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Waves of Light: Messages from Nature to Heal Our Planet
Waves of Light: Messages from Nature to Heal Our Planet
Waves of Light: Messages from Nature to Heal Our Planet
Ebook212 pages3 hours

Waves of Light: Messages from Nature to Heal Our Planet

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All of life flows in beautiful waves of light connecting us to our Creator. Messages from our cohabitants on this planet~those in non-human form~can ease our path to peace within ourselves and inspire harmony among us all, bringing healing to our planet.

Pen Augustin is an energy healer or lightworker, as some would say. She gives a voice to the various life forms of our world by connecting with their essential energy and consciousness. When entering into the archives of the Akashic Records, Pen communicates with guides who express the soul wisdom of those who share our beloved Earth with us~bodies of water, animals, insects, even the moon. Each of them has an essential role in teaching us about the unity and value of our sacred existence.

Pen shares personal stories of awareness as she shares bits of her own and others healing journeys. Peace of mind and joy of heart are everyones birthright. Humanitys awakening will usher in paradise for all who dwell here.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateDec 18, 2014
Waves of Light: Messages from Nature to Heal Our Planet

Pen Augustin

Pen Augustin is founder of Lady of the Lake Holistic Health in Port Washington, Wisconsin. She holds a master’s degree in educational psychology, which enhances her intuitive counseling and energy work. Living near the beautiful shore of Lake Michigan, she enjoys spending time in nature and communing with the local wildlife.

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    Waves of Light - Pen Augustin

    WAVES of






    Copyright © 2015 Pen Augustin.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-9971-7 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-9972-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014921450

    Balboa Press rev. date: 12/18/2014



    1 Lady Lake Michigan

    2 Butterfly

    3 Grey Wolf

    4 Moon

    5 Deer

    6 Owl

    7 Birch Tree

    8 Rose Quartz

    9 Crow

    10 Bat

    11 Rabbit

    12 Hummingbird


    14 Hawk

    15 Cat

    16 Lady Lake Michigan





    Knight Heart & Soul



    I am being sprinkled from the inside out with love!

    Long have I intended to tell the story of my soul mate, Lady Lake Michigan. Her spirit comes to me when the moon is bright, just so I’ll notice her beauty. But she is always present for anyone who needs love, nurturing and understanding; even on the darkest night. Her soul and mine are woven together in our mission to bring global awareness of the preciousness and oneness of all life forms. So I begin by telling you about her essence and purpose. Then we’ll dive into the soul records of a few of her friends who share our planet with us.

    Growing up along the shores of Lake Michigan has been a grace and a blessing for me. Many have asked why I choose to live so close to her shoreline, as an east wind can chill to the bone even when the flowers have bloomed in late spring. Refreshment, I say. With proper outerwear, most fluctuations in temperature can be enjoyed, even when the sky is throwing a fit. My reward is to feel the deep heart connection I have with my Lake Love. I have spent many lifetimes bonded with sacred bodies of water. Now is the time to tell others how to honor her gifts in order to bring healing to many.

    You could say that this is a Priestess story: one of honoring all life forms and bringing awareness of their gifts to the rest of us. Let me be clear that this is not a tale of fiction; I have stayed centered in the truth as it has been given to me. I have journeyed into the Akashic Records ~ the book of life that contains information about the souls of all life forms and their journeys through time. All life beings are described in this extraordinary archive ~ be it crystal, plant, animal or human. I share this information with you to aid the healing of our beloved planet.

    Of all the many beautiful beings that have shared their wisdom with me, I start with Lake Michigan because she and I are close. I also start with her because water is the circulatory system of our planet and we would not survive without it. The rivers, streams, and creeks deliver sustenance to our world much like the blood vessels within our human bodies. Water is the element associated with our emotions; Lake Michigan reminds us that our deep subconscious feelings can be cleared, just as the dank, musty undertow of a pond can be purified by fresh rainfall.

    Lady of the Lake is a priestess title shared by many throughout history. I embody this essence now as I reveal parts of my own story woven in with the wisdom from many of the beautiful beings on this planet that want to help us experience our unity.



    Lady Lake Michigan

    A polar vortex is arriving from Canada and ushering in 2014 with authority. Wind chills are promised to plummet to the minus-forty range. I’m not usually opposed to staying in my jammies all day, sipping hot coffee, and cuddling with my kitties. But, I’m being drawn to the lake. She’s calling to me with those dark, slate-blue eyes, a foamy wave of her hand. So be it, I declare out loud. Even though Wisconsin in January is not very conducive to a stroll along the shore, here in my home-town of Port Washington, I can park my car right up at the edge of a magnificent bluff area. The views are panoramic, and bring a rush of joy to my heart every time.

