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The Story of This Century: The Eye-Witness of Jesus Christ
The Story of This Century: The Eye-Witness of Jesus Christ
The Story of This Century: The Eye-Witness of Jesus Christ
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The Story of This Century: The Eye-Witness of Jesus Christ

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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 16, 2010
The Story of This Century: The Eye-Witness of Jesus Christ

L.B. Joseph Sr.

L.B. Joseph, Sr. (713) 478-7133 You may contact the author for personal and home visit; for prayer or healing, and delivering from different kinds of sickness.

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    The Story of This Century - L.B. Joseph Sr.

    Copyright © 2010 by L.B. Joseph, Sr.

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    This is my introduction of myself and how I came in contact with Jesus.

    I came from a family of 9 boys 4 girls, my father name Abram Joseph my mother Lilly B. Joseph 7th boy of my brethern, and I’m the 9th child born to my parents.

    I was raised in a small town Rosa, Louisiana I finish high school at Morrow High.

    I went to Lincoln High School from 1th grade to 11th grade. The school was intergate at Morrow High for my 12th year. My Dad was a share crop and my mom was a housewife and she worked in field, picking cotton and cutting weed out of the cotton row. When we got out of school in the after even we will go to the field to help her any my Dad.

    We are a close family we get together for holiday and birthdays.

    Now when I finished 12th grade I came to Houston, Texas to get a job

    My oldest brother and sister had move to Houston early on in life.

    So 2 month later after finished 12th Grade, I got married to my school sweet heart. Her name is Patarica Ann Coleman. We had our 1th child Serina on July 23th of 1971. We got married on July 25th 1970. I was a construction worker later in our life we had another child Marylin on the 8th day of March 1972. Finally on April 1th April fool day L.B Joseph Jr. was born in 1973. I was a happy man I had 3 children less than 3 years. I begin to be a subcontractor, pouring cement slab, driveway, forming setting.

    I was a subcontractor for U.S. Homes, General Homes David weekly and many others. I was good and faster than most contractor.

    The owner of these homebuilder will tell their other homebuilder about me.

    So from 1973 to now 2010 I still do concrete work. I got in bad wreck in 2005, I had my neck broken in 3 place. Through the mercy of Jesus Christ he brought me back. He healed my broken neck, my broken spirit and body.

    Now I want to tell you all that read my book about my personal testimony how I came in contact with Jesus Christ. And his angles. Now in the year of 1984 I was sent to prison for things I had done in my past. I was always a fast driver and I did not obey the laws of driving a car. I had many D.W.I offences, speeding, a few wrecks, so before going to prison, I party a lots with my family and friends and worker. And we play cards for money, roll dice, played dinmion for money.

    I started having money problem looseing my money, so I was not able to keep a roof over my family head. We had to stay with my wife brother Richard or my sister Irene or brother Alex. Than we move to motel apartment on a week by week rent. So after I could not keep a place for my wife and kids.

    My wife move to Port Armther Texas and stayed with her sister Mary Jane. After a period of time pass our relationship started to go futher a part between my wife and myself.

    All this happen because I could not take care of my family. Our marriage was good from 1970 to 1978.

    With my children being 7, 6, 6 year old when everything started to fall apart between my wife and myself. 2 years later we tried to put ours life by together, more trouble kept coming one after another. By the time 1980 came we got back as a family, the shooting happen with my land lord of the apartment where we stay. He shot me 3 time and I shot him 3 time after he shot me first 3 time. The story about the shooting is listed in my story. Now I want to talk about mom first than about my 3 children.

    My mom is a wonderfuly mom my dad died 35 or 36 year ago.

    She taught us to love the Lord the Jesus with all our heart, body and soul. She is 87 year old now, and still get around well. She has about 30 grand kids. 6 sons still alive 4 or dead, my brother Alex had a son Mickel which my mom adopt.

    We call him our brother and he is our brother

    My mom raised him from a baby. All my sister is still alive. Now I’m going to talk about my 3 children. First one Serina Dywalt Joseph she has 2 girls 3 and 4 year old. She is a regrist nurse at a local hospital, Marylin Louise Joseph she has 2 boys 14 and 6 year old she work at a local V.A. Hospital in Houston she is over M.R.I X rays department.

    L B Joseph Jr. has 3 boy 15, 13, 11 year old. He work for the Railroad Southern Pacific.

    Now my ex wife Patrica she has been in a relationship Carry Lee a man she met, after her and I had separate in 1981 or 1982. She still live in Port Arthur Texas

    She raised my 3 children with all her might. From time we separate in 1981.

    The 2 girls went to college for their professions. My son work with me in the concrete business. Until going to the Railroad 5 years ago. I met a lady friend name Rosalind Page in 1985, and we stayed together until her death in 2005

    Now let me tell you all why I’m telling my story now.

    I’m free of guilt of being not living my life according to law of God and the laws of our country.

    When my wife and I separate in 1981, I did a lot of things which I know to be wrong smoking weed, shooting drugs in my vain to deal with my problems I was having with wife and kids. I even taken thing was’t mine. I stove thing was mine. I said some hurting to my wife, my kids and family and friend.

    But when I went to prison in 1984 my life change while I was there. I didn’t keep company with the inmate in my dorm. I stayed in my bible day and night.

    Some 16 hrs night and day.

    I was mad at my wife mad at myself, I did not have know peace in. I was bitter all the time. Until I started to read my bible I felt in my body fresh peace of mine

    After 1 to 2 weeks reading my bible I heard my name call while I was in my cell by myself. I went to

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