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The Resurrection Fire: The Universal Teachers from the Realms of Light
The Resurrection Fire: The Universal Teachers from the Realms of Light
The Resurrection Fire: The Universal Teachers from the Realms of Light
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The Resurrection Fire: The Universal Teachers from the Realms of Light

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What is described in this book (and the other Aquarius books that will follow) is being revealed at a time on Earth when all of us are meant to know the Truth about our existence as a human race and have a full comprehension of how the Universe works. This is the Time of Awakening to the full Knowledge of The Truth about Life, about God, ,and about who we are, in essence, as Spiritual Beings. The Teachers who speak to readers in this book say it is the time of the long-awaited Second Coming, although their description of this Event is amplified and expanded.

This is the second book in Series I of The Aquarius Materials. It includes twenty Discourses that were trance channeled from the Realms of Light and the level of the Christ-Consciousness. These Teachings were given to a group in the heartland of the United States during 1985-1987 and were held until the internal guidance was given that the time had come to release these Messages to the public. The Universal Teachers foretold the upheaval in the world-wide events that we are experiencing today as the signal for the beginning of an entirely New Era on the Earth.

The Universal Teachers say of these Teachings: This is The Light that we are bringing to you. This is the actual polarization right here of the Resurrection Fire by which each one of you must attain. Believe it! We take individuals right straight to the Resurrection of Themselves. We do not give more information so that you might make more books. We do not give you information so you may start study groups to teach others. We tell you, the Resurrection is going on upon the planet and for those of you who will continue to learn and attain, you are among those to be Resurrected.

Marcella R. Womack, a.k.a. Maria Weaver
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 9, 2009
The Resurrection Fire: The Universal Teachers from the Realms of Light

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    The Resurrection Fire - The Aquarius Materials

    Copyright © 2009 by The Aquarius Materials.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Spirituality, New Age Predictions, Christ-Consciousness, Channeled

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    Change Begins at the Personal Level


    The Incoming Higher Vibrations


    The Resurrection of Humanity and the Earth


    The White Brotherhood and The Essenes


    Full Comprehension of the Spiritual Dimension


    Practicing Spiritual Principles


    Golden and Glorious New Age


    Place God First Above All Else


    Universal Level of Love


    Ancient Lands, Spiritual Cultures, God-Beings


    Birthing The Essence of Your Self


    The Great Plan


    The Work of the Enlightened Ones


    New Revelation of God


    Re-Forming Yourselves


    Preparing to Live in the New Age


    The White Brotherhood Overshadows The Planet


    The Fourth Dimension


    Involution Back Into the Light


    The Resurrection Fire




    This book is dedicated to the Universal Teachers from the Realms of Light, one of many similar groups of Teachers from The Upper Realms of Christ-Consciousness who spoke to groups all over the world in the mid-1980s, as they did here in the heartland of America, in the Kansas City area from 1985-1987. Their message was that the Earth and its inhabitants are entering a 200,000 year World Age Change, which ushers in a New Dispensation for all of humanity and the Earth. They especially directed their messages to those they called Children of Light who had come to the planet in this incarnation to help bring in The Kingdom of God on Earth. They revealed that this is the time of the Resurrection of Humanity to take its’ rightful place in the service of the Christ-Consciousness and a Restoration of the Earth to its original Edenic condition. Speaking with authority, with love and with humor, they worked under The Spiritual Hierarchy to bring the message of the necessity of Awakening human consciousness to the reality of the Soul’s own Spiritual Nature. In doing so, they also brought the higher vibration of the Light into our midst through their communication projected through the body of the channel, hence them saying that an actual polarization of the Resurrection Fire was present as they channeled. The said: We take individuals right straight to the Resurrection of Themselves.

    We are Teachers of the Light. That has a dual meaning: we ourselves are of the Light, as well as that which we bring to you is enlightenment in the way of Teachings and to bring the Light into your midst. So we concentrate on teaching you the Principles for your Soul growth. This is the reason for your taking embodiment on the planet in the first place. Now, this lifetime is different. For this is the time of the changing of World Ages. Therefore, all mankind upon the planet must come to the understanding that they are spiritual beings embodied in physical bodies and that the material life is not where their focus must be. You lack the knowledge of the spiritual world because you do not know of the Spiritual Principles that govern the Universe. You have not had much opportunity of understanding that you are spiritual beings!

