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Child Behind the Darkness
Child Behind the Darkness
Child Behind the Darkness
Ebook181 pages2 hours

Child Behind the Darkness

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What happens when the soul of an aborted child is trapped between heaven and hell? Good and evil wanting the soul, so a battle begins. The battle takes an aborted childs soul through a frenzy of trials, and tribulations. He is challenged and tricked into so many ordeals. However with the help of his friends, he makes it through these ordeals unscathed. Until a problem arises that will challenge the heart. The soul that is helping him must now make a decision involving her murdered childs soul. It becomes a race to be placed between the child behind the darkness and Morgasss child.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 12, 2001
Child Behind the Darkness

Frank F. Atanacio

Frank F. Atanacio was born in Hartford Connecticut. He has published several books which include: The Scar On Gods Journal, Paradise Experience, Participants Of Spiderlake, Child Behind The Darkness, Demons Nature, Sea Ghosts, Weakening Of Acee Ramsey. Frank has also published over a hundred short-stories and poems in various articles and publications. He loves collecting baseball cards, and sports memorabilia. His love is baseball, but his passion is writing. He now resides in the Huntington section of Shelton Connecticut.

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    Child Behind the Darkness - Frank F. Atanacio


    Evil had a hold on every child that entered its realm. It simply opened its mouth so it could consume the innocence. It was very difficult to protect a child that isn’t wanted by the mother. God knew it, and so did the woman on the table as she agreed to the abortion.

    The two ghosts fell silent, both of them remembering what had happened to me, and how difficult it was trying to keep me from entering the world of evil.

    I cannot understand why people do this, whispered a midget clown. He was one of the ghosts that stood next to the woman who agreed on the abortion.

    The other ghost did not reply. She just stood there.

    The doctor walked into the room. He looked at the woman on the table and released a heavy sigh. It appeared that he did not want to do the abortion.

    I have no other choice doctor, said the woman.

    He nodded.

    You should have seen his face when I told him I wanted an abortion, The woman went on.

    You do not need to explain anything to me, said the doctor.

    I know, but your face explains it to me, she replied. I know you really do not want to do this.

    He nodded.

    The early morning light forced its way into the room. For a moment it bothered the doctor, but then he ignored it. However the ghosts turned their backs on the sunlight. They found themselves leaning over the pregnant woman.

    How do you think he is doing? asked the midget clown.

    The other ghost straightened up reluctantly and glanced over at the midget clown. I know he is doing well, and when he comes back to us he will tell us so.

    Can’t we visit him?

    No, he was offered a life, and his life must be completed, she replied.

    The memories of what happened to me were far from faint. I felt it in my heart, and wondered why it stood with me. I thought that after I had received life, all the memories would have vanished. It did not. I knew exactly what happened to me, and every detail was much too vivid.

    For a brief moment I felt the soul willing to exit the pregnant woman’s body. It was as if it was calling to me. It wanted me to be there when it entered the halls of darkness. It wanted me to free it from the pain.

    The pregnant woman turned as if to survey the room. She wanted the doctor to begin the procedure. She wanted the life in her destroyed.

    How the hell can she be so calm? the midget clown asked.

    She looked straight down into his colorful face and slowly sighed. I have no idea.

    My thoughts were interrupted by a slight flashback. I too remember what it was like being aborted. I too was challenged by evil, and lived amongst them.

    The doctor pulled up a chair and rolled it toward the pregnant woman. He looked into her eyes and said, are you sure you want this to happen? Are you absolutely sure?

    I have no other choice, she replied.

    There are always other choices, he said. You could have the child and give it up for adoption.

    I cannot, and will not carry this child! she half-shouted.

    The doctor did not say a word.

    The ghosts walked slowly away from the pregnant woman. They knew that their job was to protect the aborted child. It was a job that they did very well in the past. They protected me when I was sent into the halls of evil.

    It brought back lots of memories of my mother, and of my escaping the clutches of evil.



    I had no where to go as I stood by a dark wooden door. I couldn’t understand why I was chosen to enter the halls of darkness; I was never given a chance to see the light. My mother just ended my life before it began.

    Darkness child! a voice shouted.

    I wanted to touch the door and push it open, but I couldn’t. I had no feel. I had no touch.

    Enter my world! the voice shouted.

    His world? What was he offering a child of the dark?

    I tried to run, but I felt someone grabbing me. I felt the cold holding me in one place. Fear suddenly moved in. It cornered me as I sat and began to cry.

    Humans, they are to blame! shouted the voice.

    My mother got rid of me because she couldn’t raise me! I shouted.

    Your mother was a whore! shouted the voice.


