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Rise and Fall of the Usa
Rise and Fall of the Usa
Rise and Fall of the Usa
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Rise and Fall of the Usa

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If you believe that God is not dead, then who is He and what does He do? Does He take an active role of a father to provide for us, nurture us, and teach us? In my first bookWhen God Speaks, Who Will Listen?I discussed how our Father has nurtured me. I have had many unexpected encounters with Him where He has taught me through prophecy, spiritual language, and most of all, the written word that He has given us through holy men. My latest encounter lasted over eight years. He graciously opened my eyes to many mysteries and directed me to write several books of what He revealed. This book is part of what I was shown.

God is our Father. Without Him we would not exist. He first gave birth to us as a spiritual being, creating us in the image of Himself. Then we were born of a woman by His design to become a living soul. He is responsible for the welfare of each of His children. He takes this very seriously. Throughout the history of this world, He has acted through certain men like Adam, Noah, and Melchizedek to accomplish His plan for us. He also worked through a man named Abram to form a nation of people He could use for the benefit of all of His children. Through Isaiah and other Prophets He told how His work with these children is not yet complete. He revealed how Jerusalem is not the only city of God, and the descendants of Abraham are not His only people. He has also formed nations of people upon the land of America. This book tells what our Father wants us to hear at this time about these people.

Release dateAug 27, 2015
Rise and Fall of the Usa

Dean P. Andrews

This is the second in a series of books written by the author during an unexpected encounter of close communion and divine instruction with our Heavenly Father as presented in When God Speaks, Who Will Listen?

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    Rise and Fall of the Usa - Dean P. Andrews


    M any nations have risen to power in this world which have mysteriously fallen for reasons that were never foreseen. Those who study and report that which is discovered about these nations are often bewildered by what they find. The question always arises as to how such powerful forces can be transformed to such a weakened state of existence. Perhaps the most well-known of these powerful nations that have fallen is the Roman Empire. The Romans were indeed a remarkable example of what men can do in this world. Their accomplishments were far reaching. Their cities were works of art. Their armies were mighty. What happened to bring about the demise of this empire? Volumes of books have been written about the Roman Empire. They who write history like this do not always compile the same facts, or see things the same way, which leaves us still wondering what really took place. We know about the internal struggles that took place within the Roman government. We know about the people, and how they reacted to government decisions. We also know the nature of the enemies of the Roman Empire. Lost in all of the political and military action is something that we seldom consider anymore. We know about the lifestyles of these people, and how this changed from generation to generation as they prospered and exerted the power that came from their wealth. What we seldom consider is how their way of life played a part in their downfall.

    Books are not often written about the fall of a nation prior to its demise. Under normal circumstances this would not seem to be very plausible. However, we have a situation today that is far from normal. That situation involves the United States. The United States is not your normal nation. The United States has existed only for a very brief period of time. However, within that short period of time this nation has risen to a position in this world that is remarkable to say the least. There are obviously reasons for this. This book is a presentation of what has occurred along with a presentation of that which has been foretold through certain gifted men. It is being written as part of a series of books that are a result of the authors’ experiences with our Heavenly Father. Those experiences have been presented in the book, When God Speaks, Who Will Listen?

    That which is written in this book is based in part on historical events that have set the stage for what has taken place with the United States. History does repeat itself. One of the most significant mysteries that man has yet to solve about previous cultures involves that which took place in another part of America. In both South and Central America there are ruins of what once were very great cities. Hundreds of thousands of people lived in those cities. It is no coincidence that these great cultures of the past were a part of what has come to be known today as the Americas. This book will show why this is true, and why it is no coincidence that the United States was built upon this land.

    Throughout history many different types of scientific evidence has been used to validate what has taken place in the past. The information used has involved archeology, paleontology, and other fields of science. Much historic understanding has also been gleaned from numerous records that have been left by those who lived in the past. These records have involved many different types of communication. These include paintings on walls, writings on rocks, ancient manuscripts, and writing on stone tablets as well as plates of soft metal. When the Spaniards first came to what was then called the New World, they found many native people. These people lived in lavish cities that were made of many precious metals and stones. The Spaniards did not care about these people. They treated them as barbarians. Amongst these people were many records that they had kept on plates of gold. Due to the Spaniards lust for gold and wealth they wrongly melted all of these golden records to send the gold back to Spain. Oh, what we could have learned from those records.

