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Far Reaching Parameters: Why We Build Perimeters Inside
Far Reaching Parameters: Why We Build Perimeters Inside
Far Reaching Parameters: Why We Build Perimeters Inside
Ebook94 pages1 hour

Far Reaching Parameters: Why We Build Perimeters Inside

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About this ebook

What would happen if you had an awakening? What if you had
the opportunity through a channel to speak to a guardian angel.
Or perhaps a special group of entities that travel close with you. Or
perhaps even your own higher self. What would that experience do
for you? Brad Wallis has that opportunity. Through a car accident that
awakened his higher soul and raised his frequency, he has been able
to hold extraordinary conversations with his higher group. With the
use of a channel and lots of time and patience, he has been able to
ask questions and receive answers. This book is about a collection of
conversations about parameters and perimeters for ourselves and others.
It will help open your mind to change and expansion in a very different
way. But it will also inspire you to look within and around you for your
own answers and conversations. Shall we begin the conversation? Are
you ready for the experience? We know that you are.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 3, 2010
Far Reaching Parameters: Why We Build Perimeters Inside

Kasey Brad

Brad Wallis was born in Las Vegas, Nevada, and spent many years visiting the mountains of southern Utah. He now lives in a small mountain community in southern Utah with his partner, soul mate, and wife. Brad is well known in the area as having one of the prettiest yards and gardens. You can usually find him either in the mountains, along the local streams, or working in his expansive yard and property. Kasey—his partner, soul mate, and wife—works alongside Brad and spends most of her time with him when he ventures in the outdoors. Thus, the constant ongoing conversation that is dealt with in this book.

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    Far Reaching Parameters - Kasey Brad

    Copyright © 2010 by Kasey Brad.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2010917903

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4568-2704-5

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4568-2703-8

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4568-2705-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    In our lives, we all make decisions. The decisions are based on our previous experience, upbringing, or an event or an action. How we react to all the above is reflected in the perimeters that we set around ourselves to protect us or remind us of that event. Blindly, we put up imaginary walls to protect us. And in doing so, we forget to see in the distance the parameters that are out there. This book is about how and why we put up perimeters in our life and how we need to tear those walls down so we can see the distant parameters that are really out there.

    Hopefully, by showing you events that transpired in my personal life, I can help you see how the process works. And it does really work. By teaching you as the reader how to change your perspective, you will begin to understand how to make the changes for yourself. This information in this book is part of a conversation or conversations that I have had the opportunity to have with a higher group of entities that walk with me in this life and many other lives. My Group, if you will, are a collection of high light entities that help to protect me and that I have the opportunity to actually sit down and talk to. My wife is a channel for this group. What started out as sporadic information is now an ongoing conversation . . . We have the opportunity in life to receive information in so many ways. Are you seeking information? Then start to look around you. You may or may not have the use of a channel . . . Your information may come another way. I certainly didn’t expect this to happen to me this time around, being able to sit on our porch at night quietly and open up a conversation that has such deep meaning and information for me. But there is always a way for information to come. Now you have these books. Now you have an inspiration for you to expand and listen to. Search for your answers; search for your meaning in life that challenges you and makes you walk awake. Practice . . . practice . . . you will become the best version of yourself. Go on, you are waiting . . .


    Thanks to my partner in this and so many other lifetimes. Without that continual support and her use as a channel, none of these books would come to pass. Thank you, Source, for allowing me to bring these conversations to other human beings on this plane. Thanks to my group for our ongoing conversations. And for putting up with all my questions. Thanks to the publishing crew again. What a wonderful experience and job you all do. Thank you to all who support my work. Without you, this work would be for nothing. Thanks again for everything.


    What would happen if you had an awakening? What if you had the opportunity through a channel to speak to a guardian angel. Or perhaps a special group of entities that travel close with you. Or perhaps even your own higher self. What would that experience do for you? Brad Wallis has that opportunity. Through a car accident that awakened his higher soul and raised his frequency, he has been able to hold extraordinary conversations with his higher group. With the use of a channel and lots of time and patience, he has been able to ask questions and receive answers. This book is about a collection of conversations about parameters and perimeters for ourselves and others. It will help open your mind to change and expansion in a very different way. But it will also inspire you to look within and around you for your own answers and conversations. Shall we begin the conversation? Are you ready for the experience? We know that you are.

    Far-reaching parameters. This subject, I must explain, to begin with, was not one that at the time I was asking about. It was due to events in my life as I was trying to get through a divorce that was taking years to get settled. My home, where I had lived in for most of my life, was going into foreclosure because of the divorce, and my life was getting more frustrating every day. I can only imagine the hopelessness that one feels when they lose something around them that has been part of their life. And yet that’s all it can be for myself as well as others—only what you can imagine. You really can’t feel what someone else is going through because we are all different. Each one of us sees, feels, or reacts differently. Yet we are all one. Literally, we are all from the same source, so does that not make us one? The contents of this book are excerpts from the conversations I have had with my friends, the entities.

    It was 5:00 a.m. when I received a text message from my wife that stated, Far-reaching parameters? She apparently had received the message on her way to work and reminded me that I needed to discuss this with my friends later that day. When I asked her about it later, she laughed, not knowing what I was talking about. So as I usually do, I posed the question about far-reaching parameters to her and was immediately into discussion.

    So how do most human beings operate within the illusion or a spectrum or parameter for their life? Most people would say a belief system would be a form of a parameter, gauging yourself from the extreme in which you move. And it’s not a perimeter because a perimeter is an enclosure. Now a parameter will work as a guided area or a range. And in a thought or an intent or a direction, it is merely the area or range you are moving in. Let’s look at it from a business standpoint. They operate within certain parameters. Or one might say within certain guidelines. So a parameter would be a guideline.

    Based on others’ points of view, generally speaking, it is that illusionary wall we have put up in so many circumstances .Getting back to the point of how you were was raised by your parents or parent or the person who had the most influence on you. These are the people who gave you some form of a guideline in your life and according to that guideline was how you formed your character or based your character, or even yet your characteristics, on. You would have a parameter in which you would operate. At the level at which you do actions, are you trustworthy? Are you honest for instance? And what are the parameters of your trustworthiness? Or is there no trustworthiness? Where do you fall into nontrustworthiness and things like that? So most people would, in having thoughts of themselves or about their own lives, would say that it was from what they have been taught from a very young age or it was an event that shaped their life, and someone else told them that what they were doing was either correct or incorrect. It began to form that person’s characteristics, personalities, and parameters, which one operates in his or her limited existence. So you are brought into this existence or you bring yourself

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