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His Gift to Me: Poetic Humanities
His Gift to Me: Poetic Humanities
His Gift to Me: Poetic Humanities
Ebook70 pages22 minutes

His Gift to Me: Poetic Humanities

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His Gift to Me: Poetic Humanities is a short read, but impacting. It is an awe-inspired collection of tell-all poems about his story, her story, my story, and even, your story in a poetic voice. It is the voice of the inhibited and the proud, the introvert and the extrovert. It is open, honest, and compassionate poetry that soothes as it communicates hurt, heartache, pain, love, joy, peace, and happiness. It’s life in a poetic voice. His Gift to Me: Poetic Humanities strengthens and embraces the reader as it acts as a help aid in moving on and living whole.

Ms. King’s book, His Gift to Me: Poetic Humanities, is inspiring and lifted my soul.
—Bridgett Anne Kotz, Chicago, Illinois

Ms. King’s words of wisdom, encouragement, and experience . . . just as Dr. King, “We shall overcome.”
—Ayonda W., Chicago, Illinois

Ms. King’s His Gift to Me is a raw and emotional journey. This journey through the roller coaster that is life is filled with such realism that anyone can relate to. It is a true testament that if God brought you to it, he will bring you through it.
—Catherine Goodwin, Lansing, Illinois

The poem “Why” touched me because it felt like it related to me, now, that I am overcoming pain and hurt. It was a joy to see the words on paper. Overall, this poetry book was uplifting to my soul; it touched my heart and is full of wisdom.
—Sherry Nesbury, Chicago, Illinois

His Gift to Me is an extraordinary life-lived book of poems. It gets two thumbs up and a “You go girl!” in Jesus’s name.
—Robin Jones, Chicago, Illinois

“Life allowed you the opportunity to live it once more; a chance to rearrange your life or to continue as before.” That’s the part which stood out for me. I have another chance to live again.
—Mary Walker, Chicago, Illinois

The book His Gift to Me is an interesting read. It pulls the reader into its pages and transports them to live, for a short while, within its storyline and message. You don’t have to have any religious beliefs to understand the message that comes across—the message being of hope and of the power of the human mind. I’ve given this book to others to read; they’ve had positive and similar experiences as well. The verbiage is in a certain style, which helps to place the reader in the appropriate mind frame lending to the credibility.
—Anonymous, Chicago, Illinois
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 10, 2010
His Gift to Me: Poetic Humanities

Vanessa King

Author’s Bio: Vanessa King was born and raised in Chicago and is the mother of, now, four adult children. She loves people and is a humanitarian by nature. In an effort to help a “sister” on her journey to sobriety, wholeness, and back into mainstream society, Vanessa became a regular volunteer at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility in Chicago. A group session at the facility—that she calls His Gift to Me: Poetry, Writing, and Reading—is designed to impart hope and encourage women and mothers to gain and redefine their self-worth and confidence, that “Yes, they can.”

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    Book preview

    His Gift to Me - Vanessa King

    His Gift to Me:

    Poetic Humanities

    …But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner,

    And another after that.

    —1 Corinthians 7:7 KJV

    Vanessa King

    Copyright © 2010 by Vanessa King.

    ISBN:                Softcover                      978-1-4535-4670-3

                              eBook                            978-1-4535-8311-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 03/13/2019







    Happy Birthday

    The Thrill of the Pill


    Let’s Define Weekend

    What My Family Means to Me

    Three of a Kind




    Needed in the Home

    Come Together

    Good Morning

    The Writer


    This book is dedicated

    to the open minds, open hearts, and open arms

    of those who will receive these poems in the vein

    in which they were written.

    I pray that you will find the strength and the

    courage and the motivation to live whole and allow

    yourself to become the person

    God purposed for you to be

    as I bid you a God-inspired

    reading experience.

    A special thank you to Stanley L. Carr

    who contributed all the artwork in this book.

    Vanessa King



    His Gift to Me: Poetic Humanities

    An awe-inspired collection of poetry that

    will stimulate the mind


    stir emotions

    as it will soothe the pain of wonderment.

    Does anyone know? Does anyone care?

    It will inspire one to seek solutions or change.


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