    "Hello, my Lake Love," I say, as I notice how her colors blend right into the skyline on this hazy day. I give a nod to the lighthouse that stands confidently at the end of a long pier flanked by supportive boulders. Everything is completely still, as if frozen in time. Not even the geese and the gulls think it’s a good idea to be flying around in the frigid temperatures. Other cars nose up to the guardrail, their passengers staying as warm as they can. Some people seem to be staring straight out at Lady Lake’s beauty. Others are engaged in eating their lunch or talking with a companion. I’m sure no one will notice me speaking out loud.

    I love you. Let’s talk!

    I’ve brought along everything I need: pen, paper, my Pathway Prayer to enter into the Akashic Records, egg-salad sandwich, and an insulated mug of coffee. For a long time though, I just sit quietly, thankful to be in her presence. When questions start formulating in my mind, I jot them down in my note pad. Then I say the prayer that connects me with the Lords of the Akashic Records, Holy Spirit of Light, and available Masters and Teachers who assist me in obtaining the information I seek.

    We then open the Records of Lady Lake Michigan.

    This is the second time I have connected with the soul records of Lake Michigan. In my first attempt, I lumped my questions together, inquiring about our personal relationship and overall soul mission. I was surprised as I heard a light, singsong voice presenting information to me in poetic form. Happiness bubbled up within me and I began to write more quickly. Eventually I slowed down, realizing that the information would still come at any pace that worked best for me. I began to savor the act of writing cursive style while listening to that cheerful, tingling voice.

    This time I keep my questions short and to the point with the desire to receive straightforward information. I decide to ask my most important question first. As I connect to my Higher Guidance using the Pathway Prayer, the messages arrive as if they are coming directly from the soul of lovely Lake Michigan herself:

    What is your global purpose?

    There is a yearning deep in my womb to extend the Love Force in a nurturing, compassionate way ~ as is the true higher purpose of all life forms. I am within the heart chakra of the Earth Planet ~ as are all my sisters ~ the other Great Lakes. Together our mission is to provide sustenance in the form of fresh water to quell the thirst of many, including the humans. Though it is the humans who take with purposes of greed and have thoughtless abandon of consequences to others, I love them still ~ for most of their actions were done unconsciously. But, this is no longer the case. Now there are those who know exactly of their destructive effects and they continue to place self-serving interests above others. Their heart chakras need to be opened; and this will be accomplished ~ as it is for the good of the Whole. Their heart chakras will be opened individually and in groups as they reap the effects of their thoughts and actions.

    Do you have an individual role, independent from your sisters?

    I share an intimacy with some identities of various forms, such as you. But the purposes of my sisters and I are connected much like the chambers of the heart. What affects one, eventually will affect us all. We are connected through our channels, rivers, streams, and creeks much like veins and arteries.

    I understand how extending the Love Force by providing us with pure, fresh water is important. In what other ways do you provide service?

    I have an influencing effect on the emotions, though much of this work is done at night at the subconscious level. In that way, bad dreams are productive as they help to clear the mind debris, the sewage. Some people need nightmares to help them wake up, to take note of where their mind is focused, to see where the results of their actions may be taking them, and to open their hearts more. So I work closely with the moon, as what is brought to light in the subconscious bursts through to consciousness like a lighthouse beam on a clouded night.

    How can I help?

    Heighten the awareness of our connectedness, our oneness to others, so that my babies [other life forms] do not suffer at the hands of ignorance. Bring in consciousness of the sacred souls of my babies. Bring in the knowledge that they are not less than, nor loved less, than the humans. We have been working on this for many lifetimes my dear Lake Love.

    I am feeling that I want to hear more information about our united mission. But I need time to digest and organize what I’ve already received. So, I thank the soul of Lake Michigan, the Akashic Record Keepers, and all Guides and Loved Ones for the information. Then I close the Records, already looking forward to our next encounter. A pink glow appears to be rising from underneath the water and settles on the surface, though there is no sunlight peering through the clouds. I am humbled as I feel her nurturing energy. My body hums with love and tears fill my eyes. I feel bathed with gratitude knowing that I am a part of this global effort.