    She took your life because that’s what they do!

    No! I shouted.

    Enter the cold doors, you will not be chosen again!" shouted the voice. I felt my heart giving in. It wanted to embrace the evil voice that offered me a home. It wanted to embrace the darkness. It wanted to finally quit.

    Stop! I shouted.

    The voice grew louder and felt colder as it spoke. Child of darkness! You have no home! You belong to me! I collect souls of your nature!

    Evil souls! How can I be judged? I shouted.

    Long fingers reached out toward me, and quickly my heart jumped into my throat. It came at me as if I was chosen. As if I were the outlet for evil. It invited me into the doorway of sin.

    You are a child behind the darkness. Left alone in this haunting world! Taken away from your mother before you were born! the voice continued.

    I am the child behind the darkness, and I understand that I never came into the light! But I will be chosen again! I have faith! I shouted.

    False faith, the cold voice whispered. False faith.

    No, I want a lifetime, and I will be chosen to live one," I replied.

    A lifetime?


    I can grant you one, said the cold voice.

    Grant me a lifetime? How? How can he do that without placing me into the heart of a woman?

    Will you accept my offer? asked the voice.

    Where will I live out this lifetime? I nervously asked.

    There was silence.

    I ask again, where will I live out this lifetime?

    Still nothing.

    Answer me! I shouted.

    The dark wooden door slowly opened. A tall thin woman wearing a long red robe walked toward me. She had no facial expression, and her skin was as white as a ghost. She stood in front of me, but made no sound. Her eyes were dark, but empty.

    I don’t understand, I said.

    The tall thin woman reached out her hand. She opened her hand spreading her fingers apart. I reached out and touched her hands and it felt clammy and cold. She did not take my hand as it just rested on her inviting intentions.

    She is not taking my hand, I said.

    I am trying to place you into her heart, said the voice.

    She is cold, and not human, I said.

    The voice did not respond.

    You failed! I shouted. Still no reply.

    The tall thin woman did not move when I pulled my hand away. Her white face remained expressionless, and inhuman. I stared blindly into her dark eyes, but she could have cared less. He didn’t know how to do it. He had no clue! You don’t know how it’s done! I shouted. You don’t know how we are placed in the hearts of women? Of course! shouted the cold voice.

    A sudden peaceful warmth settled over my body, actually releasing the cold chains that had me bounded. I can walk away, I said.

    A lifetime, you want a lifetime, said the cold voice in a whisper. Lifetime?

    You will walk away from a lifetime? But you do not know how it’s done!

    Humans kill their unborn baby, I save their souls. Why aren’t you allowing me to save your soul? You are evil.

    I admit that, but no one else wants to save your soul, said the cold voice.

    God, I whispered.



    And you really think God cares? I did not answer. Do you!

    I nodded slowly and turned around.

    You have no place to go! shouted the cold voice.

    I want to be placed into the heart of a woman, I said.

    A lifetime! I will give you one!

    Learn how it’s done, I said.

    The cold voice knew I was not just going to enter the wooden door. I sensed anger in the air so I continued walking away. You have no place to go! he shouted.

    I did not look back.

    I will win! shouted the cold voice.

    The inside of darkness was cluttered with haunting souls searching. They too had no place to go as I walked passed them. Souls trapped between the doorway of Heaven and the doorway to Hell. Souls that will be challenged by evil him.

    Why did my mother end my life, wasn’t I placed in her heart by God? Why? I shouted at the top of my lungs.



    She wasn’t sure how long she’d been on the phone with her friend Clara. She was in her home in Greenwich Connecticut lying on her bed looking up to the ceiling. She was tangling the telephone cord around her fingers as she spoke. Her room was very comfortable. The walls were painted a rosy pink, and her pillows were fluffy and in a very orderly position.

    The woman was only fourteen years old and the room reflected just that. She had rock and roll posters on almost all the walls and CDs scattered on her dresser.

    My mother was lovely.

    Clara, I don’t know if I should tell him, she continued her phone conversation.

    Of course he loves me, I am sure that is not an issue, but this will really freak him out. It’s just gonna hit him hard. I should just wait. Of course, but I still should just wait for the proper moment. I understand!

    She inhaled deeply. She knew she had a secret that was going to change many people’s lives. There was a hint of floral fragrance in the air, but the sweet smell was not going to change the outcome.

    You don’t understand Clara, She rolled over on her stomach.

    Now back again on her back. I’m telling you, it’s just not done. You don’t tell a man this and hope he isn’t freaked out. Clara, it simply isn’t done!

    Innocent child.

    "Clara, he’s coming over, and I have to tell him. That I

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