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The Story of Mary Beth’S Transformation Through Adolescence
The Story of Mary Beth’S Transformation Through Adolescence
The Story of Mary Beth’S Transformation Through Adolescence
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The Story of Mary Beth’S Transformation Through Adolescence

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Martha Parker-Sanders, was born in Arkansas, she married her childhood class mate at age eighteen and later moved to California, where she attended college and obtained her degrees in Child Development. Ms.Martha Sanders put special emphasis on childrens growth within their environment and community. She also studied Child psychology. She designed her first hooded step in towel and has written her first book, titled The Story Of Mary Beths Transformation Through Adolescence.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 31, 2011
The Story of Mary Beth’S Transformation Through Adolescence

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    The Story of Mary Beth’S Transformation Through Adolescence - Martha Parker-Sanders

    The Story of Mary

    Beth’s Transformation

    through Adolescence

    Martha Parker-Sanders

    Copyright © 2011 by Martha Parker-Sanders.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2011900711

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4568-5261-0

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4568-5260-3

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4568-5262-7

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    Mary Beth’s Reflections

    Mary Beth and Josephine placed themselves in great danger out on the frozen lake

    A fatal discovery out on the lake

    Mary Beth’s Car Accident

    Jason convinced to leave Mary Beth behind

    A wedding to remember

    Mary Beth’s trip around the world with her husband

    Jason, Josephine and Joshua weeps over Mary Beth’s deadly code blue condition

    A second wedding to remember and a walk down Memory lane together

    Mary Beth’s house sat upon a hill overlooking Horse Shoe Lake in Arkansas. It was a very hot day on this 4th of July. Mary Beth’s parents and their friends were out on the lake partying and drinking happy juice which is how Jason, Mary Beth, Josephine and Josh identified beer and alcohol when they were four years old.

    There she sat upon her front porch, as she watched the little wooden boats shove off down the Arkansas River. The sweet sound of music and laughter pass through the air as she smells the sweet aroma of beer that covers the bank of white sand. She notices the big yellow sun high up in the sky, and when the big yellow sun lowered itself, almost touching the ground, she goes inside and watch them all pull on to shore from her front room picture window. She gets up early the morning after and watched the big white waves (tides) as they roll on to shore. How the big white waves shake the lonesome wooden boats, all lined up partly in the water and partly on the bank of white sand. She awaits the next holiday just so she can smell the sweet aroma of beer, to hear the sweet sound of music and laughter pass through the air.

    A note from the Author:

    It is my hope that my book be of encouragements to all parents and care providers of the young adolescence. It is also my hope that, if we the parent and care provider remember that we have already made that transition and are in a good position to help the adolescence make a smooth transition on into adulthood by means of coaching the young child, starting from their young cognitive years on through adolescence and adulthood. Notice how my book depicted young Mary Beth’s Nana, the young Mary Beth stated on page twelve paragraph two that her Nana was always approachable and a very good listener for not only me but to all of my friends.

    It is my hope that we as parents remember that young children mimic what they see their parents do, and we as parents should be conscious of our behavior as we set an example for the young child, starting from their early cognitive years through adolescence.


    a note from the author.pdf

    Martha Parker-Sanders-Author

    How Mary Beth, Jason, Joshua and Josephine’s environment played a major role in their development during their early cognitive years.

    Mary Beth and her three childhood friends identified beer and alcohol beverages as the happy juice when they were four years old, because when their parent’s and their parent’s friends drank alcohol beverages it always seemed to make them happy. Mary Beth, her three friends Josephine, Jason and Joshua have been together since they were toddlers. All four children parents grew up together and have remained friends forever. it is understandable then, why the four children seemed to be inseparable. It was the beginning of summer vacation for the now, sixteen year old Mary Beth Parker, her plans are to spend the summer out on the lake with her community friends and her three best friends Josephine, Joshua and Jason. Mary Beth thought to herself, this will probably be another boring summer of just sitting around watching the adults celebrate and party out on the lake. Well I don’t want to sit around and watch the grownups party this summer, I’m sixteen going on seventeen and I’m old enough to have some fun of my own this summer. I want to drink beer and just hang out with my friends.

    Mary Beth thought to herself, all of my friends have experienced drinking alcohol and lord knows what else, Josephine said when she get high it make her feel as if she can fly like a bird. Now I don’t expect to fly like a bird, but I do expect that I will feel differently stated Mary Beth, as she reflect on her early cognitive years growing up with her alcoholic parents.

    Our parents tried to give us what they thought was a balance life with proper view points and principles as a guide line to follow, but it was my Nana who taught us proper principles and view points as a guide line to follow. My Nana was always there for the four of us children making snacks and healthy food, all of our lives. She was always there with the voice forcing us four children to be the best that we could be. She was approachable and a very good listener for us.

    Although, when I was about ten years old, I do remember though, mother tried to speak openly with me about my body changes but now that I’m a teenager, I find it very difficult to hold a conversation with mother about personal feelings that are taking place within my body. I find that my passions are all different now. I have come to realize that I have an overpowering desire to experience beer and alcohol and I have loved the smell of beer for as long as I can remember. I remember how Jason and I would mimic our parents when we saw them drinking alcohol. We would take our juice glass and touch them together, and say, Have one over the rocks dear, and we would just giggle at each other, said Mary Beth.

    Although, the four of us grew up together, it was Jason that I clung to all of my life, I guess because he has always tried to look after me, stated Mary Beth. When I was five or six years old I fell in a puddle of mud, Nana had dressed us four children in our Sunday best clothes, and I fell in the mud and got mud all over my beautiful white dress, mud was all over my face, in my hair and on my legs. When Josephine and Josh begin to laugh at me, I begin to cry and Jason took me by my hand and took me back home.

    Jason took me to the bathroom and ran the bathtub half full of cold water and somehow got me in that tub of cold water, and my Nana walked in, she screamed at Jason so loudly, and it frightened both of us badly. Jason said he don’t know if he was all wet from splashing water on himself when he was trying to get me in that tub or if he was wet from wetting on himself. It was a funny mess, Jason was only trying to help me as he has done all of his life. Today, all I know is that I cannot imagine being separated from Jason not even for one day. He is still the love of my life. I also love Josh and Josephine but not in the way that I love Jason. Jason and I will remember that day for the rest of our lives, stated Mary Beth.

    It is now December 1963, shortly after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It was a sad time period for most people. It seemed as if the whole world had stop turning. Mary Beth’s mother was setting quietly at the dining room table wrapping gifts with a glass of beer next to her. Mary Beth father was in the den, having one too many over the rocks. And suddenly there was a knock at the door, its Josephine, Mary Beth’s childhood friend. Nana opened the door and said, Josephine, come on in. How are you dear? How are your parents holding up? I’m fine and my parent are doing fine, thanks for asking Nana said Josephine. Can Mary Beth go ice skating with us on the lake today Nana asked Josephine? Oh no Josephine, its too dangerous out on the lake, we are not sure if the lake’s frozen solid enough, and I’m surprise that Tom and Marge let you go out so early dear, stated Nana. Oh Nana, mom and dad said that the lake has been tested and that its perfectly safe to skate on said Josephine. May I speak with Mary Beth asked Josephine? Finally, Mrs. Parker stopped wrapping her gifts and said, yes Josephine, she’s up in her room, go on up, and Josephine said thanks Mrs. Parker as she run’s up stairs into Mary Beth’s room and shut the door behind her. Josephine asked, What’s with your Nana today? Why the third degree? What’s with you Josephine asked Mary Beth? I heard you lie to Nana and mother. You told them that your parent’s gave you permission to go ice skating today, and we both know that that is

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