    In spite of the loss of those records we did learn much about the people who lived upon this land long before the United States existed. Many of the cities that were found by the Spaniards were built upon the ruins of other cities. The gold that was plentiful at the time of the Spanish conquest was found to exist also in the cities built before. These were not barbarians. They were artisans, and craftsmen of the highest nature. They were also scholars who recorded their history methodically in many different ways. They took pride in who they were, and what they knew. The mystery involves what happened to them. How did they fall from the prominence that they once enjoyed? Like Rome they had many armies. Like Rome they built cities of defense. How did they come to fall just as Rome had fallen in another land far away from them?

    Greed has paid a major part in the wrongful acts that have been done in this world. This one fault of man has led to the fall of many nations. Greed was a primary cause of the fall of the Roman Empire. Greed was a cause of the demise of the nations that the Spaniards overran. Is it possible that greed is also going to be a primary cause of the fall of the United States?

    Due to the fact that the United States has not yet met its demise, its history cannot be used to show the reasons for its fall. However, there is another record that has been written in a different way that tells about what is to come. This record is a part of that which has been given to us by our Heavenly Father through men who were divinely inspired to write for Him. These men were a part of the people that were created by our Father to bring forth His word, and perform His work to prepare all of us for future events. They were the Prophets of the seed of Abraham. Within the words of one of these Prophets we have been given knowledge of a nation of people that would come upon this land (America) in the final days of this dispensation of time. This knowledge concerns the rise and fall of the United States.

    For many years the United States of America has been a leader of nations in many areas including the promotion and establishment of world peace. From the beginning this nation has striven to be the melting pot of the world, inviting all who desire freedom and opportunity to come and take part of that which is here. Many suffering people of other countries have also benefited from the welfare that has been offered by the United States. There can be no denying that which has been accomplished by the people of this nation who have opened their hearts and their pocketbooks to right the wrongs of this world. This truth is contained in all historical records of the relative short period of time that this nation has existed.

    Along with these accomplishments there is also something else that is recorded in the history of this nation, something that sadly is now being greatly overlooked. That which took place in the formation of this nation and its government was no coincidence. The United States was destined from the beginning to be what it has been. It did not come into existence, nor does it exist today simply because of the work of men. This world is the handiwork of the one who created it. There is reason and purpose for all that takes place in this world. What took place with the United States was no exception. Our Heavenly Father had a purpose for this nation, and worked in many different ways to bring this about. We can ignore this as much as we want. We can take all of the credit as we usually do for everything. The truth is that our Father provided much help in the establishment of this great nation, just as He did with the establishment of the nation of Israel. We can no more change this truth than we can change the truth of how a child is born, or how an apple tree bears its fruit every year. The truth of our Father’s involvement in the establishment of this nation is a documented fact if we read what actually took place.

    In the beginning much credit was given to our Heavenly Father as this country was formed. Those who were a part of what took place in the early formation of the United States knew His handiwork, and did not deny it. In fact, they sought His divine help, and relied upon it. They witnessed His help in much that took place. They saw His hand upon them in everyday events as well as the momentous acts that occurred that gave them the freedom from Britain that they sought. They took time to give thanks to the one true God as He gave them the help they needed. They were not ashamed of their beliefs in our Heavenly Father. In fact, these beliefs were what formed the nucleus of the new government that this nation still follows. The truth of this also is a part of the record of the history of this nation.

