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The Shattered Face in the Mirror
The Shattered Face in the Mirror
The Shattered Face in the Mirror
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The Shattered Face in the Mirror

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Brazzletons Adventures Summary:

These stories are written about a strange, make-believe character named Brazzleton. He sets out on eight adventures where he learns important values about himself and others. He learns to believe in himself and how to find success by not giving up.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 26, 2002
The Shattered Face in the Mirror

Mary Mayers

Mary has stepped up as a new enthusiastic author. Her writing career began with heart touching poetry published in several volumes of The National Library of Poetry and Star Rising Magazine. She continued writing while raising four children, which inspired her to write a children’s book entitled, ‘Brazzleton’s Adventures’. Mary’s love of mystery and imagination evolved into writing fiction novels, finding success in any genre. She has written an Historical Romance/Mystery, two Murder/Mystery/Thrillers and a Science Fiction novel.

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    The Shattered Face in the Mirror - Mary Mayers

    Copyright © 2002 by Mary Mayers.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17

    CHAPTER 18

    CHAPTER 19

    CHAPTER 20

    CHAPTER 21

    CHAPTER 22

    CHAPTER 23

    CHAPTER 24

    CHAPTER 25

    CHAPTER 26

    CHAPTER 27

    CHAPTER 28

    CHAPTER 29

    CHAPTER 30

    CHAPTER 31

    CHAPTER 32

    CHAPTER 33

    CHAPTER 34

    This book is dedicated to my niece Andrea who allowed me to use her as one of the characters in this book. I hope that when she reads my story, she will find the messages that I have left her and perhaps learn something from them. I love her dearly.

    I would also like to thank my dear friend Barney who has also allowed me to use him as a character in this book.


    Ouch! Damn it! groaned a red-faced Bernard as he rubbed his tender, newly bruised forehead. Looking down at the black and white tile floor, he sighed helplessly, shaking his head at the two sets of skis and poles, which lay in disarray beneath his feet.

    A soft familiar voice appeared suddenly from the top of the nearby staircase, just in time to prevent Bernard from bursting into another round of uncontrolled verbal frustration. Bernard? What’s going on down there? Did you find the skis in the front closet where I stashed them earlier this morning?

    A moment of silence fell over the modest two-story home as Bernard rubbed his head one last time for good measure and took several deep breaths before offering his wife a reply. Oh yes Honey. I found them all right.

    He had no intention of allowing anything to spoil this moment. This was the couple’s first opportunity to pack their bags and leave the rat race behind since the blissful day they were married. That was exactly two years, three months, and 13 days ago according to Bernard’s calculations. He made it a point to keep track of the passing time, not only for it’s sentimental value, but also as a constant reminder to both of them, that remaining buried deep in the bowels of their jobs was preventing them from having a honeymoon and serious time together. Each time the topic surfaced, life’s reality always managed to smack them both on the head, forcing them to admit that NOW was not a good time to leave.

    Just prior to his marriage, Bernard had resigned from his cozy, secure job, working nine to five for the City’s Transportation Department. He wanted to establish his own foundations as a self-employed mechanic. Struggling to build up a steady clientele was more difficult and time consuming then he had first imagined. He couldn’t afford to close up shop, not even for a week. His beautiful Marie worked at the nearby College teaching English as a second language to dozens of new immigrants who depended on her for their new beginning. Finding an available and experienced English teacher willing to step into Marie’s shoes even for a few days was almost impossible. The wage was very meager, and the hours were… . as Marie would say, Oh God! I should be tucked away at home right now like everyone else, as she stood day in and day out, gazing down the empty hallways of the old brick building.

    One month into the second year of their marriage, their dedicated toiling came to a sudden and unexpected halt. Marie discovered that she was six weeks pregnant when complications and Bernard forced her to see a doctor. She was ordered to remain in bed until the doctor gave her a clean bill of health and his blessing. During that time, Bernard hired on a replacement mechanic to run his shop; checking in on a regular basis to make certain his business continued to flourish.

    Overcome with exhausted relief, Marie’s complications finally subsided, leaving her glowing, as a new expectant mother should. Their beautiful daughter Katie was born one week early, her lungs bursting with vocal dissatisfaction.

