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Do Butterflies Dream?
Do Butterflies Dream?
Do Butterflies Dream?
Ebook170 pages2 hours

Do Butterflies Dream?

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The emergence of the garden butterfly parallels the amazing transformation that happens when you dream.

Youll see key symbols in dreams, but if you dont seek to understand them, you wont learn what they mean. These symbols can unlock messages of the soul and lead you toward a life of expanding brilliance.

In this guidebook to interpreting your dreams, youll learn how to:

interpret dreams without the help of a professional;

recognize warnings and advice conveyed through dreams;

appreciate the value of dreams even nightmares.

Laina Lloyd also reveals the truths shes learned about herself and the world by interpreting her dreams on a daily basis. By learning how others have unlocked the meaning of their dreams, youll be able to discover what yours are trying to tell you.

Whether the dream is about flying above the trees, entertaining a mysterious lover, or something with a prophetic message, this is your guide to understanding whats not obvious. Make your own personal transformation with Do Butterflies Dream?

PublisherAbbott Press
Release dateAug 22, 2014
Do Butterflies Dream?

Laina Lloyd

Laina Lloyd is an author, public speaker, Distinguished Toastmaster, and Reiki Master Teacher living near Sedona, Arizona. She believes that dreams hold the keys to understanding emotions located within the soul. By unlocking the messages in dreams, a person can transform their life into one of joy, harmony, and peace.

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    Do Butterflies Dream? - Laina Lloyd

    Copyright © 2014 Laina Lloyd.

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    Abbott Press

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    Cover photo—Shawn and Sadie Connolly

    Front Cover Model—Shalane Moore-Williams

    Inside cover photo—Shalane Moore-Williams

    Inside cover model—Charlotte

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    ISBN: 978-1-4582-1719-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4582-1720-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014912843

    Abbott Press rev. date: 08/06/2014





    Chapter 1 Sleep Opens the Door

    Chapter 2 The Fantastic Journey

    Chapter 3 Here We Go Again

    Chapter 4 The Communication Mystery

    Chapter 5 Through the Eyes of a Child

    Chapter 6 Lights, Camera, Action!

    Chapter 7 Of the Kingdom Animalia

    Chapter 8 The Human Factor

    Chapter 9 Prophetic Possibilities

    Chapter 10 Gifts of the Spirit

    Chapter 11 Once Upon a Time

    Chapter 12 The Art of Reverie

    Chapter 13 Good Night, Sleep Tight


    Copyright Acknowledgments

    About the Author

    This book is dedicated to my mother,

    my dream counselor,

    my mentor,

    my hero,

    my friend.


    We all have dreams, but why do we have them? What if anything can be gained by understanding them? Are there universal interpretation methods that are accurate? Can the necessary information be obtained through self-dream interpretation, or is professional consultation needed?

    Dreams provide an easy unique way to communicate with an immense veiled capacity of the mind. This part of the mind is crying out through repetition, or images which may seem bizarre or nonsensical to the conscious mind, often warning or giving excellent counsel for a particular problem or situation. Pay attention! Stop ignoring or misinterpreting this extremely wise personal counselor.

    In today’s world, information is abundant and books are an amazingly inexpensive way to get valuable information, but what information is really worth taking the time to read and understand? When someone spends thousands of hours focusing on one subject, their understanding and application of that subject is worth close consideration. This is the case with Laina Lloyd and the subject of understanding dreams. Through many years of daily dream interpretation she constantly hones her knowledge and skills. She has chosen to share her in-depth knowledge about a life changing subject through this amazing book.

    Do Butterflies Dream? clearly teaches correct dream interpretation principals. Each key concept is simply illustrated through straightforward expression and numerous interesting dream examples. Through reading other’s dreams, and seeing the positive results that come through accurate understanding, we gain the courage to trust our own best counselor. Please enjoy this down-to-earth book and use the practical techniques, enriching your life more and more each time you use them.


    Author of The Parable of the Hand and the Glove, A Spiritual Awakening



    "It is eternity now. I am in the midst of it.

    It is about me in the sunshine;

    I am in it, as the butterfly in the light-laden air.

    Nothing has come; it is now.

    Now is eternity; now is the immortal life."

    —Richard Jefferies

    The Story of My Heart (1883)

    O ne morning while sitting in my back yard, enjoying the warm sunshine, multicolored wild flowers and the peace that a quiet moment can bring, I noticed a stunningly beautiful butterfly. Amazement and curiosity overcame me and I longed to know about this enchanting little creature. In Scottsdale, Arizona, there is a magical place called Butterfly Wonderland. This spot is the home of America’s largest butterfly atrium. I knew I had to visit this wonderland and acquire more knowledge about one of God’s most glorious creations; the butterfly, a symbol of rebirth and transformation into brilliance!

    Upon entering the atrium filled with these charming, fairy like beings, I felt an overwhelming urge to cry. Butterflies of all colors, shapes and sizes silently wafted over head, circling around me with grace and beauty. All I could do was stand there in utter amazement in their presence. It was as if I was transported to another world, a type of dream world, a place filled with fairies, elves, enchantment and fantasy where all your desires and wishes come true. Ethereal music could be heard over hidden speakers, soft gentle mists of warm water stirred my senses, and winding brick pathways invited me to enter this sacred wonderland. Walking with reverence for the safety of these fragile beings, I proceeded, eyes wide, giggling with a childlike innocence.

    It was during this type of hypnotic state of joy that I wondered, Do butterflies dream? Scientific research has revealed that all mammals dream. Dogs have been observed barking and running while sleeping. Cats scratch in the air at imaginary critters, and from experiments researchers have learned that even finches replay their daily melodies in dreams. Recent studies have revealed that more animals dream than has previously been believed. Sleep patterns which influence dreaming are not the same for all species. For example, dolphins do a type of slow circle swimming where it appears that only half their brain is sleeping at one time.

