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Wisdom's Gate Revisited
Wisdom's Gate Revisited
Wisdom's Gate Revisited
Ebook224 pages3 hours

Wisdom's Gate Revisited

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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 28, 2008
Wisdom's Gate Revisited

Joe Moore

Joe Moore is the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Marion. Joe has first hand experience with a city that had a high vacant structure percentage because of the loss of several large factories starting in 2003. He was motivated by the City of Marion's landmark case in the Indiana Supreme Court to condemn and demolish a commercial building on the town square. The Mayor of Marion, IN and President of the Council of Mayors in Indiana, Wayne Seybold, vision for the city to regain it's vitality by utilizing these laws to make Marion a desirable place to live and allow businesses to thrive has been successful. Marion's Building Commissioner, Larry Oradat, assigned Joe to spearhead the city's effort. Joe was able to get all the city departments involved and working towards the same goal of reducing vacant structures. He devised a process where the Code Enforcement Office coordinated the efforts of all the departments. The results are still coming in. The city has experienced decreasing crime and structure fires, reduced cost of maintaining vacant structures and increased property tax collection. The city is much more attractive to growing existing businesses and acquiring new businesses. The co-author is Timothy Duke. He has created several businesses that operated in International and Domestic Trade. Quality management is a forte.

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    Wisdom's Gate Revisited - Joe Moore

     . . . The Wisdom Of Prayer . . .

    (GLIM) Grace and Love Initiates Mercy

    Know you that El Shaddai, the Lord God Almighty is not a (LLC) Limited Liability Corporation. There is no wisdom that’s greater than the wisdom of earnest daily prayer to God. Wisdom decrees that He is full of Grace Love and Mercy. Jesus in his fullness as Godhead, is humankind’s unfailing, inexhaustible and true conduit to God’s Grace Love and Mercy.

    ©mjm GLIM

    Grace brings needed undeserved attention

    Love is the highest order of the Lord’s care

    Initiating God’s tried and true intervention

    Mercy tho unmerited and beyond compare

    We find in Psalms 145:18-20

    18 The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth. 19 He will fulfil the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them. 20 The LORD preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy. KJV

    David; imperfect though he was, became known as a man after God’s own heart . . . The prophet Nathan had come to anoint David a lowly shepherd boy, to become the King of the Hebrews; God’s chosen people. We can assume without a doubt, that David received Nathan as God’s messenger in a respectful manner.

    There is no scriptural account of what David said to Nathan; but David blest with innate wisdom, took the awesome responsibility placed upon him to God in prayer. He did not entrust his gratitude to be delivered to God by the prophet Nathan. Ministers and preachers deliver God’s message to us, but our hearts must reply to God; not to the minister or preacher. Only God understands the language of our hearts, and we may come boldly to His throne of grace love and mercy, in order to partake of the GLIM principle; for prayer transports one into the realm of GLIM; that is to say, God’s Grace and Love; Initiates Mercy.

    Having received the message of his kingship from God by way of the prophet Nathan, and while the impression was still fresh in his heart, David went before the Lord to offer his prayer; entering into the tabernacle where the ark had been placed as the token of God’s presence here on earth. God does not demand that our prayers be presented to Him only in the church or temple. God desires that we pray wherever we may be, for He is present with us everywhere, but remember, whenever or wherever we pray, we must set ourselves presenting ourselves as before God in the presence of God, and we must set God before us as in our presence. The most accepted eastern position or posture for prayer has been a combined kneeling or sitting, resting the body upon the heels; a position lowly subjects even today assume before great men in the east, which is regarded as a proper posture of humility. Western decorum for prayer varies from kneeling, standing, sitting, etc. Our prayer should be presented to God in the highest order of humility. In the spirit of humbleness we should address God not on our own merits reminding Him of what and who we are, for in God’s eye, our righteousnesses is no more than dirty filthy rags.

    Isaiah 64:6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags;

    Oh Lord God who am I, how do I justify entering into your presence? Even when as a person of worldly honor and success, we should attempt to approach God only with an overwhelmed humble heart. We should never ever attempt to enter God’s holy presence, except in the humbleness, and righteousnesses of our Lord Jesus Christ. Without the enabling of humbleness and righteousnesses, God’s eminent grace and gifts are uselessly bound up in us, having no physical or spiritual effect upon our miserable worldly existence. Prayer is the answer, and in the Wisdom of prayer we should pray without ceasing: Amen

