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Blurred Vision
Blurred Vision
Blurred Vision
Ebook121 pages1 hour

Blurred Vision

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About this ebook

Blurred Vision is about life experiences everyone will at some point in his or her live. It speaks truth in experiences have been through. Since birth to our first kiss to our first break-up and many other firsts, we all wish that we had someone their or some type of advice that we could have read. This book, Blurred Vision will be the advice, which we all need to help us live a decent life, a life lead by truth and honesty. Throughout life we all prove ourselves not to be humble, quiet, but loud and our first thought is to fight back. We all dont want to stay quiet, and just let the situation be and fully accept it for what it is. The book Blurred Vision is based on my life experiences, the experiences that molded advice, which in turn molded this book.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 22, 2010
Blurred Vision

R. Ashley E. Cardenas

R. Ashley E. Cardenas’ full name is Riane Ashley Eugenio Cardenas; I was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, an Alumna from Sacred Heart Academy and a current student at Chaminade University. I was born and raised to not stand by when negative is occurring, to always give without expecting to receive and to stand humble no matter how blurry the situation may get. As the author of Blurred Vision, I do hope you enjoy the views of this book.

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    Blurred Vision - R. Ashley E. Cardenas

    Dedicated To You:

    Dedicated to those who were there no matter what

    Through thick and thin, mud and rut

    Thank you for this, thank you for you

    Thank you for forever being true

    Dedicated to those who picked me up when I was down

    Making sure I did not frown

    Happy or sad

    Good or bad

    There you stood with an open hand

    Standing there to mend

    The heart that you continued to stay true

    Even though you too were sad and blue

    Dedicated to those who cast darkness in my life

    Causing me to fall deep within strife

    Casting a delicate evil over me

    Trapping & keeping me locked instead of free

    There you were laughing instead of crying

    Watching me tread through the waters

    Through the hard times I trotted

    And all you did was spit in my face

    Watching me climb to the light at my slow pace

    Dedicated to those who I consider sisters, blood and not

    I cannot forget how hard we fought

    To keep a love of a friendship so strong

    No heat can break this bond

    From ups and downs

    To happiness and frowns

    Blood or not you are my sister indeed

    Always telling me happiness is my need

    Blunt you may be

    It was that, which truly set me free

    Dedicated to those who oppose me

    Do not doubt that this will keep me from flying free

    You pushed and shoved me

    Telling me that freedom is far from being free

    You keep spitting

    The fire burns at my skin

    Even you my own kin

    Opposition will die in the arms of support

    Here in God’s mutual court

    Dedicated to my Heavenly Mother

    If I run to you, you do not bother

    The grace of your love is so pure

    That here I am your daughter is so sure

    Of her tomorrow, her future, her life

    You teach me to stand through strife

    To love through struggles

    Even through times when I stumbled

    You taught me to always be humble

    Dedicated to my Heavenly Father

    You are one of a kind one like no other

    Purest soul, and most compassionate heart

    You will stand to take negativities darts

    You are their carrying me through the storms

    I am you in a way, in your form

    You taught me to love, care and be free

    You allow me to be me

    Dedicated to all in my universe

    Struggles known and unknown

    This is for you from

    Uncle Tony & Aunty Lori

    Uncle Joe & Aunty Gwen

    To Uncle Roy & Aunty Edie

    Uncle Nato & Aunty Lucy

    My mom Fe & dad Willy

    To my Uncle Roland

    To my beautiful sister Jessica

    Dedicated to you my cousins

    My rock, joy and peace

    Michael, John, Ashley, Christine and Reiko

    To the many more that impacted my life

    Dedicated to the world

    Stories told and stories untold

    This is for you

    From Diana, Valerie, Mele, Mary

    To all my Life Sisters 2007-2008

    My 3LP Family

    To My Mamas, Angel and Nicole

    To all my Awakening Chaminade Family

    Especially to those who love and those who hate

    This is for you

    The Beauty of Parents

    Parents are your guides and the motivators that push you to be who you want to be in the future. The ones that have pushed you to be better than who they were, so that their legacy they implant in you will grow for future generations. Parents are your lantern when times get rocky and this piece is especially dedicated to my parents, William and Fe Cardenas. The lights that I learn to be like and learned not to be like. They taught me right from wrong and positivity from negativity. Through the ups and downs of our relationship they have taught me that love is universal and that what you teach will guide me through the rest of my life.

    Your love generates positivity in my life no matter how you both do that, it just happens. When you are born, your parents are truly your best friends, your love, and most importantly your world. The first thought of their child in their hands is just like them falling in love all over again. Finding their world and protecting with all of themselves. They will not do anything to have this precious love hurt or broken. Once you have reached your first school day and you are growing up, parents tend to hold on even tighter to their precious gift. The love that they were blessed with and they will take pictures and videos to captures those moments that wont happen again.

    Define Parents: they are your first best friends, your first enemy, your first teacher, your first love. They teach you how to fix situations, and watch you grow. They are the ones who know you best even though they may embarrass you in front of your first love, cry at every event and is always worried about you, they mean well.

    Dear Mom and Dad,

    Through our trials and tribulations I want to thank you for everything. You truly are my parents, the fruit in which my seed first started from. Mom, we may have our differences, but I want to let you know that I hope it does not affect our mother/daughter relationship in the future. I hope that you know and understand that you are not a failure, but someone who influenced me to be a humble yet strong vessel in society. You have taught me to be the young woman I am today. Dad, you are my soldier, the man that influenced me how to fight and when to fight. Your lectures though at the time were a drag, but today it’s the best medicine to the negative world we live in. You taught me and supported me through everything. I want to thank you both! I love you.

    The day you brought me in the world, you knew I was going to be different, someone special and unique from what the world will see me as. You knew my future and knew that nothing, not even adversity in the diverse world I was brought up in was going to bring me down. You knew how I was going to fall and get back up. No one can replace you my parents, no one. No one can tell me how to think, but they can teach me how to act. Mom and dad this poem is for you. It is all my emotions of my past placed on paper. Know that through any type of storm, I will always be your daughter, the young woman who you molded to be a humble and loving fighter. I love you.


    Your Daughter

    Riane Ashley

    Dear Uncle Roland,

    I guess you are wondering why do you have your own special piece here in this book and well I have never expressed my gratitude towards you through out the years, so this book in this piece is my way of thanking you.

    Growing up God blessed me with people besides my own father and mother to bless me with their wisdom. When God blessed me with you, he blessed me with an uncle I can look up to as a father figure too. Uncle when I did not get what I wanted when I was younger you were the one that bought it for me anyway. I am so blessed to have you in my life.

    My world evolved because of the many special people in my life. People telling me what to do and how to do it, but Uncle you gave me something else, something different. You have honestly given me the space to grow into the young woman I am today. You gave me the distance I needed to be me, but yet still loved me for whom I am.

    Uncle Roland you spoiled me with physical means, but most importantly love, you allowed me to grow. Though we are buddies when we met up for family vacations, there was a silent expectation to live up to and a knowing that was to always be

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