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Get to Know Your Mate: A Personality Extraction Exercise
Get to Know Your Mate: A Personality Extraction Exercise
Get to Know Your Mate: A Personality Extraction Exercise
Ebook167 pages1 hour

Get to Know Your Mate: A Personality Extraction Exercise

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The Personality Extraction Profile
Whether a male or female, it is critical that we use every opportunity and means we have available to choose our mate. Life is short and you dont want to waste years on a dead end relationship, which will only cost you grief, time and money in the end. Many of our relationship problems could be avoided if we took a little more time when forming them. The Personality Extraction (PE) profile provides you with a way to begin this process. At the first intention of starting a relationship is when you begin your personality extraction. This rule applies to both sexes, though women need to be more cautious of the situations they place themselves in. Often, first dates are where a woman runs into unforeseen problems. Thats why it is important to apply the fundamentals of dating: know who you are dating, where they come from, their place of residence and something about their background; ask to see some identification, if they drive a car get a license number, but do this very discretely. However you do it make sure you get to know who you are dating.
The Personality Extraction (PE) is a good way to start the process of getting to know your mate; you will come in contact with who he/she really is or he/she will fill you with lies. Caution is advised that while you are working on the Personality Extraction (PE) you must be patient until completing the PE as you watch your mates personality unfold before your eyes.
We understand and perceive things we hear and see in different ways; this is why the PE is arranged for the various ways people may view questions. Of course, you have those who like to play word games, but as you will see the PE will give them ample opportunities to give a truthful answer. Serious questions are asked in several ways to ensure no misunderstanding of the question asked. You have to be able to track your mates answers mentally to be able to use this portion of the book. But if your mate is honest in his/her responses, you will not have to worry about tracking his/her responses considering the fact that all concerned know that the PE is safe-guarded against deception. Anyone trying to be deceptive in his/her answers should be looked upon as an untrustworthy person, incapable of having a meaningful relationship. There is no doubt that questions and answers are the foundation of all relationships. Without questions and answers there is no way to develop a relationship, this fact should be clear, and this is the foundation of the PEwithout proper questioning, where would any relationship go? How could we ever hope to accomplish anything without questions and answers? With the PE all the key questions are prepared for you; all you have to do is ask him/her and evaluate your proposed mates answers.
This tool consists of 572 questions which have been broken down into different workable formats, ranging from a one-month time frame to a 3-to-12 month time period. These workable formats have been made to give you some idea as to how to go about completing the book in its entirety. It is not recommended to try and complete the book in a hasty fashion. The one-month format is a reasonable for those who are willing to invest the time and mental interaction which is necessary to complete the Personality Extraction at this rapid, but realistic pace. The one-month process seems to display a true element of honesty while ultimately aiming to get the relationship off to a good start. But that choice is for you and your prospective mate to decide. Choosing a time frame for completion varies for each couple. The workable formats are just suggestions which will apply a reasonable completion date to look forward to. Choose your time frame and stick to it based on your own personal relationship desires and availability.
1 month = 19 questions per day
3 months = 6 questions per day
6 months = 3 questions per day
9 months = 2 questions per day
1 year = 2 questions per
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 10, 2010
Get to Know Your Mate: A Personality Extraction Exercise

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    Get to Know Your Mate - Ossice Stevens

    About the Author

    Ossice Stevens

    In 1959, I was born in Mobile, Alabama and in what I would consider a happy environment. It was happy for me because I had the best grandparents in the world, at least in my world. My grandfather seemed to pay a lot of attention to me; I think I was his favorite. My grandmother was the sweetest woman I have ever known because she made me feel love, which I haven’t felt since. Overall, my childhood was a great experience because of them.

    Everything was fine until I figured out I didn’t have a father. My mother had three children out of wedlock and I was the youngest. Life as I knew it changed when my mother got married and we moved to Indiana. The marriage soon turned sour although it lasted 25 years. As I grew into a young man, I remember feeling a yearning for the father I never knew and my mother wasn’t volunteering any information. I had a hard time dealing with the fact that I didn’t have a father and the broken home life didn’t help.

    My childhood was split between three states and a boat load of childhood confusion. I began trying to make sense of my life and my surroundings by developing sort of an obsession with understanding situations and perceiving things in a sensible fashion. This reasoning has followed me throughout my life but since I came from a broken home my life seemed to flow towards my peers and that was a problem because they suffered from some type of drama from their own childhood. By the age of 16, my home and personal life was so miserable, I opted to take a chance on the military, where I served for the next four years. I traveled to 11 foreign countries and halfway around the United States, interacting with a multitude of people while experiencing numerous relationships. I have met and grown close to people with all types of personalities and ways of thinking.

