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Rocks on the Road: Selected Poems by Marleen Rita Duckhorn
Rocks on the Road: Selected Poems by Marleen Rita Duckhorn
Rocks on the Road: Selected Poems by Marleen Rita Duckhorn
Ebook328 pages1 hour

Rocks on the Road: Selected Poems by Marleen Rita Duckhorn

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As the essence of human nature arrives, consciousness comes across its own curiosity to expand and discover the outer regions of mind. The poems themselves become discoveries written in an endeavor to understand the universe, yet are committed to make life functional on this great rock, Earth. Enjoy.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 18, 2009
Rocks on the Road: Selected Poems by Marleen Rita Duckhorn

Marleen Rita Duckhorn

Flapping Soul, Words in Verse is Marleen Rita Duckhorns tenth published collection of poems. Her topics are as varied as one might expect from the active mind of such a prolific writer, but in this book she mainly focuses on the different situations and aspects of the soul itself. She is bold at times, speaks her mind and can be humorous. It is the strength that gives her work appeal and makes her voice worth hearing. The topics in between make for an engaging read with just the right use of phrases Duckhorn has a special knack for. Her style is singularly refreshing. You will feel like she is talking to you, it is believable, and truths are told. She exudes in her work a passion hard to deny. Her use of meditation to muse in on the subjects at hand is quite obvious. This reflects upon all her close observations on any subject she writes about. This is the poets favorite book and she hopes you enjoy it too.

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    Rocks on the Road - Marleen Rita Duckhorn

    Copyright © 2009 by Marleen Rita Duckhorn.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    Dedicated to my high school English teacher,

    Mrs. Francis Lea,

    And to Wolfman Jack, my radio mentor.


    I would like to extend my gratitude to my

    husband, David H. Neidner, for his love and

    support; Asilki Jones, for her typing and

    dedication to the project; to Gerald Hebert

    for his cover photography; to Dorothy and

    Ed Severson for their encouragement and to

    my four cats for not stepping on the papers.


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 1

    Sky Poems


    Lunartarians are people

    Who only eat the moon.

    They will do it any old month

    But mostly March thru June.

    They say they eat it

    Because they despise its light,

    Or the way the moon

    Controls every changing tide.

    They will wash it down with red wine

    Or drop it down their throats,

    Like a cracker wafer glides

    Full-phased or curved like boats.

    They will sip its light off a spoon

    They chew it fingernail-sized—

    It always comes back ready to glow

    Much to our surprise.

    They still sustain themselves,

    These lunartarians meals find.

    The portions may be gigantic

    Even taken one bite at a time.

    They fall back in their chairs so full

    While the moon’s reduced to cliché dimes.

    If they eat too much it might be printed

    In the Los Angeles Times.

    They all become quite fanatical about this

    They go moon-hunting with their moon ray guns—

    Tuff luck, shouts back the moon-lit-zing

    Avoiding all the gluttony the moon takes off and runs!

    Bright Future

    There is a bright future in all our eyes

    When the unknown lies so certain

    In the caves of our surprise

    We have to bare this beast each and every day.

    Hatred may try to override it,

    Love can try to pry it out—

    With liniment in our eyes

    A kindness soothes our sight.

    Patience and tolerance arm in arm,

    Sweet lanterns turned on so bright.

    You Told Me

    You told me to wait

    For the golden cow

    I said, "I’m not giving milk for free

    And marrying, no how."

    You told me OK go and find him

    Or some day you’ll be alone.

    It doesn’t matter anymore to me.

    If you’re grazing in your final home

    You told me you thought

    You had already won my heart

    Because you had sang a song to me

    About some fact we’d never part.

    I mentioned you failed to tell me

    One important thing,

    Along with the song you would also

    Make the lyrics so both of us could sing.

    I did not see the final product

    That would perpetuate that myth,

    The wanting, needing paragraph

    Where you say you love this one you’re with.

    More importantly the words sauntered,

    Rather than moved expectantly,

    Toward the same good notes and chords

    Never taking for granted our intimacy.

    When You Love Rightly

    When you love rightly

    Hate’s ways never thrive.

    The hearts layered lightly

    And one of the levels arrives

    It comes in on the rail tracks

    Like a love train sped

    And tracks down the lover’s

    Route, all along you’ve lead.


    Spies, spies!

    Interrupt the day you cry!

    You’ve always got a peeping Tom neighbor

    Gunning you down on your side.

    You have the right to privacy

    But that’s two doors down the hall,

    A step into your car and speeding off

    Ten miles away you call:

    Hey neighbor you can’t see me now

    I’m not there to bug anymore.

