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A Knowing Is the Issue of Life: With Golden Nuggets
A Knowing Is the Issue of Life: With Golden Nuggets
A Knowing Is the Issue of Life: With Golden Nuggets
Ebook173 pages1 hour

A Knowing Is the Issue of Life: With Golden Nuggets

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Do you ever wish you had the knowledge of life at age 20 that you have acquired at age 45 or 50? What happened? This book will help set you free. This book is about the hard curves we traveled in our life. It answers questions we dare not ask and gives us answers to the hidden things of the heart. This book discusses the taboos of life and gives an answer. We travel many roads in life and there are no maps to help us avoid the pitfalls. This book will help you regain the strength to throw out the garbage and renew a freshness to your spirit, soul, and mind without being fanatically religious. There is wealth in KNOWING.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 27, 2010
A Knowing Is the Issue of Life: With Golden Nuggets

Dr. Elmyrra Foster

I was born in Louisville, Kentucky on March 20, 1942. I am a mother of six children, adopted three children, and an extended parent to four other children. My parents were my heroes. Both are deceased, but the wisdom, guidance, love, and compassion for us and others have guided my life and helped me get to this day. They were not perfect, but they were the greatest people in my life. They shared their life with me, the good times, bad times, mistakes, bad and good decisions, their decades of growth, their desires, and failures with their children. To me, this created a richness in my life. I remembered their sharing as the decades of my life rolled into some of the same situations. Because I was knowledgeable of those pitfalls, I didn’t have to repeat the fall. I could read the invisible detour signs very well. The lessons my parents paid for in their journey of life, I didn’t have to purchase. Their wise council created a vast knowledge of “The Issues of Life” because of their “Golden Nuggets.” I love them both. I dedicate the wisdom of this book to Mable Hayworth and George Henry Foster. I call them my best friends. Elmyrra Foster

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    A Knowing Is the Issue of Life - Dr. Elmyrra Foster

    Copyright © 2010 by Dr. Elmyrra Foster.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2010909631

    ISBN:   Hardcover   978-1-4535-3047-4

                 Softcover    978-1-4535-3046-7

                 Ebook         978-1-4535-3048-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Xlibris Corporation




    The Author




    Golden Nugget (Arrows In God’s Quiver)


    Golden Nugget (The World’s Terminology In The Marriage Bed)


    Golden Nugget (Rape and The Body’s Betrayal)


    Golden Nugget (Violation of Not Being Invited)


    Golden Nugget (We Women Don’t Have Too Be Cheated)


    Golden Nugget (As The Years Roll, Will The Ten Hold)


    Golden Nugget (The Jokester)


    Golden Nugget (The Marriage Bed)


    Golden Nugget (The Fingerprint On Your Soul)


    Golden Nugget (Halloween Anniversaries)






    I dedicate this book to the people who populated my life and stabilized my steps on the road to knowing God and sharing Him.

    Pastor Etheline Hairston (Deceased)

    Prophetess Amanda Gears

    Sister Mary Fannin and Bro. John Fannin

    Prophetess Delores Martin

    Pastor Terry Herron

    Apostle Pamela Mallette (Chapman)

    Apostle Cynthia Watlington

    Apostle John Ambrose Payne

    Bro. Larry Thomas Payne, Jr.

    Bro. William Bradley

    Bro. Terry LaRod Twitty

    Bro. Kenneth Wayne Thompson

    Sis. Barbara Jeanette Carter

    Minister Katrina LaVette Smith

    Prophetess Veronica Bea and Deacon Charles Bea

    Sis. Phobie Stokes and Bro. Austell Stokes

    Bro. Diamond Stokes

    The Stephen Richard Green family

    The Richard Benner family

    James F. Reid Family

    And a Host of others who are too numerous to name

    Thanks a Million!



    First of all, I thank God for His wisdom and revelation knowledge in my Life. He has established my outgoings, incomings, and all in between. I thank Him for my stewardship over The House of Refuge Missions, Inc.

    This is the field of labor that brought many of these experiences into my life. To God be the glory.

