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Find the Key to Your Success
Find the Key to Your Success
Find the Key to Your Success
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Find the Key to Your Success

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Another feel-good book of daily inspiration. Exactly what you need when youre looking for a little boost of energy and inspiration! Everyone likes to be inspired! Sure to be declared a winner by young and old alike. This book will painlessly infuse your entire being with energy and inspiration and a positive attitude. Its about life--it will make you laugh. It will make you cry. It will make you smile. It will show you how to live. For more life-lessons, Coffee with Anne is also available for your enjoyment!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 9, 2008
Find the Key to Your Success

Anne Brentar

Anne Brentar was born in Cleveland, Ohio. She is the mother of three teenage daughters and a husband (yes, she sometimes feels like his mother, too). They moved west to Michigan several years’ ago. Anne has always enjoyed writing, but has spent most of her life in the customer service industry. She is a great problem-solver and has the ability to see the positive in almost every situation (maybe it’s the rose-colored glasses). She enjoys teaching and is a perennial student. Her writing is about life—she’ll make you laugh; she’ll make you cry; she’ll make you smile; she’ll show you how to live. She endeavors to inspire everyone she meets to be the very best that they can be. Emails welcome at For updates, please visit Anne Brentar’s Morning Email at

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    Find the Key to Your Success - Anne Brentar


    You have wonderful choices available to you every day! You have the opportunity to choose who you will be each and every day. You have the ability to make minor changes in your life or major changes—changes in your attitude, your reactions, and your responses—the choice is yours!

    Yesterday’s mistakes and disappointments are over—let them go! Live in the present. Each new day is an opportunity for a fresh start to be the person you want to be. Don’t think you can get there in one day? Make a little change today—then another tomorrow or next week, but every day or every week just a bit more in the right direction. Take a minute to write down what you’d like to change and plot how you’ll get there. Today’s your chance to start something new! Don’t like who you were yesterday? No one says you have to remain that person—the choice is yours!

    As always, I know that you are the best and today holds limitless possibilities. Choose who you want to be today. And if the change is unbelievable, just make sure that you introduce yourself the next time we meet just in case I don’t recognize you. As always, I believe in you—make me proud!


    I often hear my daughter, Laura say, Look, there’s Mom’s favorite , ranging from food, candy, flowers, games and so on, but I always take notice because I am usually surprised to find what she thinks is my favorite. I will let you in on my favorite tree in the whole world, before Laura tells you something else—that would be a Magnolia tree.

    Since I’ve been married, I have lived in four houses and have planted as many Magnolia trees. They take a long time to grow so I’ve never gotten the pleasure of seeing one really get to where it’s full-grown. But when Bob and I bought our first house, it was in the city and our neighbors across the street had just one tree in their yard and it had to be at least 50 years’ old and, you guessed it, it was a Magnolia tree!

    I held my breath just waiting to see the amazing beauty of that tree in bloom each year. If there were a picture next to the definition of breath-taking (for me), it would have been a picture of that tree! I enjoyed seeing that tree for about seven years until one dreaded day. I came home to find that the man who owned that house had cut down the tree—and the reason why—so he could park closer to his house on the grass in front of his house.

    Now I grew up in the city, an asphalt jungle, so any bit of beauty like that stunning tree was magnified about 1000%. And while my yard held about ten trees in it, varying from fruit trees that were there when we arrived to trees we added like a Redbud, a Chinese Elm, and even my baby Magnolia tree, my tree needed about another 50 years to match the wonderful specimen I enjoyed across the street.

    Isn’t it interesting to see the value that each of us place on different things? Everyone’s priorities are different. He placed no value on that amazing tree and had no idea (and still doesn’t) that the day he cut that tree, he broke my heart!

    So, today’s lesson is to take a step back and look around you for things that take your breath away! Are there things in your life that you don’t appreciate the way you should? Are there people you forget to value? See the beauty around you! And know that what you do does indeed affect all of us. Think you’re tough enough to take the challenge? I know you are because you’re the best and today is going to take your breath away!


    One night when I worked for a copy service, I changed the toner for a customer. Now this particular color copier was very messy when you changed the toner. I was very cautious not to get it on my hands (or so I thought). That particular night, there was only one other person working with me. Jerry was pleasant to work with, quiet, but personable and did a great job. After I took care of that particular customer, I waited on another man.

