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These are just my opinions and you should take from this what you can and make it your own. This should not be taken as a step by step manual. I wrote this because I wanted to prove that you dont need to be the worlds best magician to perform and create the worlds best magic. Everyone has the capability to become as big as they want to be. In here you will find everything you need to improve your career in magic. Everything is covered from performance and stage presence, to the business side of it such as how to get the gigs and make an impression. I even give you a sample contract which you can use. Ive also included a couple of my own works that have been tested in the real world. If I was able to help anyone in anyway then this was worth it. Always strive to better yourself in everything you do. I encourage all of you to delve into yourselves, thats where you will find true magic.
Mystify Your Mind!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 20, 2010

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    Beginnings - Johnny Mass

    Copyright © 2010 by Johnny Mass.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2010915958

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4568-0382-7

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4568-0381-0

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4568-0383-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    Creating the Magic


    Trick Break


    Trick Break




    Internet: Bum Bum Bum

    Exposed Magic

    Magic Shops


    Magic, Star, or Sidekick

    Adults and Magic

    Comedy in Magic: Yet Another Discussion

    between My Friend and Me




    Birthday Parties

    Private Events

    Scripting and Stage Presence


    Getting Hired

    How to Land the Gig

    Pricing and Contracts








    JOHN TELLS ME that this book was written for the beginner. That may be the target market he had in mind, but the information contained herein is of value to magicians at all levels of experience. For those of us who have been doing magic for more years than we’d care to admit, much of this we have heard time and again through the years. Most of it bears repetition. They are important things that we need to be reminded of periodically.

    I’ve seen John’s own growth in magic over the last several years. He has become a good performer and has learned his craft. In this book, he speaks his mind about what makes good magic. He has good, simple ideas about how to create your own magic and how to give your magic your own personal stamp. It is sound advice, giving you specific exercises in creativity. John discusses various venues in which to perform and draws on his own experiences to give you some real world advice about them. He also discusses performance and how to create your own performing persona. Finally, he gets into the business side of magic. John talks very candidly about how to get the gigs, pricing your services, and marketing yourself. He even gives you a simple contract that you can use.

    There is so much great information in this book. You can’t absorb it all in one reading. This is a book that you should come back to again and again. It should be read by every magician. Yes, you may say that you already know this or have heard it before, but it is information that you should be reminded of every now and then. This is a book I wish I had when I was starting out in magic. Boy, are you lucky!

    Marc DeSouza


    I AM WRITING this book because it is my belief that no matter where your skill level falls, you should be able to, in my eyes, create and perform great magic and think outside the box. I am not claiming to be the foremost authority on this subject nor am I claiming to be better than anyone else. I just believe great magic comes from the heart, and all great magicians started exactly where you are now.

    In this book, you will find my own theories on magic. You will also find some of my own works. They have all been tested in the real world and have gotten good reviews. I am very proud of all the material in this selection because, to me, it was the means to an end. Let me explain. I was always amazed by magic. I was always watching it on TV or at birthday parties, and I had always wanted to perform it. So one day I decided I’m gonna be a magician. And why not? Why not become a magician? So I started reading everything I could, buying all the packet tricks I could get my hands on and simply doing a trick just because I bought it. It wasn’t until I met two very good friends of mine, who both at separate times asked me the question that changed everything for me. Why are you doing that? It seemed like an easy question to an answer I know, but the question was deeper than that. They weren’t asking why was I performing the trick at that time; they wanted to know the reason for performing the trick. I didn’t have an answer. I just knew that I was doing the trick because I thought it looked cool and it cost me $15.99. That’s when it hit me; the tricks I perform aren’t for me. They’re for everyone else. That was a tough notion because that opened up the door to other questions like How do they come up with this stuff? and What warrants a good trick? As I was thinking of these brain-busters, I was going crazy, and smoke started coming out of my ears. I figured I needed some time off from the questions. So that’s what I did—took some time off. It was about a year later and I was just catching the performing bug again. I had a problem though. I didn’t want to just start doing off the shelf tricks again and fall back into my same rut. I wanted to try and come up with original stuff. Road block! How do I do that? I hit a brick wall and had no idea which way to turn. One day, I went to my parents’ house, and while I was talking to my mother, questions popped out. What do you think would look neat? What would you like to see? When she answered me, that’s when the lightbulb turned

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