    You’ll miss the way I came and went

    But you were a snoopy bore!

    Sit Down

    Sit down and take me away with stories

    Say one of them from the olden days of your glories.

    Saturate my regal brain with a tale or two

    Sit down I’ll uncover my ears so I can really hear you.

    Too Many Artists To Mention

    Whisper songs, whisper songs

    Gently breeze into my ears the past.

    Let me wander in the sixties music

    Play the tender songs that will always last.

    I’m recording now to never forget

    The magic times we all had.

    The syndication of all the sounds reel

    Like ‘Sally Go Round the Roses,’ glad

    I’m so mystified by these recordings,

    How many ways bands expressed themselves

    Like they were possessed with creativity

    The Wolfman made our songs bliss shelved.

    Kind margins of so many lyrics

    Kind stories and images they conjured while,

    The folly of the stunning best still gratifies

    Oh, the ‘ever gentle’ Glenn Campbell style . . .

    Dog Ear of the Universe

    About the pages of the old Universe

    Are they opened up for grabs?

    If you think it’s all your little chapter

    You’re just a dog-eared page God had

    For old God created His lineage

    Cosmically written yet it is absurd,

    For you to think you’re more than a mark in time

    Your ignorance is worth a million words.

    Crepe Paper Planet

    Fragile as a papier mâché globe

    Puncture it when you scold

    The rougher spots are mountain’s mole hill

    Your thumbprints are the river folds

    Clear there in outer space

    The setting is in the chased dome.

    The moon plays catch up

    And the stars rent sky rooms.

    The delicate world we all live

    Margins like butter on stale bread.

    A little surface for our feet to roam

    And a sky to dream and bump our heads!

    Third Chakra Skits

    Life reels up from low chakra to high

    High chakra answers all the reasons why.

    When those ocean waves become

    The shoreline of your mind

    Real sad gulls swarm about the heart

    And toss in all their scraps.

    The third chakra seems to react

    A bit just like a trap.

    The verses from this chakra

    Live in wonderment.

    The abandoned chakra explains

    Over guests and an after-dinner mint.

    There is some truth of energy

    Described from stages of the self.

    The colorful realms of affection

    Will balance on life’s chakra shelves.

    The top chakra is reachable

    And white light is allowed,

    When you’ve motivated yourself

    By the cause of taking heaven’s vow.

    As The Earth Becomes

    A Globe of Offense

    The offensive earth

    No magic armor to shield its wealth,

    No legs and feet to run away,

    So it merely takes offense and holds progress at bay.

    The mortar isn’t blindfold,

    It feels the cement plowed—

    The factories and pollutions

    Earth can only feel appalled.

    Perfect Picture

    The sea touching the desert

    By nature’s well-adept hand.

    Painted perfectly for wisdom

    But the price is high for a cleaner brand.

    The perfect picture isn’t perfect

    Until it has reflective skies,

    Mirrored by the retinas

    All throughout the working man and woman’s eyes.

    I’m Blest While The

    Night Lets Me Sleep

    All these questions

    What do we sacredly keep?

    Isn’t sacredness a stale pattern

    Breaking apart the plain ocean’s reef?

    All these questions

    Why do we contemplate

    Or go below to deeper waters

    Or above where birds relate?

    All these states of consciousness

    Remake us day by day—

    We can stay fresh or turn stale

    By keeping worry out of the way.

    Ah! How The Darkness Wanes!

    Ah how the darkness wanes

    Grasps us nevertheless.

    Oh how the clever night

    Severs us apart in death

    From the flaming star

    Of perpetual brightness, alas!

    While the picture-perfect night

    Has caught us believing its dying breath.

    Visions Of A Black Night

    Why can’t the visions of a black night

    Love all our lights?

    The love is empty, second-hand

    From a pigeonhole place we fight

    We long to explore all of it

    This emptiness of space.

    Why can’t the visions of a black night

    Become so internalized not displaced?

    Why can’t the margins expand

    Beyond our shape and size?

    Our breath held by candlelight

    Blown out by realms beyond our eyes.

    Encouraged By Villains

    A goodness in our nature

    Subdues all evil’s style.

    There is a neutral place for victory

    And contemplates a villain’s smile.

    There are those people of Aquarian nature

    Who try to befriend everyone;

    Never try to befriend a villain

    They are always on the run.

    Good and evils are backwards words

    So primitive both have two vowels aside

    If they bought rings and became married

    One would blend in by day, the other night would hide.

    Call Daylight A Miracle

    The plight of day is a living miracle

    And so true of all our sight

    But blind people can see as well

    It’s just in a different light.

    The light for them has shades of

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