    After the second man left, I noticed that I had some red toner on one of my fingers and went into the ladies room to wash it off. Well, to my chagrin, I had apparently also touched my nose with the finger that had the red toner on it. I washed the toner off my hand and off the tip of my nose and went back to work to where Jerry was working and asked, Jerry, you didn’t see that I had toner on my nose? to which he responded, Oh, yeah—I meant to tell you about that. And get this? The second man I waited on didn’t tell me about the toner either—he also did a great job of not laughing at me, at least not in front me. And now that I think about it, it might have been there when I rang out the first gentlemen.

    Today’s task is to be brave enough to tell someone if they have toilet paper stuck on their shoe, if their slip is showing, or if their fly is open or any other embarrassing situation. And if you’re not comfortable doing that, get someone else to tell them for you. Trust me!! We’d like to know right away!

    Think you’re tough enough to take today’s challenge? I know you! You are the best! I dare you to take the challenge! Let’s make today a day filled with great, direct communication! Make me proud!

    UP, UP & AWAY!

    Okay, today’s task is a really difficult one, at least for me. Today, we’re going to think about all those little hurts we’ve just hung onto—you know, that feeling you get when someone hurts your feelings, whether intentional or unintentional. And they might not even know that it’s happened. Got more than one of those? Got a really old one still hanging around? Well, today, choose just one. Take the easiest one or choose the most difficult. As always, the choice is yours. How tough are you?

    Okay, have you chosen one? Well, once you’ve got it, let’s think about it one last time and then we’re going to forgive that person and let go of that hurt and get on with your life. Trust me—the weight from that is dragging you down. Let it go and you’ll have a lightness in your step you probably haven’t felt in a long time!

    Got more than one you’d like to let go? Got a super hard one? I dare you to get a helium balloon—heck, if you’ve got several or a really big one—get lots of balloons. You could even write down the regret or hurt and attach it to the balloon and set that balloon free to touch the sky. With the disappearance of the balloon goes the care. Think you’re tough enough to take the challenge? I know you are because, after all, you are the best and good things are coming your way. Today is going to be an ENLIGHTENING day—don’t waste a minute!


    I read a story of a young salesman who had lost an important sale. He was quite disappointed. He told his boss, I guess it just proves you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.

    The boss replied, Son, let me give you a word of advice. It is not your job to make him drink. It is your job to make him thirsty.

    So, today’s task is to encourage excitement and inspire enthusiasm! Think you’re tough enough to take the challenge? I know you are. And would we expect anything less from one who’s the best? Today is going to be a day filled with limitless possibilities! If you believe, nothing’s impossible! When you think you’re done, go just a bit farther! Believe! I will, if you will!

    P.S. Gotta run—I’m parched just thinking about your day! You know you’re the Best and good things are coming your way! Go get ’em!


    Today’s task is to put some effort into remembering and using everyone’s name. No one ever gets tired of hearing their name. And we’re always surprised when someone remembers our name. Take the time to remember a person’s name and use it. It’s the first thing I write down when I take a call. And use the caller’s name immediately. How are you today, Sue or Mary or Bob? And if you didn’t catch the person’s name the first time, ask them to repeat it, right away. My Mom spent years talking to a lady who knew my Mom’s name. She waited with her for the bus every morning without knowing her name. She didn’t ask the lady at their first meeting how she knew her and was embarrassed to ask after that. When you’re finishing your conversation, throw in the person’s name one more time. Trust me, they won’t forget you any time soon!

    As always, you are the Best and good things are coming your way! Today is going to be a day to make people feel positive about you, what you do, and how you do it. I’ve no doubt they’ll be remembering your name, too! Think you’re tough enough to take the challenge? Make me proud!


    If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have an apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas. ~George Bernard Shaw

    To be successful, we are indeed dependent upon each other for support. Each person has something to offer. Share your ideas. Brainstorm to find new and improved ways to complete tasks more efficiently. Don’t be afraid to help others move forward. You might think they’d pass you by, but when you offer positive support and they reciprocate, everyone moves forward!

    So, today’s task is to work as a team—offer advice that will benefit the entire group. You know it will benefit you, as well. Pick me up and I’ll go with you or better yet—I’ll pick you up and you can come with me! It’s onward and upward! Come on along!

    And I dare you to share and collect ideas at the next gathering of you team. Think you’re tough enough to complete the task—I know you are! After all, you are the best—and would we expect anything less from someone who’s the best? Make me proud!