    NOW was the time for a well-needed and well-deserved vacation. Katie was four months old and growing like a weed. Marie argued against leaving the baby behind at such a young age, but she could not deny that she really needed time off. So here they were. Bernard was in charge of loading up the 4-wheel drive Chevy Pickup, while Marie gave her mother-in-law last minute instructions pertaining to little Katie’s care.

    Straightening his posture and bringing his thoughts back to the present matter at hand, Bernard focused his attention back on the skis. Scooping them up one piece at a time, he stopped as he reached the door, balancing the skis and poles in his arms. He listened thoughtfully at the sound of Katie’s healthy outburst, which rang throughout the entire house. He chuckled and smiled then proceeded to interrupt his daughter’s moment of disapproval. Come on Marie! We need to leave soon. There’s fresh snow expected in the mountains. I’d hate to get stuck driving in it after dark!

    Just ten more minutes please. I’ve just got a few more things to show your mother before we leave, called Marie anxiously, her voice breaking up in the distance.

    By the time Bernard stepped back inside the front door, there was Marie, running at top speed down the stairs, bolting straight at him. Within seconds, his arms were out-stretched in front of his tall, sturdy form, ready and waiting for impact. As her small, fragile body lunged against his chest, the impact was much greater than he had anticipated. He lost his balance and as his back met full force against the partially opened door, Bernard’s eyes closed tightly as he winced with pain. He stood completely frozen as he clenched his teeth and the veins in his neck bulged as if ready to burst. His occupation as a mechanic had left him with a fragile back. He had spent the better part of his life curled up like a pretzel inside the small confines of engines, which had ruthlessly taken its toll on his spine. Ramming his back up against the edge of the door served as one reminder why this vacation was so important and so necessary.

    Oh darling, I’m so sorry, groaned Marie, totally distraught at what she had done. You should have stepped aside and allowed me to take the beating. She wrapped her small arms around Bernard’s neck, this time being extra careful not to inflict more injury on the poor man.

    Bernard lowered his head down to hers and when their eyes met, it was like the fourth of July all over again. Bernard was so in love with Marie, and somehow he knew that his wife felt the same way about him. That’s what made her so special. He had searched a lifetime for this woman. The years had come and gone, completely void of the warmth and love that he so desired to share with a woman. Meeting women was never a problem. He was very handsome and intelligent. His hairline had receded prematurely, but it only served to enhance his soft, and noticeably sexy appearance. His eyes exuded a sense of warmth and sensitivity, enhanced by the soft, subtle lines caressing the edges around them. He held ground at five feet, ten inches, and his form was solid and well taken care of. He could easily have been any woman’s fantasy. However, it never seemed to fail. Just when he thought he was face to face with Ms Right, the moment of truth always rose to the occasion. At the unveiling of his occupation, the curtain would fall as the woman shrieked the words, A Mechanic! Then before his very eyes, Ms. Right would be seen fading away, off in the distance like a cloud of dispersed smoke. It appeared to Bernard very early in his life that communication skills were no longer a prerequisite to a blooming relationship. He loved to use the word, ‘blooming’, it always made him chuckle because of it’s double meaning. Good looks did count for something, but only on the surface. His sensitivity and dependability never had a chance. The potential relationship never lasted long enough to display that side of him. It was job status in the 90’s. The man wearing the three-piece suit carrying a briefcase was the net that reeled in the women. The hard working laborers with the dirt under their nails were left sitting in the bleachers. It seemed so unfair to Bernard. He saw himself as a professional in his field, and as for greasy hands, he always took the time and trouble to clean himself up. Yes, it was job status that would make it or break it, and in Bernard’s case, being a mechanic just didn’t cut it with the women. That is until Marie came along. Bernard remembered the day they met. He was stranded on the side of the road after his car had broken down. To his dismay he had no tools with him at the time to fix the untimely problem. He stood at the road’s edge, frustrated and tired, waving his arms at dozens of vehicles that simply passed him by, until an old white mustang pulled over and stopped a short distance ahead of him. A small framed woman stepped out slowly, and cautiously walked towards Bernard who was so relieved to see her. In his usual friendly manner, he flung his arms up and over, intending on placing them around her tense shoulders, simply to show her his gratitude. He stopped short of his intentions as the woman stepped back to put distance between them, her fear of him obvious. She began to turn and hastily stated, I’m sorry. I think I’ve made a mistake. I should be going.

