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When I Was Six: A Thinking Mans Bible
When I Was Six: A Thinking Mans Bible
When I Was Six: A Thinking Mans Bible
Ebook187 pages2 hours

When I Was Six: A Thinking Mans Bible

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Throughout history, humans have sought the knowledge of higher truth. However, as Richard Marius has succinctly put it, Knowledge seldom has neat edges that fit together like the parts of a good jigsaw puzzle. It comes with ragged corners, with missing pieces, and with uneven sides. Nevertheless, as we discover hidden truths, the puzzle of life suddenly fits together perfectly, the way God intended, says author George Harvey. In Harveys provocative new book When I Was Six, journey with him as he ferrets out lifes higher truths, giving us back the perspective that we had as a child of God.
By all means an American catechism, When I Was Six reveals higher truths that, when applied to our lives, can positively alter our lifestyle. The ultimate in self-help, it helps us glean a better understanding of the nature of God and debunks the Bible as having the monopoly of the truth. Using biblical scriptures, it becomes Judaism, Christianity, and Islams iconoclast. And, by exploring into the fundamental question into our very nature, it redefines our species and our roles as humans.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 10, 2005
When I Was Six: A Thinking Mans Bible

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    When I Was Six - George Harvey

    Copyright © 2005 by George Harvey.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    This body of work is dedicated with love to my life partner, my four wonderful children, and to family and friends who have supported me through my many trials and tribulations. Without their love, I would not have been able to work through my predispositions in order to give them this work.


    Although I have been working on this book for several years, it may not have found its way to print without the encouragement of my college literature professor. Thanks Professor X for not judging my material or me. Moreover, thanks for being a quiet source of inspiration. You are the epitome of what a thinking man should be. I am a better person for having known you. I wish Godspeed to you and your loved ones.


    Throughout history, humans have sought the knowledge of higher truth. As Richard Marius has succinctly put it, „Knowledge seldom has neat edges that fit together like the parts of a good jigsaw puzzle. It comes with ragged corners, with missing pieces, and with uneven sides." However, as we discover hidden truths, the puzzle of life suddenly fits together perfectly the way God intended. I invite you to travel with me as I ferret out life‘s higher meaning. Occasionally on this road to higher knowledge, one may find this material provocative. These will be intermittent opportunities for personal growth.

    My journey is presented as an American catechism. I pose tough questions and reveal unfiltered insight into higher truths that can positively alter one‘s life. In addition, this material reveals an unexpected revelation that has been hidden from humanity. After acquiring this amazing knowledge, one will have a better understanding of the nature of God and our place in the universe. I use these higher truths as my ultimate self-help. You will have the same opportunity.

    However, in my quest for higher truths, I found that the very people I entrusted to teach higher truth have deliberately hidden them. The main culprit can be found in the institution of religion. This organization has veiled the truth in an attempt to protect its personal agenda. As hard as it may be to hear, the institution that has claimed a monopoly on the truth may turn out to be the villain.

    The three big monotheist institutions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam will be the focal point throughout the book. Although all three have played a central role in masking truth from the masses, our primary focus will be on Christianity. With that said, this material will challenge everything that Christians claim to be holy and true. The truth in this book will challenge everything that monotheists believe to be the gospel truth.

    The New Testament of the Bible has a warning in the book of Revelation directed toward those that would add to or take away from the teachings of their text:

    For I testifies unto every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. (Rev. 22:18-19)

    Although biblical writers felt their material warranted such a warning, no caveat emptor, buyer beware, notice of material is needed for this book. Do not be alarmed. Reading this book will not get your name removed from the Book of Life. Simply pondering questions about higher truth does not put anyone in jeopardy. However, this material can give one a unique perspective that can help one answer the big questions about life. Once you experience a higher truth, you cannot go back to your old belief system even if you try. Higher truth has the power to change us forever. Therefore, if you are ready to take a crucial look at your life and are willing to accept the gifts of higher truth, this book is for you.

    This is a very important first step in the discovery of higher knowledge. Most people will not take it because they still fear biblical warnings. In addition, this book contains guiding principles for aligning one’s life with universal law. God has built in a rewards system for adherence to these principles. The benefits of following universal law will become apparent as you align your life with higher truth.

    Throughout the book, I reference the King James Version of the Bible, which is public domain in the United States. These references debunk the Bible as a monopoly of the truth, becoming Judaism, Christianity, and Islam’s iconoclast. These Big Three religions have been waging war on ideology for centuries. The world will not stand if these or similar religions succeed.

    The insights in this book will remove the cornerstone of Judaism as a viable road to God, destroying Christianity, and Islam in the wake. The three big monotheist religions laid the foundation for their own demise when they embraced Moses as their great lawgiver. Throughout this text, specific biblical verses are presented that prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Moses was little more than a modern-day Saddam Hussein.

    Moreover, the Bible and Qur’an (Koran) will be reduced from the divine gospel truth to patriarchal handbooks. Men wrote the Bible and Koran as forms of social control. Throughout the history of the Christian church, its leaders have modified the content of their final product to accomplish this task. Most of these meetings to make changes have been in secret, but many have been in the open. The Council of Nicaea of AD 325, under the rule of Constantine, was the meeting that most biblical scholars gravitate to because it was a meeting that discussed the divinity of Jesus Christ. To make a long story short, the council voted Jesus divine. At that meeting, the church decided to rewrite biblical history. This was not the first or the last time that the church changed its position to try to save itself. The church rewrote the Bible, in part, to promote and preserve a patriarchal way of life.