    © mjm

    wisdom’s gate is opened wide

    seek tis said and ye shall find

    enter the gate do come inside

    find salvation’s peace of mind

    Disobedience is directly and negatively opposed to wisdom, whereas a collective of positive attributes, attitudes and acquired knowledge, tremendously enhance the spiritual as well as theoretical premise of wisdom. This collective of subjects poems and themes in search of the phenomenon wisdom, is aligned and contrasted, against the qualitative measure of obedience manifested in the lives of the so called children of the most high God, who populate the planet earth which is tailored to the exact specifications for their daily survival. The least tolerated attribute of wisdom plaguing humankind seems to be humility. Many find humility hard to integrate into a collective positive mindset, due to a gross misunderstanding of humility, which to them exhibits an inexcusable degree of weakness. The true spirit of humility is far short of weakness. In fact, it requires great strength of courage, a dedicated heart and determination to apply humility and humbleness, whenever intellect happens to be the fundamental principle. Humility to listen while others speak, demands the restraint to consider views other than ones own, and is an efficacious beneficial and proper component of wisdom. The inclination to listen; a slow to speak attitude and a willingness to learn, are all worthy qualities. Those who can incorporate humility and humbleness into the daily drama of this corporeal existence, are indeed persons of Wisdom and Courage. Wisdom is essentially the depository of all our acquired mental knowledge, which enhances command of the task at hand. Whatever the task good or bad, wisdom is the benchmark that augments the successes of the methods and machinations that effectively completes the project. A thief may employ wisdom in the planning of a robbery, as well as a liar in concocting the great lie or alibi. Only the wisdom of God can be judged at all times as completely innocent. Consider Jer. 17:9, the heart of humankind is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Let not your heart be troubled, God is available to help and to strengthen His creation. He has said, Joshua 1:5 I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. It is regrettable; that even the innocence of wisdom is at times polluted by the presence of sinful pleasures, and other evil itineraries of action. One wonders why God allows the creativeness of wisdom to be used in evil undertakings, which is due to the misguided belief that God sits like some watchman, constantly observing our every action and motivation. The revelation that has become my directive is quite plain. God sent His Word in the person of Jesus, and Jesus left His Word with us which in effect covers every scenario of daily living. Thus; God’s Word is the defining watch-tower agent, and has the power of conviction and or exoneration. We have been provided the instructions, and the Blessed Assurance of Salvation that Jesus has passed on to each of us, therefore our determination to agonize and live in torment over creation’s anomalies, is an exercise in futility. Infuse His teachings into our daily living, and should we err we have the invitation and the gift of repentance, thus we are covered by God’s grace and ever loving mercy (GLM). Aside from that, let me reassure you, God’s Word is so comprehensively conceived and articulated, that it is without doubt capable of rebuke, conviction and exoneration, that is, if we are of the mind and heart to seek the Wisdom and Righteousness of Christ Jesus.

    If There Be One Stitch © mjm

    if there be one stitch in the celestial garment of our righteousness

    one stitch which we ourselves are left to initiate, then we are lost

    but we can have confidence, the Lord who began it will perfect it

    the Lord Jesus Christ it is He who paid the complete and total cost

    our Lord gave His all, He did it all, and He shall surely perfect it all

    our confidence can’t rest on, or can not be in, what we have done

    nor can our hapless confidence be in what we have resolved to do

    it relies surely on the righteousness our Lord Jesus for us has won

    My initial Wisdom’s Gate encounter; was manifested through the creation of my previous manuscript which was published and released in the year 2003. It was a most eventful journey that began an expedition, that led me into the realm of acquired knowledge of which I soon learned that I was grossly lacking. Thus research and study was the first order of business in regards to that project. If I was to complete this work and fashion it to be readable and enjoyable as well as informative, I knew I was in for many hours of sincere study and research. Wisdom, a plateau of sound reasoning and thought we encounter whenever we find ourselves reaching for an affirmative spiritual state of mind; which has the tendency to escape us completely at the time; so we present our most ineffectual platitudes and expressions, with the intention of showing off our astuteness, and all our other great qualities of ineffectual-intellectual knowledge and professed intelligence. Academic inadequacies will certainly surface, when it’s decided to put our spiritual thoughts and experiences into print. All we thought we knew becomes a mere drop in the bucket to what is needed to complete such a project. So; I am now again embarked on another journey with a persistence and inquisitiveness of the mind, and hoping that with the help of my trusty computer keyboard, and with fervent prayer, that by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, spiritual revealing facts will follow that will be informative, as well as entertaining and worthy of being digested by others.

    It is said that when God taps into your spirit for whatever purpose, He equips and prepares one to be up to speed for the task. There’s an itch, an eerie awareness of the spirit of inspiration hovering near, filling me with energized expectation of revelation, because He knows my heart is open to receive Him in this endeavor, as He continuously etches on the pages of my hungered starving memory engrams, all that He desires to reveal to me. He expects that I not fret over this project, for He assuredly will supply me with the boldness and fortitude needed to share the truth of his Word. Whether you take interest in what will be revealed on the following pages, depends largely on whether or not you are prepared to receive the wisdom God wishes to reveal to you, through the many concepts and principles that I shall tweak to peak your interest. So relax, open your mind and heart, that they might partake of this spiritual nutrition designed to nourish and fill your hungry soul.

    This tome is a follow-up of my earlier book Wisdom’s Gate, an unambiguous exploring of the depth and realm of knowledge in search of wisdom. Let it be known here and now; knowledge is not wisdom, but is the sum-total of the learning curve that incorporates concepts of the philosophy of wisdom. Inclusive are the particulars and principles acquired by way of structured educational preparation, as well as the facts of experiences gained from all the diverse components, which are resident of the collective memories of the mind whether true or false. These all then become the natural realities of natural logic that is of the natural world we live in. Thus; one becomes knowledgeable to a certain degree in and of the natural world. But most significant, are the spiritual realities of God which one must consider, regardless of worldly experiences and or education. Aside from the spiritual realities of God, all are merely divergent ingratiating efforts, to charm and deceive one into the belief that they’ve acquired, a touch of wisdom . . .