    April 18, 1986

    Group Session JGBS-D03

    Discourse Six: Practicing Spiritual Principles

    The Universal Teachers From the Realms of Light


    We wish to acknowledge those countless men and women who have been the Light Bearers, over the last 150 years, gradually bringing forth spiritual revelations on many aspects of the Eternal Truth of the Ageless Wisdom. We understand, also, this to be the time given for a new portion of the revelation related to a New Dispensation for the Earth now as it enters a 200,000 year World Age change. This 200,000 year cycle encompasses lesser cycles and represents a huge leap forward in the Earth’s evolution into the Fourth Dimension. Because of the greater Light Energies entering Earth’s atmosphere, humanity’s progress will be accelerated and this will allow the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth beginning in this century.

    Since the late 1800s members of the Spiritual Hierarchy have worked with groups of highly-evolved Souls to raise their consciousness and further their capacity to be of service during the 20th century and beyond. They have revealed through chosen messengers whole bodies of the Ageless Wisdom that have been published for serious students who sense the vast Reality behind the material world. Information about how Souls first began to take on human form to experience the dense materiality of Earth, ancient high civilizations that have risen and fallen long before our current recorded time, and the ancient Eternal Truths about the Universe as an interconnected spiritual-physical phenomena have been revealed, as well as methods for attaining Higher Consciousness.

    Contemporary prophets who we now call channels have been bringing forth information in increasing numbers from the Spiritual Realms over this last century. And throughout the decades, we have always had Enlightened men and women who could tell us of worlds-beyond-worlds and through their own direct experiences could say emphatically that beyond the shadow of a doubt this Universe is spiritual. They confirm that we are spiritual beings and were never meant to get so enmeshed in the physical, material world as to lose the inner connection to the Universe and God Who Is All.

    Every major religion known in our world today has an esoteric arm that speaks of our spiritual nature and the extent to which we can commune directly with God and be directly guided from that Source. Today scientists, government leaders, humanitarian groups, and many individuals who consider themselves New Age students attest to the fact that there is more than the physical plane and that the whole world belongs to the Divine Source.

    We are poised on the edge of this New Revelation because these Light Bearers have gone before us to begin to awaken us to both what IS and to what is TO COME.


    As you begin to read this book, you need to remember that these are spoken words. Discourses that were spoken through a trance-channel to a room full of people. It, therefore, will read as if you are hearing words spoken and, imagine if you will, that they are being spoken to you. That way you will expect sentences and topics to flow, pauses to occur and reinforcing statements to be made, and won’t be surprised when the speakers express concern to make sure you are hearing what is being said and that you are putting the principles into action. You are invited to read and listen with your inner ear, just as if the words were intended to be received by you personally.

    We encourage you to adopt a kind of detachment as you explore the content of this book and listen with the heart. Pay attention to that which resonates with you. Note what stirs you and that which seems hard to believe. Notice when you pause to consider something you had not thought of before. Watch for the times you might tend to dismiss an idea quickly. Approach these Teachings with an open mind of what might be possible and what might be Truth for the world as we move into the future that is as yet unknown.

    Because this particular book is presented in as close to a verbatim account as was spoken, the reader will notice a unique cadence and nuance to the words. Strong emphasis was made of certain concepts and these were repeated in a variety of ways, over the months, as these sessions with the original audience progressed. Because these Words were given by entities who were speaking from the highest levels of the Realms of Light, those who bring this book to you have elected to take liberties with current accepted grammatical phrasings and sentence structure. The capitalization of certain words and the use of quotation marks, when done, are meant to convey the emphasis placed upon them by the Source in order to highlight the concepts for the reader’s benefit. This decision to present them in this way will likely heighten the vibrations of Light that you may receive from reading the words as originally spoken.

    If portions of this book resonate with you, allow that awareness to sink in. Try them out, practice what is suggested. And if they do not, pass this book on to someone who you feel would be desirous of it.

    In general, The Aquarius Materials and the Teachings recorded in this book are lifting up what some have known and personally experienced since the beginning of humanity’s time on the planet. It is not new. It is part of the Ancient and Ageless Wisdom that has continued to exist down through the millennia and is now being brought forward—again—to all humankind in this New Era.

