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Afraid of the Light
Afraid of the Light
Afraid of the Light
Ebook136 pages57 minutes

Afraid of the Light

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About this ebook

This book is about creatures that fear light.

Two brothers are in a place that will change their life. They live with their father because their mother couldnt handle them anymore and they were making a lot of trouble in school. Their father lives in a cabin surrounded by foresta place that will change everything for them. There is danger waiting for them in the forest.

This story is a non-stop thriller, action, and romance story. Enjoy.

Release dateJul 17, 2014
Afraid of the Light

Erhan Aaron Ozkan

ERHAN AARON OZKAN draws, paints, and works with clay. He hopes to sell his work in the future. His work can be seen on his website, He is on blogger and Google+, and can be reached at He will be participating in the 2014 Supanova Pop Culture Expo at the Brisbane Exhibition Showgrounds.

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    Afraid of the Light - Erhan Aaron Ozkan

    Copyright © 2014 Erhan Aaron Ozkan.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2469-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2470-2 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 07/14/2014


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    About the book

    A romantic thriller story for men and women.

    A fable about two brothers that are going to a place that will get them

    Into a lot of danger and meet things that are not human as these

    Two characters go on a journey you follow through with them

    Enjoy my first fable thriller.

    We live in the light; they live in the dark and fear the light.

    These ones can be harmful to us or helpful to us.

    They live among us. We fear the dark. They fear the light.

    Adult action romantic thriller.

    18 and over.

    Chapter 1

    A place surrounded by danger and two teenagers are about to fall into the middle of it.

    Then this will affect their lives forever. Isaac and Dylan were always was in trouble at school.

    Their mother couldn’t handle them any more so she took them to their father’s place.

    He was a bounty hunter who lived in a little place called Value Woods with forest surrounding the area.

    His home was a cabin. Now they will live with their father.

    While their parents talked, Isaac and Dylan got comfortable in their new home.

    Dylan was 17 and Isaac was 19. The boys talked.

    They were safe for now but they didn’t know what lurked in the forest.

    Then the father had a good long talk with them.

    He let them know that they were to attend a little college nearby and if they mess up will be in big trouble.

    Then said, Now get going, they got ready and headed off to college while their father stayed at the cabin.

    It was the boys’ first day so Isaac went straight to college but Dylan felt he was not quite ready yet, so he

    went out into the forest. Dylan was a free spirit so he ran through the forest screaming, Yahoo meanwhile

    Isaac was at the college for his first day.

    When Dylan got into the middle of the forest, he saw someone standing there. He stopped.

    The young man looked at him and said, You shouldn’t be here

    then Dylan decided to college thinking about the young man on the way.

    When he got to college it was lunchtime. The girls saw him and they couldn’t take their eyes off him.

    Then they went over to him then was surrounded by girls.

    Isaac was sitting with his new friends having lunch.

    His friends was looking at him and Isaac asked Who’s that guy?

    Isaac said, That is my brother Dylan and that’s a normal thing all ladies are attracted to him.

    Isaac’s friend says, That’s normal he is one lucky guy!

    Isaac said, Yeah you can say at but sometime that get him in trouble

    then told them he going to talk to my brother he ask them to stay where they are.

    They said, Ok, Isaac packed his things then went over to Dylan

    then Isaac asks him "Where were you don’t

    member their father words if we messed up this we be in lot trouble!"

    The girls told Isaac To go away. Dylan

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