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Blackjack Made Easy: Stay in to Win
Blackjack Made Easy: Stay in to Win
Blackjack Made Easy: Stay in to Win
Ebook58 pages50 minutes

Blackjack Made Easy: Stay in to Win

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Blackjack Made Easy shows readers a simple way to play Blackjack for fun and greater rewards while taking far less risk. This revolutionary approach provides a distinct eye-opener for players of all skill levels. It is a welcomed departure from other published systems that promote complex strategies which are extremely difficult for the average person to perform. In contrast, Blackjack Made Easy establishes a stress-free method of playing that improves ones odds of winning more consistently. Many fascinating insights are shared by the author in a style thats sure to entertain
readers from start to finish.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 17, 2009
Blackjack Made Easy: Stay in to Win

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    Blackjack Made Easy - Doug Costantino

    Copyright © 2009 by Doug Costantino.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    About the Author


    Chapter I

    Chapter II

    Chapter III

    Chapter IV

    Chapter V


    In 1974 a cousin of mine, Joseph Filardo, proudly presented me with a small handwritten chart. It was a system that he had developed for the purpose of increasing one’s odds of winning at Blackjack. This initial exposure to what people now call basic strategies stirred in me a passion for this entertaining casino game. Over the years since then, my immediate family has witnessed and been supportive of my countless hours playing Blackjack on some of our family vacations. Sylvia, my wife of 33 years, has played next to me at many Blackjack tables through the good times and the bad. Our son Damian has also played the game with us recently; in fact, he helped to field test the Blackjack Made Easy method on a 10 day cruise we took last year. Our daughter Jessica contributed her exceptional computer skills to help me produce this book much faster than I would have on my own. I would like to dedicate this work, which to me has been a labor of love, to the four people mentioned above. To all of you, thanks for the memories! They will remain priceless to me always.

    About the Author

    Doug Costantino has played Blackjack recreationally for 35 years. Having always been good with numbers, he enjoys the quick calculations this casino game requires. Additionally, the author finds great entertainment value in being a keen observer of human behavior. Doug’s knowledge base grew from his post-graduate degrees in psychology and his relevant career and life experiences. Although he has studied and experimented with advanced Blackjack systems, Doug recently formulated a more relaxing, user-friendly approach. Showing his readers how to experience more enjoyment and success while playing Blackjack has become a source of enormous gratification for this author.


    Have you ever had the feeling that there was an easier way to do something, and it’s been right in front of you all along? Perhaps it was just too simple or obvious to see. Well, I was fortunate to recently transform such a feeling into a surprising discovery at the Blackjack table. What I found was a simpler, more relaxing way to play this popular casino game that maximizes your fun and improves your odds of winning more hands. Although I had played Blackjack hundreds of times and read some books on the subject, this sudden revelation came as a bit of a shock. Now I know what people mean when they refer to an aha moment, when a light bulb comes on in your head to reveal something that was previously in the dark. That’s exactly how I felt when I realized that there was indeed, a much easier way to play Blackjack.

    Why would a method that’s easy to understand and use appeal to a lot of people? I asked myself that question, and I immediately felt it wasn’t a hard one to answer. Most of us would agree that the world in which we live has become increasingly complex. We are often faced with too many choices. This dilemma can cloud our judgment and cripple our ability to make the right decision. Furthermore, too much information or information overload appears to increase our level of mental stress and decrease our enjoyment of the moment. For people in my general age group who have been labeled baby boomers, the belief system hypothesized above may ring particularly true. Over our lifetimes, we have witnessed major cultural and technological changes, and not all of them have been for the better in my humble opinion. Having said that, let me just add this. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only

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