    These Truths were known in the very beginning, at the time Souls first began to descend into physical bodies on this third dimensional planet. These Truths were widely known because it simply was the way it was. Souls knew themselves to be part of God—Sparks of Divine Light—and lived and moved in the Larger Universe whether they were embodied or not. Existence was meant to be experienced as the Spiritual Reality that it is and individual Souls were meant to be conscious of their True Nature. Down through history, as Souls continued to take embodiment on the planet to experience the physical senses, the Truth has become hidden from view. It was not kept from individuals, but rather, individual Souls have forgotten. They came to no longer be able to comprehend these Truths because of their narrowing and lowering of consciousness to an overriding pre-occupation with their material existence. They, in fact upon entering, experience life as separate and no longer know the oneness of all that is Spirit. This has been called by some as the Fall.

    Always, from time to time, in Ages past, God has sent Messengers to bring Truth back to humankind. They are the World Teachers and Avatars and we know of them, in our most recent history, as that of The Buddha, Shri Krishna, and the One of Jesus the Christ. And there were always those few who sought to experience the Spiritual Dimension even while embodied. We know of them as mystics, as those who turned inward to seek the Eternal Truths. We call them saints, gurus, yogis and enlightened ones. Their exploration beyond the physical plane allowed them to bring back experiences that humanity could hardly fathom. Some who had mastered the physical plane were called masters and wizards and seemed to be able to work directly with, as some would say, both sides of the veil. Always, we called them unique and special. In our day, rarely does someone expect ordinary human beings to be able to do the things that are considered miracles.

    What is described in this book (and the other Aquarius books that will follow) is being revealed at a time on Earth when all of us are meant to know the Truth about our existence as a human race and have a full comprehension of how the Universe works. This is the Time of Awakening to the full Knowledge of The Truth about Life, about God, and about who we are, in essence, as Divine Beings. The Teachers who speak to readers in this book say it is the time of the long-awaited Second Coming, although their description of this Event is amplified and expanded.

    How can one be sure these Teachings are the Truth?

    If you remember to listen from the heart, your own consciousness will have an answer for you for now. As you think about what you have read, ponder upon it, and look around you for signs that it may be true, you will move toward your own conclusions. As the Universal Teachers told those who joined the group from time to time, Let your heart lead you forward.

    Because of my familiarity with these Discourses, as a member of the original group and as steward and student of them for 23 years, I can only tell you that these Teachings rang true for me from the very beginning. I was touched deeply in the early group sessions in October of 1985, when concepts and practices I had been taught growing up in a Christian Church were spoken of as truth. As close as I can remember, my first response to hearing these words was that God was calling me to walk my Truth instead of just speaking about my beliefs. They prompted me to rededicate myself to my own spiritual Path. Topics that I had never heard before were accepted as if I had a vague memory of them already. They simply resonated within me. Therefore, in the beginning, some concepts rang true immediately and at other times my comprehension came only later with an aha moment.

    My human frame of reference—as a twentieth century woman, a Christian, a seminary graduate, a feminist, a social activist, a business owner and consultant, and as a person who has had her share of dark times and triumphs—was challenged time after time.

    That happened as I became more deliberate and consistent in applying the guidance given in the Discourses. I found myself sorely tests, just as They said we would be, as I took the Teachings to heart. I resisted at times, I reverted to old behavior on many occasions, and, at the same time, I found consistent and subtle results from practicing the simple spiritual disciplines that were encouraged.

    What I have experienced over these intervening years, since my exposure to the Discourses, caused me to face up, once and for all, to the ideal image of myself that I held unconsciously. To my surprise, I discovered that who I thought I was tended to be a simple fabrication that was pieced together from messages I was given as a child and by my upbringing in this western culture. It was only some ten years ago that one of the final pieces of that created ideal was dashed and I discovered how false and fragile my lower personality self-image really was. It was based on all things outside myself! And that made me register an even greater understanding of why the Teachers were forever telling us to go withinmeditateseek the Kingdom within. They said the Truth could not be found in the outer.

    This does not mean I shut out the world’s suffering. It is that to which I have dedicated my life and have often been engaged in outer work that allowed me to act on behalf of others and to assist individuals and groups to find more creative and productive ways to live. However, it is through my spiritual inner work that a different and much expanded view of Existence has dawned on me. In seeking the spiritual Kingdom that Jesus spoke of, I have discovered my own Soul-Self and have found the way to be in contact with the Inner Teachers. Gradually, my personality is being brought into proper alignment with my Soul and that infusion of my Higher Self indeed assists me in living the Life. The teachings of the Master D.K., also known as the Tibetan, calls this process achieving a Soul-infused personality. So I persevere. I know I am not unique nor am I yet living in the fullness of who and what I am.