    Bernard quickly interjected making certain his voice was gentle and less threatening than his intended hug of appreciation. Please don’t go yet. I’ve been stuck out here forever. You’re the only person who has stopped and offered help. Seeing the hesitation in her eyes and the stiffness of her demeanor, he realized the danger that she placed herself in by stopping. Forgive me for being so overbearing. I’m not going to harm you. Maybe you could just give me a lift to the nearest gas station. All I need are some tools and a ride back.

    The woman stopped and thought for a moment before offering the stranded man her services. I’ll go and call a Tow truck for you.

    No, that’s quite all right, said Bernard feeling helpless. I just need some tools.

    If I gave you some tools, the ones I just happen to carry in the trunk of my car, you know, for emergencies like this; do you really think you’ll be able to get your truck back on the road? replied the woman as she forced away additional insults. In her thoughts she couldn’t help but to laugh at this man. He was the perfect specimen of a man, physically anyway. Standing here he looked so helpless and lost. Better yet, he needed HER help. What a pleasant change, she thought to herself.

    Yes, I’m sure of it, stated Bernard with confidence. By the way, he asked. What’s your name anyway? I’m Bernard. Bernard Smith. He donned a big friendly smile and reached out his large, strong hand to shake hers. He was amazed at how tiny her hand was inside of his, and even more amazed at the electricity that ran through his hand and up his arm, just from her touch.

    The woman gently removed her hand from his and smiled back. It’s Marie. As she headed towards her car, she looked back one last time over her shoulder, sighing quietly to herself, nice… really nice. She returned minutes later to find Bernard’s head tucked from sight below the hood of his Pickup truck. She stopped behind him, and in order to gain his attention, she proceeded to clear her throat. Bernard lifted his head suddenly, startled by the noise and rammed the top of his head up against the hood. Instinctively led by human nature, he began cussing with pain. Marie felt terrible. She grabbed his head and just like his mother would have healed his pain; she kissed the top of his head then rubbed it quickly but gently with the palm of her hand. He enjoyed the pampering so much, he allowed her to continue until she realized that she was being taken. She jumped back and rapped him on the head, aiming directly for the tender spot.

    Just like a guy! she shouted. You’re all a bunch of children who refuse to grow up. Here are the tools. Now, if you don’t mind, could you please hurry? growled Marie.

    Bernard retrieved the tools from the ground where Marie had dropped them in haste, and as he straightened his posture his eyes caught sight of the perfect Angel. She stood before him, a lock of blonde hair trailing down over her eyes. She moved her fingers so slightly over her brow to replace the misplaced lock, and it was then that Bernard stared into the most perfect blue eyes.

    Not aware of his sudden lack of motion, Marie reached over and poked him in the chest with her fingertip. The twinge on his chest brought him back to reality. He had to shake his head several times to remove the mist that had settled in his eyes.

    I’d love to stand here and play this staring game with you, blurted out Marie while tapping her foot on the dusty ground. However, I do have other plans. She watched as Bernard set to work. She moved from one side to the other, watching him from every angle. Do you know what you’re doing Bernard? Maybe I should go and call that Tow truck.

    That won’t be necessary thank you. I AM a mechanic. Bernard began to lower his head to continue the repairs when his ears were attacked by a shrill, high-pitched laughter. He jolted up right and spun himself around so that he faced his assailant. And what is so funny? he asked.

    You’re a mechanic? shrieked Marie holding one hand to her mouth, while the other held tight against her stomach.

    Yah, so? growled Bernard at her outburst. What’s the problem with that may I ask?

    I’m sorry, howled Marie. I can’t help myself. Here you are a mechanic of all people and you’re standing here stranded on the side of the road. Your vehicle is broken down.

    Yah, so? What’s the point? retorted Bernard, irked by her insensitivity.

    Don’t you see it? You’re a mechanic. You fix cars. How can you allow yours to fall apart like this? Marie folded her arms in front of her chest and began tapping her foot on the ground again. Well? she asked. How do you explain that Mr. Smith?

    Hah, hah, very funny. You’re lucky it’s not your car that’s sitting here instead of mine, roared Bernard as he waved a wrench in the air. As insulting as you are, you’d be lucky to get any help at all.

    Oh really, scoffed Marie as she began gathering up her tools, her hands shaking with anger. You won’t be needing these I assume.