    Challenged by a serious lapse of wisdom; the western world seemly has compromised it’s perspective in regards to the sovereignty of certain Middle Eastern nations. Inspired by ill conceived military logic; certain factions, such as America, England, and several other of their allies; are engaged in a hodgepodge of aggressive incursions into Muslim territory. Middle Eastern insurgents; hostile and angry with all whom they consider infidel invaders, are bombing and killing American and other foreign military personnel, as well as innocent members of their own ethnicity with impunity, in an effort to dissuade foreign aggressors of their homelands from further intrusion into their affairs. All who are not Islam are considered infidels, (sinners who deserve to die) and must be eliminated from existence, and these insurgents engage themselves in martyrdom through suicide bombings, which supposedly earns them entry into a paradise where seventy two virgins await them. Seventy two virgins; that in itself has the taint of an ungodly warped concept. The implication that God will supply them with some sort of holy sexual orgy, in reward for killing those whom they perceive as infidels, is nothing short of absurd. They protest in an insane murderous and venomous mantra which is frightening, declaring that they are perceived as violent killers, yet even then, they vociferously vow to kill all infidels, which in effect can be construed as all who are not Muslim. I pray that this, my second explorative examination of the many levels of unbridled sinful attitudes of the current world mentality, will be a direct encouraging factor to a spiritual knowledge, and wisdom based rational for all who peruse the effort.

    God Loves His Beloved © mjm

    by sin we are debased and depraved

    whatever the transgression yet saved

    no greater love has ever been known

    God loves us; His beloved as His own

    Paul admonished the church at Corinth thusly, on the subject of Wisdom.

    1 Corin 2:6 Yet when I am among mature Christians, I do speak with words of wisdom, but not the kind of wisdom that belongs to this world, and not the kind that appeals to the rulers of this world, who are being brought to nothing. 7 No, the wisdom we speak of is the secret wisdom of God, which was hidden in former times, though he made it for our benefit before the world began.

    I submit an interesting point of view, not necessarily my personal observation drawn from commentary researched on Paul, who has been described by many as the ersatz (false) apostle. It has been noted that Paul was unrecognized by the chosen apostles; those whom Jesus selected to be trained at His hand. It is said that Saul of Tarsus later known as Paul, was a self-centered self proclaimed apostle. There are instances of accusations of him being a false apostle. His claim of apostleship stands alone. Paul was a so called self apostle; in short, an I, Me, and My apostle. His usage of personal pronouns including the pronoun mine, in particular. Among babies and toddlers everything they touch they proclaim, mine; mine. Paul fits the mold perfectly, as a toddler in spirituality, a mere babe in the woods, void of truth lost in a sinful forest preaching what has been called by some, a synthetic righteousness. He has often been eulogized as the greatest apostle who ever lived. Only twice of the twenty two times, by count was he referred to as an apostle, by someone other than himself. Barnabas and Luke the record shows, are the only ones who revered his apostleship, and was no doubt in agreement with Paul’s assessment of himself. Paul as some of today’s lawyers are dubbed, is considered by many in their religious commentaries as a shyster.

    Originally a bitter enemy of Christians, Paul sought a commission from the then ruler, to hunt down and literally murder countless followers of Christ Jesus’ gospel. Scripture reveals that Paul’s conversion came by way of a blinding light striking him down, in a frightening personal encounter in the presence of the spirit of Jesus. As a result of this epiphany, Paul’s theological framework and teachings of the precise fundamental change in humanity’s relationship with God, embraced a relationship with faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection, rather than behavior, as the central element of salvation. Paul perhaps was guided by Isaiah’s extensive scriptural dialog as found in, Isaiah 53:1-12, and especially Isaiah 54:9-10,14, which I have found most encouraging, and as the seed of Abraham which I’m led to believe that once I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savoir, I am become the seed of Abraham.

    Isa. 54:9 10,14 . . . . 9 Just as I swore in the time of Noah that I would never again let a flood cover the earth and destroy its life, so now I swear that I will never again pour out my anger on you. 10 For the mountains may depart and the hills disappear, but even then I will remain loyal to you. My covenant of blessing will never be broken," says the LORD, who has mercy on you. 14 You will live under a government that is just and fair. Your enemies will stay far away; you will live in peace. Terror will not come near. NLT

    Though Isaiah chapter 53, is foundational scriptural content used in many Baptist churches, especially during the celebrating of the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper, and is quite relevant in it’s content. Yet I find it odd that the passages from Isa. 54:9 10,14, are so seldom utilized. Those three verses have supplied me with the needed courage that I need to serve him as best I can as he builds my Holy Faith to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savoir. Knowing that God dose not lie, my basic hope and joy of my spiritual experience is found in those principles.

    I pray you will find solace in what is found between the covers of this book, which to some, maybe a departure from

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