    That which is predestined is not easy for us to believe. We lose sight of the big picture. We fail to accept what is real. This blindness keeps us from seeing that which is true, and having that which is destined for us to have. That which took place is not difficult to see when we want to see it. Unfortunately we have turned away from this truth today in favor of more worldly things that have come as a result of our selfishness and greed. We regard our spiritual condition as something that is not nearly as important as it was in the days when we fought for the freedom we wanted. History shows that we fought not only for liberty, but also for spiritual freedom. We wanted to be free not only from the tyrannical government, but also from the tyrannical church that existed in all of England. Freedom of religion was one of the most important issues for which we were willing to die. Unfortunately we have turned away from what we once believed, and knew to be true. We look at our Heavenly Father today much differently than we did back in those early days of this nation. His law is no longer important to us. We no longer feel the need for our Heavenly Fathers protection or provision. We think that we can do everything on our own without His help. This is going to have ramifications that we will not believe until it is seen, and then it may be too late. As much as we want to deny this, this is already being seen today, and soon it will become even clearer as we continue to deny the truth of our Father that we once cherished so much.

    Our Heavenly Father created this world and all that exists for a purpose. This purpose is what governs why we are here at this time, and what takes place in this world. Over the many years that man has been upon this world our Father has performed many works to fulfill that which he has designed. Can we really deny this? We are a part of the plan of our Heavenly Father. Part of His work has been to bring things forth when and where they have been needed to fulfill His plan. Part of these works have involved the predestination of certain men who have been born of this world when and where they were needed to perform certain works. Adam was predestined to be the first man upon this world. Eve was predestined to be the first woman. Together they were the beginning of all men who would live upon this world. We have yet to understand much of our Father’s work. There are few who have gained understanding of that which He has created. We struggle even to understand the meaning of the word living soul. We are told that a certain being named Michael is the Archangel. Michael was given responsibility for many things. Part of this involved the procreation of all mankind. As such he was the first living soul to be placed upon this earth. He was given the name Adam by our Father, which literally means, Of the ground.

    Many names are mentioned in the Holy Scriptures that have been given to us by our Father. Adam is only one of these. All of these names have a special meaning. Jacob’s name was changed by our Father, and became known as Israel. Abram’s name was changed to Abraham. When Zacharias was told of how his barren wife would give birth to a son the name John was given to him. That was a very peculiar name for that child to be given, but it was done for a reason as directed by our Father.

    Adam was only the first living soul that lived a predestined life upon this world. Cain, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Ephraim, Manasseh, Elijah, Elisha, and John the Baptist are some others who were placed in this world by our Father when He needed them to be here to do the work that they did. Jesus was obviously predestined to be born when and where He was born, and do what He did. Along with Jesus, the twelve who became Apostles, along with Paul, were all predestined. Mary, Elisabeth, Zacharias, and Joseph all were predestined to be here when they were born, and fulfill the work that our Father had for them to perform.

    Today it has become increasingly difficult for us to believe and accept the truth about our Heavenly Father and what He is doing. Many have even lost their belief in His existence. This is a result of what we have become. We no longer value His presence, or His existence. We have cast out much of what we once knew to be true, and replaced these beliefs with that which we have desired to be true. The more we stray from the way of life that we were predestined to have, the more we will lose the knowledge and understanding of the truth that has given to us by our Heavenly Father. We are not the only civilization to do this. There are remnants of other nations that once flourished in this world. Their amazing cities can still be seen, but they are not inhabited. For some strange reason we believe that this cannot happen again. What if we have we been given information about this? Would we want to know this? Would we want to know what our Father has foretold about our existence?

    In the first book I published, When God Speaks, Who Will Listen, I told of the incredible experiences that led me to learn what I am now presenting. Part of what I learned involves what has been foretold about the United States. I could not receive this knowledge without first being prepared to receive it. This also is understanding that we have lost. Our Father cannot reveal things to us if we are not able and willing to receive it. My preparation involved learning certain truth, and casting out false beliefs that I had developed by the teachings of men. This included understanding of what our Father has already done to present us with knowledge that we did not have before. Once this was accomplished, I was shown the words of the Prophet Isaiah that speak of this land that is now known as the United States of America. I was also shown other writings. Among these were words such as: THUS SAYS THE LORD GOD: CURSED SHALL BE THE LAND, EVEN THIS LAND, TO EVERY NATION, KINDRED, TONGUE, AND PEOPLE WHICH DO WICKEDLY, UNTO DESTRUCTION WHEN THEY ARE FULLY RIPE. What do we do with words like this that were spoken long ago? It is not easy for us to receive things like this. It was not easy for me to learn and accept what I was shown. It has also not been easy for me to write about this. What I am presenting is not for my benefit. I am simply doing my best to follow divine direction that I have been given. Has this taken me by surprise? Of course! I am no different from any other man. I simply allowed my eyes to be opened in a very incredible way that showed me what I am now sharing.