    She fumbled with the tools, picking up one, then dropping two. Adding wood to the fire, Bernard bent down and insisted on helping her. Feeling as if she were being mocked and rightfully so, Marie picked up a large screwdriver and began waving it in the air attempting to threaten the well-built man in front of her. Bernard was much too proud to allow a woman to intimidate him, especially a crazy woman. He armed himself again with his wrench and followed her moves. The world around them seemed to disappear leaving the two of them alone in hand to hand combat. As vehicles approached the commotion, their curiosity forced them to slow down to catch a better glimpse of the roadside show. The battle would have raged on, except it was unexpectedly interrupted by a State Patrol car, which squealed onto the scene. Two officers fully armed rushed the two tool-toting raving lunatics, quickly disarming them of their weapons. Feeling very foolish, Bernard and Marie attempted persistently to convince the officers that they had no violent intentions towards the other, while still thrashing each other with raw insults. The officers were forced to separate the wolves until they finally calmed down which was induced by the sight of their cars being marked and locked for the evening. At that particular moment neither of them had anything left to say. All they could do was to stare out the back window as they drove away seated in the rear of the Patrol car and watch as their vehicles disappeared from view. That was the day that began their life long commitment to each other. They shared a cab home after being released from the police station and ended the day with a dinner date.

    Bernard felt his back pain begin to dissipate. He moved slightly away from the door still holding Marie’s body close to his. Still looking down at her welcoming lips, he could no longer hold back his longing to kiss them. He placed his mouth over hers ever so gently and inhaled the aroma of her scent. His body stirred with pleasure at feeling her chest pressed up against his and tasting the sweetness of her mouth.

    Okay, okay, enough of this. We’ll have plenty of time for this later. Bernard moved back a step. We’ve got to get going; moaned Bernard as his thoughts of ravaging his wife lingered on in his head.

    Fumbling with the key to the front door, Bernard withdrew the key from the lock just moments before locking it for the last time. He turned to the Pickup truck where Marie was waiting and called to her; I forgot something Honey. I’ll be right there. Minutes later, Bernard ran from the house waving good bye to his mother who offered to shut the door behind him. In his hand, Bernard was carrying his Bow and Arrows; the one he always carried with him on hunting expeditions accompanied by his brother and father.


    The streets of Burnsville were busier than usual it seemed as Bernard maneuvered their pickup, up and down the short blocks of the city, slowly making his way towards the ramp leading onto the freeway. They had hoped that by leaving the city on a Friday afternoon instead of in the evening would cut down on the traffic. Apparently everyone heading for the mountains at or near Lake Tahoe had assumed the same. The closer they came to the freeway entrance, the more backed up traffic became. At one point they had no choice but to inch forward, little by little until they could squeeze into the flowing traffic, most vehicles heading one hundred and fifty miles southwest to enjoy the three feet of fresh snow on the ski hills of Nevada.

    Thinking about their frantic departure, Marie turned to Bernard and asked. Why did you bring your Bow? I thought we were turning this into a hot, romantic honeymoon making time between showers for some skiing.

    Bernard reached out his right hand and placed it on Marie’s lap. She slipped her fingertips between his larger, slightly callused fingers, until he moved his warm hand over hers, clenching it deeply inside of his. He gave her tiny hand a loving squeeze while flashing her a smile. You know me Honey. I’ve grown up with that Bow. I grew up in a family of hunters. Besides; who knows. Maybe I’ll wear you out with more love than you can handle and I’ll have to find something to do while you sleep it off.

    Marie pulled her hand away from his and quickly lashed out at his ridiculous remark, hitting him on the shoulder.

    Ouch! he shouted. What was that for?

    Your ego needs a vacation more than I do buddy. Besides, what makes you think I’M the one who’s going to cave in and give up, eh? The brow above her eyes raised in anticipation of an answer. She wasn’t about to waist a single minute of her time alone with Bernard.

    You know Honey; they say that women are a weaker se… Bernard stopped abruptly before finishing his sentence. His gut feeling warned him that he was getting himself into some pretty deep hot water.

    Well darling? I’m waiting to hear the rest of it. She focused her gaze onto his big hazel eyes just slightly squinting them.