    You lift me and I’ll lift you and we’ll ascend together. ~Unknown


    Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us each day. ~ Sally Koch

    Today’s challenge is to do something to help someone else. I leave the choice of who you will help and how you will assist in your most capable hands. You may choose a charity to donate to, you may volunteer some time, and you may do something for a person you know who needs help, in secret. The choice is yours, and yes, however small the gift, it will be appreciated. If you think what you have to offer isn’t worth even considering, give what you can to a charity or a project where your money will be pooled with others.

    There was a time when I thought it necessary for me to be in a better financial situation before I could give. Don’t wait! A very dear friend of mine taught me that even I could make a difference, and he was right. It makes a wonderful difference in your life!. You get back so much more than you could ever give! Give with your heart, but remember, giving something you don’t need is fine, but it’s necessary to give enough to the point that you can feel it—only then have you really given. And, hey, a loan of money to a family member or friend, which you expect to be repaid, doesn’t count. Okay, here’s one more option, you could give a gift to a family member or friend that they don’t need to repay. Maybe you could suggest when they are in better circumstances, they could then make the same offer to someone they know in need.

    Know that you will definitely make a difference in someone else’s life, but the great thing is, you’ll also be making a difference in your own! I dare you to try it—after all, you are the BEST—and I’m expecting great things from you! Positive energy and inspiration are on their way to give you an UPLIFTING day!


    You are unique—just like everyone else. ~Unknown

    The greatest person you can be for this world is YOU. Others can try to be like you, but you’re the best YOU that there is. You are different than anyone else, have different talents and skills, different concerns and cares. You have different experiences and a different history that makes you exactly who you are today. Today’s experiences will make you just a bit different tomorrow.

    You have a uniqueness that is your special gift to the world and will make you truly successful. Make the investment in yourself to find it! You are truly valuable and you have so much to offer! You are the best and the world is a better place just because of YOU!

    So, today’s task is to put your effort into being the very best YOU that you can be! You are unique!! And this world needs you and everything you have to offer it. Be yourself. You are different than anyone else! You are special!

    If you want to be truly successful, invest in yourself to get the knowledge you need to find your unique factor. When you find it and focus on it and persevere, your success will blossom.—Sidney Madweb


    Ever been the new kid on the block? Whether in your job—in your church-school-club? Remember how lost and alone you felt and how out-of-place?

    Before I got married, Bob and I spent a lot of time at family parties. Bob has a very large family and it took me some time to memorize everyone’s names. There were tons of cousins. One person who made himself very easy to remember was Cousin Georgie. At one of the very first parties, Georgie welcomed me to the family with a toast and a shot, making me an honorary member of this large, loving Croatian family. Who could ask for more than that?

    Today’s task is to pay attention to someone who’s new and take the time and effort to welcome them and make them feel comfortable. Take the time to introduce yourself. Offer your support and assistance.

    And if you’re the new kid—remember your new status is only temporary and you’ll soon feel comfortable and a part of the group. And bear in mind that we sometimes forget what it felt like to be the new one and look out for those new people. I know they’ll appreciate your care and attention.

    Think you’re tough enough to take the challenge? I know you are! After all, you are the best and today is going to be a day filled with ANTICIPATION and the WARMTH of your WELCOME!


    You have been criticizing yourself for years. Try approving of yourself and see what happens. ~Louise L. Hay

    You know that we are each our own worst critics. So, today’s lesson is to make a conscious decision to change that for the better. Today, we’ll begin with positive attitudes about ourselves, our abilities, our talents, our good points, and our areas of expertise. Today, instead of looking at the mistakes we made or the bad things that could have happened, we are going to look for the good things that happened today and you must repeat three times, I did a GREAT job today . . . I did my best!

    When you or someone you know believes in you, you can conquer the world. In high school, I had a piano teacher who had faith in my ability to play any piece of music. And guess what? Because I knew that, I could indeed play anything for her. Now, I will say that I did put effort into practicing to make that happen. When I was in college, I had a different piano teacher and music was not my major, but just an enjoyable hobby, talk about a different situation. This teacher was a very kind lady, but telling me that EVERYTHING I played was good, was not encouragement. I’m no genius, but even I know that no one plays everything equally. And I never did progress any further with that teacher although I continued to take lessons for a while. I guess I needed her to inspire and encourage me to play well, to

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