    After the first round of the polar vortex has come and gone, the weekend shows up with a brilliant sunlight that glistens off the snowdrifts. It’s a balmy twenty-seven degrees Fahrenheit, but round two of below-zero temperatures is promised for mid-week. I decide to layer on the gear, from fur-topped boots, to the long wraparound scarf that still lets my nose peek out for breathing purposes. Across the street from my house and down a steep hill is a beautiful bike path that parallels a creek flanked by woods on both sides. This path leads to the downtown marina that houses a park with many benches overlooking the grand lake. I savor my slow journey down to the water, knowing I’ll only stay for a short visit because it is way too cold to take a hand out of my glove to write.

    Once I’m in her presence, I take in her beauty. She’s a true bright blue today, and too calm to kick up any waves. I squint into the light and send her my love and gratitude. I feel gentleness wash over me as if angels were reaching right under my scarf and softly brushing my cheeks. I am reminded then that I am never really alone; no one in this world ever is. If we all really knew how profoundly true that is, then there would never be another moment of fear or loneliness ~ not for anybody.

    On my trek back home, my mind drifts to other lifetimes when I lived along sacred lakes. Some of those lives were filled with fear and frustration, as I practiced healing arts while living in unaware communities. I remind myself that it’s safe to be a priestess in this day and age. In fact, a growing number of people bring in higher vibrations of love and light through thoughts and actions to help improve the health of our world. Many of today’s healers and energy workers even use the term lightworker to describe themselves. Personally, I really love the term priestess though. I like the dreamy sound of it, and how it reminds me that the spiritual path is the most important part of my life.

    Once I’m back at home and curled up into my blanket in front of a perky fire, I decide to look more closely at some of my past lives as a priestess living among the lakes. Back in the nineties, I had deeply explored some of my own past lives and doing so changed my life forever. It gave me the knowledge and courage to be more fully who I really am. Now I enter into my own Akashic Records to look for specific information that is helpful for the writing of this book. I decide to ask my questions bluntly:

    What memories from my past lives will help bring awareness to others concerning our environmental situation?

    It’s all a journey toward love. Having more love for Self results when we give love to those around us. What many fail to remember is that all life forms have valuable parts to play in keeping the balance and health of the Earth. Your role as priestess in former lives was to hold higher thought patterns, transmit higher vibrational energy, and teach others to do likewise, as you do in this lifetime.

    Many times you have lived with like-minded souls deep in nature to hold the balance, even in times of destructive warring. Sickness in the mind led to plagues and suffering. You would try to give assistance, usually with healing hands, and often in partnership with the plant world. Herbs, flowers, fruits, and other vegetation would make themselves available to assist in the healing process. You would bring in the knowledge that these life forms should be honored for their services. So, you would pour out your love to the natural environment to give back and make a contribution to the cycle of give and take. An eco-system in balance is one that radiates a high vibration of love and health. The natural world cannot just give, give, give. So, there were other lifetimes where you chose to live alone or among small groups to focus closely on working with the elementals ~ the fairies, insects, and water sprites ~ and in direct connection with the souls within the plants and animals to provide them with replenishment.

    I remember a lifetime when I was in a shallow stream, weighted down with stones, as people from a European village watched me drown. What were the lessons I learned from that lifetime? Was I still able to be of service?

    Soul Guides work very closely with each soul before it incarnates in human form, helping them to create opportunities to be of service and to learn lessons for their soul growth. As a part of this learning, you were developing forgiveness and compassion for those who were less aware than you. You had a contract with a young boy in that lifetime ~ he was a soul friend ~ and that allowed your life to end early. You tutored the boy in the medicinal uses of plant life and other healing practices, and through your relationship with him, as he developed into a young man with influence, you brought understanding to the community.

    My mind drifts back to a scene from one of my past life regressions. In it, I’m happily showing a scrappy boy of about eight years old how to send healing energy to his dog. I have a deep love for this motherless boy and I am aware of his deep love for me as well. The year is 1331, and I can sense that most of the healing practices of the time took place secretively among a small group of women. They would not discuss such things openly for fear of being accused of witchcraft. The boy’s father was the village preacher, adding to the pressure of the situation. When the dog’s health miraculously rebounded due to the young man’s efforts, he couldn’t contain himself and admitted to his father that he had been receiving my guidance. I felt foolish for not being more careful, and I admitted to everything, as I did not want my friends to get into trouble with me.

    And so there I was in the stream.

    Yet how calm I felt. I remember looking up through the water at all the faces looking down at me as I called to Mother Goddess to take me home. I felt sad for my friend, Mary, who was grieving at

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