    Bernard knew that look. When she squinted her eyes at him in that fashion, it was her way of telling him that he was being warned to proceed with caution. Experience told him to head in another direction with this particular conversation. I know you can hold your own in anything you do. That’s why I love you so much. Bernard reached his hand over to hers again and pulled it up to his lips. He tenderly kissed the top of her hand several times until he saw the edges around her eyes soften with contentment.

    Bernard? Waiting for his attention, Marie repositioned her body on the seat so that she was turned slightly, facing her husband.

    Bernard saw a new look of concern in her face. What is it Honey? What’s wrong?

    It’s Katie. Are you sure we’re doing the right thing in leaving her behind? She’s so tiny. I’m feeling a bit guilty. Marie lowered her head and stared blankly at the floor.

    Bernard had already prepared himself for this reaction. He missed his baby daughter also, but she was strong and healthy and mom and dad were long over due for a vacation. Marie was scheduled to return to work at the College in two weeks. Meaning, any future plans for a vacation were too far off in the distance to even see, let alone plan. Bernard himself was beginning to feel uneasy about leaving his business in the hands of someone else. He was ready to jump back into engine oil and gaskets.

    Please don’t worry about Katie. She’s in good hands with my mother. Don’t forget she raised three daughters and two sons herself. She knows what she’s doing, I promise. He noticed his wife’s tense shoulders relax as she dropped back against her seat. You know she’s only a phone call away. You can call her every night and sing her to sleep. I’m sure my mother won’t mind it at all.

    Marie smiled at her husband’s sensitivity. Thank you darling. Thank you for understanding.

    Just prior to approaching the second hour of their journey, Bernard leaned forward over the steering wheel and squinted his eyes as he looked beyond the truck’s windshield. There it is, he stated with certainty. Do you see that Marie? When his wife did not respond, Bernard quickly glanced over in her direction. It was no surprise to him to see his wife sound asleep. The past year had been very difficult for her. Having to deal with a difficult pregnancy and work, then getting up several times each evening for four months to feed Katie, it was exhausting for her. Now for the first time, she had nothing to do except sit in the truck and look out the window. Quietly he whispered to her. It’s snowing. He couldn’t help but to think how beautiful his wife was; even when she was sound asleep. Sighing silently as he glanced once more outside at the large, fluffy flakes of snow falling on the window, Bernard’s eyes began blinking away a glaze that had fallen over them. I’m sorry Marie. I promise… everything will change this week up in the mountains. You’ll see.

    Within minutes the snow began falling faster and thicker. The white flakes no longer melted and bubbled up as drops of fresh water as they hit the windshield. The flow of traffic began slowing down as the snow began sticking like glue to the roads creating a dangerously slick surface. The shoulders of the highway welcomed the new white cover adding more winter beauty to the already picturesque panorama. The snow’s cloud cover settled in thick and gray above the entire area for as far as the eye could see. Drivers began flicking on their headlights for safety sake, all anxious to arrive at their destination safe and sound. Bernard followed right along giving extra attention to the vehicles all around him. The road conditions were worsening and he hoped he could avoid any and all road hazards. However, he soon realized that he was not prepared to handle a potentially dangerous situation, which had suddenly developed from the rear. A small dark car had somehow moved up and squeezed in behind him and was driving extremely close to his bumper. The driver had not settled with regular headlights, but had instead opted to use their high beams. Using his mirrors, Bernard repeatedly attempted to get a clearer view of the car’s driver, but it was to no avail. He could barely see any part of a face. Dark clothing covered it almost completely.

    Why on earth would they be bundled up so warmly inside their car? snarled Bernard in a very low tone of voice.

    What’s that darling? answered Marie who was just waking from her deep sleep. Her voice was quiet and fading in and out. Were you talking to me Bernard?

    No, no Honey. I was just talking to myself. Just then, the car in question bolted forward, coming too close for comfort. Bernard’s reflexes bolted into gear forcing him to hit the accelerator. Before he could blink his eyes, he felt the car beneath him begin to skid out of control. Everything he learned about driving kicked in as he concentrated on steering his Pickup and gaining full control of it again.

    Bernard! shouted Marie. What’s happening! What’s going on! Fear wrapped itself around her shaking form as her fingers dug into the leather seat. The color in her rosy complexion drained from her face leaving her a sickly pale. All she could think of was her tiny daughter Katie.

    Bernard’s heart was pounding out of control. Inside his mind, all he could hear himself say over and over again was, "It can’t happen

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