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Hearts at Stake
Hearts at Stake
Hearts at Stake
Ebook162 pages2 hours

Hearts at Stake

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About this ebook

As the number of my adult short stories, songs and poems has grown considerably (many of them have been previously published in magazines, etc.), I decided it was high time to gather many of them together into an anthology that has a cohesiveness about it of oftentimes exposing the truth of the human heart through a fictional, or fictionalized, setting, characters, etc. Hence, the title. Add to that, Ive included two articles: one on even more marketing advice, and the other about how I was able to successfully lose weight as a vegetarian. Plus, there are other surprises included within that youll just have to discover for yourself.

Praise for the Writing of G.L. Giles:

I will begin by saying that one of the best things about Giles writing is that she defies tradition and she expresses herself in whatever form or style she wishes. I feel that she creates her own rules, regarding her writing, and I respect the hell out of that. I enjoy her live and let live policy, which constantly shines through her writing, and I think she is one of the most honest and open writers that I have read. She is very comfortable with whom she is and that peace about her gives her words great power.

Peter Syslo for Infernal Dreams
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 24, 2010
Hearts at Stake

G.L. Giles

Praise for V4: WATER VAMPS (A YOUNG ADULT NOVELLA): "I was thrilled when I read about the Water Vamps that Giles created...every author needs to come up with a new twist that makes their vampires different, unique, and memorable. With vampires seen as a species, Giles has definitely done this over all, but then she takes it one step further by creating an entirely new species that seems a little like a mermaid, a little like a siren, and all vampire!..their story was not completely told until V4: WATER VAMPS and it will slake the thirst of anyone wanting to know more. Giles weaves a tale of intrigue and gives us a glimpse of the underwater world of the Water Vamps and the history and origins behind these beautiful and dangerous creatures is truly unique!...We get to interact with these creatures on a more personal level: they go to school, have spelling and vocabulary tests, have to deal with their parents, and even crush on each other. In this sense, we get to see the more 'human' side of the water vampires and see that the youth water vamps are similar to the human heroes, Robyn and Marion. Written for young adults, the main characters are children and the adults are secondary to the story, which will appeal to any young adult. Robyn and Marion understand each other, and they (like the water vamps) have to deal with all the things children deal with, despite their unusual gifts. Even without those gifts, Robyn is a role model for any young female with her strength of character, respect for adults (at least those that deserve it) and her loyalty to Marion, who deserves his own credit with his loyalty and friendship…In the end, even the water vamps come to be [those] we can relate to and accept in this thrilling ride into the waters of Charleston, South Carolina.” Deanna Anderson, Author/Reviewer

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    Hearts at Stake - G.L. Giles

    Copyright © 2010 by G.L. Giles.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    Author’s Note



    Decomps Versus Vamps: A Sketch


    Nine Strippers

    Third World: A Cyber Sketch

    Stripper Witch

    Truly Damned: A Sketch

    Hacked: A Tale of Dark Justice

    The Best Revenge

    Is Just Plain Living

    Winning the Lotto in 2012

    Eating Those with a Face

    What Really Happened

    in the Labyrinth

    Medusa’s Revenge:

    The Formerly Unsung Story

    Eat, Loveless Prey!

    Don’t Ask for My Help

    Misdirected MySpace Anger

    Man of Mixed Signals

    Ego’s Pain

    The Mother’s Regions

    Intent Trumps Semantics

    Interdimensional Time Rift

    Don’t Be an Early Worm

    Beltane 2010

    Earning My Eagle

    Quotes (and Confessions:)

    Even More Marketing Advice

    How This Vegetarian

    Lost 40 Pounds in Just 3 Months


    Everyday . . .

    The Rivers run home to

    The Sea~~~


    When your day is done

    Run home to Me . . .

    All my Love is waiting . . .

    (You’ll See)

    Arawen WolvinClaw


    Author’s Note

    As my collection of stygian stories, lyrics, poetry, etc. has grown to a considerable amount over the last few years, I thought it was high time to gather many of them together and publish them in an anthology. So, this is said anthology. Plus, I’ve also included some previously unpublished original stories/sketches and poetry. However, most have been published elsewhere, but they’ve never been as completely grouped together till now. They are all fictional works (except most of the quotes and articles), but I hope they all expose the truth of the human heart, in one way or another, as well. Also, as much of my material is adult in nature, I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone under 18 years old (without parental permission and purchase).