    The Bible is not the divine word of God. Remember, the Christian church’s main mission is to maintain and protect their patriarchal value system. This is true of all three big monotheistic religions. Early patriarchs saw religion as a means for promoting and protecting their lifestyle. The patriarchs were claiming a monopoly on the truth when they framed their beliefs as the divine words of God. Have the major prophets of the Bible, Torah, and Koran become wolves in sheep’s clothing that they warn us about in the book of Matthew? «Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves» (Matt. 7:15).

    For thousands of years, the religions created from the Bible have played on the heartstrings of humanity. Biblical writers incorporated powerful literary techniques to convince its readers that humans were weak creatures.

    For example, biblical writers convinced humanity they were weak, sinful creatures not worthy of the rewards that God built into the grand design. Then they offered us a personal savior, in Jesus, to rescue us from our state of disparagement. Many military leaders have used similar approaches to train soldiers. They tear down one’s self-esteem and then attempt to rebuild it. This technique works well for training people to follow religiously. However, this book does not convey that philosophy. When I Was Six is not about breaking one’s will.

    Humans are not weak, sinful creatures by nature as depicted in the Bible, Torah, and Koran. Humanity is a wonderful creation of God. Throughout this book, higher truths are revealed that clearly replace the revelations of the Bible and Koran. These higher truths have become my personal self-help guide. After all, the experience God created for humanity is supposed to be a good one. Nevertheless, the patriarchal mind-set is the central theme of these religions, and they have robbed humanity of its God-given right to a good life.

    How can this be possible? That is exactly what most people think after reading this material. How could anyone hide the higher truth of God and the universe in order to further their personal agendas? Patriarchal men must have seen religion as the perfect vehicle to promote and protect their lifestyle. They wrote the Bible, Torah, and Koran to accomplish this task.

    Nevertheless, truth is a powerful concept, and only a small amount of it is necessary to keep a movement going. This is the reason that these religions could hide a patriarchal agenda in the first place. The religions created from these texts have woven just enough truth in them to maintain themselves. But society can no longer tolerate their attempt to corner the market on higher truth. The religions of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism have conspired to keep higher truth from the masses to maintain their doctrines and protect their patriarchal values for far too long.

    We can trace most of the world’s dysfunctions back to specific teachings from the religious texts they produced. The biases, prejudices, and discriminatory practices they have employed will become obvious as higher truths are revealed. The paradoxical nature of these religions is that they create the dysfunctions that they try to alleviate.

    In addition, a new light will be cast on the life of Jesus, which separates him from Christianity. Also, Muhammad’s teachings are examined to settle any debate on the validity of Islam. The perspectives of Jesus and Muhammad are extremely important to recognize because over half of the world’s population practice religions based on the lives of these men.

    Finally, this book gives humanity the tools it needs to gain insight into this paradoxical nature of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. My journey began in the mind’s eye of a six- year-old. This perspective helps one see the world as God originally intended. Everything in this book is an attempt to restore honest childhood values. I am the child depicted in this text. I am no different from anyone else. The nature of how I was conditioned to view the world will not seem extreme until one can escape from one’s current mind-set. You may be able to relate to my experiences directly. I only offer a brief glimpse of my life in this text. The reason is that I do not want this book to be about me. I want this book to be about you. I want everyone to recapture the spirit of life that God originally gave us. I wish Godspeed to everyone who embarks on this journey.

    Discourse 1

    The Androgynous Sequence: A New Paradigm in Thought

    While searching for higher truth, I discovered the keystone to the structure of life. This elusive puzzle piece will become the holiest of grails. This revelation is the boon of all windfalls. It was a major breakthrough in human thought to discovery this hidden treasure.

    Although I had not thought much about spiritual quests for some time, my discovery brought back memories of the Arthurian quest for the Grail. I remember reading about King Arthur and being carried along with his knights as they searched their kingdom for the Holy Grail. At the time, I was surprised that the Arthurian quest led to the chalice that Jesus drank from at the last supper. This was a logical grail quest for any Christian.

    Nevertheless, the Arthurian tale was not as interesting to me as the modern-day grail quest of Dan Brown in his blockbuster book, The Da Vinci Code. Brown grabbed my attention as he constructed a storyline that claimed to reveal a secret royal bloodline. If you have not read the book, please do because Brown’s storyline will open your mind to the possibilities. Brown produces a new take on the Holy Grail. This really got me thinking, because I had been tossing around similar questions for years. Moreover, I am grateful for Brown’s book because it reconnected me with the questions that I needed to answer in order to bring my work full circle.

    There have been many grail quests throughout history, but none more elusive than the one I discovered. It may not be the first grail quest, but it could very well be the last. Still, the Holy Grail that I discovered was not the cup that Jesus drank from at the last supper, nor was it revealed in Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. The secret I discovered is the original Holy Grail. Moreover, it may have been hidden from humanity by shadowy characters not unlike the ones in Brown’s book.

    It was not until I studied the works of Leonardo da Vinci that I realized that neither Leonardo da Vinci nor Brown had found the elusive grail. Da Vinci had a great mind, but he could not wrap it around the grail concept for reasons that will become obvious. Da Vinci did, however, use symbolism in his works of art. He had to because he lived his life under the authority of the Roman Catholic Church. This meant that he could not openly express himself. If he had, the pope would have literally had his head removed from the rest of his body. Regardless of the era that one enters life, some

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