    Smaller animals have more REM sleep than larger ones. Elephants only need three to five hours of sleep in a twenty-four hour period, while the ground squirrel may need up to twenty hours of sleep in a day. New discoveries about dreaming are regularly occurring, but so far it is not yet known how or why animals dream. Researchers also do not know if insects, or more specifically butterflies, dream. While it is uncertain whether butterflies dream, it is apparent that people do. Dreams and their meanings have been the subject of human thought since the beginning of time.

    Within these pages there is a wonderland of dreams filled with key symbols and messages to help with understanding the hidden meanings experienced in the magical world of dreams. Whether the dream is about flying high above the trees, entertaining a mysterious lover, or has a prophetic message, this book is designed to be a guide in helping to understand the hidden symbols and communications being received. By analyzing dreams, there is an increase in awareness within the conscious realm where the dreamer can receive assistance with their personal transformation into expanding brilliance!


    "We are so captivated by and entangled in our

    subjective consciousness that we have forgotten

    the age-old fact that God speaks chiefly

    through dreams and visions."

    —Carl Jung

    A t some time or another, everyone has had thought experiences which could be called dreaming. They may take the form of a nocturnal dream, a daydream, an impression, vision, consistent enjoyment of a certain type of story, or even the unpleasant recurrence of life dilemmas. Having an understanding of the interpretation of these situations may reveal the keys, not only to a near conscious state of being, but also to dreams. Every dream, no matter how strange it may seem, has something to tell. There is a magical wonderland of memories, instincts, emotions and understandings located within the soul.

    Many dream symbols are universal; however, dreamer’s symbols will have unique personal meaning. Dreams cannot use the conscious mind language to tell their story. It is necessary for them to speak in parables and allegories; so symbols are used to picture their meanings. These symbols are considered to be the language of the soul. Ultimately the only accurate interpretation of a dream experience is made from the dreamer’s feelings and experiences with the dream symbols.

    There are basically four ways in which most people experiences dreams. Some dreams are influenced by a physical stimulus which can impress specific ideas on the corporeal brain. For example, when I am in a deep sleep I periodically dream of being chased by a roaring lion or angry bear. I wake up startled only to realize that what appeared to be a wild animal in my dream was in reality, my external senses trying to make meaning of my husband snoring! Because of this, it is important to take note of the physical and mental surroundings of the dreamer when interpreting dreams.

    All life experiences are stored in the subconscious mind. For the purpose of this book the subconscious is the part of the mind which is not fully aware but which influences actions and feelings. These memories are occasionally filtered through the mind into a conscious awareness by way of dreams. There are dreams that are influenced by subconscious memory. Events of the day are often re-lived. Bothersome situations or ideas may manifest in a dream, or items of deep concern can trigger an emblematic dream. In instances like these, the subconscious often enlightens the dreamer with symbolic information that may help them in their waking moments.

    The telepathic dream forms a connection between dreamers where one is the sender and the other is the receiver. This can happen in sleep with minds that have a strong affinity with each other such as a man and wife, a mother and her child or close business associates.

    The astral dream experience happens when the ego, or consciousness, experiences a dream similar to an out of body projection, an occurrence where the spirit travels outside of the body. These dreams involve visiting distant places, visions, communicating with the dead, or the receiving of premonitions—a prophetic type dream.

    When I was a small child my mother told me the Bible story about Joseph, a young man who often had prophetic dreams. He was sold into Egypt because of the jealousy of his brothers. In the Old Testament, Genesis chapter thirty seven, we learn that Joseph was loved by his father Jacob more than all his children because he was the youngest son of his old age. Joseph’s father made him a coat of many colors. When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father loved him more than all of them, they chose to hate and despise him.

    One night, Joseph dreamed a dream and he shared it with his brothers. In the dream Joseph was told that he would one day rule over his brothers. Sharing this information with them created even stronger feelings of jealousy, so they planned a way to get rid of him. Eventually Joseph was sold into Egypt by his brothers, where he remained for many years.

    Through a course of events that happened in his life, Joseph wrongfully ended up in prison. In prison he became known as one who could interpret dreams. One day the Pharaoh called for Joseph to help him interpret a disturbing dream. He told Joseph that he could not find anyone who could interpret his dream. Joseph told Pharaoh that by the spirit of God he could interpret his dream and give him peace. As a result of the interpretation of his dream, and the peace he received from it, Pharaoh entrusted Joseph to be a great ruler in his kingdom, second in command to the Pharaoh himself. This responsibility given to Joseph proved to be a blessing to many people in Pharaoh’s kingdom, including Joseph’s own family.

    Because of this story and how it impressed me as a little child, along with my mother’s teachings about dream interpretation and skill as a dream counselor, I often found myself asking for the gift to interpret dreams. When faced with challenging situations in my life or when in need of answers to personal questions, I would ask for guidance in a dream to assist me on my path. Through the gifts of the spirit, or what is occasionally referred to as the universal life force, and my desire to know the meanings of dreams, I have received valuable guidance. This knowledge has helped me to assist not only myself and family, but others as well.

    As I continued to gain a reputation for accurate dream interpretation, and effective dream counseling, more and more people began to tell or send me their dreams. This book contains excerpts from the many hundreds of dreams that have been shared. I expect that by reading the pages in this book, you too will learn about the meanings in your dreams and be guided on your life journey. All dreams have purpose. Can you be certain that your dreams are less important than Joseph’s? My desire is that by reading this book you will receive the gift of interpretation which may be the key that can unlock the purpose of your life through the marvels of your mind.

    Chapter 1


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