    Meeting so many people was a source of food for me since I loved to observe them and try to understand what makes people who they are. Working in the transportation industry for a number of years has given me the opportunity to meet and talk with many people and observe numerous personalities. I take a lot of interest in relationships because I have had a few bad ones and I understand why they went bad, which has brought me to this stage of life where I want to share some of the basic things I have learned.

    The Personality Extraction is an important part to the success of any relationship. It offers couples a chance to ask critical questions which will affect the relationship. This book is written to help you learn more about your mate, yourself and how much the two of you really know about each other.

    Daily Nation Builders is interested in assisting in the development of the family structure. The start of this mission is with the newly published book Get to Know Your Mate. This book is a tool to aid in the choosing of a proper mate through a series of structured questions that are critical to the development of any relationship. These questions will bring a better understanding of the purpose of the relationship and the role of each individual.


    This book will attempt to make some sense of the common errors of our primal instinct to mate, reproduce and join with the opposite sex in a committed relationship. There is no getting around the fact that this is what we all are seeking, no matter how we try to slice it. We all have different ways of following this natural instinct such as trying to dominate the person we are striving to impress or fulfill our desire with. I will not attempt to evaluate all the different personality traits that bring about some of the unfortunate situations that take place under our instinct-driven desires to fulfill our need for companionship. Yet, I will take for granted that you have already drawn some rational conclusions about why there are twisted concepts of what a relationship between males and females of today should be about.

    To understand the concept of this book, you have to have a good understanding of what is natural or unnatural when it involves men and women and their relationships. You must understand what is deemed an acceptable relationship or unacceptable relationship for you. If you do not know what you want out of a relationship, then you may want to seek help in understanding what you should be looking for in a relationship. You need a basic understanding of what you should expect out of a wholesome relationship with a mate.

    This book is structured as a series of questions designed to extract some of the basic building blocks for a well-structured relationship. When your proposed mate asks you a question that is meaningful to the growth and strength of the relationship it would be a fair choice to give that person a straight-forward answer. It seems sensible to think that an honest answer would be a sincere gesture of the desire to have a meaningful relationship, but any mixed signals, or hesitation to reply to a question asked should warrant scrutiny. Dishonesty should be a clear signal to exercise extreme caution in proceeding with the courtship. After detecting dishonesty in the early stages of a relationship, should the parties choose to proceed forward with it, an equal share of all disappointments and malfunctions in the relationship should be distributed equally among both parties. How could any meaningful relationship come from a beginning filled with lies and deceit? The point is this: your intent for the relationship should be made clear from the very beginning to the other person. You may be surprised what your honesty can accomplish. No matter how farfetched your idea of what you will be expecting from the relationship is, voice it! Your proposed mate may have the same idea; maybe they can relate to your way of thinking. One of the primary reasons for this book is to assist you in getting answers to your questions and concerns before you commit yourself to a relationship. This book helps you extract the intents of the person you may be thinking of becoming involved with. So often, we are carried away in the bliss of meeting a prospective mate that we lose our perspective on what we want out of the relationship. You may even spend valuable time trying to convince the other person that you are worthy of them instead of seeing if they are worthy of you. We forget to ask the essential questions that help us to really get to know this person we are about to bring into our life. Even though we start off with the attitude that we are going to do a full-length investigation of this person and truly get to know them first, we often shy away from asking the critical questions in order to keep from pushing our prospect away. We believe our questioning may make them feel as though we mistrust them. It’s at this point we start to take for granted that this person must be okay because of the way that we feel about them. The moment we start this process is where we go wrong.

    Relationships are so very complex. Look at how many break-ups we suffer starting from around age 16, and it doesn’t stop there. Look at the divorce rate among people who felt they were mature enough to take on the most complex relationship of all—marriage. Many have tried this permanent commitment called marriage, yet have failed. Take a moment and think about your own attempts to dedicate yourself to a person and have that person commit to you. How many have failed? Which ones did you really want to work? I’m sure there are a few you really wanted to work out, but they failed.

    Let us attempt to understand some of the reasons for an unsuccessful union:

    You must have proper guidance from a credible source.

    A good mediator is an important part of a successful relationship.

    A good strong starting foundation is very important.

    Proper understanding of both parties’ wants and needs and their role in the relationship is very essential.

    Points three and four are where the personality extraction comes in. This tool is unique in that it lets both parties decide, through a series of structured questions, if the individuals are compatible. These are a

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