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For Those Tears He Died
For Those Tears He Died
For Those Tears He Died
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For Those Tears He Died

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This book is about my view of the tears shed by God and mankind in the process of deciding if we want to accept the free gift of eternal life God gave us through his son, or go our own way and spend eternity with Satan. God has put a burden on my heart for people who do not want to give their lives to Jesus and that do not want to let the Holy Spirit guide them through their life here on earth. I spent about half of my life without Jesus and over half with him and I am here to tell you it is much better with Jesus than without him.
This book is my idea of how many tears God cried while hoping the human race would decide to be obedient. But after thousands of years of hoping, he realized the human race just cant seem to get it together so he went ahead with his plan to save the human race. Jesus Christ was born for the sole purpose of dying a horrible, horrible death to pay for all the things we do that do not please God.
I hope this book will help people to see that without God we are nothing. We are in the end times and we need to decide, do we want to give our life to God or do we want to give our life to Satan? I hope and pray we all make the right decision.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 22, 2008
For Those Tears He Died

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    For Those Tears He Died - Dolores Reding

    Chapter 1


    In the beginning, God created the earth and everything in it. God created Adam and Eve to live on the earth, populate it, and live happily ever after. God gave them everything they needed, and they just had to live in this beautiful garden. God gave them vegetables to eat, and they could eat fruit from all the trees in the garden except one. All they had to do was enjoy their life and have fellowship with God and have no worries. Isn’t that the life we all are looking for? What happened? Why do we have these lives of pain and suffering? Why are we so mean to each other? Why do people kill each other? Why do we lie, cheat, and act as if we are better than the other guy? What happened to cause everyone on earth at one time or another to cry?

    The one tree they were not supposed to eat from was the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and God told them if they ate from that tree, they would surely die. Everything was going along good; and then, of course, the serpent, which was being used by Satan, came along just like Satan does today and put doubt in their heads. Is God really as good as you think he is? Does he really have your best interests at heart? Why does he come to the garden and walk with you? Is he checking up on you? Do you really think you will die if you eat the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden? Come on, have a bite of this delicious apple off the tree in the middle of the garden. Then you will know everything like God does, that’s the reason he doesn’t want you to eat of that tree. He doesn’t want you to be smart like he is. Come on, have a bite. And of course, they did eat of the apple.

    Can you imagine how God felt learning that after all he had done for them, they did the one thing he told them not to do? That must have been devastating for God. We know that God knows all things, so he probably knew it was going to happen, but Adam and Eve had free choice, and there was a chance they would make the right decision when the time came. God always hopes for the best for his people. God knew the temptation would be great; he knew Satan was prowling around like a lion looking for victims to devour (1 Pet. 5:8). Satan came across Adam and Eve, sweet, innocent Adam and Eve. They didn’t even know right from wrong. Everything was perfect. They had a great relationship with God, which probably made Satan very jealous. So immediately he takes over the serpent and uses him to tempt Adam and Eve. Satan would do anything to ruin Adam and Eve’s relationship with God. He wanted them as his children.

    God was probably hopeful that Adam and Eve would make the right decision and not eat of the fruit from the middle of the garden, but isn’t that the way it is? God wants the best for us, but we don’t always know what is best; we only know what we want. So the devil had his way, and of course, God had to punish them for their actions, so from now on men would do hard work, women would have painful childbirth, and the serpent would have to crawl on his belly from then on. And of course, there was hostility between the serpent and humans from that day forward. Because Adam and Eve made the decision to disobey God, they no longer were made in the image of God. I think we were meant to be spiritual beings with human bodies. But now Adam and Eve died spiritually and were now only human and became children of Satan. God loved us so much, he wants us back so much, he must figure a way to get our spirituality back.

    Were those the first tears cried on this earth? Don’t you suppose God was hurt very deeply and wondered why the children he loved so much did exactly what he told them not to do? After all I have done for them, I gave them everything, and they didn’t have to want for anything, all I wanted was for them to be my companions and live a wonderful, sinless, carefree life. But no, that wasn’t enough for them. Why would they do this to me? Does that sound familiar? That’s what we would have thought, but I don’t know how God thinks; I know he thinks differently than we do. God knew what to expect, so he shed his tears and started his new plan on what he must do to get the human race restored.

