never ever give up. I suggest you care!

    As W. C. Fields said:

    "Life wasn’t meant to be easy. …..

    Ah! …….but it can be delightful!"

    Take heart; all is well!

    The dedication of this book goes to my grandmother and grandfather. My parents to whom I was born and to mother’s sister, the regal E.R., who has been a pillar of support through her wisdom and everlasting faith in God and her love of the law, Christ Jesus.

    This book has been re-worked from the original manuscript, ‘An Auschwitzerlander – Nailing the Standard’. As with the original book, all factual individual names, locations and actual dates, have been substituted for fictitious names, places, dates and file numbers.

    As the author I have based the narrative on facts as they are / were; everything I state is actuality, on public record and cannot be disputed, only denied, as they were. However, in accordance with the laws of publishing, the saga becomes just a story, yet one I believe should be told.

    The writer’s story elucidating inconsistencies of individuals within the legal system, is the ugly side of the coin, it is the brutal truth. So be it.

    Yeseph Albert Schindler

    Thus my story begins………………..


    Chapter 1

    The White-Collar Sizzle

    The good Book ends in Revelation.

    However, from Revelation 1: 8, the story in this book begins.

    From the back to the front of the good Book, it is axiomatic that there is only:

    One Authority on Earth!

    I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, Who is and Who was, and Who is to come, the Almighty

    The crux of justice, according to the Lord’s servant, apostle Paul, is pertained to, and contained within Romans 13, transcribed from the Holy Bible below:

    ¹ Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: The powers that be are ordained of God.

    ² Whosoever therefore resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God: And they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

    ³ For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

    ⁴ For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: For he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

    ⁵ Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscientious sake.

    ⁶ For this cause pay ye tribute also: For they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.

    ⁷ Render therefore to all their dues: Tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

    ⁸ Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: For he hath loveth another he has fulfilled the law.

    ⁹ For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shall not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covert; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self.

    ¹⁰ Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: Therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

    ¹¹ And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: For now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

    ¹² The night is far spent, the day is at hand: Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

    ¹³ Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.

    ¹⁴ But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

    Everyone. Everyone under the Sun has rules to live by; there are no exceptions to this rule. No-one can escape this rudimentary universal law without consequence!

    I am the writer, Yeseph Albert Schindler, the boy from Barham Hills.

    Barham Hills is an outer suburb of Meekathurra, Auschwitzerland. I grew up in a time, where there was a definitive middle class. We, as kids in the 1960’s would ride our bikes, play cricket and Auschwitzerland Rules football in the middle of the unmade suburban streets.

    All sport was played on Saturdays. I had a friend, Walter, and his dad, Snowy Lewis, was a trainer for the Barham Hills Auschwitzerland Rules Football Club. As youngsters, we would turn up to the matches at half-time because the organisers would open the outer gates then and there would be free admission to the second half of the football match. Barracking for our team the Mavericks, we would chant, Up with the Hills and down with the dills.

    Sundays were sacred, there being no shopping mall open. It was a time for Church, Sunday school and a family gathering with a traditional roast.

    It was the time when in Villawood, a southern state of Auschwitzerland, hotels were not permitted to trade on Sundays. Petrol stations had to close too on Easter Friday and at Christmas. At school assembly we were to sing, God Save the Queen and pledged to obey parents, teachers and the law.

    How things have changed, nowadays, the boundaries of this middle-class have all but vanished and there exists only two clear class-orders, such as the distinction of communism; rich rulers and the poor, controlled masses. This distinction may appear a little cynical and harsh to some, especially the rich, but it is my strongly held view, derived from my personal experience at the hands of the anointed ones.

    This saga, code named, TOBJOANO, related by Yeseph Albert Schindler began;

    DAY 1 WEEK 1

    SUNDAY Early 1990’s – (diary note YAS)

    A thumb-nail sketch of my background leading up to the fateful beginning of Tobjoano in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s follows.

    I, my wife then, Annett, and our three children drifted north from Meekathurra in late 1987 and in 1988, around the time of the Bi-Centennial in Bosnia, purchased the freehold general store and news agency in the back waters of Pumice Stone Beach, in the Greater North West of Quakerville, within a few hundred kilometres of the Great Sandy Straights, at the southern tip of Gilligan’s Island.

    Over the course of our three year stint at

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