    G.L. Giles

    For My Awesome Husband, Arawen WolvinClaw . . .

    thanks for the constant inspiration and the truly wonderful cover art of


    Praise for V XXX:


    [V XXX: SPECIAL EDITION COMPENDIUM] is an amazing read for the vampire lovers out there and will open many doors to the many different types of the undead there really are . . . Along with the quirky storylines there’s sex, drugs, and blood—what more could you want? The thing that really stands out to me with Giles’s vampire stories is the way she [incorporates] different branches of vampires. For some reason the water vamps intrigue me the most . . . The descriptions of all of the different types have you conjuring up these exotic pictures in your head . . .

    Kristen Theckston for the Horror Society at

     . . . I knew I had discovered something unique to vampire lore . . . What is special about Giles’ series is that it presents vampires as real people, so to speak, as opposed to evil creatures bent on the destruction of humankind . . . From the point of view of these night creatures, Giles presents vampires as beings capable of the same emotions and feelings as most human beings . . . Taking place in her native South Carolina, the saga chronicles the lives of vampires living unseen among humans, each with their own distinct personality and view of the mortal world around them. The first three books are combined in a special reissue entitled V XXX: SPECIAL EDITION COMPENDIUM, which enhances the epic story with illustrations that provide new perspectives on her vampires and the world they live in. With its uncommon character and plot development and inclusion of Wiccan mysticism, V XXX sheds new light on a series that has already resonated with many readers.

    Dave Wolff for Psychic Times International

    In 1897 Bram Stoker introduced the world to vampires, and in 2009 G.L. Giles took them to a whole new level. Going beyond the traditional `Hollywood’ version of vampires, Giles creates a hierarchy, race and physiognomy of these famed ‘creatures of the night’ that the world has not seen before. In addition to the vampires of the psychic and sanguine variety, the author introduces us to unique creatures known as ‘Water Vamps’—I call them mermaids from Hell. She also has a slew of other characters such as humans and trolls, and with a few things in between. Enter the enigmatic Kerry, who is a sweet-natured and hideous-looking human freak in a carnival sideshow with an appearance that is either lizard-like or werewolf-like, depending on the point of view. And he is not the only enigmatic character in [V XXX: SPECIAL EDITION COMPENDIUM]. Readers will be introduced to vampires with quirky traits such as not hurting humans, lying about vampiric origins, and with a conscience that prohibits stealing from the poor. There is also a vampyre (yes, there is a class distinction) perceived as a ruthless killer but with an eternal love for a human in her past. The quirks in the characters Giles has created emulate the quirks we all have in our own personalities, making them very real indeed. They say that a good writer knows what they know, and the author has done that by using real places in South Carolina . . . Being a resident of the Palmetto State, I enjoyed reading about places that not only am I familiar with but can easily visit in a day. She also weaves in spiritual beliefs such as Gullah traditions (native to southern coastal regions), Romany, Wicca and Christianity. Giles’ style is primarily colloquial in tone, giving readers a voyeuristic feeling that they are not just reading it, but actually witnessing scenes from the characters’ lives. My favorite character is Vladina, derived from the name Vlad the Impaler (the moniker given to the Prince of Wallachia, Vlad Tepes III). I consider myself both a vampire and history enthusiast and was thrilled to see Giles mention my favorite historical `vamp.’ The compendium novel is like three novels in one. The first portion is written as a novel and the second and third portions are graphic novels. The graphic portions are an excellent inclusion because they show artistic depictions of what was in Giles’ head at the time of writing. They also give various scenes and more in-depth descriptions from the novel portion, as well as deeper character analysis . . . the compendium is a must-have in order to get total immersion into the vampire world created by G.L. Giles.

    Deanna Anderson, The Witches Digest

    Praise for MIND YOUR PS AND QS (POETRY AND QUOTES) by G.L. Giles

    Whether a fan of vampire fantasy or a down-to-earth witch who loves nature, G.L. Giles has the stories to inspire you and the advice to help propel your career as an independent writer to new levels.