    I think right at that time while he was mourning over the loss of his children, he decided God himself would have to someday come to the earth and die for the people’s sins. Otherwise, he would have lost them forever. God cannot tolerate sin; therefore, each person’s sins had to be paid for before God could have fellowship with them. Every person on earth was given free choice, just as Adam and Eve. God doesn’t want a person to love him because they are forced to. He wants them to join his kingdom because they want to. Now Adam and Eve had died spiritually; they were no longer son and daughter of God. They were now the family of Satan. They ran and hid from God. They realized they had been disobedient, but they also knew they were naked. Before this happened, they did not know right from wrong. They didn’t have to worry about anything except the one thing: don’t eat from the tree in the center of the garden. Think how our life would be different if they had only obeyed. Now down deep, we all know what is right and what is wrong, but we just can’t always do the right thing. And I believe that those were the first tears that God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit shed on this earth; and that is why the Word of God (Jesus) was scheduled to come at the appointed time so we could all be reconciled to God.

    I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that he came to earth to die so all people could be reconciled to God. By believing in Jesus and accepting him as our Lord and Savior, we are born again and have the Spirit of God living in us. Our sinful nature dies, and we are God’s children again. Some people think Jesus was only a good man, a prophet. Why did a good man go through all that torture and death on a cross? Was it to prove he was a good man? I don’t know about you, but I don’t know of any reason a good man would give up his life just so people could say, Gee, he was a good man. If there was nothing to come of his death, what would be the purpose for him to die without even trying to defend himself?

    The Bible says the Word of God was with God from the beginning and then became flesh and his name was Jesus (Gospel of John). Father God knows everything, so ever since the beginning, he knew he needed an alternate plan to save us. He knew we could not obey the law perfectly and be a part of his family that way; no one is perfect except God himself. Father God had it planned from the beginning that the Word would become flesh and live among us. All those years before Jesus was born as a human, he was with God and saw all the pain and suffering God went through, trying to save man from making wrong choices. Man had the knowledge of good and evil. Man was given free choice because God does not want anyone to be forced to love him. Adam and Eve, by their free choice, decided to follow Satan instead of God; we all have the free choice to do the same. It is true, God has the power to make people do what he wants them to do, but God is love, and love does not force anything on anyone. The Holy Spirit will guide us if that is what we want, but if we don’t want to be part of God’s family, that is our free choice.

    So Father God discussed the situation with the part of him that was the Word of God, and they decided for the Word of God to come down to earth and be born a human as God’s Son, and he would ultimately die on the cross for our sins. Yes, the sins of all mankind. I can’t imagine that he jumped for joy to do that job, but with his free choice, he said, Yes, I will do as you wish.

    So the Word of God came to earth as a little baby born of a virgin. Jesus did not come with pomp and circumstance; no, he came as a little baby born in a stable, nothing fancy. No big trumpets blowing, saying someone very important has arrived on earth. He just came as a little baby boy that would grow up in a normal home. From all we hear, he was not from the rich and famous. No, just a carpenter’s son, and his earthly stepfather taught him how to be a carpenter also. He was not looking for riches and prestige. He just had a normal life in a normal family. He could have been put through some hard times because his mother was not married when she became pregnant with him by the Holy Spirit, so that kind of put his family in a position of ridicule. The Bible does not tell us much of his childhood, so we don’t know what it was like while preparing to live his life to fulfill the purpose God had planned for him. His purpose in life was to die a horrible, horrible death to pay for everyone’s tears, Father God’s tears, the Son of God’s tears, and our tears. Yes, for our tears, he died.

    Chapter 2

    Jesus died for the tears we have all cried when someone lets us down. But the first tears were God’s tears because we rejected God.

    Even that many years ago, humans were so filled with pride that they thought they should be equal to God, the creator himself, and know everything he knows. They did

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