    So it is from this perspective that I view the 21st century world with all its myriad challenges.

    No one living in the world today, linked as we are through global communication, can avoid knowing about the huge upheaval that we are facing at this time. We are watching institutions implode and things we have taken for granted seem to disappear overnight. All of a sudden we see the interconnectedness of systems and can see how the underlying foundation could easily crumble. It is a foundation built by our separatist beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors as we have slowly but surely merged into a multi-national global world.

    At present, many of us are grasping to find stability and, at the same time, we are facing up to what is going on in the larger world around us. Once we lift our heads and look around, we see what has been going on for some time and is now escalating. We notice, once again, that people around the world are dying at a staggering rate from disease, hunger, genocide, insurrections, terrorist attacks, and wars. Add to that the natural disasters—hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, forest fires, and drought—that seem to be happening in greater frequency each year all around the Earth. And because of our current economic crisis, when we turn back to our own nation, we see that homelessness, joblessness and poverty are engulfing people overnight right here where we live.

    You will find much of what is happening to us at the present time, in 2008 and 2009, spoken about and foretold in these Discourses that were given in 1986. The Universal Teachers were pleading with those who gathered to listen to wake up and change our lives so that we could enter these End Times with hope and the knowledge that we could, as a human race, make it through.

    They told us that it would be our pride and materialism that would keep us clinging to individualism and would hamper our ability to make the changes necessary to work together globally to change what needed to be changed. They said that humanity, on the planet at this time in history, is meant to move into a completely new Way of Life, one based on Spiritual Principles. They also said that if individuals would indeed change their lives, our work would be cut out for us dealing with this great 200,000 year World Age change-over. Our service to humanity and the planet was sorely needed and it was for this that we took embodiment. And, indeed it is what is happening now.

    By coming to understand how humanity got to this point, we are in a much better position to know what has to be changed to create a new kind of world. We are beginning to see how many people all over the world are rising to the occasion and putting the good of the whole before individual self-interest. We recently witnessed a groundswell of goodwill and a renewed willingness to again step forward in America as a people to chart a new course in our recent presidential election. Working together for the good of the whole in itself, is a beginning step on the Spiritual Path that leads to the possibility of The Kingdom of God becoming a reality here on Earth.

    Prophecies regarding events to come have always been given as humanity faced turning points in the Life on Earth, just as Spiritual information is given by World Teachers to humanity regarding what needs to be done to begin to reverse the effects of the decline in consciousness since the beginning. In our recorded history, prophecies of a World Teacher to come and their Coming has usually come between astrological Earth Cycles.

    As a serious esoteric student since 1985, the works of the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy and the scriptural Teachings of the World Teachers have been studied. While still in the Aquarius group, I was exposed to two major sources of the Ancient and Ageless Wisdom which had been made public during our own contemporary times. These writings were circulated in the latter part of the 19th and the first half of the 20th Century and many individuals became committed to applying these Teachings. These sources of esoteric information and prophesies of the coming New Dispensation came out of the Theosophical Society and through the body of information given out by the Master Djwhal Khul, also known as D.K. D.K. worked with and through Alice A. Bailey in the first half of the 20th century and there are 24 volumes related to the esoteric information given by him regarding the nature of existence, the Return of The Christ, and what awakened ones could do to serve The Plan of this New Dispensation for the Earth and Humanity.

    Over these last twenty years, I have sought to expand my understanding of the continuing revelation that has come to our contemporary world to prepare us for this New Era. The Master D.K.’s influence has been a primary guiding force for me as that of an inner Teacher.

    Because The Aquarius Materials echo these same tenets and revelations of the Ancient and Ageless Wisdom, we are privileged to stand in the long line of those who bring forth the Word related to the Divine Plan to restore the Earth and Humanity to its original Spiritual Way of Life.

    Jesus, as The Christ, told us there would some day come a time when a New Heaven and a New Earth would manifest upon the planet. Master D.K. references the establishment of this phenomenon and the fulfillment

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