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As Your Days Are so Shall Your Strength Be
As Your Days Are so Shall Your Strength Be
As Your Days Are so Shall Your Strength Be
Ebook177 pages1 hour

As Your Days Are so Shall Your Strength Be

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About this ebook

This is a book that is written to encourage and challenge the readers to be up and doing for the Lord as well as their generation; to strive to fulfill their God-given destiny in order to leave a lasting legacy in the world.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 9, 2010
As Your Days Are so Shall Your Strength Be

Funmi Afolabi

Funmi Afolabi holds an LLB (Hons) from the University of Wolverhampton in England, BL (Nigeria Law School) and LLM from the Lagos State University, Nigeria including a Postgraduate Diploma in Bible & Leadership Studies/Theology from The Redeemed Christian Church of God Bible School, Ikoyi, Lagos. Before she was called into the ministry, she was a lecturer at the Lagos State University and a Principal Partner in her Law firm, Afolabi and Co. She is presently an Associate Pastor and Administrator in Throne of Grace and Miracle Ministries, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America. She enjoys reading, writing and working with young people. She is married with children.

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    As Your Days Are so Shall Your Strength Be - Funmi Afolabi

    © 2010 by Funmi Afolabi.

    Cover design by John N. Osakue

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2010915490

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4535-9710-1

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4535-9709-5

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4535-9711-8

    No part of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or photocopying, with the exception of brief excerpts in magazines or printed reviews, without written permission of and credit to the author.

    All scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible: King James Version (KJV), New King James Version (NKJV), New International Version (NIV), New Living Translation (NLT), and New Century Version (NCV).


    Throne of Grace and Miracle Ministries

    P.O Box 47367

    Baltimore, Maryland 21244




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    Baltimore, Maryland 21207


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    To God Almighty, for His longsuffering towards me.


    I bless the name of the Lord for the privilege and grace to be called a child of God.

    My heartfelt gratitude goes to every member of my family for their love and support, especially my son and young personal assistant, Ayodeji, as well as his brother and sister, Akinlolu and Oluwasolape. Thanks for your help, pals. My appreciation also goes to my darling, Akingbolahan Afolabi, for all his encouragement and help during the writing of this book.

    To my pastor, Rev. (Dr.) Kayode Fanilola, his wife, Pastor (Mrs.) Funmi Fanilola, the members of the Woodlawn fellowship, the Harford Road fellowship, and all the wonderful children of God in Throne of Grace and Miracle Ministries, Baltimore, Maryland, for all their love and support.

    To Messrs. Kayode Kuforiji, Dayo Fakuade, Bayo Togun, Ms. Temitope Orebote, and the Adenirans, for all their help, moral and technical support.

    Thank you to my precious uncle, Mr. Sam Olu Adeboye, my sister Kemi Onajide,

    Reverend and Mrs. ‘Biodun Adeosun, Mrs. Mabel Osho (Mama), Chief (Mrs.) D. B. Afolabi, and every member of my family especially my mother’s family for all their love and support.

    I also appreciate Mrs. Dora Williams-Ransom of Milford Mill Academy, Baltimore, Mrs. Dayo Oshin, Mrs. ‘Sade Komolafe, Mrs. ‘Funlayo Oyinloye, Mrs. Abimbola Salu, Ms. Lydie Masse, Deaconess P. Oni, Pastor ‘Niyi Oluyinka of Graceland Bible Church, Baltimore, Reverend Joyce Dillard of Upper Room Prayer Garden, Inc., and others too numerous to mention, who have, in one way or the other, contributed to my well-being morally, financially, and spiritually.

    To those whose name I may have inadvertently omitted, please forgive me for this oversight. I appreciate you all.

    And to all prospective readers, I pray that as your days are, so shall your strength be in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

    God bless you.


    Teach us to number our days

    so that we can apply our hearts to wisdom.

    —Psalm 90:12

    Birthday celebrations are often times of joyous occasions for many people. However, it may not be so happy or memorable for others depending on their circumstances. People who have, to a large extent, fulfilled their dreams and achieved majority of their goals in life might feel they do have a reason to celebrate and rejoice.

    Whereas people who for one reason or the other have not been able to fulfill their dreams or achieve their short-term or long-term goals may not feel like celebrating their birthday/s.

    Whether we like to celebrate our birthday/s or not, we all have a date in the year to remind us that we are growing older, and there is the need to take rain checks from time to time on how one is doing in the Christian walk and in other areas of one’s life. How is one running the race of salvation? After all, the Bible says, Let him that think he stands take heed lest he fall (1 Corinthians 10:12).

    As Christians, we might want to address the question: if Jesus comes on my birthday or any other time, will I be ready for rapture?

    The psalmist, a man of great achievement, took a long, hard look at the life of man and rendered a heartfelt prayer to the Lord in the words of Psalm 90:12: Teach us to number our days so we can apply our hearts to wisdom.

    God has given birth to every one of us for a unique purpose, and it is only in fulfilling the purpose of God for our lives on earth that we can truly be successful. Therefore, it is imperative for every child of God to know his or her purpose in life and strive to fulfill it.

    As long as we make God the center of our lives, ask to know His will, and endeavor to do the perfect will of our father, only then can we truly be happy and fulfilled as we celebrate our birthday/s or other milestones in our lives.

    Whether we mess up a little or in a big way, the Lord is able to make a message out of the mess and turn things around for us as we yield ourselves to fulfill His divine purpose for our lives

    He did it for the following Bible characters: David, who committed adultery and murder but he was also one of the greatest leaders that ever lived (1 Samuel 16-1 Kings); Moses, who was very temperamental but whom the Lord used greatly despite his inadequacies (Exodus-Deuteronomy); Paul, the persecutor of the brethren (Acts 9-2 Timothy), who became the great apostle to the gentiles; Rahab, the harlot, David’s great-grandmother (Joshua 1-2); the woman of Samaria, the instant evangelist (John 4); and others like them, who dared to pray and trust in the Lord.

    As we celebrate our birthday/s or other milestones, may the Lord help us to fulfill His perfect will for our lives so that His name may be glorified in all our celebrations. Shalom!


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