    Our Father has given us much knowledge of all that He has done along with knowledge of what is yet to come as a part of His work to establish this world as a part of His kingdom. This world is an amazing place that we take for granted every day. It is here to support the incredible life that our Father designed for us to enjoy. Knowledge of this is available for all of us, not just a chosen few. If we live as we have been designed to live, we will continue to learn more and more about our Father and His works. If we stray from the ways that were designed for our existence, we will not have this power of discernment. We will also lose understanding of that which we once knew to be true, and eventually even lose the very life that we have. Knowledge of this can come to us only through a certain source. The truth of this world and our life cannot come to us through any man. It comes only from our Father. Our Father is not a physical creature. His existence is spiritual. Therefore, this truth can only come to us through spiritual means. The presence of His Holy Spirit is a gift itself, given by our Father to those who truly love Him. I received this when I was nineteen years old. I was not looking for anything like this. I did not even know what it was until it came upon me. All I can say is that since that day in 1968, my life has been very different. I have had many amazing experiences with our Heavenly Father. None have been more remarkable than what I encountered that opened my eyes to that which I am now sharing. I never imagined anything like what I learned about the United States, or everything else that I was shown. As my eyes were opened to the meaning of the words of Isaiah, I was astonished. Our Father has told us much about His plans and designs for us that we have not seen. When He does try to open our eyes, we are always slow to listen. This book is not being written for any glory or reward of my own. Knowing what I now know, and experiencing what I have encountered with our Heavenly Father is reward enough. The truth that I have received has set me free from all worry and cares of this world. I have hope and happiness that I never had before. I enjoy every remarkable day that I am able to experience the beauty and wonders of this world. There is nothing that can give us more happiness and joy than knowing the truth of our Heavenly Father and His works.



    W hat led a handful of people to embark on a journey from Europe that was not only dangerous, but had all of the promises of having an uncertain result, and even failure? To know this we need to look at what was happening in England at that time when these families decided to leave their homeland, and make this dangerous trip. Of all the names that were given to those people, the one that seems to fit most of all is pilgrims. A pilgrim is one who wanders in a foreign country. That is exactly what took place with those people when they came to this new land.

    Although the name Pilgrim was given to certain groups of settlers from England there had been many others who had come to this land previously from other countries. The first to come were not necessarily looking for a new place to live. They were looking for wealth. Explorers from Spain had landed upon another portion of this land long before those Pilgrims who came from England. They found what they sought. They found tremendous wealth amongst the native people in the form of gold. They were not interested in the people who lived here. They were not interested in taking over the land. They wanted the gold. That was their main desire. They confiscated the gold, doing whatever was necessary to obtain it, and ship it back to Spain.

    This book is not about those who came to this land seeking wealth. Most of them formed no lasting domain here. They came from their motherland, took what they wanted, and returned to Europe. This book is about those who came to the New World to make this their home. Although the first modern expeditions to this country were from Portugal, Spain, and France, people from England soon joined in this adventure. They were interested in the New World for reasons other than wealth. They were looking for a new home, a new way of life where they could be free to govern themselves, and not be oppressed in any way.

    This world was obviously not new to the millions of native people who were already living here when the Pilgrims came from Europe. The Pilgrims called them Indians because of what was established in previous expeditions. A route to India was sought for trade. The New World was discovered by accident. Even when it was determined that this was not the land of India, the name for those who resided here never changed. Who were they who possessed this land prior to that time? This book is about this land, and what it has become today. It is being written because of what I have learned in a rather remarkable way. Along with what I learned about the United States I have also gained knowledge and understanding of those who lived here before this great nation ever existed. As strange as it may seem, all of these people are connected. There will be another book that tells about the Native Americans. This book primarily will involve those who came from England and other countries to stake their claim on this land, and the nation that they have now become.