    Ellen Eldridge, Target Audience Magazine

    I was pleasantly surprised by this book [as] it is quite good. G.L. Giles is a strong Female with some great thoughts. She hails from South Carolina and definitely redefines the term ‘Southern Belle.’ Her poetry is deep and hits the mark . . . She is also quite witty and wry which makes her all the more appealing. This book should appeal to all. Ms. Giles is a talented [and] intelligent Writer.

    Ginger Coyote, Punk Globe

    Praise for POETRY, SONGS AND STYGIAN STORIES (by G.L. Giles writing as Lucas McPherson)

    I really enjoyed this first book . . . it centered a great deal around Vampires and even mentions a Vampire Kitty. The stories and poems are eye catching and very enjoyable, a few I really [have] to mention are: Karma’s Bitch, that one really entertained me . . . Here, Kitty Kity which was another great story about a kitty that’s not only a vampire, but ends up saving her human master in the end . . . to me it was a great ending. But then that’s just to mention a few of the great stories in her book.

    Rosemary Ward, Reviewer

    "Lucas McPherson’s POETRY, SONGS AND STYGIAN STORIES . . . are very original [including] . . . a very comical view on the latest high tech devices . . . to blow your mind in the porn world in The Final Frontier (An Explicit Sketch). My personal favorite out of the short stories was titled Cellulitopia (micro fiction) in which she makes you realize how vain we all have become with our appearances by paying outrageous prices to rid ourselves of imperfections—the imperfections society has placed upon us by shoving the whole skinny is beautiful thing in our faces all these years. Also the poetry gives us a peak at what’s floating around in that brain of hers . . . ."

    The Angry Princess for This Is Some Scene

    "Poetry, Songs and Stygian Stories is a collection of short stories, poems and songs written by Lucas McPherson and visually interpreted by illustrator Cyan Jenkins. McPherson is an indie author at heart who creates magic through her words. She very boldly and fearlessly through her writing is unapologetic of her non-traditional views on sex, life, love and everything in between. I found this book very enlightening and a very entertaining breath of fresh air. McPherson captures the reader with her crafty use of words, combined with her feminine flair of writing which is both smart and intellectual . . . . The word choice and delivery of McPherson’s writing vary in topics such as karma, spirits, and clairvoyance added in with vampires and [vegetarians]; while maintaining the tone of being responsible for what you create in life spiritually, emotionally and even in the physical . . . ."

    Natasha Brooks for the Charlotte Examiner


     . . . I have to point out the story Nine Strippers [as] being one of my favorites, but I also really enjoyed The Eternally Nightmarish Now . . . this book brings out a Vampire’s point of view, which I find very interesting.

    Screamer’s Blog

    " . . . This is a very honest and introspective collection of articles, poetry, and short stories, by Giles, and I feel that I got to know her, through this work . . . Since this collection consists of shorter works, I will just comment on each area, in order to give readers a feel for Giles’ talent. DAYS . . . begins with three non-fiction articles which discuss the following: getting your independent novel published and distributed, the concept of lightworking, and the relationship between religion and spirituality. All are very good articles, which opened my eyes to some new knowledge (especially the lightworking—I am not that familiar with that, also the non-exclusivity of spirituality and religion was enlightening). But, the article which really captured my attention was the one entitled, ‘My Advice on Marketing Your Nontraditionally Published Book.’ This article was incredible and the strategies contained within could be applicable to life in general . . . In essence, the article is saying that you can create your own opportunities for success by the energy and effort that you put forth . . . Giles pens an incredible, active strategy for taking control of one’s life and making the most out of it. This book is worth it, just for that one article. The next section of DAYS contains some of Giles’ poetry, focusing on various personal and societal topics. These were some of the highlights for me: ‘Purpose of Pain’ is about that artistic process of turning pain into a positive creative force, ‘Upper Middle Class’ is a great encapsulation of human nature. ‘Eclipse and Luna’ is a heartfelt devotion to Giles’ cats . . . `Nocturnal’ is about the creative person who works by night . . . and ‘Indigo Dracul’ a poem that I do not completely understand but I really like the way the words flow and

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