    I am very grateful to my daughter, Cynthia Watlington, for her faithfulness in critiquing my work and organizing my ideas into the fruition of this book. I am also grateful to my family for their encouragement and for being my cheering squad.

    I thank God for the Prophetess Veronica Bea, who gave me instructions from God and the material to pen Gods’ revelations and share them with the Universal Body of Christ. Prophetess Bea prayed for me, laid hands on me, and sent me forward.


    A Knowing Is The Issue Of Life is a thought provoking learning tool that will heal you and elevate you to new heights in God, Relationships, and Marriage. Dr. Foster has been allowed to tap into the depths of the universe to bring us these word that could only be inspired by God. This is a book that should be in every women’s ministry for learning, and for men that may have wives that have been hurt mentally, physically or emotionally and he has a hard time understanding her, this book will help him fill the gaps of his understanding putting him in a place to help her heal. My hat goes off to Dr. Foster for her dedication to the cause of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many Blessings To You, Your Family And Your Ministry.

    Minister R.D. Roberts

    GOLDEN NUGGETS are my gift to you, the reader of this God inspired book. These words are precious proverbs from my walk with God. I received revelations from the Holy Spirit concerning the secret things of life, situations unspoken and ignored because of the very nature of its problem or happenstance.

    But! God is interested in every area of our life. He leaves no stone unturned. In fact, God turned the stones of life into Golden Nuggets and gave them to me. So, I will share these nuggets of life with you. Just turn the page. Please do not put these Golden Nuggets in storage. Share them with family and friends. After reading each Chapter be sure to write your shared experiences or just how each Chapter fed your spirit.





    The life force of humanity was locked up and placed in the belly of Adam.

    But, so was the womb also in him until God birthed Eve from him to become the conceiver of life from the quiver of Adam. Eve would receive shafts of spiritual light wrapped in flesh and thus the children of God would multiply and take dominion of the earth.

    The word of God tells us that we (the Church) were known to Him (God) before the foundation of the world. We were not merely picked out after we were flesh birthed; we were in God, hid, before Adam was created. Where were we hid? In Gods’ quiver. We were connected to God in eternal communion status being one with Him. When our predestined time was due, we would be transferred as seeds of light to our earthly father’s quiver and transferred to our mother’s belly through love to be nurtured as a child of light in physical form.

    Only our physical navel cords are cut for seperation of child from parent. Our spiritual silver navel cord is never cut nor the golden bowl broken. Our communion with God is renewed by the Holy Spirit and we, who came from Him, will feel His presence from the follicles of our scalp to the soles of our feet. We are arrows in God’s quiver and He feeds us through our spiritual navel cord with every essence of Himself that our flesh man can receive. Our spirit is renewed daily until the flesh grave cloth gives way and we are escorted back to God from whence we came.

    The times of communion, fellowship and intimacy cannot be recorded in any language. Our tongues of heavenly language fill the gaps and praises God on our behalf. Our communion with God is real. We are inside Him, in His belly as arrows.

    We are seated in a heavenly place. We live and move and have our being in Christ who sits inside God with us as His center. We are the members and arrows in God’s quiver. There is continual intercourse of electrical horsepower from God’s glory which is perfecting and radiating His love to and through us making us one with Him. God seals all of His Saints. He puts His finger print on our soul when He renews us by His Holy Spirit. We are the arrows in His quiver. The horse and the rider have become one. We read in the book of Revelation about Christ coming on a white horse. I am not spiritualizing this verse that can also be quite literal. But, the word white also means light. We could say that Christ was coming on a light horse (the word horsepower as in electrical horsepower). So Christ would be seen coming with His Saints seen as a light horse of omnipotent power because Christ is seen in His Saints, a true oneness. Thus, the scripture of the resurrected Saints neither marry nor are given in marriage comes to fruition. The bride (Saints) and the groom (Christ) are in a continual consummation of oneness. They are connected, tied up, tangled up and jointed. The bride is now completely covered by the groom. Bless God for being the Author and Finisher of Our life. God ordained marriage between Adam and Eve to mirror His relationship with us. Husbands and wives were to touch each others’ soul and thereby produce the knowing of each other. This is the producing of spiritual finger prints on each others’

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