    The name America was given to this land in 1507. This was not done by any ruler of an existing European nation. This was done by an author of a geography book. Although Christopher Columbus was known for his explorations and discovery of certain parts of this land, events took place where Columbus fell from the grace of those who supported him. Another man by the name of Americus Vespuccious was given the task of mapping what Columbus had discovered. This brought honor to this man by way of Martin Waldseemullen, a writer who recorded the travels and works of Vespuccious. In his writings, Waldseemullen named the land America after this man who was commissioned to do the work that he did in preparation for new settlements that were to come.

    Although much is written about Jamestown, and what took place there, Jamestown was not the first English colony. There was a small group of people who settled on an island off the coast of North Carolina. This was done under the supervision of Sir Richard Brenville, who himself was sponsored by Sir Walter Raleigh. The concept of sponsorship is important for us to understand as it was responsible for much that took place originally upon this land by those who came from Europe. The New World was ripe for investors who wanted to further their ability to trade with foreign nations. As is well known this New World was discovered by mistake as a new trade route to India was sought. India was well known at that time, and was the source of much trade. Companies sponsored expeditions to places like India. When this New World was discovered not to be India, these companies paid for people to come here to establish posts that could be used in the trade of the goods which they made. These trading posts were the original settlements that led to what has now become the greatest nation of this world.

    One of the first colonies sponsored by Sir Walter Raleigh was named the Roanoke Island Colony. As was common in those days, those colonists were not provided with enough supplies. They had to send ships back to England, hoping that all would go well, and that the necessary supplies would be received in time for them to survive. This took place in 1586. In this particular situation it took about a year for ships to return to those who had established this colony. A new expedition led by John White, with a group of about one hundred people returned to the Roanoke Colony to find those people struggling to remain alive. To avoid the calamity of the first expedition Mr. White returned immediately to England for more supplies. That trip met with many misfortunes that delayed their return by many years. It was not until 1590 that they returned to Roanoke with more supplies. Upon their return they discovered that all who had been living there had disappeared. No trace was ever found of the people that had been left there.

    In the years that followed, England issued charters to different companies for colonies to be established in the New World of America. England was claiming this land to be theirs, and was supporting the expeditions both financially and militarily. These charters gave certain companies the rights to create settlements within determined boundaries that would be supported by the British government. With this support the first permanent colony staked its claim at Jamestown, Virginia. The name Virginia actually came from the company that operated the expedition. There was a Virginia Company of London as well as a Virginia Company of Plymouth. As these companies established the new colonies in America with the support of England they were allowed to name the land after their company.

    As word of the size of this new land reached other parts of Europe, other European countries began to send their own people to stake their claims. In 1612 Dutch settlers began to trade with Native Americans in a new area. That area was given the name of New York. The Dutch continued their claim of this area, building a fort near what is now Albany, New York. What followed was the establishment of what became known as New Amsterdam.

    In the next 100 years thousands of pilgrims traveled from different areas of Europe to be a part of the rapidly expanding European population of America. Every expedition was just as dangerous as the first, but people braved the elements and dangers of crossing the ocean to make this their new home. The reasons for this varied among those who came. One of the primary reasons amongst those who came from England involved their desire to be free of the church that dominated England at that time. The Catholic Church was firmly entrenched in the Church of England. The church wielded much power given by the government of England. This power affected every citizen. It worked to prevent the existence of any other church as well as forcing the monetary support necessary to maintain the church. Many left the Church of England to form churches of their own where they could worship and be free of this religious control. They did not accept the doctrines of the Church of England, and wished to live in the ways that they believed to be right. The Church of England, with the full approval and support of the government of England, persecuted those who did so.

    The 1600’s saw many conflicts between the Church of England and the growing numbers of those who were dissenting from the church, and forming churches of their own. Many of these dissenters found the New World to be an escape from the persecution of the Church of England. They made the dangerous trip to America in search of religious freedom. Many of these were dubbed to be Separatists, or Puritans. When they arrived in the New World they formed a city of their own that was called the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Their Congregational Church founded in what was actually named New England was supported by taxes at first. Everyone who lived there came for the same reason, and was a member of this new church. There was no established form of government. The people ruled themselves until governors were appointed by the companies who paid for the expeditions, and held charters for the land.

    This was only one group of people who populated the New World of America for religious reasons. Many different groups of people followed who established their own colonies based on their religious beliefs. Maryland became a sanctuary of those who believed in the Catholic faith, but abhorred the changes made by the Church of England that differed from the doctrine of the Catholic Church. This area found many who wanted simply to return to the ways of the original church as they had suffered for many years as the Church of England manipulated many changes.

    As the population of the New World increased, so did the numbers of people seeking religious freedom. Quakers made their way here, and established what became known as Pennsylvania. Other colonies were formed by Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, and other denominations. All of these enjoyed tremendous freedom that they could not have in their homeland because of the Church of England. This was the primary reason for those who made the dangerous trip from Europe to America.

    The records that we have show how these people relished a life that enabled them to live according to their religious beliefs. This was the main drive which led them on to face the dangerous challenges of not only the trip to the New World, but also that which they knew would confront them when they arrived in the wilderness that awaited them. Their desire to be free from persecution of their religious beliefs even kept them from joining with others who were of a different church. Their beliefs were the roots of their lives, and they sought ways whereby they could govern what took place in the cities that they built according to their religious beliefs. Boundaries were established to maintain this freedom. All of the different faiths enjoyed their little establishments at first, but this was not to last.

    There were other boundaries to be maintained. These proved to be of far greater importance from those which were established for religious reasons. France was till France. England was still England. All of the new territories were claimed by the motherland. The problem that came upon them was one of support. There were no armies or navies supported by the New World. Any disagreement over land was settled by whatever support came from the motherland. This forced boundaries to be maintained that created the new land of the old motherland. England moved in with not only military support for their new land, but also with their government. As the population grew the need for government increased. Lawlessness thrived in many areas, and needed to be controlled. The English were the first to establish a formal government. This took place at a meeting in Boston in 1643. The United Colonies of New England was formed. The need for this organization was primarily based on one thing. As more and more land was populated by people from Europe, the Native Americans fought back. These native people were literally shoved out of the way, off the land that they had lived upon for many generations. In addition to this there existed the normal issues of people from the different countries that were establishing the new colonies. Fights arose between the Dutch and those from France and England. Just as wars had developed in the old land of Europe, skirmishes were seen in the New World amongst those from these different countries.

    As the need for government grew, England had no intention of relinquishing what they believed was theirs. The British Crown wanted to control the New World just as they controlled their land in Europe. They had the means to do this because of the trade that was needed by the colonists to survive. England along with France and other countries was still the main source of support for their people who lived in the colonies. In their attempt to control the new land, the English Parliament began to pass laws to accomplish this. One of the first acts to be established by England was the First Navigation Act. This Act required all goods shipped to and from America to be done on British ships. More acts followed this which required all goods in support of English colonies to be shipped to English ports in America. It is believed that these Acts were the beginning of the resentment that developed amongst the colonists toward England. This resentment continued to grow as more and more control was attempted to be place upon the colonists by England. All of this was what led to the American Revolution which was the true beginning of what came to be the United States of America.

    It is the American Revolution that needs to be discussed here. This is what led to the formation of the United States of America. It is no mystery as to what drove the colonists to do what they did. This can be summed up in one word, freedom. Their migration from the old world of Europe was all about freedom. Freedom from governmental tyranny. Freedom from religious tyranny. These people were tired of being controlled in every aspect of their life. The mystery is how this freedom was gained. How did this poorly armed, poorly fed, and poorly organized group of people rise up and defeat the might of England?

    The colonists were oppressed in many ways. They were forced to pay homage to England through the enforcement of taxes. They were made to abide by the laws instated by the governors that were placed over them by England. They also found themselves being persecuted once again by the Church of England as the government continued to support the efforts of the church even in the new land. As the American colonies grew, England never stopped their attempts to maintain control of these people as if they were still a part of England. This continued for quite some time as the English government gained a strong foothold over these people. At first the colonists were dependent upon England for the supplies that were needed for them to survive. This need continued to grow as the population grew. Stores and companies were built that required even more supplies from England. This went on for quite some time before the colonists realized that they were losing everything that they had hoped to gain by coming to

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